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2013-2014 Chapter

Operations Guide

Table of Contents
PSE National Headquarters Contact Information ______________________________________________________________________ 3 Introduction to the Chapter Operations Guide (COG) ___________________________________________________________________ 4 Chapter Standings ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5 COG Points ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6 Report Points Criteria _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 7 Mandatory Reports _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 8 COG Reports by Due Date __________________________________________________________________________________________ 9 Administrative Reports ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 10
A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7 A-8 A-9 Chapter Annual Plan Mandatory ____________________________________________________________________________________ 10 Mandatory ________________________________________________________________________________ 11 Mandatory __________________________________________________________________________________ 12 Mandatory _______________________________________________________________________ 13

Chapter Recruitment Plan Recruitment Activities

E-Board Training and Transition Plan Risk Management Compliance Chapter Bylaws

Mandatory ____________________________________________________________________________ 14

Mandatory _______________________________________________________________________________________ 15

Proof of Multiple Signatures for Chapter Accounts ________________________________________________________________________ 16 New Member Processing Mandatory ________________________________________________________________________________ 17

New Member Training _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 18 Mandatory ___________________________________________________________________________ 19 Mandatory _______________________________________________________________________ 20 Mandatory ______________________________________________________________________ 21

A-10 Renewal Member Processing

A-11 Fiscal Year-End Operating Statement A-12 Chapter Annual Plan Mid-Year Review A-13 Annual Officer Report A-14 Chapter Year-End Report

Mandatory __________________________________________________________________________ 22 Mandatory ________________________________________________________________________________ 23 Mandatory ______________________________________________________________________ 24

A-15 General Member Meeting Minutes A-16 E-Board Meeting Minutes A-17 Chapter Check-ins with HQ

Mandatory _____________________________________________________________________________ 25 Mandatory _______________________________________________________________________________ 26

A-18 Chapter Administrative Review with PSE HQ _____________________________________________________________________________ 27

Programming Reports ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 28

P-1 P-2 P-3 P-4 P-5 P-6 P-7 P-8 P-9 PSE HQ Sponsored Event Attendance ___________________________________________________________________________________ 28 Sales, Marketing or Market Research Projects Mandatory ________________________________________________________________ 29 Mandatory_________________________________________________________ 32

Community Service Project (for a Charity / Non-profit)

Individual Member Volunteer Activities _________________________________________________________________________________ 34 PSE National Education Foundation (NEF) Donations ______________________________________________________________________ 35 Chapter-Sponsored Professional Development Activities Mandatory ______________________________________________________ 36

Extracurricular Activities _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 37 Chapter Public Relations _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 38 Chapter Sponsorships from Local Partners _______________________________________________________________________________ 39

P-10 Referrals of Potential PSE HQ National Corporate Partners _________________________________________________________________ 40 P-11 Hosting or Co-Hosting a PSE HQ National Convention or Regional Conference _________________________________________________ 41 P-12 Mentorship with other PSE Chapters ___________________________________________________________________________________ 42
2 Pi Sigma Epsilon National Professional Fraternity in Sales, Marketing and Management 3747 S. Howell Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53207 414-324-1252 800-761-9350 Fax 414-328-1953

PSE National Headquarters Contact Information 2013-2014

For questions on COG please contact: Glenn Altstadt 414-328-1952 or Josh Taylor; (216) 630-0295; working from Cleveland, OH

Fax Number: 414-328-1953 Office Address: 3747 S. Howell, Milwaukee, WI 53207

3 Pi Sigma Epsilon National Professional Fraternity in Sales, Marketing and Management 3747 S. Howell Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53207 414-324-1252 800-761-9350 Fax 414-328-1953

Introduction to the Chapter Operations Guide (COG)

What is the Chapter Operations Guide (COG)? The COG helps PSE chapters operate effectively. The COG is a collection of the various administrative and programming activities that PSE chapters should be utilizing in order to provide their members with the highest level of value and ensure chapter longevity. Using the COG will help keep chapters focused and accountable in all areas of operations. Why should chapters use the COG? The COG facilitates the creation and implementation of chapter goals The COG provides framework for operational and financial success as well as accurate IRS reporting The COG supports the continued growth and development of chapter leaders and members The COG provides practical experience with writing business reports and meeting deadlines The COG provides an opportunity to build a portfolio of professional writing samples that can benefit members in their career search The COG gives the chapters an opportunity to learn strategic planning and implementation The COG allows chapters to gain support from PSE HQ when specific needs arise The COG provides the framework for chapters to qualify for PSE national awards and recognition

Consider COG your chapters employee handbook - your PSE real-world operations course. In the pages of this document, much like an employee handbook, youll find information and requirements that are the keys to your chapters success in the 2013-2014 COG year. The COG includes vital information such as: Instructions on how to complete and submit reports A comprehensive list of PSE mandatory and suggested reports Content and format expectations for all reports Point parameters for all reports

4 Pi Sigma Epsilon National Professional Fraternity in Sales, Marketing and Management 3747 S. Howell Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53207 414-324-1252 800-761-9350 Fax 414-328-1953

Chapter Standings
Throughout the COG year, chapter standings can change based on different situations. Only chapters in Good Standing will be allowed to compete for the various awards and designations at PSEs National Convention. A chapter who falls below Good Standing will be notified by PSE HQ and an action plan will be put in place to improve the situation. Chapters can check their status on their Google Docs account. New Good Standing (new chapters follow NCOG requirements for first year) Chapter is within one year of being chartered or re-chartered; and All mandatory NCOG reports are submitted; and Monthly chapter Check-ins are occurring; and There have been no violations of the PSE Risk Management Policy Good Standing Operating statements are current; and All mandatory COG reports have been submitted; and Monthly chapter Check-ins are occurring; and There have been no violations of the PSE Risk Management Policy Under Review Operating statements are not current; or All mandatory COG reports have not been submitted; or Monthly chapter check-ins are not occurring; or There have been alleged violations of the PSE Risk Management Policy Suspension Operating statements are not current; or All mandatory COG reports have not been submitted; or Monthly chapter check-ins are not occurring; or There have been confirmed violations of the PSE Risk Management Policy Dormant Unable to sustain their PSE chapter; or Unable to meet PSE and COG requirements; or Unable to recruit and retain enough members

5 Pi Sigma Epsilon National Professional Fraternity in Sales, Marketing and Management 3747 S. Howell Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53207 414-324-1252 800-761-9350 Fax 414-328-1953

COG Points
The 2013-14 COG year runs from February 1, 2013 through January 31, 2014. All report submissions must be made during the 2013-2014 COG year in order to be considered for points. This includes all reports for projects and meetings held in January, 2014. Any reports submitted after January 31, 2014 will receive no points. PSE HQ may have other opportunities throughout the year for chapters to earn additional points. Chapters can compete annually and earn awards for Top Gold, Top Silver and Top Amethyst chapters through the PSE NEF National Awards Program. Every report within the COG gives chapters the opportunity to earn points.

