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Sprt Sung - NUA Games Art and Desgn 1

Spirit Tsung
An Open World, Polynesian Adventure
NUA Games Art and Design 2013. All rights reserved.
Morgan Bater. 2!
Novem"er 2013.
Sam Betlem 2!
Novem"er 2013
#lliot Burton 2!
Novem"er 2013
$llie Bro%n 2!
Novem"er 2013
Sprt Sung - NUA Games Art and Desgn 2
Table of Contents
3 MoodBoards
4 Game Overvew
4.1 Game Concept
4.2 Feature Set
4.3 Genre
4.4 Target Audence
4.5 Game Fow Summary
4.6 Look and Fee
4.7 Pro|ect Scope
4.7.1 Number of ocatons
4.7.2 Number of eves
5 Gamepay and Mechancs
5.1 Gamepay
5.1.1 Game Progresson
5.1.2 Msson | Chaenge Structure
5.1.3 Puzze Structure
5.1.4 Ob|ectves
5.2 Mechancs
5.2.1 Physcs
5.2.2 Movement Genera Movement Other Movement
5.3 Screen Fow
Sprt Sung - NUA Games Art and Desgn 3
5.3.1 Screen Fow Chart
5.3.2 Screen Descrptons
6 Story, Settng, and Character
6.1 Story and Narratve
6.1.1 Game Progresson
6.2 Game Word
6.2.1 Genera Look and fee of word
6.3 Characters
6.3.1 Character #1 Back Story Personaty Look Physca Characterstcs Anmatons Speca Abtes Reevance to game story Reatonshp to other characters Statstcs
6.3.2 Character #2 Back Story Personaty Look Physca Characterstcs Anmatons Speca Abtes Reevance to game story Reatonshp to other characters
7 Interface
7.1 Vsua System
Sprt Sung - NUA Games Art and Desgn 4
7.1.1 HUD
7.1.2 Menus
7.1.3 Renderng System
7.1.4 Camera
8 Artfca Integence
8.1 Enemy AI
8.2 Support AI
8.2.1 Payer and Coson Detecton
8.2.2 Pathfndng
9 Technca
9.1 Target Hardware
9.2 Deveopment hardware and software
9.3 Game Engne
9.4 Scrptng Language
Sprt Sung - NUA Games Art and Desgn 5
Mood Boards
Sprt Sung - NUA Games Art and Desgn 6
Game Overview
Game 'on(ept
An open word adventure where a sprt nhabts an artfact, you pay as a wtch
doctor that ded and hs sprt remans dormant n the regous fute of hs trbe. Ths
w see the sprt take on adventures.
)eature Set
An open, non-near word whch the payer can nteract wth, gong between certan
sands and envronments wthn the game, the games man sands are:
- Boa Boa
- Taht
- Moorea
- Tahaa
- Tetaroa
Open Word Interactve
Adventure Roe Payng Game
Non-Lnear Tactca
Puzze Strategy
Target Audien(e
We pan to am ths game for both maes and femaes of the age of 12 and up wth
nterests n hstory, Poynesan myth and the growth of European empres.
Game )lo% Summar*
The payer s abe to swtch between two reates, the frst beng the Physca word
and the Sprt Word.
In these words some of the gamepay styes w ncude
Physca Word Sprt Word
Pay as the Fute Pay as the Wtch Doctor
Payng musc to get through puzzes Use of spes and wtch doctor
Sprt Sung - NUA Games Art and Desgn 7
Movng and nteractng wth the word Man combat area
Possesson of those who pay the fute Interacton wth the sprt word
Interacton wth the other regous dos communng wth varous sprts, mssons
and enemes
+oo, and )eel
The vsuas of ths game are many very artstc wth a cartoon/anme ke fee, Wth
soft edges and brght vbrant coors whch heps keep the stye of gamepay we are
gong for wth the adventure theme a ot ke The Legend of Zeda - The Wnd Waker.
-ro.e(t S(ope
A summary of the scope of the game.
Num"er o/ +o(ations
- Boa Boa
- Taht
- Moorea
- Tahaa
- Tetaroa
Num"er o/ 0orlds
- Physca Word
- Sprt Word
Sprt Sung - NUA Games Art and Desgn 8
Gameplay and Mechanics
Game -rogression
The payer takes contro of a wtch doctors sprt who ded defendng the
vage, hs remans dormant n the regous fute, The payer then has to use
both words (Physca and sprtua) and expore the sands and fnd varous
sprts to gan new songs to gan further abtes to pass throughout the word
and try to fnd a way to save hs trbe.
-u11le Stru(ture
Puzzes w be an actve part of the game whether ths beng for abtes
to fnd hdden areas or to |ust get past certan parts of the story ne. Ths w
scae throughout the game.
To eventuay be abe to save your trbe from beng mprsoned
Sprt Sung - NUA Games Art and Desgn 9
The Physcs n both words are both norma
The genera movements of the game are smar to that of a common 3
person game.
General Movement
2ight |oystck: Movement
Left |oystck: Camera Contro
Drectona Pad: Form Changes
Left Trgger: |ump
Rght Trgger: Become nanmate
$ther Movement
Pay Note 01: X or Square
Pay Note 02: B or Crce
Pay Note 03: Y or Trange
Pay Note 04: Rght Bumper
Pay Note 05: Left Bumper
Interact: A or X
Tri!!er" #ump
#oystic$" Movement
Clic$" %pirit World &iew
Bac$" Map %tart" Menu
' Tri!!er" Become
')" *ote +
')" *ote ,
-" *ote .
B" *ote /
0" *ote )
A" (nteract
' #oystic$" Camera Control
DPad: Form Changes
A" (nteract
-" *ote .
B" *ote /
0" *ote )
Sprt Sung - NUA Games Art and Desgn 10
Menu: Start
Map: Start or Seect
The sprtua word s where the man combat exsts as you are many
defendng off other
sprts to protect others n the physca word.
S(reen )lo%
Man Menu Fow: In-Game Pause Menu:

