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Workshop on CDM and Electricity Project Development Guayaquil, Ecuador September 28-29, 2004

Day 1: CDM introduction and Baseline Issues

Module Registration Welcome Focus of the workshop Roger Raufer, UN DESA Vera Kluender, e7-RWE Eduardo Egas, Vice-President, CORPEI The carbon market 2. CDM Overview Coffee/Tea 1. 2. Marcos Castro, Cordelim Roger Raufer, UN DESA Description Presenter Time 8:00-9:00 9:00-9:45

Environmental market: Historical overview Current carbon market dynamics Market outlook, project types CDM Review: Origins Type of Projects CDM Electricity Projects Q&A


Roger Raufer, UN DESA


10:45-11:00 11:00-11:15 Wilfredo Jara Tirapegui, e7ENDESA 11:15-11:45

The carbon market EU Emissions trading scheme and EU (cont.) linking directive


Project development issues

Guidance through CDM project cycle Additionality Accreditation period Base Line Financial Impact Host country support Use of consultants/brokers

Alden Kitson, e7-ENEL

11:45- 12:45

David Neira, CORDELIM 12:45-14:00

Lunch 4. 5. Investment issues CDM Experiences & Institutional Framework Investment case study: Callahuanca project Host institutional framework CDM projects requirements & processes Current CDM investment & projects portfolio CDM & sustainable development criteria Host country criteria Sustainable development case study Sustainable development case study Q&A Wilfredo Jara Tirapegui, e7ENDESA Marcos Castro, CORDELIM

14:00-14:30 14:30-15:00


Sustainable development criteria Coffee/Tea 6. Sustainable development criteria (cont.)

Roger Raufer, UN DESA Marcos Castro, CORDELIM Wilfredo Jara Tirapegui, e7ENDESA Jean-Michel Gonzalez, e7-EDF

15:00-15:30 15:30-16:00 16:00-16:15 16:15-16:45 17:15-17:45 17:45-18:00

End of Day 1


Day 2: Sustainable development and financial Issues

Module 7. Baseline and monitoring methodologies Description Approved / new monitoring methodologies and their application Methodology Panel review process Defining a baseline "small" vs. large projects Boundaries Accounting for leakage Crediting periods Initial and Ongoing Data Requirements Calculating Emissions Reductions Quality Assurance Discussion/Q&A Baseline Case study: Guatemala hydropower project Break-out groups Summary discussion of break-out groups Renewable energy case study: Galapagos wind power project Discussion Participant case study #1 e7 sounding board / comments Open discussion Participant case study #2 e7 sounding board / comments Open discussion Coffee/Tea 11. CDM Project Finance Issues Enabling environment for CDM investment Supporting Organizations & CDM Financing Sources Workshop Evaluation Transaction costs Types of intermediaries Critical Issues to evaluate Legal issues Data/access to information Investor needs Sources of CDM assistance / information Sources of CDM investment financing Vera Kluender, e7-RWE Daniel Valenzuela, CORDELIM Vera Kluender, e7-RWE Presenter Alden Kitson, e7-ENEL Time 8:30-

Alden Kitson, e7-ENEL

Alden Kitson, e7-ENEL


Arturo Villavicencio

9:45-10:15 10:15-10:30

Coffee/Tea 8. Baseline and monitoring exercise 8. Baseline and monitoring exercise (cont.) 9. Renewables projects Alden Kitson, e7-ENEL


Alden Kitson, e7-ENEL


Luis Vintimilla, e7-AEP


Lunch 10. Project development exercise Amalio Puga, Sociedad Agrcola e Industrial San Carlos

12:45-14:00 14:00-

-14:45 Mara Soledad Segarra, Enerloja 14:45-15:30 15:30-15:45 15:45-16:30




Roger Raufer, UN DESA



Questionnaire Participation certificates

17:30-18:00 18:00

End of Meeting

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