Level Gold Silver Amethyst Bronze

Number of Points 36,000 points 27,000 points 22,000 points 17,000 points

6 Pi Sigma Epsilon National Professional Fraternity in Sales, Marketing and Management 3747 S. Howell Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53207 414-324-1252 800-761-9350 Fax 414-328-1953

Report Points Criteria

The link for COG report submissions is: Chapters can access their COG grid to determine points by logging onto Google drives and entering their user name/password. Please contact PSE HQ if you need your login information. Below are PSE HQ standards for chapters to earn points:

Reports turned in by deadline Late Mandatory Reports: Within 15 days of deadline After 15 days of deadline Late Non-Mandatory Reports: Within 90 days of deadline After 90 days of deadline Missing Financials on reports: Incorrect COG Category: Incorrect File Name Format:

No deduction

50% deduction NO points earned

50% deduction NO points earned 50% deduction 25% deduction 25% deduction

Files should be saved as: For pdf files: ChapterGreekName.ReportNumber.ReportName.pdf Example: OmicronOmega.A1.ChapterAnnualPlan.pdf For .xls files: ChapterGreekName.ReportNumber.ReportName.xls Example: OmicronOmega.A7.Chapter New MemberProcessing.xls Incorrect Report Format: 25% deductions Files should be saved only as .pdf or .xls. See report for requirements

7 Pi Sigma Epsilon National Professional Fraternity in Sales, Marketing and Management 3747 S. Howell Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53207 414-324-1252 800-761-9350 Fax 414-328-1953

Mandatory Reports
The following COG reports are critical for continued chapter stability and growth. To ensure that chapters are taking steps to further their development, the completion of the following COG reports are mandatory for chapters to remain in good standing status with PSE National Headquarters. Please remember: Only chapters in good standing status with PSE National Headquarters will be eligible for participation in the PSE NEF National Awards Program.

Administrative A Category
A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-8 A-10 A-11 A-12 A-13 A-14 A-15 A-16 A-17 Chapter Annual Plan Chapter Recruitment Plan Spring/Fall Recruitment Activities E-board Training and Transition Risk Management Compliance Spring/Fall Chapter Bylaws New Member Processing Spring/Fall Renewal Member Processing Spring/Fall Fiscal Year-End Operating Statement Chapter Annual Plan Mid-Year Review Annual Officer Report Chapter Year-End Report General Member Meeting Minutes E-Board Meeting Minutes Chapter Monthly HQ Check-ins P-2 P-3 P-6

Programming P Category
Sales, Marketing or Market Research Project Community Service Project Chapter-Sponsored Professional Development Activities

8 Pi Sigma Epsilon National Professional Fraternity in Sales, Marketing and Management 3747 S. Howell Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53207 414-324-1252 800-761-9350 Fax 414-328-1953

COG Reports by Due Date

Report Name
A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7 Chapter Annual Plan Chapter Recruitment Plan-Spring Recruitment Activities E-Board Training and Transition Plan Risk Management Compliance - Spring Chapter Bylaws Proof of Multiple Signatures for Chapter Accounts

Due Date
02-15-13 02-15-13
No later than 30 days after activity


Date Completed

A-8 New Member Processing - Spring A-10 A-9 A-11 A-2 A-12 A-5 A-10 Renewal Member Processing - Spring New Member Training for Spring Fiscal Year-End Operating Statement Chapter Recruitment Plan Fall Chapter Annual Plan Mid-Year Review Risk Management Compliance - Spring Renewal Member Processing - Fall

02-28-13 03-01-13 03-01-13 03-01-13 03-01-13 or

3 weeks before initiation ceremony

A-8 Chapter New Member Processing for Fall A-9 New Member Training for Fall A-13 Annual Officer Report A-14 Chapter Year-End Report A-15 General Member Meeting Minutes A-16 E-Board Meeting Minutes A-17 Chapter Monthly HQ Check-ins (minimum 8/year) A-18 PSE HQ Chapter Administrative Review P-1 PSE HQ Sponsored Event Attendance P-2 Sales, Marketing or Market Research Project (minimum 1/year) P-3 P-4 P-5 P-6 P-7 P-8 Community Service Project (minimum 1/year) Individual Member Volunteer Activities PSE National Education Foundation (NEF) Donations Chapter-Sponsored Professional Development Activities (minimum 1/year) Extracurricular Activities Public Relations

03-15-13 04-15-13 07-15-13 09-15-13 09-15-13 10-01-13 10-15-13 11-01-13 or

3 weeks before initiation

11-15-13 12-15-13 or
30 days after elections

No later than 30 days after end of the month No later than 30 days after end of the month

Monthly N/A
No later than 30 days after event No later than 30 days after project No later than 30 days after project No later than 30 days after activity No later than 30 days after activity No later than 30 days after activity No later than 30 days after activity No later than 30 days after activity No later than 30 days after proposal N/A No later than 30 days after event No later than 30 days after event

P-9 Chapter Sponsorships from Local Partners P-10 Referrals of Potential PSE HQ National Corporate Partners P-11 Hosting or Co-Hosting a PSE HQ National Convention or Regional Conference P-12 Mentorship with other PSE Chapters

9 Pi Sigma Epsilon National Professional Fraternity in Sales, Marketing and Management 3747 S. Howell Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53207 414-324-1252 800-761-9350 Fax 414-328-1953

Administrative Reports
A-1 Chapter Annual Plan Mandatory 2,500 points Maximum: 3,000 points annually See below for BONUS opportunity Due Date: February 15, 2013

Annual planning is essential to a PSE chapters success and requires participation from the entire chapter. Required Report Format: Strategic Plan: .pdf Operating Statements: .xls Required Content: Strategic Plan 1. Date of chapter annual planning meeting 2. Chapter Mission Statement 3. Chapter situational analysis - past, present, and future situation of the chapter. 4. Competitive analysis - description of other student organizations that you compete with, dues comparison, size of membership, explain which school the chapter is housed in (i.e. the School of Business) in comparison to competitors, PSE differentiation, etc. 5. Recruitment planning summary (highlights from A2 Recruitment Plan) 6. Annual recruiting goal (total and then by term) 7. SWOT Analysis (What are your chapters internal strengths and weaknesses; external opportunities and threats?) 8. Chapter Goals - goals should tie into those items found in the SWOT analysis and should be SMART 1. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Reasonable, Timely. 2. 9. Action Steps these should tie into the above goals and have deadlines and ownership (person heading initiative) 10. Chapter calendar of events (i.e. competitions, professional development opportunities) 11. Annual projects - descriptions and plans Operating Statements Find .xls template at Previous years operating statement from July 1st 2011- June 30th 2012 Current school year operating statement from July 1st 2012-June 30, 2013 (with actuals through February 1st, 2013 and budgets through June 30th, 2013) BONUS OPPORTUNITY 500 points for using the correct template and formulas for the operational statements

