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Celebrate Saint Nicholas day on Friday!

Let the little children come to me, and do not forbid them, for such is the Kingdom of Heaven. Mark 10:4
Sunday, December 1, 2013 Volume 1, Issue 42

What can God do for you?

When you sit down in a restaurant, the waiter might ask you, What would you like? or in other
words, What do you want me to do for you? Then you might tell him or her what youd likemaybe a hamburger, maybe some spaghetti, maybe just dessert.
But today, in the Gospel, a blind man sat by the road begging. If he could have anything in the world, what would it be? WasWhat do you want me to do for nt it obvious? But when Jesus saw him, you? said Jesus to the blind man. He asked him, What do you want me to do for you? And the blind man told Jesus, Lord, let me receive my sight. And Jesus healed him right away. Did you know God knows everything we need, even before we ask for it? But sometimes, we forget to ask! God wants to help, just like He wanted to help the blind man in the reading today. When the blind man asked for help, God gave him help! Lets always remember to turn to God when we need something. And our Lord is ready to say to us too, What do you want me to do for you?

Help the blind beggar find Jesus, so he can be healed!


A babys vote for bishop!
Saint Ambrose of Milan (Italy) wasnt always a Christian. His father was a pagan and believed in false gods, so Ambrose was not baptized when he was young. But one day, a baby said out loud, Ambrose should be bishop! Of course, everybody was so surprisedfirst that the baby could talk, and second that he thought Ambrose should be bishop. After all, Ambrose wasnt even a bapSt. Ambrose of Milan, Italy tized Christian yet! But St. Ambrose was soon baptized, and then quickly became a deacon, then a priest, then a bishop. St. Ambrose was a wonderful saint. Many people became Christian because of his words and his actions. As bishop, he remembered to take care of the poor people, too. Sometimes, emperors and other leaders would do wrong things, and St. Ambrose would stand up to them and set them right. St. Ambrose wrote many things for us to learn about God. We still have many of his writings today1700 years later. That shows he is still important to us even now!
Saint Ambroses feastday is on Saturday, December 7th.

Whats in an icon?
Everything in an icon means something. Do you see what St. Nicholas is holding in his hand? St. Ambrose is holding one too. Its a Gospel book. That means they were both bishops! Look in your church. Can you see any other bishop saints?

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