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CAE Use of English Multiple Choice Cloze

For Questions 1-12 read the text and then select the correct answer A ! C or "# $ho%ias &he '() ### of $ho%ia Awareness )ee* is to highlight the difficulties that +an, people '1) ### in e-er,da, situations# .t is i+portant to '2) ### %etween a fear and a pho%ia# .t/s '0) ### usual for all of us to ha-e our own peculiar fears for exa+ple %eing anxious around sna*es or ner-ous a%out fl,ing# 1owe-er onl, a -er, s+all proportion of us actuall, ha-e a pho%ia of these things# )hen these fears %egin to '2) ### ,ou e+%arrass+ent or ,ou feel that ,our life is %eing disrupted then ,ou would %e wise to '3) ### treat+ent for what could potentiall, %e a pho%ia# !, far the +ost '4) ### pho%ia and potentiall, the +ost disrupti-e is agorapho%ia# &he word deri-es fro+ 5ree* and '6) ### +eans /fear of the +ar*etplace/ %ut we appl, it toda, to descri%e a distressing '7) ### in which people '8) ### going outside %ecause of the awful feelings of anxiet, that arise# &reat+ent of pho%ias usuall, consists of the patient '1() ### %eha-ioural therap, during which the, graduall, get used to %eing near the o%9ect or the situation that causes the+ fear# "rugs +a, %e '11) ### to treat anxiet, and +an, people opt for alternati-e therap, such as acupuncture or h,pnosis to help the+ co+e to '12) ### with their fear and con:uer it# A 1 face ! confront C +eet " ;oin 2 0 2 3 4 6 7 8 1 ( 1 1 1 2 A A A A A A A A choose -er, cause explore standard precisel, illness dodge ! distinguish ! a%solutel, ! +a*e ! ! ! ! ! hunt a-erage specificall, condition a-oid C select C :uite C create C C C C C search nor+al literall, disease +iss " $ic* " &rul, " 5i-e " " " " " <ee* Co++on Exactl, .n9ur, <lip

A undergoing A released A acceptance

! ta*ing ! issued ! ter+s

C experiencing C certified C realisation

" "oing " $rescri%ed " Co+fort

<tress <tress '() ### often called a 21st centur, illness %ut it has alwa,s %een with us if perhaps '1) ### different na+es# &hese da,s we regard stress '2) ### a necessar, e-il of +odern li-ing# =et stress is not negati-e and without '0) ### we would not en9o, so+e of the highpoints in life '2) ### as the anticipation %efore a date or the tension leading '3) ### to an i+portant +atch# All these situations produce stress %ut '4) ### ,ou can control it and not the other wa, '6) ### ,ou will feel sti+ulated not worn '7) ### Unli*e these situations which are generall, positi-e and easier to deal with sitting in a train '8) ### is late '1() ### stuc* in a traffic 9a+ wor*ing to a tight deadline are '11) ### harder to +anage and control# <tress is now recognised as a +edical pro%le+ and as a signficant factor '12) ### causing coronar, heart disease high %lood pressure and a high cholesterol count# $atients are often unwilling to ad+it to stress pro%le+s '10) ### the, feel the, are a for+ of social failure and it is i+portant that s,+pto+s '12) ### identified in order to a-oid unnecessar, suffering# <o what should we %e loo*ing out for as danger signals> Co++on signs of stress are increased tiredness irrita%ilit, and '13) ### ina%ilit, to cope with certain situations# &urn A 1o%%, into a !usiness .t is not '() unusual to +a*e a ho%%, pa, for itself e-en if initiall, ,ou had no '1) ### of turning it into a %usiness# "epending upon the ho%%, the necessar, '2) ### can %e expensi-e and the idea of '0) ### offering ite+s up for sale can at the -er, least help pa, for the ho%%,# For those loo*ing to +a*e a profit on their '2) ### these da,s an audience for products can range fro+ the local to the trul, glo%al# <o+e ho%%,ists %egin %, donating a piece of wor* to a '3) ### sale U<UA? .@&E@" EQU.$ ACCA<.A@ CBEA&E C1AB.&=