10 Pi Sigma Epsilon National Professional Fraternity in Sales, Marketing and Management 3747 S. Howell Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53207 414-324-1252 800-761-9350 Fax 414-328-1953


Chapter Recruitment Plan

Mandatory Spring: 750 points Fall: 750 points Maximum: 1,500 points per year

Due Date:

Spring: Fall:

February 15, 2013 September 15, 2013

Taking the time to focus on recruitment helps ensure a chapters longevity. A plan should be written for Spring 2013 and Fall 2013, detailing where there may be differences for recruitment activities. Required Report Format: .pdf Required Content: 1. Current Membership Analysis Total number of active (paid) members Class Analysis (number of freshmen, sophomore, junior and senior) Anticipated number of graduates at the end of the semester Anticipated loss of members who may become inactive 2. Recruitment Goal Annual recruitment goal (combination of Spring and Fall) Spring 2013 recruitment goal Fall 2013 recruitment goal 3. Chapter Total Membership Goal Number of Current Members MINUS Members graduating at the end of the semester MINUS Potential inactive members PLUS recruitment goal EQUALS chapter total membership goal 4. Recruitment Demographic Goals By class (e.g. Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior) By Major By School on campus (e.g. Business, Communications, etc.) By competencies and skill sets 5. Recruitment Strategies (i.e. classroom visits, fairs, information sessions, open houses, etc.) Creative theme/slogan for strategies (i.e. Your Business Advantage for Life) Dates and descriptions of primary and secondary activities Whats worked in the past Ownership responsible leaders/members who will lead and be involved in strategies 6. Interview plan (If you will be conducting interviews as part of the recruitment selection, you MUST use the PSE HQ provided list of interview questions, and only use this list. Asking additional questions not on this list is not permitted and would result in chapters losing their good standing status with PSE HQ) 7. Initiation Date Agenda and description of agenda

11 Pi Sigma Epsilon National Professional Fraternity in Sales, Marketing and Management 3747 S. Howell Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53207 414-324-1252 800-761-9350 Fax 414-328-1953


Recruitment Activities

Mandatory 3 mandatory /semester or term 6 mandatory/year 100 points per activity Maximum: 2,500 points per year See below for BONUS opportunity

Due Date:

No later than 30 days after recruitment activity takes place

Best practices show that certain recruitment activities have the biggest impact on recruiting new members. It is recommended that chapters keep track of which activities work best. Listed below are activities most chapters have utilized for recruiting efforts. Recruitment Activities Classroom presentations Open House / Informational Sessions Booth/table at Student Activity or Recruitment Fair Other activity that involves a presentation to a group of students PSE marketing on campus (i.e. bulletin board, chalking, etc.) Social media on other pages (i.e. School of Business Facebook Page) Required Report Format: .pdf

Required Content: 1. 2. 3. 4. Date activity took place Description of activity Chapter members who participated in the activity Number of prospective members information collected (if applicable)

BONUS OPPORTUNITY 100 additional points will be awarded for activities held during the summer.

12 Pi Sigma Epsilon National Professional Fraternity in Sales, Marketing and Management 3747 S. Howell Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53207 414-324-1252 800-761-9350 Fax 414-328-1953


E-Board Training and Transition Plan

Mandatory 1,000 points Maximum: 1,000 points

Due Date:

February 28, 2013

It is strongly recommended that all chapters elect new E-board officers in the Fall Semester/Term to allow for proper transitioning. Please refer to this link for help in your chapters transition plan. Required Report Format: .pdf Required Content: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. E-Board officer positions and the names of outgoing and incoming officers within each position A brief explanation of their officer responsibilities Officer goals for the upcoming year Details on training for each officer position Training schedule (recommended to begin immediately after elections) Include meeting dates 2 minimum meetings for outgoing and incoming E-board (faculty advisor present) 3 minimum meetings for outgoing and incoming officers for each position

13 Pi Sigma Epsilon National Professional Fraternity in Sales, Marketing and Management 3747 S. Howell Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53207 414-324-1252 800-761-9350 Fax 414-328-1953


Risk Management Compliance

Mandatory Spring: 750 points Fall: 750 points Maximum: 1,500 points/year

Due Date:

Spring: Fall:

March 1, 2013 October 1, 2013

Communicating PSEs Risk Management Policy to the members of your chapter is mandatory. The understanding of and adherence to the Risk Management Policy protects PSE chapters and their members. Each Spring and Fall term, PSE chapters are required to hold a minimum of one formal meeting to discuss the PSE Risk Management Policy. Included in the discussion must be a thorough review of the PSE Risk Management Policy as a group. Required Report Format: .pdf Required Report Content: 1. Date of meeting 2. Name of presenter(s) of policy 3. Confirmation that the Whistle Blower Policy was explained (PSE HQ will protect the identity of any individual or group, as well as intervene to address any retaliation that might occur, for reporting a possible Risk Management Violation). 4. What questions (if any) came up during the discussion, and how were these addressed 5. Any additional supporting material or assistance that your chapter needs from HQ to help support your enforcement of the policy in your chapter 6. Any concerns that your chapter has regarding Risk Management compliance in your chapter

14 Pi Sigma Epsilon National Professional Fraternity in Sales, Marketing and Management 3747 S. Howell Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53207 414-324-1252 800-761-9350 Fax 414-328-1953


Chapter Bylaws

Mandatory 1,000 points Maximum: 1,000 points/year

Due Date:

March 1, 2013

Chapter bylaws act as the governing document and guide for each chapter. Topics include officer qualifications and responsibilities, membership requirements, operational procedures, and disciplinary procedures. Bylaws cannot conflict with the National Constitution. A sample of Model chapter bylaws is available here . Required Report Format: .pdf Required Report Content: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Chapter Greek Name Membership eligibility and classification Terminology (refer to National Constitution Article XII Section 10) Chapter officer positions and job descriptions Officer elections and terms of office Impeachment procedures Minimum chapter requirements Chapter Code of Conduct/Risk Management Policy to include drug, alcohol, sexual harassment, and hazing policies along with disciplinary measures 9. Universitys Code of Conduct/Risk Management Policy to drug, alcohol, sexual harassment, and hazing policies along with disciplinary measures. Note: you should be able to get this information from your University website or Office of Student Affairs or activities on your campus. 10. Initiation details 11. Chapter finance structure including chapter fiscal year 12. Amendment procedures 13. Chapter dissolution procedure