2epla*ing and Saving
The repay wthn the game s that of any open word game, as you w
normay aways fnd new thngs youve never nteracted wth/seen before and can
aways have mutpe save ponts to repay your favorte sectons.
Sprt Sung - NUA Games Art and Desgn 11
%tory, %ettin! and Character
Stor* and Narrative
Specfc detas ke scrpts and cut scenes may not be n ths document but be n the
story bbe
Ba(, stor*
You as the payer, are the sprt of a dead wtch doctor, who ded
defendng the vage, hs sprt remans dormant n the regous fute, There s
another wtch doctor from another trbe whom ked the man wtch doctor des and
hs sou s aso nhabts an ob|ect, nstead of a fute ts a dagger.
-lot #lements
The trbe of the man wtch doctor gets captured by European coonas
and the wtch doctors as the fute/sprt needs to fnd a way to hep hs trbe.
Game 0orld
The game word s based upon typca Poynesan sands. There are many sands
wthn the game and so ths w cause dfferent trbes to have dfferent cuture,
regon, beefs and way of survva whch w be mpacted by dfferent envronments.
The coonas from Europe have an mpact throughout the game word, and w be
havng more of an mpact on the game word further nto the game.
Sprt Sung - NUA Games Art and Desgn 12
Main 'hara(ters
Wthn the game we have a coupe of characters that stand out durng the game for
varous reasons.
'hara(ter 31
Wtch Doctor Tsung (Fute Form)
Ba(, Stor*"oard
The Wtch Doctor was respected wthn hs trbe unt he got ked by an enemy
trbes wtch doctor, because of ths the wtch doctors sprt nfused wth a
fute and thus the wtch
Doctor ves on.
The fute tsef s made to ook ke a fute from Poynesan cuture however
nstead of the hoes for fngers to cover the fute coud grow egs to
move around, the futes from Poynesan cuture are very detaed thus makng
the ob|ect ook ke t has personaty.
-h*si(al 'hara(teristi(s
Hghy Detaed Wooden Case
Spe(ial A"ilities
Beng abe to perform songs whch are abtes
2elevan(e to game stor*
The Fute s one of the man parts of the story.
2elationship to other (hara(ters
The Fute s connected to both the
Wtch Doctor and hs trbe.
Sprt Sung - NUA Games Art and Desgn 13
'hara(ter 32
Ev Wtch Doctor (Dagger form)
Ba(, Stor*"oard
The Ev wtch doctor sought |eaousy over the other trbes that popuated near
hs trbe as we as feeng nferor to the other wtch doctor the ony way he fet
he coud do somethng about hm; he sought out the death of the other wtch
doctor stabbng hm wth the same knfe he now possesses.
The Knfe agan contans hstorca vaue to t, agan stckng to Poynesan
theme, however the knfe woud ook a bt more dark and damaged
to show ts ev sde
-h*si(al 'hara(teristi(s
Rugged Knfe (repared)
Not Appcabe
Spe(ial A"ilities
Not Appcabe
2elevan(e to game stor*
Ths wtch doctor s the reason the other wtch doctor s dead.
2elationship to other (hara(ters
Sworn Enemys
Sprt Sung - NUA Games Art and Desgn 14
4isual S*stem
Wthn the heads up dspay you w be abe to see
-Tme of Day
-Ob|ects (carryng)
2endering S*stem
The renderng of ths game w be runnng at 60FPS, wth no fters.
The camera w be moveabe however w be abe to rotate around the
Sprt Sung - NUA Games Art and Desgn 15
Artificial (ntelli!ence
#nem* A&
The enemy AI w be based upon two stuatons the frst beng what dffcuty chosen
at the start of the game and how far you progress nto the game.
Support A&
The supportng AI conssts of AI foowng you around for certan quests beng abe to
assst you as we as possesson.
-la*er and 'ollision Dete(tion
We woud ke to make t mpossbe to move through ob|ects/payers
wthout the rght song for the fute; however the rght fute coud make you nvsbe.
Sprt Sung - NUA Games Art and Desgn 16
Target 5ard%are
Next Gen Consoes.
Component: PS4 Xbox One
CPU: 8-Core 1.6Ghz 8 Core 1.75Ghz
GPU: AMD 800Mhz Custom 853Mhz
Development hard%are and so/t%are
Some of the programs to be used are
-Autodesk Maya
Game #ngine
CryEngne / Unrea Deveopment Kt.
S(ripting +anguage
CryMono / UnRea Scrpt

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