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Heroes Apocalypse

volume one:
Chapter Nine:
*all characters of this story are original by jay choi, only characters of the original
heroes series belong to tim kring. Heroes story elements belong to tim kring and
writers *
Note: Will not be listing all minor minor characters; i.e. A police officer, a student, etc.
* = New Character

main Characters:
Vito Vincentino / “Nec”
Lynne Varrow
Ryan Visbeen
Jon Snack
Andy Reid

Secondary Characters:
Todd Rowland
Julie Bentley
“Glace” Walker
Mike Cross
Sonia Bell

Minor Characters:
“Gray Successor”
Damien Eaton
Liza Dodson
Mark Hook
Crimson Reaper*
(Scene opens with an empty area. Some leaves blow around, then Mike and Vito pop in out of
Vito & mike
Area Unknown
Vito: Where are we?
Mike: Entrance to where the empaths live. Assuming they still live here.
Vito: What do you mean?
Mike: If anyone were to ever know about their living place, the empaths would leave no trace and find
a new home.
Vito: Well, let's hope they are here.
Mike: You ready to meet your kind?
Vito: (Gulps) Yup.
(Camera turns as the two men start walking forward. The camera reveals they are walking towards a
large tunnel. Scene switches to show Vito and Mike entering the tunnel)
Mike: It's too dark.
(Vito looks at his hands and takes a breath. Small sparks of lightning emanate from his palms. Vito
leads being the source of light. The two venture deeper in the tunnel. They stop and notice a bunch of
wreckage. Mike steps down and sees a skeleton)
Mike: What happened here?
(Vito looks around more and stares at a rock that begins to shine brighter and brighter as he walks
closer to it. Vito's eyes begin to glow as well. Mike watches in confusion. Vito kneels down and
touches the rock. The camera pans back and forth rapidly as Vito starts to feel convulsions from
touching the rock. Vito screams and Mike runs and grabs onto him. Vito faints and his palm ceases
emanating electricity. The screen fades black as Mike attempts to wake up Vito)
(Opening Credits)

(Scene opens up with Vito lying on the ground passed out. He wakes up and slowly gets up. He
notices that he isn't in the tunnel anymore, but in an unfamiliar place. Vito looks around and sees a
bunch of soldiers running around. A soldier escorts a man. The man stares at Vito, but does not notice
him, thus implying they can not see Vito. The man closes his eyes, then opens them and points at a
small house. The soldiers burst into the door and gun shots are heard. Vito continues to look around
and sees much chaos and destruction being caused by the soldiers shooting down the citizens. All of
the sudden, a bunch of soldiers are flung into the air. Vito looks to see a couple of young people. One
young man puts his hands to his head and concentrates as one soldier stops, turns and shoots down his
fellow comrades. A young girl points to the ground and causes an earthquake. Some buildings fall and
crush the soldiers)
(The young people walk up to a mysterious cloaked man)
Young Man: What should we do?
Young Girl: That building won't hold them off for long.
Cloaked Man: We hide. We already moved as much people as possible.
Young Man: How can we? The Clairvoyants already found us!
Cloaked Man: Don't worry, I have a plan. Now go!
(The young people run away. The collapsed building breaks apart and a bunch of soldiers appear. The
same man from before closes his eyes and reopens them)
Clairvoyant Man: They are escaping. There's a route that leads back outside. They are going through
(A man wearing a trench coat appears. It is revealed to be Steen)
Steen: Good work. (To Soldiers) Now, go after them!
Cloaked Man: Over my dead body.
Steen: And who might you be? Another brave empath?
Cloaked Man: You won't be able to find them after today. I'll make sure of it.
Steen: Come, let's see what powers you have.
(The Cloaked Man holds both his arms out. Clouds begin to form above the them. The Cloaked Man's
arms begin to spark with black and white lightning. The lightning itself is black with a silvery white
outline. Lightning falls from the sky and blasts the soldiers)
(Vito shields his eyes from the blinding lightning. Vito wakes up to find Mike attempting to wake him
up. Vito looks around and sees that they are outside the tunnel)
Mike: You okay? What happened?
Vito: I . . don't know. I think I know what happened to the empaths. They were attacked.
Mike: Attacked? By who?
Vito: No idea, but they said that the clairvoyant found them. Any idea what that means?
Mike: I think we'll find out soon . .