15 Pi Sigma Epsilon National Professional Fraternity in Sales, Marketing and Management 3747 S. Howell Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53207 414-324-1252 800-761-9350 Fax 414-328-1953


Proof of Multiple Signatures for Chapter Accounts 200 points Maximum: 200 points/year

Due Date:

March 1, 2013

Multiple signatures for financial transactions provide the chapter with a layer of security over chapter finances. By requiring more than one signature for all deposits and withdrawals, at least two people will be aware of all financial transactions and are required to sign checks. HQ recommends three signers on your account: the Faculty Advisor, the President and VP of Finance. Its best to have this taken care of during officer transitions. Required Report Format: .pdf

Required Report Content: 1. A voided copy of a check from the PSE account with proof of multiple signatures. The checking and/or savings accounts should be clearly named Pi Sigma Epsilon, the chapter Name. (e.g. Pi Sigma Epsilon, Eta Omega chapter).

16 Pi Sigma Epsilon National Professional Fraternity in Sales, Marketing and Management 3747 S. Howell Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53207 414-324-1252 800-761-9350 Fax 414-328-1953


New Member Processing

Mandatory Senior: 50 points Junior: 75 points Sophomore: 100 points Freshman: 150 points Life Member: 200 points Maximum: None See below for BONUS opportunity

Due Date:

Three weeks prior to each initiation ceremony But no later than: Spring: March 1, 2013 Fall: November 1, 2013

Required Report Format: .xls Required Process: Three steps must take place in order for new members to become a part of PSE. Steps 1 and 2 must be completed before Step 3. 1. Dues need to be paid in full (via online payment or through a chapter check) 2. Each new member must register online at 3. Completion of new member processing sheet Chapters must confirm that each member is paid and registered online before turning in the new member processing sheet to reduce problems and delays. Please include a copy of the New Member Processing sheet when sending in a chapter check. Checks should be sent the same day the New Member Processing Sheet is uploaded to the COG webpage. Once all of these steps are completed, the chapter will receive membership certificates, pins, and a new member kit. Be sure you carefully check the accuracy of your information on the processing sheet to ensure timely turnaround time for your materials. Please limit the formal New Member Processing Sheet to one per term. Spring new members renew in Spring Fall new members renew in Fall.

BONUS OPPORTUNITIES: 250 points for having members fully registered, including complete mailing address, before the chapters New Member Processing Form is uploaded or arrives at the PSE HQ office 250 points for having all dues paid in full before the chapters New Member Processing Form is uploaded or arrives at the PSE HQ office

17 Pi Sigma Epsilon National Professional Fraternity in Sales, Marketing and Management 3747 S. Howell Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53207 414-324-1252 800-761-9350 Fax 414-328-1953


New Member Training Spring: 500 points Fall: 500 points Maximum: 1,000 points/year

Due Date:

Spring: April 15, 2013 Fall: November 15, 2013

A thorough introduction to PSE and the chapter is a vital part of welcoming new members and helps to ensure great retention. This is also a time when active members can interact with and get to know new members. Well-trained new members add energy, bring new ideas to the chapter and help ensure a successful chapter for years to come. Required Report Format: .pdf Required Report Content: 1. Date of new member training(s) 2. Total number of new members involved in training(s) 3. Items to be included in training (for report purposes summarize items discussed) PSE information presented (e.g. PSE Mission, Vision & Purpose; National and Local chapter History; PSE Creed; etc.) Officer presentations explanation of roles and committees Expectations of new members (e.g. meeting attendance, code of conduct, etc.) Risk Management Policy review Review of chapter bylaws Project(s) required list the suggested project and if chosen by the chapter or the new member group(s) Mentor/buddy program (matching active member with new member) Overview of activities planned (e.g. small group activities, group or individual meetings w/current members, new member retreat, etc.) Calendar of PSE chapter and HQ meetings, activities, conferences, conventions, and events Other items as deemed necessary

18 Pi Sigma Epsilon National Professional Fraternity in Sales, Marketing and Management 3747 S. Howell Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53207 414-324-1252 800-761-9350 Fax 414-328-1953

A-10 Renewal Member Processing

Mandatory Spring: 750 points Fall: 750 points Maximum: 2,250 points/year See below for BONUS opportunity

Due Date:

Spring: March 15, 2013 Fall: October 15, 2013

Retention of active members is essential in maintaining a successful PSE chapter. A healthy chapter has a good mix of new and continuing members. Required Report Format: .xls Required Process: Three steps must take place for renewals of PSE membership. Steps 1 and 2 must be completed before Step 3. 1. Renewal dues need to be paid in full (via online payment or through a chapter check) 2. Each member must ensure their information is accurate at 3. Completion of the Renewal Member Processing sheet Please include a copy of the Renewal Member Processing sheet when sending in a chapter check. Checks should be sent the same day the Renewal Member Processing Sheet is uploaded to the COG webpage. Life Memberships Members opting to pay for Life Membership may do so at any time. All annual dues already paid will count as a credit towards their Life membership payment. This means that if a member joins as a freshman, but decides their sophomore year to become a Life Member, he or she will be able to apply the previous years dues towards the Life Member Fee. Please refer To become a Life Member, fill out and submit the Life Membership Form and contact PSE HQ to determine amount due.

BONUS OPPORTUNITIES: 250 points for having all dues paid in full before the chapters Renewal Member Processing Form is uploaded or arrives at the PSE HQ office 250 points for having 45% or higher retention rate (see Renewal Member Processing Form for %) 250 points for providing data to PSE HQ for non-renewals (PSE HQ will send an email with information on this and details on how to respond)

19 Pi Sigma Epsilon National Professional Fraternity in Sales, Marketing and Management 3747 S. Howell Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53207 414-324-1252 800-761-9350 Fax 414-328-1953

A-11 Fiscal Year-End Operating Statement

Mandatory 1,500 points Maximum: 2,000 points/year See below for BONUS opportunity

Due Date:

July 15, 2013

Creating and maintaining accurate financial records is vital to chapter stability and ensures good standing for the PSE chapter. The operating statement reflects the actual revenues and expenses for the chapter. Required Report Format: .xls Required Report Content: 1. It Is required that each PSE chapter keeps a July 1-June 30 operating statement to ensure accurate IRS reporting for PSE HQ. 2. PSE HQ files IRS taxes for PSE chapters with EIN numbers under Group Ruling. Please contact Eric Rosandich with any questions. 3. The report MUST include a beginning and ending balance on the Operating Statement. A sample Operating Statement and FAQs are available at 4. If you have additional questions please feel free to contact Eric Rosandich or Erica Gumieny at PSE HQ.