9ust to see how :uic*l, and '4) ### it sells# ?ocal shops can %e the next outlet for ite+s often the step ta*en %, those +a*ing things li*e hand-+ade greetings cards for instance# And for the trul, a+%itious we%sites li*e e!a, ena%le the ho%%iest to reach a '6 ) ### audience# As with an, %usiness idea an honest '7) ### should %e underta*en regarding the de+and for the wor* and the price the custo+er is prepared to pa, in '8) ### # 1owe-er do not forget the degree of personal '1() ### as well# 5apped <entences


)AB?" A$$BA.<E BEA? <A&.<F=

For :uestions 1-3 thin* of one word onl, which can %e used appropriatel, in all three sentences# 1ere is an exa+pleC Could ,ou do +e a ########and hold the door open while . %ring in the shopping> All those in ######## of the proposal please raise ,our hand# After %eing out of fashion for ,ears the painter is now in ######## with the critics# Exa+pleC FADAUB Q1 ;ohn has 9ust ta*en up the ######## of Mar*eting Manager at a local college# 1e put +e in a reall, difficult ######## as*ing for +one, when he *nows ./+ not -er, well off# &he ,oga teacher told e-er,one to re+ain in a standing ######## for 0( seconds# Q2 Apparentl, the police are going to ######## the +an with assault following that fight the other wee*# . couldn/t get the car to start this +orning and finall, had to ######## the %atter, as it had gone flat# &he co+pan, ha-e %een as*ed to su%+it a proposal outlining how +uch the, will ######## for the consultanc, wor*# Q0 "uring the tutorial . was as*ed to gi-e +,######## of the portra,al of the +ain character in the fil+# &here was a wonderful ######## fro+ the hotel window which loo*ed out o-er %eautiful countr,side# Aur son couldn/t see the ga+e as his ######## was %loc*ed %, the people in front# Q2 . had a real ######## of achie-e+ent when . passed the exa+s and got +, degree# . don/t see the ######## of going all the wa, into town when we can %u, the dress locall,# $aul has a great ######## of hu+our and alwa,s has e-er,one in the office in fits of laughter# Q3 .t wasn/t +, ######## - the -ase 9ust fell off the ta%le# &here was a ######## with the co+puter and we had to ta*e it %ac* to the shop to get it repaired# &he +anager is alwa,s finding ######## with people and co+plaining a%out the :ualit, of their wor*# /Ee,/ )ord &ransfor+ations For :uestions 1-7 co+plete the second sentence so that it has a si+ilar +eaning to the first sentence using the word gi-en# "o not change the word gi-en# =ou +ust use %etween three and six words including the word gi-en# 1# Apparentl, the restaurant in town has %een %ought out %, so+eone else# U@"EB . hear the restaurant in town ######################################### 2# <arah cried her e,es out i++ediatel, she was told she/d failed her dri-ing test# !BAEE <arah ######################################## soon as she heard she/d failed her dri-ing test# 0# &he 5o-ern+ent recentl, said our pro%le+s are the fault of the worldwide econo+ic slowdown# $?ACE" &he 5o-ern+ent ha-e ######################################## the worldwide econo+ic slowdown for our pro%le+s# 2# =ou led +e to %elie-e the 9o% was +ine if . wanted it# .M$BE<<.A@ . ######################################## that the 9o% was +ine if . wanted it# 3# 1e would ne-er ha-e guessed that at the age of 16 he would %e pla,ing for his countr,# ?.&&?E ######################################## that at the age of 16 he would %e pla,ing for his countr,# 4# Feel free to telephone if ,ou ha-e an, further pro%le+s# CA?? "o not ######################################## if ,ou ha-e an, further pro%le+s#