(Vito shows a confused look. A bunch of soldiers walk in and point their guns at Vito and Mike)
Soldier: (Into radio) We found them. The clairvoyants sights are right like always.
(Scene switches and shows Steen speaking into a radio)
Steen: (Into radio) Of course. Find out what you can from then, then report back to me.
Solider: (Into radio) Yes, sir.
(Steen unfolds a newspaper and reads an article titled: TWO MYSTERIOUS VIGILANTES FIGHT
AGAINST CRIME. Scene switches and shows two men in ski masks atop a building. They take it off;
it is Ryan and Snack)
Ryan & Snack
New York
Ryan: You see this?
(Ryan hands a newspaper to Snack. It shows the same article Steen was reading)
Snack: Sweet! We're in the news!
Ryan: Yeah, we gotta keep up the work.
Snack: The Sylar gangs are suddenly rising up again. Just when they started to die down . .
Ryan: Maybe this is why . . .
(Ryan points at a section in the article that says: Mystery Sylar killings cease)
Snack: It says that the Sylars have been found dead with their faces missing . . You don't think its that
guy we met in California is it?
Ryan: Even if he is, this doesn't justify for what he did to Jeremy.
(A scream is heard. Ryan and Snack look at each other, nod then put on their masks. They run over to
the side of the building and look down into an alley. A woman is running away from two men)
Sylar #1: Where are you running to?
Sylar #2: We just want to play!
(The woman tries to scream, but no sounds comes out, for she starts choking. Sylar #1 telekinetically
chokes the woman)
Sylar #1: Sh-sh-sh! Now, now, we don't need another playmate.
(Ryan jumps off from the building side and lands in between the Sylars and the woman. Ryan is in a
concrete mimicked form. Ryan stands up and faces the Sylars, then bends back down and covers his
Ryan: Ow, ow, ow! Aftershock, aftershock! Jumping is fun, but it hurts!
(Snack appears from the ground side behind the Sylars, in front of the alley. He is panting from
Snack: At least you can jump without killing yourself. (Pant) Running down several flights isn't fun at
Sylar #1: Is this a joke?
Ryan: Are you laughing?
Sylar #2: No.
Snack: Then obviously its not a joke. We are here to stop you criminals and save the damsel!
Sylar #1: (Laughs) Yeah right!
Sylar #2: We're Sylars! We have tons more abilities than most people do!
Snack: Well, your abilities are nothing to my 'Snackarang!'
(Snack pulls out an 'S' shaped hand-thrown projectile and throws it at the Sylars. It cuts the left
shoulder of Sylar #2 and flies back to Snack. Snack puts out his hand to catch it, but it flies through
and slashes his palm)
Snack: Ow! How does Batman do it!?
Ryan: Batman has gloves!
Snack: Well, I won't mess up a second time!
(Snack prepares to throw another 'Snackarang,' but he is stopped by Sylar #1 who stops Snack
telekinetically and throws him against the alley wall)
Sylar #1: We actually have telekinesis!
Sylar #2: Unlike most Sylars!
(Ryan charges and grabs Sylar #2. Ryan is then telekinetically pushed back Sylar #2)
Sylar #2: You think that's going to work?
(Ryan and Snack begin to look worried as the Sylars get closer to deliver the finishing blows. All of
the sudden, both Sylars are pinned to the alleywalls, telekinetically. Ryan and Snack exchange
confusing looks and look to see that Kuder is walking down the alley and holding his palm up)
Kuder: How's the super hero-ing going guys?
(Ryan and Snack both look in disbelief)
Lynne varrow
(Scene begins with Lynne putting in her locker combination in the school hallway. Julie comes up to
Julie: Hey Lynne.
Lynne: Yeah?
Julie: Some weird guy I ran into yesterday said something about Glace-
Lynne: I'm done with Glace.
(Todd appears, overhearing this, and has an excited look on his face)
Julie: What are you talking about?
Lynne: Glace has Liza. He doesn't need me. And I certainly don't need him.
Julie: Oh, but the guy said something weird and-
Lynne: Julie, I'm done with him.
(Lynne walks away, Julie looks at Todd)
Julie: I guess its your time?
(Julie and Todd run and catch up with Lynne. Lynne heads over to a room, but is stopped by an arm
blocking the doorway: Damien's arm)
Damien: You don't belong here.
Lynne: What do you want?
Damien: Your in my class now. Just came to let you know.
Lynne: What are you talking about?
(A teacher comes out of the room)
Teacher: Lynne, you've been moved to the activity in the gym.
