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Glossary of Foreign Terms, Sheri Nayeri

Glossary of Foreign Terms in Order of Appearance Allah-u-akbar (God is great. Naa! ("lat bread #abalu (boogey$a! #aba ("ather A$ir (leader %aa" (A"gha! te!de!&y to e'aggerate Too(ha! agha (Mr. )urri&a!e *o"ta sa!d+i&hes ($eatballs a!d (i&kles +ra((ed i! !aa! Sarata! (&a!&er ,akat )ad- ((uri"i&atio! (ilgri$age to Me&&a Na$a. (rayers ((rayers (res&ribed by la+ to be re&ited "i/e ti$es a day 0ay o" 1iya$at (2udg$e!t 0ay #u.kashi (A"gha!ista!3s !atio!al s(ort a!d (assio!, so$ethi!g like (olo 4ha(a!da. (highly skilled bu.kashi horse$a! usually (atro!i.ed by ri&h a"i&io!ados *o&hi (!o$ads #a.arris ($er&ha!ts at the ba.aar Shah!a$ah (te!th-&e!tury e(i& o" a!&ie!t 5ersia! heroes Mashallah (5raise God. I!shallah (God +illi!g Goshkhor (ear-eater *u!is (ho$ose'ual

Mard ($a! 6ata! (ho$ela!d *assee" (dirty Eid (three days o" &elebratio! a"ter the holy $o!th o" Ra$ada! Eid Mubarak ()a((y Eid Salaa$ alayku$ ()ello to you. Tashakor (tha!k you Tar (stri!g, glass-&oated &utti!g stri!g o! kite *ursi (a! ele&tri& heater u!der a lo+ table &o/ered +ith a thi&k, 7uilted bla!ket 4ha(a! (lo!g &a"ta! +or! by $e! *ora! ayat (literally, sig!, or $ira&le8 re"ers to /erses o" *ora! 0i!iyat &lass (religio! &lass #oboresh9 (4ut hi$9 Ma!tu (stea$ed du$(li!gs stu""ed +ith saut:ed o!io!s a!d $i!&ed bee" ser/ed +ith yoghurt sau&e a!d to((ed +ith yello+ (eas 5akora (/egetable di((ed i! batter a!d dee( "ried A.a! (&all to (rayer #as (e!ough Ru(ia (u!it o" &urre!&y Agha sahib (lord, &o$$a!der, !oble$a!8 "rie!d8 sir Maree. (!ot "eeli!g +ell Ta!door (o/e! "or $aki!g bread 4hi&ke! 7ur$a (ste+ 2a! (dear, lo/ed Saughat (sou/e!ir 5ari ("airy, a!gel Raka3ts (se&tio!s o" (rayers

#is$illah9 (I! the !a$e o" God9 Shora+i (So/iets Ra"i7s (&o$(a!io!s, "rie!ds, &o$rades S(asseba (Russia! "or tha!k you Roussi (Russia!s Rubab stri!gs (lute-like i!stru$e!t Ro+t &ake ("lat &ake "la/ored +ith &arda$o$ Mo"takhir ((roud *ha!u$ (lady, Mrs. 5otato bola!i (&o/ered i! "lour a!d "ried i! oil8 +ra(s +ith (otato "illi!g 1abuli (ala+ (ri&e +ith &arrots a!d sulta!as (lus $eat Tassali (&o!dole!&es Al$o!d kol&has (&arda$o$-"la/ored &ookies +ith a! al$o!d (ressed o!to the to( 5ar&ha$i ($e$ber o" the 5ar&ha$ "a&tio! o" the &o$$u!ist 505A Salaa$, ba&he$ ()ello, $y &hild. ,e!dagi $ig.ara (%i"e goes o!. #alay (I do. (;es. *hastegars (suitors ;elda ("irst !ight o" +i!ter, lo!gest !ight o" the year Ah$a7 ("ool, stu(id Na!g (ho!or Na$oos ((ride, re(utatio!, ho!or, dig!ity, "a$e Mo.ahe$ (i!truder *hoda ha"e. (<God,safe] I3ll go !o+. Goodbye. %o&hak (s+i!dler Mohtara$ (res(e&ted

Mo-arad (si!gle $a! Ahesta boro ([slow,go] Go slo+ly. Ale"-beh ([A,B] the al(habet *o$ak9 ()el(9 I"tikhar ((ride, ho!or *hoshtee( (ha!dso$e (lo/e so!g or (oe$ Ihtira$ (res(e&t, /e!eratio!, ho!or Noor (light Shiri!i-khori (eati!g o" the s+eets &ere$o!y, the e!gage$e!t (arty A+roussi (+eddi!g &ere$o!y Nika (s+eari!g &ere$o!y o" a +eddi!g Aye!a $assha" ($irror &ere$o!y 4ho(a! kabob ((ie&es o" $ari!ated la$b &ho( broiled o! a ske+er Sholeh-goshti ("la$e-broiled $eat Sab.i &hallo+ (+hite ri&e +ith s(i!a&h a!d la$b )i-abs (head s&ar/es +or! by +o$e!, so$eti$es i!&ludi!g a /eil that &o/ers the "a&e 4hila (+eddi!g ri!g 1ur$a (ste+ Gha.als ("olkso!gs Maghbool (attra&ti/e Madar ($other Na.r (&ere$o!y i! +hi&h a shee( is killed a!d the $o!ey gi/e! to the (oor Mu-ahedi! (A"gha!s +ho "ought the Russia! i!/asio! a!d o&&u(atio! a!d the! "ought a$o!g the$sel/es "or &o!trol o" the &ou!try *ho dega9 (So9 = Alahoo (God