6# )hen ,ou do decide what ,ou want to do please let us *now# M.@" )hen ######################################## what ,ou want to do please let us *now# 7# "o ,ou +ind if . co+e o-er to see ,ou later> A!;EC&.A@ "o ,ou ######################################## co+ing o-er to see ,ou later> TEST 2 Sound Advice for Language Learners A recent '() ######### of a language learning +agazine has consulted a nu+%er of experts in the '1) ######## of second language ac:uisition# &heir ad-ice +a, pro-e in-alua%le for those '2) ######## a language course# Ane suggestion is that ,ou '0) ########### whether ,ou are li*el, to %e successful at learning a language# "id ,ou en9o, stud,ing languages at school for exa+ple> "o ,ou ha-e enough ti+e to learn a language> &he +a9or '2) ######## will %e ,our own ti+e and effort# &herefore ,ou +ust +a*e sure that the course on offer leads to a '3) ######## :ualification# Also %e realistic in ,our '4) ###### # .f ,ou don/t set achie-a%le ai+s ,ou are +ore li*el, to gi-e up# "o not %e decei-ed '6) ########### thin*ing that the +ost expensi-e courses are the %est# '7) ########### around to get the %est possi%le -alue for +one,# =ou should also %ear in +ind that the :uic*er ,ou learn a language the +ore :uic*l, ,ou forget it# <andra Miller a French teacher tried to teach herself 5er+an %, enrolling on a '8) ########## course# Alread, fluent in four languages and with a sound *nowledge of teaching +ethodolog, her chances of '1() ############ progress were high# &hree ,ears '11) ######## she re+e+%ers -er, little# <he feels her %iggest +ista*e was not to follow '12) ############ her first experience# F. should ha-e consolidated what ./d learn %, continuing to stud, e-en if it were %, +,self#F 1 A do+ain ! %ranch C field " area 2 A wondering ! thin*ing C loo*ing " considering 0 A assess ! re-iew C %alance " sur-e, 2 A charge ! cost C price " -aluation 3 A recognised ! understood C -alued " regarded 4 A sights ! ends C o%9ects " goals 6 A %, ! a%out C into " in 7 A @ose ! $ush C Bun " <hop 8 A rapid ! crash C :uic* " fast 1 A achie-ing ! doing C gaining " +a*ing ( 1 A on ! forward C fro+ " onward 1 1 A up ! on C through " out 2 $re-1istor, &hat frag+ent of potter, that little piece of %one or the re+ains of an earl, hu+an tool are '1) ### often the onl, e-idence we ha-e of our earl, histor,# 1owe-er '2) ### a conse:uence of the wor* of archaeologists and others in this field we ha-e '0) ### the ,ears %uilt '2) ### an extre+el, good understanding of earl, hu+an de-elop+ent# &his is the case '3) ### the fact that there is no written e-idence of the period we ter+ $re-1istor,# '4) ### is startling to note is that this period which predates the in-ention of writing accounts '6) ### 88G of hu+an existence# .t was '7) ### this ti+e that disco-eries that shaped the hu+an race were +ade earl, settle+ents created that '8) ### to %eco+e our +a9or cities and '1() ### general was the ti+e when the -er, foundations of hu+an ci-ilisation were laid# &he e-idence of our pre-histor, can %e found e-er,where fro+ re+nants of hu+an existence %uried deep in the ground '11) ### ancient pathwa,s and %urial grounds# &he first and easiest place to start ,our exploration of prehistor, is of '12) ### ,our local +useu+ particularl, '10) ### ,ou are interested in disco-ering +ore a%out the area where ,ou li-e# =ou +a, '12) ### ha-e a local archaeological group that would %e prepared to let ,ou wor* '13) ### a -olunteer# 21st Century Workplace &he econo+, of the 21st centur, will %e %ased on s*ills and '() ### according to a recent report# &he stud, shows that throughout this centur, there will %e +ore 9o%s in the wor*place for those with '1) ### and the right s*ills and fewer 9o%s for those with none# &he %est '2) ### will %e one that can de+onstrate a le-el of acade+ic or '0) ### achie-e+ent that can ena%le the indi-idual to support their CD with e-idence of desira%le personal :ualities# As '2) ### and E@A) QUA?.F= EM$?A= DACA&.A@ 5?A!E

technological ad-ances +a*e t,pical wor*ing practices redundant '3) ### e+plo,ees will need to show -arious personal attri%utes# As well as wanting people who are flexi%le co+panies are also loo*ing for e-idence of '4) ### .t is also '6)############ necessar, to %e an excellent co++unicator as the +a9orit, of '7) ##### +a*e their profits fro+ the s*ills of people selling their goods as +uch as fro+ the producers the+sel-es# &he new econo+, is here to sta, and unless %usinesses show the '8) ### to adapt the, +a, find the, are '1() ### according to the authors of the report# 5apped <entences