Lynne: Excuse me?
Damien: You heard him. Follow me.
Lynne: Wait, what happened?
Teacher: You and Todd have been moved to the same activity as Damien.
(The teacher moves back inside. Julie shrugs and follows the teacher)
Lynne: What did you do, Damien?
Damien: Nothing! Now come on, we'll be late to-
(Scene switches to show an instructor holding a sword)
Instructor: Welcome to the art of sword fighting! For this semester, we shall be learning how to use
the land of the rising sun's katana!
Lynne: (To Todd) Sword fighting? Are you kidding me?
Todd: Hey, it might be fun.
Damien: Come on, Lynne, you love this stuff!
Instructor: Damien! One of my more excellent students, come up and choose someone to spar with.
(Damien stands up and points at Lynne)
Damien: I choose her.
Instructor: Go easy on the new girl, we don't want any injuries on her first day!
(Lynne stands up and walks up with Damien. Both pick up a wooden katana and space some distance
from each other)
Instructor: Begin!
(Damien swings his sword in a menacingly around him and shows off. He charges up to Lynne and
attacks with a vertical slash coming from above. Lynne blocks it with her own blade and parries off
Instructor: For a beginner, she is good!
Todd: Damien! Don't hurt her!
Damien: Shut up! She'll be fine.
(Damien swings his sword, attacking Lynne. He swings rapidly, but somehow Lynne manages to
dodge them all, without blocking. She then responds with doing the same thing, but a lot faster than
Damien. Damien manages to block some of the swings, but gets repeatedly smacked by the rest of
Lynne's attack)
Instructor: Very good!
(The instructor claps. Lynne smiles and Todd is relieved. Damien pants in exhaustion)
Damien: No way anyone can move that fast.
Todd: She's a teleporter if that's what you're thinking.
Damien: You got an ability? (Laughs) About time!
(Other students come up and congratulate Lynne on her amazing performance)
Todd: Lynne, that was awesome! You moved so fast that I blinked and it was over!
Lynne: Really? I didn't feel fast . . .
Creator's Note: Yes, this is an indication to an extension and evolution to her powers . .
(Scene switches to show a dark room with a bunch of men lying in sloped tables. They are each
closing their eyes)
Clairvoyant #1: Welcome back, soldiers. Welcome, Mr. Vincentino, Mr. Cross.
(Camera moves towards a door in the room. Moments later, soldiers, Vito and Mike enter)
Vito: What is this?
Soldier: The way we found you two.
Mike: Clairvoyants.
Vito: What?
Soldier: People with the ability to find anyone. This system of clairvoyants allow us to keep track of
nearly everyone in the world. Each clairvoyant lies down on the table and spends about three to six
hours searching for anything or anyone that may affect our organization. After that, the clairvoyant
switches out with another clairvoyant who's shift has just begun.
Mike: So I guess your prison friend wasn't ridiculous about this so called “Clairvoyant force.”
Creator's Note: Giles mentions this in Chapter Three – 'Incoming Get-Go'
Soldier: Rumors of our system gets out, but not everyone believes them.
Vito: So is this what they do with their lives? Just searching around the world if something is wrong?
Soldier: After their shifts, they return to their normal, civilian lives.
Clairvoyant #2: Our personal lives and fates would be your concern, Empath.
Clairvoyant #3: If you really do care about others, then you would make yourself a lot easier to find.
Clairvoyant #1: But he was easy to find today . . why turn yourself in so easily, Empath? Where are
the rest of your kind?
Vito: Can you help me find them?
Mike: Vito! We don't know their intentions of finding the other Empaths.
Soldier: You mean you don't know where they are? Are you even part of their colony?
Clairvoyant #2: Let us use him as ransom to lure out the other Empaths.
Clairvoyant #3: I second that plan.
Soldier: Sounds reasonable, let's do it-
Clairvoyant #1: Wait, I propose a better plan. Confirm a target for us. See if he is a threat to our
organization and then we will give you information of where we last saw the Empath colony.
Soldier: Good, that way we can both confirm the target and find the colony.
Vito: What target?
Clairvoyant #1: He is a Sylar, but dubs himself the 'Gray Successor.'
Mike: I'm not dealing with anymore Sylars-
Vito: I'll do it.
Mike: What? Vito, you don't have the powers to be able to stand against a Sylar-
Vito: I said I'll do it.
