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Physical Regions

Hudson Bay Lowlands

Tundra in the north, forest in the south Bogs in the west, rocky bluffs in the east

Canadian Shield

Low, rocky, flat hills Mostly short trees and sometimes tundra

Why Visit Or Live In Ontario?

There are many good reasons for people to visit or live in Ontario. The province is very diverse and there are many different cultures and types of people who live there. Ontario has many different landscapes and regions to visit. You can live in an urban area, such as Toronto, or there are rural areas. There are a wide variety of natural resources, which help the economy, supply many people with jobs, and create Canadian products. Ontario is able to exchange these goods with other provinces and among its regions. There is also a great culture in Ontario with art, music, dance and sports. Come to Ontario because it is a great place to be!

Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands

Fertile soil for farming and many lakes Some rocky hills and small trees

Yours to Discover

Natural Resources
Minerals- Ontarios mining industry and the minerals produced are very important. Nickel is the most important mineral, which comes mainly from Sudbury. But Ontario also produces gold, copper, zinc, platinum, palladium, cobalt and silver. All of these minerals come from the Canadian Shield. Forestry- Ontarios forests are another important natural resource. Forestry is the most important industry in northern Ontario. Loggers cut down many trees to create things we need such as paper, lumber, and firewood. The forest industry is located in Ontarios boreal forest. Water- Ontario has a lot of natural waterways, such as the Great Lakes and its many rivers. The province can create electricity by using its waterways. Using the force of falling water in hydroelectric dams generates this electricity.

Trading Partners
Exchanges that occur among the communities and regions of Ontario:
Oshawa has a large automobile industry that manufactures vehicles. Niagaras fruit belt has the best climate for growing fruits, such as, peaches and grapes. Oshawa should trade their vehicles with Niagara because Oshawa does not have a warm climate to grow fruit. Niagara should trade their fruit with Oshawa because Niagara does not have a big automobile industry to manufacture vehicles.

Cultural Connections to the Physical Landscape

Many families take advantage of Provincial Parks for camping (e.g. Algonquin Park) Popular winter sports include: Hockey, Skating (e.g. Rideau Canal), Skiing/

Exchanges that occur among provinces and territories

Ontario has a large forest industry that produces timber, pulp and paper. Alberta has large oil reserves, and extracts the oil from the tar sands. Ontario should trade their lumber with Alberta because Ontario does not have oil reserves. Alberta should trade their oil with Ontario because Alberta does not have a big lumber industry.

Snowboarding (e.g. Blue Mountain), Ice

Fishing Visiting Historical Sites (e.g. Ste. Marie Among the Hurons) Aboriginal Festivities (e.g. Pow-wows) Educational Sites (e.g. Science North & minerals of Canadian Shield)

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