$BA<$EC& A"A$& .@CBEA<E AB5A@.<E

).?? <U<&A.@

For :uestions 1-3 thin* of one word onl, which can %e used appropriatel, in all three sentences# 1ere is an exa+pleC 1# .n the not too ######## future +an, of the diseases we suffer fro+ toda, will %e eradicated# ./+ a little worried a%out <te-e latel, as he see+s so ######## and in a world of his own# &he stor, follows the hero as he tra-els to ######## galaxies in search of other life for+s# 2# . a+ writing with ######## to our recent +eeting on 21st Ma,# . thin* students in other countries see+ to ha-e +ore ######## for teahers than the, do here# &he +atch has %een cancelled out of ######## for the death of our pre-ious Manager# 0# &he, are planning to postpone their house-war+ing ######## till the spring when the weather is nicer# &here is little support within the ######## for a change of leadership and +ost politicians see+ happ, to support the $ri+e Minister# &he restaurant got -er, %us, when a coach ######## arri-ed full of people tra-elling to the coast# 2# AE . ha-e ti+e to answer one +ore ######## and then ./ll +o-e onto the next ite+# &he press are calling into ######## 5o-ern+ent clai+s that the cri+e rate has fallen and point to latest research figures as e-idence that this isn/t true# &he co+pan, clai+ there is a%solutel, no ######## of +a*ing an,%od, redundant as %usiness has ne-er %een %etter# 3# ./+ dri-ing into town and can ######## ,ou off at the station if ,ou need a lift# Can we 9ust ######## the su%9ect and tal* a%out so+ething else please# 5ardeners %e warned that te+peratures are li*el, to ######## to %elow freezing tonight# /Ee,/ )ord &ransfor+ations For :uestions 1-7 co+plete the second sentence so that it has a si+ilar +eaning to the first sentence using the word gi-en# "o not change the word gi-en# =ou +ust use %etween three and six words including the word gi-en# 1# 1ow can . +a*e hi+ understand that . don/t want to see hi+ an, +ore> ACBA<< 1ow can . ######################################### that . don/t want to see hi+ an, +ore> 2# $arents predict chaos in schools unless the stri*e is called off# BE<U?& $arents clai+ it ######################################## the teacher/s stri*e goes ahead# 0# $olice are warning people to chec* for forged notes which are currentl, in circulation# ?AAEAU& $olice are warning people to %e ####################################### forged notes which are currentl, in circulation# 2# .f ,ou +ust %e nois, could ,ou go outside and pla,# .@<.<& .f ,ou ######################################## noise could ,ou go outside to pla,# 3# .t/s possi%le that the, got the wrong idea and thought the part, was next wee*# BEAC1E" &he, +ight ######################################## conclusion and thought the part, was next wee*# 4# .t was a +ista*e not to write the telephone nu+%er down# $A.@& . should ######################################## writing down the telephone nu+%er# 6# Apparentl, the,/re planning on rerouting the traffic to reduce congestion# "BA)@ $lans ######################################## reroute the traffic to reduce congestion#