Clairvoyant #1: Good, we last spotted him northwest from here in the woods. But just to be sure-
Clairvoyant #2: Just checked. He's still there. Keep heading northwest, you'll run into him.
(Vito gets up and starts to leave, Mike grabs him)
Mike: This isn't worth it. Why don't you guys go?
Soldier: Why waste valuable men against an unknown threat?
Vito: I want to do this. I need to find answers somehow, and I need to help Jaelyn. Confronting
another Sylar may help me.
Mike: Just make sure you come back in one piece.
(Vito gets up and leaves the room. The scene switches and shows big doors opening. Lynne and Todd
come out of the door)
Lynne: That was terrible!
Todd: Come on, that class wasn't so bad. At least you got to kick Damien's butt.
Lynne: That was pretty fun (laughs).
Todd: Hey, what's going on over there?
(Lynne and Todd avert their attentions to a crowd of people in the hallway. Teachers are trying to keep
students back. Some students back away from the crowd in disgust. Glace is seen past the crowd in
the area of everyone's attention. He shakes his head and slams the ground in anger. Lynne and Todd
walk over. They see a dead person with his head sawed off: the works of a Sylar. Lynne looks away in
disgust and Todd holds her. Damien walks over)
Damien: What happened?
Todd: Look for yourself.
(Damien looks through the crowd)
Damien: Nice handy work.
(Todd and Lynne look at Damien in disbelief)
Damien: What? Most amateur Sylars can't cut straight or neatly at all.
(A man emerges from the crowd, talking to a teacher)
Detective: Call the police, I will go and interrogate.
(The Detective walks over to Lynne, Todd and Damien)
Detective: Damien Eaton?
Damien: Yes?
Detective: Will you come with me?
Damien: What for?
Detective: Don't worry, it won't be just you. I'm gathering all the Sylar gangs to ask a couple of
Damien: Well, I'm not a Sylar.
Detective: Really now? You seem to hang out with a lot of them. And you have been found at the
crime scene of a Sylar attack. You're the most suspicious suspect. You too, Mr. Rowland.
Todd: What? Why me?
Lynne: Sir, Todd isn't a Sylar, he's far from it!
Detective: He was found at the steps of the Eaton home a few nights ago. For all you know, he may
even be in cahoots with Damien and these Sylar killings.
Lynne: Why were you at Damien's house?
Todd: Uhm-well-er . .
Damien: He was asking for directions. He didn't know it was my house.
(Todd looks at Damien confused, then realizes the lie he conjured up)
Todd: Yeah, I freaked out when I saw him at the door.
Detective: We can talk later, let's go.
(The Detective, Damien and Todd start walking away. Lynne looks around at the crowd. She looks
through the crowd and sees a suspicious looking man. The figure walks away from the crowd and
Lynne follows. The man makes a sharp turn at a corner. Lynne closes her eyes, takes a breath, and
opens them: time has stopped. Lynne looks back at the crowd to make sure time is indeed frozen. She
then proceeds around the corner and sees the man. The hall is a dead end, but it seems as if he is
running towards the wall. Lynne walks up and checks out the guy. She looks at the front of his shirt
and there is a paper taped to him saying: UNFREEZE ME!)
(Lynne looks at her hands, then the man. She places her hands on him, closes her eyes, and
concentrates. The man then unfreezes)
Lynne: Can't believe that worked!
Man: Oh boy, what's happening? Ah, you must be the time warp.
Lynne: How did you know about my powers? More importantly, who are you?
Man: Lloyd.
Lynne: Okay, Lloyd, how did you know about my powers? What do you want?
Lloyd: Too many questions for a messenger.
Lynne: Messenger?
Lloyd: Here.
(Lloyd takes out a DVD rom in a CD case from his pocket and hands it to Lynne)
Lynne: What's this?
Lloyd: Go home and pop it in your DVD player, your TV, your Playstation, whatever. Just make sure
you watch it before you do anything else.
Lynne: Wait, the person who sent you-
Lloyd: Sorry, I got an assignment to do. After time has passed, then we can talk. Later!
(Lloyd runs past Lynne and phases right through the wall. Lynne shows a surprised reaction, then
looks at the DVD rom)
(Scene switches and shows Ryan and Snack pacing around Kuder on top of a building)
Ryan: Super strength.
Snack: Super vision.
Ryan: Super lasers.
Snack: And a super mind? Lifting people your mind is cool, but-
Ryan: How many abilities do you have?!