BONUS OPPORTUNITY 500 points for using the correct template and formulas for the operational statements

20 Pi Sigma Epsilon National Professional Fraternity in Sales, Marketing and Management 3747 S. Howell Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53207 414-324-1252 800-761-9350 Fax 414-328-1953

A-12 Chapter Annual Plan Mid-Year Review

Mandatory 1,000 points Maximum: 1,500 points/year See below for BONUS opportunity

Due Date:

September 15, 2013

During the Mid-Year review, chapters should go back to their Annual Plan and update and make revisions based on the chapters progress and any new information. In addition, a Chapter Operating Statement should be submitted with actual revenues and expenses recorded from July 1-September 1st, 2013. Required Report Format: Strategic Plan - .pdf Operating Statements - .xls Required Content: Updated Strategic Plan 1. Date of Chapter Annual Planning Mid-Year Review meeting 2. Updated on chapter situational analysis - past, present, and future situation of the chapter. 3. Update on competitive analysis - description of other student organizations that you compete with, dues comparison, size of membership, explain which school the chapter is housed in (i.e. the School of Business) in comparison to competitors, PSE differentiation, etc. 4. Update recruitment planning summary (highlights from A2 Recruitment Plan). 5. Review annual recruiting goal (total and then by term). Did your chapter meet the recruiting goal for the prior semester/term? If yes, what worked well. If no, include the action steps to ensure that you meet and exceed the next semester/terms goal. 6. Review SWOT Analysis (What are your chapters internal strengths and weaknesses; external opportunities and threats?) 7. Review chapter goals and action steps what needs to be changed? 8. Update annual projects - descriptions and plans Operating Statements Find .xls template at Current school year operating statement from July 1st 2013-June 30th, 2014 Include actual revenues and expenses through September, 2013 th Updated budget for revenues and expenses through July 30 , 2014 BONUS OPPORTUNITY 500 points for using the correct template and formulas for the operational statements

21 Pi Sigma Epsilon National Professional Fraternity in Sales, Marketing and Management 3747 S. Howell Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53207 414-324-1252 800-761-9350 Fax 414-328-1953

A-13 Annual Officer Report

Mandatory 500 points Maximum: 750 points/year See below for BONUS opportunity

Due Date:

Twice a Year: Beginning of Fall Semester and beginning of Spring Semester

To maintain optimum chapter momentum and success, PSE HQ recommends that PSE chapters hold E-Board officer elections once a year in late October or early November. This will allow plenty of time for training, mentoring and proper transition. Uploading the new information on the Officer report ensures PSE HQ has an accurate list of all officers and their contact information. Required Report Format: online form Required Content: 1. Electronic Officer Report Form located at via the following link: tion 2. You will need to log in with your PSE username and password to access this form on the website. 3. Ensure that your chapter has a valid physical address for proper handling of chapter mailings. We cannot ship to P.O. Boxes. 4. Ensure all officer and faculty advisor information is updated 5. Changes can be made on this form throughout the year, but points are only received once per year. 6. When your report is updated online, you must email: Glenn Altstadt Points will be awarded when this email is received.

BONUS opportunity: 250 points for having an official registered alumni advisor. For more information about obtaining an alumni advisor for your chapter please contact Amanda and Brian Andersen at

22 Pi Sigma Epsilon National Professional Fraternity in Sales, Marketing and Management 3747 S. Howell Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53207 414-324-1252 800-761-9350 Fax 414-328-1953

A-14 Chapter Year-End Report

Mandatory 1,000 points Maximum: 1,000 points/year

Due Date:

January 31, 2014

The Chapter Year End Report is a synopsis of the chapters activities over the past year and should refer back to the Annual Plan (A-1). Required Report Format: .pdf Required Content: Updated Strategic Plan 1. Date of Chapter Annual Planning Mid-Year Review meeting 2. Update chapter situational analysis - past, present, and future situation of the chapter. 3. Update competitive analysis - description of other student organizations that you compete with, dues comparison, size of membership, explain which school the chapter is housed in (i.e. the School of Business) in comparison to competitors, PSE differentiation, etc. 4. Update recruitment planning summary (highlights from A-2 Recruitment Plan). 5. Review annual recruiting goal (total and then by term). Did your chapter meet the recruiting goal for the prior semester/term? If yes, what worked well? If no, include the action steps to ensure that you meet and exceed the next semester/terms goal. 6. Roster details 7. Review SWOT Analysis (What are your chapters internal strengths and weaknesses; external opportunities and threats?) 8. Review Chapter goals and action steps what needs to be changed? 9. Update on projects and events. Discuss successes/issues such as money raised, professional development opportunities, etc. 10. Total number of points earned 11. Awards won (either at Regional Conferences, National Convention or other organizations op portunities)

23 Pi Sigma Epsilon National Professional Fraternity in Sales, Marketing and Management 3747 S. Howell Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53207 414-324-1252 800-761-9350 Fax 414-328-1953

A-15 General Member Meeting Minutes

Mandatory 50 points per meeting Maximum: 2,400 points per year

Due Date:

No later than 30 days after end of the month

Meeting minutes are the official record of chapter meetings and ensure that the chapter stays on track with goals and plans. Well-kept minutes should contain enough information so that members unable to attend a meeting in person can still gain the information needed to actively participate in chapter activities. Minutes should be recorded for all general member meetings. Chapters must submit minutes for at least three (3) general member meeting minutes per year

Required Report Format: .pdf Required Content: 1. Date and time of meeting 2. First and last names of attendees (note active members and guests) 3. Agenda of meeting with detailed report of topics discussed including relevant information given about each Minutes from multiple meetings per month should be included in one .pdf document and uploaded.

24 Pi Sigma Epsilon National Professional Fraternity in Sales, Marketing and Management 3747 S. Howell Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53207 414-324-1252 800-761-9350 Fax 414-328-1953

A-16 E-Board Meeting Minutes

Mandatory 50 points per meeting Maximum: 2,400 points per year

Due Date:

No later than 30 days after end of the month

Meeting minutes are the official record of E-Board Meetings and ensure that the chapter stays on track with goals and plans. Well-kept minutes should contain enough information so that officers who were unable to attend a meeting in person can still gain the information needed to actively participate. Confidential information can be kept off the agenda but should be shared with PSE HQ as appropriate. Minutes should be recorded for all E-Board meetings. Chapters must submit minutes for at least three (3) E-Board meeting minutes per year

Required Report Format: .pdf Required Content: 1. Date and time of meeting 2. First and last names of attendees (note officers, faculty advisor(s) and guests) 3. Agenda of meeting with detailed report of topics discussed including relevant information given about each Minutes from multiple meetings per month should be included in one .pdf document and uploaded.