7# Can ,ou possi%l, get +e the wor* as soon as possi%le# A$$BEC.A&E . ######################################## ,ou could get the wor* to +e as soon as possi%le# Multiple Choice Cloze For Questions 1-12 read t!e te"t #elo$ and decide $!ic! ans$er A % C or & #est fits eac! space' (o$ to (ave )erfect )osture @ext ti+e ,ou ta*e a loo* in the +irror tr, standing sidewa,s on# "o ,ou see a long elegant %ac* or are ,our shoulders as rounded as the hu+p of a ca+el> !ad posture nor+all, starts in our teenage ,ears when we slouch around with our '() ##################### tr,ing to loo* cool# !ut '1) ############ up those who now while awa, their da,s sitting in front of a co+puter where itHs '2) ############### too eas, to neglect so+ething as essential as good posture# As we grow older these poor '0) ################## are exacer%ated %ut %, ta*ing '2) ######### i++ediatel, we can not onl, loo* and feel %etter %ut protect our %od, for the future# Ma*e sure ,ou sleep on a fir+ +attress at night# '3) ########## l,ing flat on ,our %ac*I instead tr, sleeping in a curled position on ,our side# &he '4) ############## re-i-al in platfor+ shoes doesnHt help and wearing shoes with heels +ore than '6) ############## centi+etres high is 9ust as*ing for '7) ############### "onHt load e-er,thing into a %ag that ,ou wear on one shoulder or ,ouHll end up lopsided# '8) ############### the weight e-enl, %, wearing a ruc*sac* or e-en a %ag around ,our waist# )hen ,ou get ho+e fro+ a da,Hs stud,ing or wor* itHs all too '1() ################## to slu+p on the sofa in front of the tell,# <itting in this wa, '11)############## feel co+forta%le %ut it pre-ents ,ou fro+ %reathing properl,# &r, to sit '12) ################ with the sto+ach pulled fir+l, in# 1 A head ! feet C e,es " hands 2 A so ! :uite C all " rather 0 A custo+s ! ha%its C rituals " practices 2 A course ! so+ething C +o-es " action 3 A e-ade ! pre-ent C a-oid " restrain 4 A existing ! topical C conte+porar, " current 6 A -arious ! se-eral C considera%le " nu+erous 7 A concern ! pro%le+ C trou%le " fuss 8 A scatter ! circulate C disse+inate " distri%ute 1 A enticing ! attracti-e C irresisti%le " te+pting ( 1 A +a, ! could C will " should 1 1 A le-el ! erect C -ertical " upright 2 Apen Cloze For *uestions 1-1+ Co,plete t!e follo$ing article #y $riting eac! ,issing $ord in t!e space' -se only one $ord in eac! space' T!ai Food @o other national cuisine has en9o,ed :uite the degree of popularit, that &hai food '1) ########## &en ,ears ago it was a rarit, in Europe and the United <tates and '2) ########## that it was -irtuall, un*nown# @ow &hai coo*ing has '0) ########## one of the )estHs fa-ourite exotic st,les of coo*ing# As well as the growing '2) ########## of &hai restaurants throughout the world there has %een an increase little '3) ########## little in the a-aila%ilit, of ingredients on super+ar*et shel-es# '4) ########## )estern coo*s it is %eco+ing :uite practical to tr, authentic -ersions of &hai dishes at ho+e# Ane of the things that +a*es &hai coo*ing '6) ########## a challenge is the sheer -ariet, of t,pes of dish# &hai food lies %etween Chinese and .ndian cuisine with influences '7) ########## !ur+a Ca+%odia and Mala,sia each of '8) ########## has had an effect on &hailand at different stages of '1() ########## histor,# <o+e of the ingredients co+e fro+ '11) ########## afield# Chillies to gi-e '12) ########## one exa+ple are originall, fro+ Central and <outh A+erica %ut were incorporated :uic*l, '10) ########## the national diet# &a*en all '12) ########## these influences fro+ a%road ha-e '13) ########## &hai coo*ing a strongl, regional set of cuisines#

)ord For+ation .ead t!e te"t and t!en $rite t!e correct for, of t!e $ord on t!e rig!t/ )eople of t!e Forest &his &D '() ### docu+entar, follows a fa+il, of chi+panzees who li-e in the forest of &anzania# <et in '1) ### scener, the progra++e gi-es us a fascinating insight into the life and social '2) ### of these creatures# '0) ### we hu+ans share 87G of our genes with chi+panzeesI indeed the, are our closest relati-e in the ani+al '2) ### and scenes in the docu+entar, offer clear e-idence of our '3) ### # &he focus of the fil+ is on Fifi and we first see her as a '4) ### fi-e-,ear-old who spends all her ti+e anno,ing her ,ounger %rother# Meanwhile the older +ale chi+ps see+ to %e in-ol-ed in an endless fight for '6) ### # And it is no suprise to learn that while all this is ta*ing place the fe+ales are left to deal with the da,-to-da, '7) ### +atters# Ma*e sure ,ou set aside an hour to watch this# &he '8) ### splendour of the location +a*es this progra++e worthwhile -iewing although our '1() ### to these ani+als will +a*e ,ou thin*# 5apped <entences "ACUME@& <$EC&AC?E AC&.A@ A$$EAB E.@5 <.M.?AB $?A= <U$BEME AB5A@.<E 5EA5BA$1= ?.EE