Snack: (Pulls out a flashlight from his sleeve, turns it on, and points it at Kuder) How did you get
Ryan: Are you a Sylar?!
Snack: How did you survive your beat down from us back at California?!
Kuder: Wasn't I shot down by my own laser by that telekinetic girl?
Ryan: Oh yeah . .
Snack: That's right . .
Ryan: We still killed you though.
Snack: She just delivered the fatality.
Kuder: Okay, okay. I don't get why you guys are so up in my face though.
Ryan: Because you were a rampaging monster who tried to kill us!
Snack: And you were pretty dumb.
Ryan: Yeah you could only say your name- wait . . he's speaking . .
Snack: . . a smarter clone?
Kuder: You guys are crazy.
Ryan: He has to be a clone!
Snack: He remembered how he died!
Ryan: Is immortality in your cache of abilities too?
Kuder: Look, telekinesis is my only ability.
Snack: What are you talking about? We saw you Hulk smash stuff! And you strangely announced that
you were about to use your super vision. Blue lasers came out of your arm!
Ryan: No, no, Jonathan. That was the clone.
Snack: Oh right!
Kuder: I'm getting out of here.
Ryan: Wait!
(Kuder runs and jumps off the building. Ryan jumps after and grabs onto Kuder's legs. They are both
levitating in the air. Kuder tries to shake off Ryan who hangs on tight)
Ryan: Snack! Help!
Snack: Don't worry! I got it!
(Snack runs and grabs onto an air duct and attempts to pull it out)
Ryan: So you can fly too!?
Kuder: I'm “flying” because I'm lifting myself in the air with my only power!
Ryan: Oh, well, now that makes sense.
(Snack can not pull the bolted down air duct. He charges the duct with his ability, then rips it out of the
building top)
Snack: I got it!
(Kuder kicks Ryan off, who falls onto the building top)
Kuder: Look! I can't do any of the stuff you guys said! I'm sorry, but I'm not the one who attacked
Snack: Lies! Back to where you came, flying demon!
(Snack chucks the air duct which hits Kuder and causes him to fall down to his death)
Ryan: Nice shot!
Snack: Yeah- wait . . is he dead?
(They both exchange shocked reactions and look over the edge. Kuder's lifeless body lies there and
Snack: We killed him?
Ryan: You killed him, man!
Snack: Hey, we aren't doing the blame game now, we have to get rid of the body!
Ryan: I don't want to be working with a murderer!
Snack: You assisted in the murder, so that makes you the same!
Ryan: We'll talk later! Let's get that body!
(Ryan and Snack run to the the building top door and open it. Scene switches and shows a foggy
woodsy area. A crow flaps its wings through the air and lands on Gray Successor's shoulders, who is
sitting on a log. Vito appears a couple of feet behind Gray Successor)
Gray Successor: Can I help you?
Vito: . . . Gray Successor?
Gray Successor: Yes. Who are you?
Vito: I'm here to . . .
(Nec appears behind Vito)
Nec: How do you tell someone your confirming them as a threat or not?
Vito: . . . see if your going to hurt anyone or not.
Gray Successor: The fear is spreading. Tell the people who sent you that I am indeed someone to be
cautious about. Tell the media, tell everyone! Strike fear into everyone, normals, specials, and the so-
called Sylars!
Nec: Jeez, what an egoist.
Vito: You're a Sylar right?
Gray Successor: (Sigh) If you must call me that.
Vito: Sorry, Gray Successor is a long name.
Gray Successor: (Laughs) So, why did they send you?
Vito: I need to get information from them.
Gray Successor: What sort of information?
Vito: Information to help my friend. Because of you, because of this Sylar nonsense, because of
people like you, Jaelyn is sick and in pain!
Gray Successor: Jaelyn . . I see, so you must be the lover boy she talked about. Tell me, empath, I'm
still trying to understand this whole thing, is it really in your nature to hate? Empaths can love
unconditionally . . but can they hate just the same? Never mind, let me tell you this, Vito. You can't
save Jaelyn from the hunger. Her gluttony will eat her alive. No one can stop it, your just helping a
lost cause. You can't get anything out of this, especially not her love, if that's what your after.
Nec: Vito.
Vito: Yeah?
Nec: Kick his ass.
Vito: I'm not hurt by his words. I know he's wrong.
Nec: Right. She totally has the hots for you.
Vito: What? No! I meant about not being able to stop her hunger!
Nec: Oh. Right. Just go kick his ass!