25 Pi Sigma Epsilon National Professional Fraternity in Sales, Marketing and Management 3747 S. Howell Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53207 414-324-1252 800-761-9350 Fax 414-328-1953

A-17 Chapter Check-ins with HQ

Mandatory 250 points per check Maximum: 3000 points/year

Due Date:


A minimum of 8 check-ins are required by all Chapters to remain in good standing status with PSE HQ. The purpose of check-ins is to review and discuss chapter operations. Chapter check-ins will be monthly the Director of Membership. Check-ins may be more frequent based on the chapters needs, but a maximum of 250 points per month will be awarded. Required Report Format: Phone or Skype preferred Conference Phone Number: 605-475-4700; Access Code: 579287# 1. Based upon the Region in which your chapter is located determines which weeks of the month you will be scheduled. Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Northeast @ West South Atlantic & Midwest Northcentral

2. Every effort will be made to accommodate current Executive Board meetings. This means the Check In will replace one E-Board meeting per month, not add to the meeting schedule. a.Your scheduled time will re-occur at the same day/time each month i. Sometimes, the first Monday of a month wont start until the second week, be sure to check the actual dates. 3. Each month will have an HQ-drive topic but will also include other topics at the chapters selection. a. August-Recruitment b. September-Goal Setting c. October- Membership Engagement d. November-Annual Plan e. January-Recruitment f. February-Professional Development & COG g. March-Retention h. April-Summer Activity 4. Participation is expected to be from the entire Executive Board, not just the President or HQ Liaison. 5. Chapters will not be reminded about their monthly check-ins a. If you have questions about which day the meeting is on, please ask. 6. If nobody from the chapter is present after 15 minutes, the call is immediately cancelled and no make-up will be permitted. a. If you know ahead of time that something could or will interfere with the call, please contact HQ immediately to make proper arrangements.
26 Pi Sigma Epsilon National Professional Fraternity in Sales, Marketing and Management 3747 S. Howell Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53207 414-324-1252 800-761-9350 Fax 414-328-1953

A-18 Chapter Administrative Review with PSE HQ 500 points Maximum: 500 points per year

The Chapter Administrative Review is an opportunity for the chapter to get more assistance on chapter operations and to help address issues that might require more than a chapter check-in. This review can take place via Skype or in person. The review will address the annual plan in detail and provide guidance to help the chapter attain its goals. These reviews can include meetings with chapter E-board officers, general members, Faculty Advisors, and any other advisors as appropriate (e.g. Professional or Alumni Advisors). PSE chapters can work with the Director of Membership to schedule these reviews. Generally these visits are conducted once per year, in person when possible, or via Skype. PSE HQ can also request a review based on chapter needs. No report is required by the chapter.

27 Pi Sigma Epsilon National Professional Fraternity in Sales, Marketing and Management 3747 S. Howell Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53207 414-324-1252 800-761-9350 Fax 414-328-1953

Programming Reports
P-1 PSE HQ Sponsored Event Attendance 500 points Maximum: 1500 points/year

Due Date:

No later than 30 days after the last day of the event

One of the benefits of PSE Membership is the ability to attend conferences and events. The National Convention, Regional Conferences and Presidents Retreat are an excellent opportunity for members to network with other members and potential employers. Required Report Format: .pdf Required Content: 1. 2. 3. 4. Name of event Date and location of event Names of those in attendance Brief description activities and what attendees learned and can share with other chapter members

28 Pi Sigma Epsilon National Professional Fraternity in Sales, Marketing and Management 3747 S. Howell Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53207 414-324-1252 800-761-9350 Fax 414-328-1953


Sales, Marketing or Market Research Projects 1 project mandatory/year (Pages 30 32)


See below for points Maximum: None Due Date: No later than 30 days after completion of the project

Projects are a great part of the PSE experience and provide excellent examples for resume building. Successful implementation of any project requires planning, execution, recording, and evaluation for future repeated implementation. Projects that are assigned as part of class projects are not admissible. Required Report Format: .pdf

Point Value: Should a chapters report be missing any of the financial or time/cost evaluation information, the report will be counted at the first level of projects, or 500 points maximum that could be earned. Should there be additional required information missing, those points will be deducted from the 500 point level.

< $ 500 Net Profit $501- $1,499.99 Net Profit $1,500- $2,999.99 Net Profit $3,000-$4,999.99 Net Profit > $5,000 Net Profit

Point Value: 500 per project Point Value: 1000 per project Point Value: 1500 per project Point Value: 2500 per project Point Value: 4000 per project

29 Pi Sigma Epsilon National Professional Fraternity in Sales, Marketing and Management 3747 S. Howell Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53207 414-324-1252 800-761-9350 Fax 414-328-1953


Sales, Marketing or Market Research Projects - continued

Required Content for Sales or Marketing Project: 1. Introduction Title and type of project Beginning and ending dates Name of PSE member(s) and contact information of those heading up project Overview: A brief description of the project 2. Project Planning Project Goals (Use SMART goals) Market Research What market research was conducted to evaluate the feasibility of the project (if applicable) 3. Project Implementation Project Implementation What steps or phases occurred in the implementation of the project? Describe activities associated with the project. 4. Project Evaluation Project Analysis - Comparison of expected and actual results (Did you reach all intended project goals: profit/loss, membership participation levels planned, etc.) 5. Project Financials Budget - Expected incomes and expenses. (Budget template Financial statement Project actual incomes and expenses (Financial Statement template ) 6. Time / Cost Evaluation (helps to determine if project is worthwhile for the future) Projected: number of members participating in the project, multiplied by the number of anticipated hours spent, multiplied by a factor of $10/hour Actual: number of members participating in the project, multiplied by the number of total hours spent, multiplied by a factor of $10/hour. Note: The Time Cost Evaluation does not need to be calculated in the project Financials in the Section V. Budget or Financial statement. It is a separate accounting of the chapters project time. 7. Supporting Documentation / Artifacts (optional)

30 Pi Sigma Epsilon National Professional Fraternity in Sales, Marketing and Management 3747 S. Howell Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53207 414-324-1252 800-761-9350 Fax 414-328-1953