For *uestions 1-+ t!ink of one $ord only $!ic! can #e used appropriately in all t!ree sentences' (ere is an e"a,ple/ Could ,ou do +e a ########and hold the door open while . %ring in the shopping> All those in ######## of the proposal please raise ,our hand# After %eing out of fashion for ,ears the painter is now in ######## with the critics# Exa+pleC FADAUB Q1 &he local council ha-e co++issioned a local artist to create a statue in ######## of the late $ri+e Minister# &his co+puer is so +uch faster since we added extra ######### . ha-e difficult, re+e+%ering things fro+ wa, %ac* and ha-e no ######## whatsoe-er of +uch %efore the age of fi-e# Q2 &he police ha-e sealed of the cri+e ######## whilst forensic tests are carried out# .n the opening ######## of the pla, we see the two lo-ers +a*ing plans for their wedding# Aur reporter is at the ######## now and we can spea* to her li-e now# Q0 &o+ has his own legal ######## in the centre of town# . ha-en/t ridden a %i*e for ,ears so ./+ pro%a%l, a %it out of ######### 1e was telling +e how +uch he/s loo*ing forward to lea-ing college and putting the things he/s learnt into ######### Q1 Can ,ou *eep an ######## on +, %ags while . pa, for the tic*ets> 1er e,esight was failing and she was ha-ing real pro%le+s threading the cotton through the ######## of the needle# )e are loo*ing for so+eone who has an ######## for design and who will %e a%le to contri%ute creati-el, to the tea+# Q+ =ou/re ######## to choose wich +odule to stud, as long as there are no ti+eta%le clashes# &he ser-ice is entirel, ######## of charge although the, are alwa,s happ, to recei-e donations# ./-e %een co+pletel, ######## fro+ pain since . had that tooth out last wee*# /Ee,/ )ord &ransfor+ations For *uestions 1-2 co,plete t!e second sentence so t!at it !as a si,ilar ,eaning to t!e first sentence using t!e $ord given' &o not c!ange t!e $ord given' 3ou ,ust use #et$een t!ree and si" $ords including t!e $ord given' 1# =ou could ha-e %een seriousl, in9ured not wearing a seat %elt#&1.@E =ou should ######################################### seriousl, in9ured not wearing a seat %elt# 2# )ould ,ou gi-e us ,our answer as soon as possi%le# CA@DE@.E@CE $lease respond ######################################### 0# &he hotel was further awa, fro+ the %each than was clai+ed in the %rochure# @A)1EBE &he hotel ######################################### the %each as the,/d clai+ed in the %rochure# 2# . wasn/t expecting +, colleagues to organise a farewell part, on +, last da, at the co+pan,# &AEE@ . ######################################### when +, colleagues organised a farewell part, on +, last da,#

3# .t/s not li*el, to happen %ut if ,ou/re not satisfied with the product we/ll refund ,our +one,# EDE@& ######################################## that ,ou are not satisfied with the product ,our +one, will %e refunded# 4# .t/s one thing to thin* there/s a de+and for ,our product and another to actuall, +a*e a sale# )AB?" &here/s ######################################## %etween thin*ing there/s a de+and for ,our product and actuall, +a*ing a sale# 6# ./+ sure we went the wrong wa, at the last 9unction# &AEE@ )e +ust ######################################## at the last 9unction# 7# ./+ so sorr, . didn/t realise it was so late# &BACE <orr, . ######################################## ti+e#

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