Vito: Yeah!
Gray Successor: Come, show me what you abilities you picked up!
Creator's Note: Vito vs Gray Successor. This will be their eternal battle, their battles will be the most
epic of battles!
(Vito charges at stretches out both of his arms and unleashes a large bolt of electricity. The blast hits
Gray Successor; it first painfully electrocutes Gray Successor, then causes a concussive blast, sending
him backwards. Gray Successor gets up and laughs)
Gray Successor: That was fast, but let's see if it can catch me like this.
(Gray Successor reveals a new power: Super Speed. He runs at high speeds and hits Vito repeatedly.
Vito attempts to shoot lightning arcs at Gray Successor, but he simply dodges them. Vito then closes
his eyes and freezes time. Gray Successor stops moving super fast but simply moves in normal speed)
Vito: I stopped time, why isn't he stopping?
Gray Successor: Stopped time? I see, I understand this ability now. By freezing time itself, it allows
me to move at the same speed as you. What an interesting ability. This feeling . . . its the same as that
girl, Lynne . .
Vito: How do you know who Lynne is?
Gray Successor: So she is the source of this power? Perhaps I should repay her a visit after we're
done here.
Vito: I won't let you do that!
(Vito attempts to fire another lightning blast, but Gray Successor grabs his arm and pushes it away, thus
causing the blast to misfire. Gray Successor grabs onto Vito's face; some blood starts to trickle down
Vito's face. Vito screams and Gray Successor laughs)
Gray Successor: I really didn't want your ability, but this way, I won't have to visit the time girl.
(Vito continues to scream. Nec then grabs Vito and swaps places with him. Time unfreezes)
Nec: (Screams) Agh! That hurts!
(Nec shoots flames out of his palms. Gray Successor backs away)
Gray Successor: What is this?
(The crow starts cawing as it circles around them high above in the air)
Gray Successor: I don't know who you are, but you aren't the same empathic man, Vito is.
Nec: So you noticed? Necomortis, but just call me Nec.
Gray Successor: Well, Nec, I have no idea how you and Vito are sharing one body, but I'd like you to
show me what you got.
Nec: Gladly.
(Nec shoots out flames and Gray Successor speeds away. He then speeds right into and through Nec's
flame. They lock hands; Nec heats up his palms to burn Gray Successor's palms. Gray Successor
somehow causes Nec's palms to start to bleed)
Gray Successor: You can't win this way.
Nec: Vito, I'm going to win this for you. You know why?
(Vito, who watches the battle, shows a confused expression)
Nec: (Looks down, closes his eyes, then looks up and opens his eyes, which suddenly glow a bright
color) I think I got a new ability!
(Nec pushes Gray Successor away and points at Gray Successor. Nec pulls his hand up; Gray Succesor
speeds and dodges, but the ground cracks and bursts. Nec repeatedly fires burst blasts at Gray
Successor, who dodges while charging at Nec)
Nec: I don't get how that Japanese guy fires like this! Forget this!
(Nec throws out his open hand towards Gray Successor, which hits him. Gray Successor stops in his
tracks and looks down at his chest: a large wound is placed on Gray Successor, blood starts to trickle)
Gray Succesor: Is that it?
(His wound then bursts, his shirt bursts with a hole on it, the wound is seen: it has blown open, with
much blood coming down from it)
Nec: I did it!
(Gray Successor falls to the ground)
Vito: Nec, go heal him.
Nec: What?
Vito: He may not deserve it, but he shouldn't die for it.
Nec: We confirmed him as a threat, and eliminated the threat! We did those people a favor!
Vito: Just do it!
Nec: . . . fine.
(Nec walks up and heals Gray Successor's wound. Vito and Nec swap back places: Vito is in control)
Vito: How do you know Jaelyn?
Gray Successor: (Panting) Wouldn't you like to know? (Laughs, then coughs some blood)
(A bunch of soldiers appear around Vito and Gray Successor)
Soldier: (Into radio) We are now apprehending the target.
(The soldiers administer an injection into Gray Successor that knocks him out. They pick him up.
Mike teleports in)
Mike: Vito! Are you okay?
Vito: I'm fine.
Mike: The clairvoyants told me where to go.
Vito: Really? Then let's go.
(Mike grabs Vito and they both dissapear)
Soldier: (Into radio) You sure this is a good idea?
Clairvoyant: (Back at the room, into radio) Even if we lose him, that just means that the colony is
definitely still there, hiding . . . plus, we sent an escort.