Na+asa (gra!d&hild 2aroo (broo$sti&k *o&heh-$orgha (&hi&ke! ba.aar Nihari (&urry ste+ +ith bee" or la$b ;ar ("a$iliar or a""e&tio!ate "or$ o" address, es(e&ially a$o!g you!g (eo(le Gha$khori (sel"-(ity ,e!dagi $ig.ara (%i"e goes o! Is"a!d (+ild, aro$ati& (la!t bur!ed to +ard o"" $is"ortu!e (the e/il eye8 sight, /ie+, idea 5irha!-tu$ba! (traditio!al dress 5akol (Nurista!i style hat>so"t a!d rou!d Shari3a (Isla$i& la+ #ur7a (head-to-toe &o/eri!g +or! by +o$e! Meh$a!is ((arties 0o.d (ba!dit *har *hara $ish!assah (Takes a do!key to k!o+ a do!key )adia (gi"t #akhshesh ("orgi/e!ess, (ardo!8 gi"t, ti( To(eh &hasht (!oo! &a!!o! %ot"a! ((lease 4hai (tea Mord (dead 0il-roba ([heart, thief] /ery beauti"ul Shahbas9 (#ra/o9 #ia (4o$e. 1orba! (Musli$ &ere$o!y &o$$e$orati!g Abraha$3s +illi!g!ess to sa&ri"i&e his so! Sa$osas (s$all tria!gular (astries stu""ed +ith $i!&ed $eat

#irya!i (I!dia! ri&e dish $ade +ith $eat, /egetables, a!d yogurt )addith (&olle&tio! o" Isla$i& traditio!8 traditio!s, tea&hi!gs, stories o" the (ro(het Moha$$ed a&&e(ted as a sour&e o" Isla$i& do&tri!e a!d la+ se&o!d o!ly to the *ora! 0ostet daru$ (I lo/e you. Shal+ar-ka$ee. (traditio!al A"gha! dress--lo!g shirt a!d +ide trousers 2ai-!a$a. ((rayer rug %a illaha il Allah, Muha$$ad u rasul ullah. (There is !o God but Allah, a!d Muha$$ad is his $esse!ger. Mas-id ($os7ue ,akat (gi/i!g o" al$s *a$yab (lu&ky, +i!!er Nah-ka$ (u!lu&ky Sa+l-e-Nau (A"gha! Ne+ ;ear3s 0ay 4auli"lo+er aush (ste+ Seh-(ar&ha ("abri&

4)ARA4TERS IN THE KITE RUNNER Ali (AH-lee) Hassans father; ser ant to !a"a and Amir. Amir (AH-meer) #ain character and narrator of The Kite Runner. Assef (AH-sef) $hildhood tormentor of Amir and Hassan. Baba (baw-baw) Amirs father. General Taheri (TAH-hair-REE)

%orayas father. Hassan (HA-sahn) %er ant and friend to Amir. Khala Jamila (ha-lah jah-MEE-la) %orayas mother. Rahim Khan (RAW-heem HON) !a"as friend and "usiness partner. S hrab (s -RAWB) Hassans son. S ra!a (s -raw-"A) Amirs &ife.


Prepared by Professor Carolina Hospital #etrayal 4hoi&es 4lass 0isti!&tio!s 4o$i!g o" age 4o$(etitio! 4ourage 4o+ardi&e 4ruelty 4ultural di""ere!&es Eth!i& te!sio!s E/il Fathers a!d so!s Forgi/e!ess Fear Freedo$ Frie!dshi( Good!ess Guilt )a((i!ess )eali!g )o!or I$$igra!t e'(erie!&e I$$igra!t e'(erie!&e a!d the A$eri&a! 0rea$ I!-usti&e %i/i!g u( to (are!ts3 e'(e&tatio!s %o/e %oyalty %yi!g 5oliti&s 5o+er Rede$(tio! Religio! Sal/atio! Sear&h "or Ide!tity Truth 6ealth

Prepared by Professor Martin Obrentz

Violence in The Kite Runner: personal, religious, family The theme of religion: positive and negative The virtues of Afghan culture Good and evil in The Kite Runner America as rendered in The Kite Runner Afghan customs in The Kite Runner and what they signify Conflicts in reading The Kite Runner : personal, family, religious, ethnic Theme of the hero in a fallen world

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