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For the position vectors r shown below, the positive angle is measured counter-clock wise (ccw) from the horizontal line, which is drawn through the beginning of the vector. The amplitude (or magnitude) of the vector r is given as r. r

r The position vector r can be written using complex numbers as r = rx+ iry, where rx is the real part, ry is the imaginary part and i = 1 . The vector r can also be written as r = r(cos + isin) = re i, which is known as Euler formula. Vector Loop or Loop-Closure Equation: Four-bar linkage and slider-crank mechanism are shown using vectors as shown below: A 2 O2 1 Four-Bar Linkage 1 Vector Loop for Four-Bar Linkage B 4 O4 = O2 B r4 r1 O4

A r2


A 2 O2 1 4 3 B 1 = O2 r2

A r3 B r4 Vector Loop for Slider-Crank Mechanism

Slider-Crank Mechanism

4 Vector-loop equations are: For four-bar linkage: r1 + r2 + r3 + r4 = 0 For slider-crank mechanism: r2 + r3 r4 = 0 Position, velocity and acceleration analyses can be made using these vector-loop equations. Four-Bar Linkage Position Analysis: The vector loop equation is written as r1 e i 1 + r2 e i 2 + r3 e i 3 + r4 e i 4 = 0 (1) or r1(cos1 + isin1) + r2(cos2 + isin2) + r3(cos3 + isin3) + r4(cos4 + isin4) = 0

Collecting real and imaginary parts yields Real: r1cos1 + r2cos2 + r3cos3 + r4cos4 = 0 Imag: r1sin1 + r2sin2 + r3sin3 + r4sin4 = 0 The problem of the position analysis is defined as Given: r1, r2, r3, r4, 1, 2 Find: 3, 4

(2) (3)

The two unknowns 3 and 4 are found using the above equations (2) and (3). Velocity Analysis: Taking time derivative of the position vector r = rei in general yields

dr = (r + ir) e i = r dt where is known as the angular velocity of the link. Hence, taking time derivative of the vector loop equation (1) results in
1 + ( r 3 + ir33) e i 3 + ( r 2 + ir22) e i 2 + ( r 4 + ir44) e i 4 = 0 r


1 = 0, and also r 3 = r 2 = r 4 = 0, since r1 is frame, and the lengths of links 2, 3 where r and 4 are fixed. Collecting real and imaginary parts then yields (5) Real: r22sin2 r33sin3 r44sin4 = 0 (6) Imag: r22cos2 + r33cos3 + r44cos4 = 0

The problem of the velocity analysis is defined as Given: All rs and s, and 2 Find: 3, 4 The two unknowns 3 and 4 are found using the above equations (5) and (6). Remember that a positive indicates counter-clock wise (ccw) rotation and a negative indicates clock wise (cw) rotation.

in general yields Acceleration Analysis: Taking time derivative of the velocity vector r

dr + ir r2)e i = r = ( r + i2 r dt where is known as the angular acceleration of the link. Hence, taking time derivative of the above velocity equation (4) results in
2 ) e i 2 + ( 2 ) e i 3 3 3 + ir33 r3 3 2 2 + ir22 r2 2 r r r 1 + ( 2 + i2 r 3 + i2 r
2 ) e i 4 + = 0 4 4 + ir44 r4 4 + ( r 4 + i2 r

2 = 3 = 4 = where r r r r 1 = 0, and also r 2 = r 3 = r 4 = 0, since r1 is frame, and the lengths of links 2, 3 and 4 are fixed. Collecting real and imaginary parts then yields
2 cos r sin r 2 cos r sin r 2 cos = 0 (7) Real: r22sin2r2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4

2 sin +r cos r 2 sin +r cos r 2 sin = 0 Imag: r22cos2r2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4


The problem of the acceleration analysis is defined as Find: 3, 4 Given: All rs, s, and s, and 2 The two unknowns 3 and 4 are found using the above equations (7) and (8). Remember that a positive indicates ccw angular acceleration and a negative indicates cw angular acceleration.
Slider-Crank Mechanism

Position Analysis: The vector loop equation is written as r2 e i 2 + r3 e i 3 r4 e i 4 = 0. r2 e i 2 + r3 e i 3 r4 = 0


Since 4 = 0, then


r2(cos2 + isin2) + r3(cos3 + isin3) r4 = 0

Collecting real and imaginary parts yields Real: r2cos2 + r3cos3 r4 = 0 (10) (11) Imag: r2sin2 + r3sin3 = 0 The problem of the position analysis is defined as Given: r2, r3 and 2 Find: 3, r4 The two unknowns 3 and r4 are found using the above equations (10) and (11).