(Scene switches to Lynne popping the DVD rom into her laptop. The video player program opens and
on the laptop screen shows a red hooded person)
Crimson Reaper: Hello, Lynne Varrow. I'm the Crimson Reaper. I know a lot about you.
Lynne: What is this? Some stalker message? (Moves her mouse to close the window)
Crimson Reaper: Don't think about closing the window.
(Lynne stops)
Crimson Reaper: No, this isn't some stalker message. This is a test message.
Lynne: Who is this guy? How did he already know what I was going to say?
Crimson Reaper: I already told you who I am. Just call me Crimson or Reaper. Whatever is
preferable. I know a lot of things, including that your about to sneeze now.
(Lynne looks away from the screen and sneezes, then she freaks out and stares at the screen at Crimson
Lynne: What do you want?
Crimson Reaper: Just your safety. Now that I know this works, I will continue to send Lloyd to give
you messages to help you.
Lynne: Help me? How?
Crimson Reaper: Just wait. Good bye, Lynne Varrow.
(The screen goes blank, Lynne sits there in disbelief and shows worried expressions. Scene switches to
show Ryan and Snack sleeping in Steen's classroom. Mark comes by, sipping his coffee)
Mark: What did you guys do last night?
Ryan: Buried a body.
Snack: Got rid of evidence.
Mark: Okay. (Sips his coffee)
(Bell rings, students sit down, Steen gets ready to teach the class, but the door opens)
Familiar Voice: Sorry I'm late, Mr. Steen!
(Ryan and Snack pick up their heads, look over, and their eyes go wide open: It is Kuder)
Steen: Andrew, what were you doing?
Kuder: Sorry, I had to dig up some stuff for school.
Steen: Just sit down.
(Kuder sits next to Ryan and Snack, who stare at Kuder in disbelief)
Kuder: How's it going?
(Ryan and Snack turn their heads towards the front of the class, and simply fall back asleep)
(Scene switches to show an empty, foggy beach. Mike and Vito teleport in and look around)
Voice: We've been waiting! Mr. Cross and Mr. Vicentino, was it?
(Mike and Vito turn to look)
Mike & Vito: Do we know you?
(Camera turns to reveal that Andy Reid and Sonia Bell are standing on the beach)
Andy: We've been sent to escort you two to this so called non-fictitious society. Shall we get going?
(Mike and Vito look at each other, then at Andy. Everyone turns their attention to the ocean, as a
strange noise comes from its direction. Fog suddenly clears up and a large ship, comparable to a bulk
or aircraft carrier blurs in out of nowhere. Its lights shine on the people on the beach. The beach
suddenly starts to dissipate and so does everyone. The ship then disappears and the fog returns)

TO BE Continued . . .
Chapter Ten:
“Live the Past, Part 1”

(Scene opens up in a strange white room. Gray Successor is sitting at a table, stroking a crow plush
doll. A man and two guards enter the room. One guard stands by the door, while the other stands by
the table. The man sits at the table with Gray Successor)
Psychiatrist: Hi. What's your name?
Gray Successor: Gray Successor.
Psychiatrist: Now, that sounds more like a title. What did your family and friends call you?
Gray Successor: A monster. A murderer. An abomination. A psychopath.
Psychiatrist: What about a name?
Gray Successor: I don't remember.
Psychiatrist: I think you do . . . Solomon.
Gray Successor: What did you call me?
Psychiatrist: Solomon. Solomon Silas, that is your name.
Gray Successor: No, that's not my name, don't call me that!
(Gray Successor slams the table and grabs the Psychiatrist's face, but nothing happens)
Psychiatrist: You know your powers are disabled here.
(Gray Successor sits back down in anger)
Psychiatrist: Do you have another name to go by? Gray Successor is too long, Solomon you don't like
. . . anything?
(Gray Successor stares at the crow doll. He then smiles and holds it up to the Psychiatrist)
Gray Successor: Call me Cronus.
Creator's Note: Cronus is from Greek Mythology. The name means 'The Crow.'
Psychiatrist: And why do they call you Cronus?
Cronus: It's a long story.
Psychiatrist: We have time. Think back, relive the past.

TO BE Continued . . .
Creator's Note: So this will be a two parter story arc about many character's pasts. As you see, this
was a buildup to Cronus's (get used to calling him that) past. Hope you guys are excited for this!

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