Rapid Transit For Kanata Added To Master Plan

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The Citys Transit Commission has approved the proposal I made to staff to change the Master Transportation Plan and included a Transit Way through Kanata. By deferring an underground connection for the Bus Rapid Transit to go north in the median of March Road and instead having uses leave the us only lanes on the !"# and connect to the median along March Road frees up $%& million. These funds 'ill e used to e(tend the Transit Way on March Road from Carling )ve to *olandt +after 'hich it 'ill continue in mi(ed traffic, and to construct a Bus Rapid Transit +BRT, 'ithin the corridor that is immediately ad-acent to .igh'ay !"#. Buses 'ill access this corridor along the former County Road / alignment ad-acent to the 0PP station and proceed to Terry 1o(2 'ith a 'al3 to station at the pedestrian over pass. Timing of construction is not yet set ut 'ill e after the Confederation 4ight Rail line +presently under construction, is opened. This start to a transit system through Kanata 'ill help to move the ultimate plan +'hich sho's light rail to the Canadian Tire Centre, for'ard once funding is availa le.


0n ehalf of all residents in Kanata 5orth I e(tend my heartfelt than3s to mem ers of the Kanata 4egion2 for their moving ceremony at the Kanata Cenotaph on Remem rance 6ay. 7eterans also 'ent to local schools to spea3 to students a out ho' the sacrifices of so many have led to the peace 'e en-oy in our country2 as 'ell as holding special remem rances at the Kanata *eniors Centre and retirement homes. )s a mem er of this 4egion2 +and a former mem er of the Canadian )ir 1orce,2 I 'as happy to ta3e part in their poppy sales 'hich support oth veteran and community services. 5on veterans are 'elcome to -oin our 4egion and ta3e part in organi8ing events such as the Remem rance 6ay Ceremony.


Both young and old love a parade and this 'ee3end you can en-oy the *anta Claus Parade in Kanata. *tarting at Terry 1o( and Castlefran3 at 10 a , t!" #a$a%" &o''o() Ca)t'"&$a*+ a*% A,,"-!.'' to t!" Ha/"'%"a* Ma''. Yo0 a$" a)+"% to ,$.*1 &oo% a*% o*"ta$- %o*at.o*), (!.2! (.'' ," 2o''"2t"% a'o*1 t!" $o0t", &o$ t!" Ka*ata Foo% C0#,oa$%. I 'ov" ,".*1 .* t!.) #a$a%" a*% )"".*1 t!" !a##- &a2") o& )o a*2!.'%$"*, t!".$ #a$"*t) a*% 1$a*%#a$"*t). D$")) (a$ '- a*% "*3o-.

GIFT OF ART 4 9oin local artists at the Mlaca3 Centre this 'ee3end2 5ov. ": ;"#2
from "& am to < pm. 1or details visit '''.3anatagallery.ca.

THE OASIS .* KANATA is a #$o1$a

to )0##o$t 2a$"1.v"$) o& 'ov"% o*") '.v.*1 (.t! "*ta' .''*")). T!"$" .) a* .*&o$ at.o* )")).o* o* T0"). Nov 15 t! &$o 6 45 # at t!" G'"* Ca.$* U*.t"% C!0$2!, 170 A,,"-!.''. Fo$ o$" .*&o$ at.o* 1o to (((.t!"oa).)+a*ata.2a.

HIGH DENSITY IN KANATA8 O#"* Ho0)" Nov. 19t! from # = / pm at the

KRC .* :a't"$ Ba+"$ Pa$+ (.'' ";#'o$" !.1!"$ %"*).t.") at +"- .*t"$)"2t.o*) a*% t!" Ka*ata To(* C"*t$". Co " to &.*% o0t (!at C.t- P'a**"$) a$" $"2o "*%.*1 a*% )#"a+ 0# &o$ (!at -o0 (a*t .* -o0$ 2o 0*.t.").

KNUDSON TRAFFIC STUDY Pu lic Meeting on Wed. 5ov. >&t! at t!" M'a2a+
C"*t$", 6<=0 4 9<=0 # (.t! #$")"*tat.o* at 6<1> # . H"a$ $")0't) o& a*a'-).) o& t!" )#""%.*1 #$o,'" a*% %.)20)) #o)).,'" $" "%."). R").%"*t) o* ot!"$ $oa%) a$" ("'2o " to att"*% a) t!" $")0't) o& t!.) )t0%- (.'' a)).)t .* %"a'.*1 (.t! )#""%.*1 o* ot!"$ Ka*ata $oa%).

FLOOD RISK MAPPING TONIGHT for Poole and 1eedmill Cree3s 0pen .ouse2
5ov "!t! ><=0 ? 5 # at @o!**- L"$o0; C"*t$", 10 :a$*"$ Co'#.tt), St.tt)v.''". I*&o at http?@@'''.mvc.on.ca@floodplainAmappingAotta'a@.

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