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Worker Centers: Impacts and Implications

Presented by: Joe Kefauver. Managing Partner Parquet Public Affairs (407) 425-0800

Why Retail is the Target

Traditional Inability for Unions to Successfully Organize Retail Business Model is Not Commensurate Jobs Cant Be Offshored Sector Continues to Grow Progress Here is Key to Survival The Business Model is Vulnerable

Focus on The Business Model

Traditional Model Internal Pressure
Labor has to Successfully Organize a Company Continued Pressure on Management to Elevate Wages and Benefits through CBAs Union Shows Value and is Sustainable Executed By Unions Alone

New Model External Pressure

Legislative & Regulatory Efforts Public Reputation / Pressure Campaigns Worker Center is the Public Face

Assault on The Business Model

Legislative & Regulatory
Minimum & Living Wage Mandated Paid Time Off Wage Theft Fair Share Retention of 40-hour Work Week Executed By Unions Alone Land Use

Union Orchestrated & Funded Worker Centers as the Face

Assault on The Reputation

Local Government Emerging in Importance Business Community Poorly Organized Locally Core Issues Framed Through Social Justice Lens

Exponential Growth of Grassroots Networks Left of Center Beachhead in Traditionally Conservative Areas Developing Capacity in Non-Union Areas Interconnectedness Is Delivering Voters

Workplace / HR Minority Unionism Members Only Unions Unit-Level Managers Under Significant Pressure Commitment to Compliance Knowing Your Dos and Donts

The Road Ahead New Face of Opposition Opponents are Ideologues Not Pragmatists Strong Public Standing Strong Community Ties Media Credibility Longevity / Repositioning for Long-Term Campaign Different Tone & Tenor Managing Expectations

Challenges for the Business Community How Do We Engage Effectively? How Aggressive Can We Be? How do We Challenge the Social Justice Narrative? How Do We Alter our Traditional Tools of Issue Management? How do We Integrate Our Supply Chain?

Opportunities for the Business Community Vigorous Defense of Our Business Model The Role We Play in the Overall Economy The Value of Opportunity

Worker Centers: Impacts and Implications
Presented by: Joe Kefauver. Managing Partner Parquet Public Affairs (407) 425-0800
October 17, 2013

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