Velocity Analysis: Taking time derivative of the vector loop equation (9) results in
2 + ir22) e i 2 + ( r 3 + ir33) e i 3 r 4 = 0 (r


2 = r 3 = 0, since the lengths of links 2 and 3 are fixed. Collecting real and where r imaginary parts then yields 4 = 0 (13) Real: r22sin2 r33sin3 r (14) Imag: r22cos2 + r33cos3 = 0

The problem of the velocity analysis is defined as 4 Given: All rs and s, and 2 Find: 3, r
4 in the equations is the velocity of the slider. The two unknowns 3 and The velocity r 4 are found using the above equations (13) and (14). Remember that a positive r 4 r indicates slider moving in the direction of vector r4.

Acceleration Analysis: Taking time derivative of the above velocity equation (12) results in
2 ) e i 2 + ( 2 ) e i 3 2 2 + ir22 r2 2 3 3 + ir33 r3 3 ( r r r 2 + i2 r 3 + i2 r 4 =0

2 = 3 = r r where r 2 = r 3 = 0, since the lengths of links 2 and 3 are fixed. Collecting real and imaginary parts then yields
2 cos r sin r 2 cos r Real: r22sin2 r2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 = 0 (15) 2 sin + r cos r 2 sin = 0 Imag: r22cos2 r2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3


The problem of the acceleration analysis is defined as Find: 3, r Given: All rs, s, and s, and 2 4
r The acceleration 4 in the equations is the acceleration of the slider. The two unknowns 3 and r 4 are found using the above equations (15) and (16). Remember that a positive r 4 indicates slider accelerating in the direction of vector r4.

A Sliding-Contact Mechanism

For this mechanism, the motion starts with link 2, which rotates and forces link 3 to rotate and slider 4 to slide on link 3. Position, velocity and acceleration analyses for this mechanism are herein explained.


A3, A4 O2

r2 r4 r1

3 1


1 Sliding-Contact Mechanism Vector Loop for Sliding-Contact Mechanism

The loop-closure equation is:

r1 r2 + r4 = 0

Position Analysis: The vector loop equations are written as

r1 e j 1 r2 e j 2 + r4 e j 4 = 0


Since 3 = 4 and 1 = 90o, then

jr1 r2(cos2 + jsin2) + r4(cos4 + jsin4) = 0


Collecting real and imaginary parts for equation (2) yields Real: r2cos2 + r4cos4 = 0 (3) Imag: r1 r2sin2 + r4sin4 = 0 (4) The problem of the position analysis is defined as Given: r1, r2, 2 Find: 3, r4 The two unknowns 3 and r4 are found using the above equations (3) and (4).

Velocity Analysis: Taking time derivative of the loop-closure equation (1) yields
1 ( r 2 + jr22) e j 2 + ( r 4 + jr44) e j 4 = 0 r


1 = 0, 3 = 4, 3 = 4, r o = r 2 = 0, since ro and r1 are frames, and the length of where r link 2 is fixed. Collecting real and imaginary parts of equation (5) then yields 4 cos3 r43sin3 = 0 Real: r22sin2 + r 4 sin3 + r43cos3 = 0 Imag: r22cos2 + r

(6) (7)

The problem of the velocity analysis is defined as 4 Given: All rs and s, and 2 Find: 3, r
4 are found using the above equations (6) and (7). The The two unknowns 3 and r 4 is known as the sliding relative velocity of slider 4 on link 3, or vA4/A3, or velocity term r 4 shows that the slider 4 slides in the same direction of r4. vA2/A3. Hence a positive r

Acceleration Analysis: Taking time derivative of previous velocity equation (5) yields
2 ) e j 2 + ( 2 ) e j 4 = 0 2 2 + jr22 r2 2 4 4 + jr44 r4 4 r r r 1 ( 2 + j2 r 4 + j2 r


2 = where r r o = r 1 = 0, 3 = 4, 3 = 4, 3 = 4, r 2 0, since ro and r1 are frames, and the length of link 2 is fixed. Collecting real and imaginary parts of equation (8) then yields
2 cos + ( 2 4 3 + r43)sin3= 0 Real: r22sin2 + r2 2 r 2 4 r4 3 )cos3 (2 r 2 sin + ( 2 4 3 + r43)cos3 = 0 r Imag: r22cos2 + r2 2 2 4 r4 3 )sin3 + (2 r

(9) (10)

The problem of the acceleration analysis is defined as Given: All rs, s, s and 2 Find: 3, r 4 The two unknowns 3 and r 4 are found using the above equations (9) and (10). The acceleration term r 4 is known as the sliding relative acceleration of slider 4 on link 3, or aA4/A3, or aA2/A3. Hence a positive r 4 shows that the slider 4 accelerates in the same direction of r4.
Review: Examples 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3.

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