Sales, Marketing or Market Research Projects - continued

Required Content for Market Research Project: 1. Introduction Identify the client Explain the purpose/ research objectives of the study Identify the proposed research sample 2. Background Research Identify the scope of the study Review of literature such as industry reports or similar studies related to the scope of the study Project Goals- What were set prior to beginning the project? (SMART GOALS FORMAT) 3. Research Instrument Design & Methodology Description and development of the research instrument (attach questionnaire/focus group agenda, etc.) Description of the research design: telephone, written, on-line or in-person Surveys / focus groups / interviews; random sample, population sample, and how data was obtained; the number of contacts made during the research study by PSE students 4. Research Analysis Quantitative summaries of your findings (i.e. statistical analysis of survey results as shown in tables, charts, and graphs) Implications and recommendations determined from the results of the research Qualitative interpretation of your findings (i.e. discuss the results in relationship to the scope of the study) 5. Project Evaluation Project Analysis - Comparison of expected and actual results (Did you reach all intended project goals: profit/loss, membership participation levels planned, etc.). 6. Project Financials Budget - Expected incomes and expenses (Budget template Financial statement Project actual incomes and expenses (Financial Statement template 7. Time Costs Evaluation (helps to determine if project is worthwhile for the future) Projected: number of members participating in the project, multiplied by the number of anticipated hours spent, multiplied by a factor of $10/hour Actual: number of members participating in the project, multiplied by the number of total hours spent, multiplied by a factor of $10/hour Note: The Time Cost Evaluation does not need to be calculated in the project Financials in the Section V. Budget or Financial statement. It is a separate accounting of the chapters project time. 8. Supporting Documentation / Artifacts (optional)

31 Pi Sigma Epsilon National Professional Fraternity in Sales, Marketing and Management 3747 S. Howell Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53207 414-324-1252 800-761-9350 Fax 414-328-1953


Community Service Project (for a Charity / Non-profit) 1 project mandatory/year (Pages 33-34)


See below for points Maximum: None Due Date: No later than 30 days after completion of the project

Community service projects allow PSE member to give back to their community and are a great way to engage current members and recruit new members. These events are created and hosted by the PSE chapter and are an excellent way to foster a sense of pride and community citizenship. Point Value: Should a chapters report be missing any of the financial or time/cost evaluation information, the report will be counted at the first level of marketing projects, or 500 points maximum that could be earned. Should there be additional required information missing, those points will be deducted from the 500 point level.

< $ 500 Net Value of Donation $501- $1,499.99 Net Value of Donation $1,500-$2,999.99 Net Value of Donation $3,000-$4,999.99 Net Value of Donation > $5,000 Net Value of Donation

Point Value: 500 per project Point Value: 1000 per project Point Value: 1500 per project Point Value: 2500 per project Point Value: 4000 per project

Required Report Format: .pdf

32 Pi Sigma Epsilon National Professional Fraternity in Sales, Marketing and Management 3747 S. Howell Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53207 414-324-1252 800-761-9350 Fax 414-328-1953

P-3 Community Service Project (for a Charity / Non-profit) continued

Required Content: 1. Introduction Title of project Beginning and ending dates Name of PSE member(s) and contact information of person heading up project Overview: A brief description of the project (one paragraph) Organization benefited by the project and the relationship of the organization to the chapter 2. Project Planning Project Goals (Use SMART goals) Market Research what research was conducted to evaluate the feasibility of the project if any? Project Organization Management Who managed the project? Committees? 3. Project Implementation What steps or phases occurred in the implementation of the project? Describe all activities associated with the project, e.g. day of, etc. 4. Project Evaluation Project Analysis - Comparison of expected and actual results (Did you reach all intended project goals: profit/loss, membership participation levels planned, versus outcomes), outcome measures, project evaluation (include specific percentages of goal completion.) 5. Project Financials Budget - Expected incomes and expenses (Budget template Financial statement Project actual incomes and expenses (Financial Statement template 6. Time Costs Evaluation (helps to determine if project is worthwhile for the future) Projected: number of members participating in the project, multiplied by the number of anticipated hours spent, multiplied by a factor of $10/hour Actual: number of members participating in the project, multiplied by the number of total hours spent, multiplied by a factor of $10/hour Note: The Time Cost Evaluation does not need to be calculated in the project Financials in the Section V. Budget or Financial statement. It is a separate accounting of the chapters project time. 7. Supporting Documentation / Artifacts (optional)

33 Pi Sigma Epsilon National Professional Fraternity in Sales, Marketing and Management 3747 S. Howell Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53207 414-324-1252 800-761-9350 Fax 414-328-1953


Individual Member Volunteer Activities (For a Charity / Non-Profit) 25 points per volunteer activity Maximum: 1,500 points/ year

Due Date:

No later than 30 days after the activity takes place

PSE members can earn points for volunteering their time for a Charity or Non-Profit. These activities are not planned or hosted by the PSE chapter or PSE HQ. This includes any activity where time and/or money is donated. Required Report Format: .pdf Required Content: 1. 2. 3. 4. Name of Charity Non-Profit organization Date(s) of volunteer activity Name and contact information of PSE member(s) who are volunteering Brief description of the activity

34 Pi Sigma Epsilon National Professional Fraternity in Sales, Marketing and Management 3747 S. Howell Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53207 414-324-1252 800-761-9350 Fax 414-328-1953


PSE National Education Foundation (NEF) Donations See Below for Points Maximum: None

Due Date:

Within 30 days of donation

The Pi Sigma Epsilon National Educational Foundation (NEF) was created to allow individuals and organizations the opportunity to support sales and marketing education and encourage high scholastic achievement in those fields. This non-profit Foundation operates under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and was formed exclusively for charitable and educational pursuits. Contributions to the PSE NEF helps support a number of activities that benefit PSE students and chapters, including the Annual Scholarship Program which awards scholarships to members of PSE who have achieved individual accomplishments as they relate to academic performance, leadership, community service, PSE participation, and related activities. For more information on NEF . Required Report Format: Make online donation then email Glenn Altstadt


There is a minimum donation of $50 for a chapter to receive points. Points will be awarded to chapters based on one point per donated dollar. For instance, a $250 donation earns 250 points for the chapter. Any chapter making a one-time donation of $3,000 or more will receive two National Convention Registration packets. Contact Eric Rosandich for more information .

35 Pi Sigma Epsilon National Professional Fraternity in Sales, Marketing and Management 3747 S. Howell Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53207 414-324-1252 800-761-9350 Fax 414-328-1953


Chapter-Sponsored Professional Development Activities

Mandatory 1 mandatory/year 200 points Maximum: None

Due Date:

No later than 30 days after the activity takes place

Chapter sponsored professional development activities are a big benefit of PSE membership and help differentiate PSE from other student organizations. Professional development activities include: guest speakers, workshops or seminars focusing on sales, marketing or business, networking events, professional competitions, guest speakers, alumni events, award banquets, chapter retreats, company tours, etc. Class or university sponsored events or speakers are not eligible for points. Required Report Format: .pdf Required Content: 1. Title and type of event 2. Name of Chairperson Telephone number Email address 3. Name of Speaker(s) Speakers company name and title(s) Note whether alumni, local or corporate sponsor 4. Summary of event 5. Chapter Responsibilities Detailed description of chapters responsibilities in putting the event on Names of all chapter members in attendance BONUS opportunity: 500 points if presenter is a PSE HQ National Corporate Partner 100 points if activity is available school (i.e. School of Business) or campus wide

36 Pi Sigma Epsilon National Professional Fraternity in Sales, Marketing and Management 3747 S. Howell Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53207 414-324-1252 800-761-9350 Fax 414-328-1953


Extracurricular Activities 50 points Maximum: 500 points/year

Due Date :

30 days after the event date

Extracurricular activities encourage chapter unity and motivation. Consider bowling nights, scavenger hunts, spaghetti dinners, road rallies, chapter Olympics, intramural sports, chapter retreats, picnics, etc. Required Report Format: .pdf Required Content:

1. Title and type of event 2. Name of Chairperson Telephone number Email address 3. Summary of event 4. Chapter Responsibilities Detailed description of chapters responsibilities in putting the event on 5. Names of all chapter members in attendance

37 Pi Sigma Epsilon National Professional Fraternity in Sales, Marketing and Management 3747 S. Howell Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53207 414-324-1252 800-761-9350 Fax 414-328-1953


Chapter Public Relations 100 points Maximum: 2,500 Maximum See below for BONUS opportunity

Due Date:

No later than 30 days after occurrence

Getting the word out on your PSE chapter is critical for both recruitment of new members and engagement of current members. Chapter Public Relations activities are critical to the success and longevity of the chapter. Some Public Relations tools are below: School Bulletin Board updates Social Media updates Please refer to Risk Management Policy for adherence to PSE requirements Only substantial, PSE Business related social media updates will be considered for points (i.e. details on upcoming events, links to PSE HQ information, sales or marketing topics) Brochures Chapter Newsletters Chapter Website updates Press releases Videos Required Report Format: .pdf Required Content: 1. First and last name of the individual in your chapter responsible for your PR activities. Email address Phone number 2. Description of the public relations activity and target market (include .pdf copy of screen shot) 3. Result of activity new members interested or number of attendees that came to event/meeting 4. Social Media updates BONUS opportunity:

100 points for social media updates that link to PSE Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or pages

38 Pi Sigma Epsilon National Professional Fraternity in Sales, Marketing and Management 3747 S. Howell Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53207 414-324-1252 800-761-9350 Fax 414-328-1953


Chapter Sponsorships from Local Partners See below for points Maximum: None

Due Date :

30 days after contract creation And 30 days after signed contract

Partnering with area businesses is a great way for PSE members to work with potential employers and get excellent coaching and mentoring for future sales and marketing careers. Chapters are encouraged to create sponsorship packages that can help raise money for chapter efforts, facilitate networking, recruiting, and bring project opportunities. Chapters CANNOT seek financial sponsorship from any PSE HQ National Corporate Partner.

Point Value: 250 points for each proposal submitted 500 additional points for each signed contract

Required Report Format: .pdf Required Content: Copy of sponsorship proposal (see samples at ) Copy of sponsorship contract (if applicable)

39 Pi Sigma Epsilon National Professional Fraternity in Sales, Marketing and Management 3747 S. Howell Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53207 414-324-1252 800-761-9350 Fax 414-328-1953

P-10 Referrals of Potential PSE HQ National Corporate Partners 200 points Maximum: None Due Date: N/A PSE National Corporate Partners are key to the success of our national fraternity. Our Corporate Partners provide many benefits to our members and chapters, including internships, career opportunities, projects for chapters and conferences/conventions, speakers for chapters and conferences/conventions, and mentoring opportunities. Often our current chapters will have great connections to regional or national companies that would like to become a PSE National Corporate Partner PSE, and the chapters can then make these referrals to PSE HQ. The company being referred must be a warm lead, meaning you have a relationship with the person you are referring to PSE HQ and the contact has expressed a definite interest in exploring PSE Corporate Partnership at a national level.

Required Report Format: email to PSE HQ Executive Director Ann Devine Required Content: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Name of referring University & chapter Name and contact information of PSE member making the referral Name of company being referred Contact name, address, phone number and email at company being referred Why the company youre referring is potentially interested in becoming a PSE Corporate Partner

BONUS opportunity:

250 points if the referral becomes a PSE HQ National Corporate Partner

40 Pi Sigma Epsilon National Professional Fraternity in Sales, Marketing and Management 3747 S. Howell Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53207 414-324-1252 800-761-9350 Fax 414-328-1953

P-11 Hosting or Co-Hosting a PSE HQ National Convention or Regional Conference 1,500 points Maximum 1,500 per year Due Date: Awarded 30 days after the last day of event

Hosting a PSE HQ event can be an excellent way to showcase your members skill sets to the PSE community and corporate partners. Chapters choosing to undertake the hosting of PSE national events have a lot of details to coordinate and the responsibility to ensure attendees have a great experience. Required Process: Within 30 days of the completion of the conference, email Glenn Altstadt with your Chapter name, date and name of the convention/conference your chapter hosted and your points will be awarded.

41 Pi Sigma Epsilon National Professional Fraternity in Sales, Marketing and Management 3747 S. Howell Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53207 414-324-1252 800-761-9350 Fax 414-328-1953

P-12 Mentorship with other PSE Chapters Mentor Chapter: 750 points/ mentoring chapter Maximum: 1,500 points per year Mentee Chapter: 250 points/ mentored chapter Maximum: 500 points per year

Due Date:

Within 30 days of the establishment of the Mentoring relationship

PSE chapters benefit from the collaborative interactions with their fellow PSE chapters. Often, when chapters are new or rebuilding, they need the guidance and support from other PSE chapters to help them grow or get back on track. This relationship can benefit both the mentor and mentee chapter. Required Report Format: .pdf Required Content for Mentor Chapter: 1. Chapter Name and contact information of Mentor and Mentee chapter (include all members involved) 2. Explain nature of mentoring relationship (issue or opportunity needed to be addressed, i.e. did the Mentoring chapter offer the help, or did the Mentee chapter ask for help) 3. Communications and activities timeline (i.e. monthly Skype calls between chapters) 4. Explain goals of relationship Required Content for Mentee Chapter: 1. Chapter Name and contact information of Mentor and Mentee chapter (include all members involved) 2. Explain nature of mentoring relationship (issue or opportunity needed to be addressed, i.e. did the Mentoring chapter offer the help, or did the Mentee chapter ask for help) 3. Communications and activities timeline (i.e. monthly Skype calls between chapters) 4. Explain goals of relationship

42 Pi Sigma Epsilon National Professional Fraternity in Sales, Marketing and Management 3747 S. Howell Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53207 414-324-1252 800-761-9350 Fax 414-328-1953

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