Maruti Marketing Mix 2

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Acknowledgement Company History And Background India Four Wheeler Industry Facts about Indian Car Market Market Scenario ( !!"#!$% Market Segment Analysis &b'ecti(e o) the Company Marketing Mi* (+roduct% Marketing Mi* (+rice% Marketing Mi* (+lace% Marketing Mi* (+romotion% SW&, Analysis -ey Strategic Initiati(es By Maruti Factors that in)luence the consumer.s buying decision Business /n(ironment Factors Conclusion

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Paurak R. Shah (NIS Academy, Ahmedabad)




Paurak R. Shah (NIS Academy, Ahmedabad)

We take this opportunity to con ey our sincere thanks and !ratitude to a"" those #ho ha e direct"y or indirect"y he"ped and contributed to#ards the comp"etion o$ this pro%ect.

&irst and $oremost, I #ou"d "ike to thank 's. (ina Pate" , NIS Academy $or his constant !uidance and support throu!hout this pro%ect. )urin! the pro%ect, #e rea"i*ed that the de!ree o$ re"e ance o$ the marketin! strate!ies bein! imparted in the industry is company. ery hi!h. +he marketin! strate!ies study enab"ed us to !et a better understandin! o$ the nitty,!ritty o$ the

We #ou"d a"so "ike to thank my batch mates $or the discussions that #e had #ith them. A"" these ha e resu"ted in the enrichment o$ our kno#"ed!e and their inputs ha e he"ped us to incorporate re"e ant issues into our pro%ect.

Paurak R. Shah (NIS Academy, Ahmedabad)

'aruti su*uki India .+)

'aruti /dyo! .imited ('/.) #as estab"ished in &eb 1011 throu!h an Act o$ Par"iament, to meet the !ro#in! demand o$ a persona" mode o$ transport caused by the "ack o$ an e$$icient pub"ic transport system. It #as estab"ished #ith the ob%ecti es o$ , moderni*in! the Indian automobi"e industry, producin! $ue" e$$icient ehic"es to conser e scarce resources and producin! indi!enous uti"ity cars $or the !ro#in! needs o$ the Indian popu"ation. A "icense and a 2oint 3enture a!reement #ere si!ned #ith the Su*uki 'otor 4ompany o$ 2apan in 5ct 101-, by #hich Su*uki ac6uired 278 o$ the e6uity and a!reed to pro ide the "atest techno"o!y as #e"" as 2apanese mana!ement practices. Su*uki #as pre$erred $or the %oint enture because o$ its track record in manu$acturin! and se""in! sma"" cars a"" o er the #or"d. +here #as an option in the a!reement to raise Su*uki9s e6uity to :;8, #hich it e<ercised in 101=. &i e years "ater, in 1002, Su*uki $urther increased its e6uity to >;8 turnin! 'aruti into a non, !o ernment or!ani*ation mana!ed on the "ines o$ 2apanese mana!ement practices. 'aruti created history by !oin! into production in a record 1months. 'aruti is the hi!hest o"ume car manu$acturer in Asia, outside 2apan and ?orea, ha in! produced o er > mi""ion ehic"es

Paurak R. Shah (NIS Academy, Ahmedabad)

by 'ay 2;;>. 'aruti is one o$ the most success$u" automobi"e %oint entures, and has made pro$its e ery year since inception ti"" 2;;;,;1. In 2;;;,;1, a"thou!h 'aruti !enerated operatin! pro$its on an income o$ Rs 02.> bi""ion, hi!h depreciation on ne# mode" "aunches resu"ted in a book "oss. C&M+A04 HIS,&54 A02 BAC-35&602 +he @ o"ution 'aruti9s history o$ e o"ution can be e<amined in $our phasesA t#o phases durin! pre,"ibera"i*ation period (101-,17, 1017,1002) and t#o phases durin! post,"ibera"i*ation period (1002,0=, 100=,2;;2), $o""o#ed by the $u"" pri ati*ation o$ 'aruti in 2une 2;;- #ith the "aunch o$ an initia" pub"ic o$$erin! (IP5).+he $irst phase started #hen 'aruti ro""ed out its $irst car in )ecember 101-. )urin! the initia" years 'aruti had 11- emp"oyees, a capita" o$ Rs. 7;= mn and pro$it o$ Rs. 1= mn #ithout any ta< ob"i!ation. &rom such a modest start the company in %ust about a decade (be!innin! o$ second phase in 1002) had turned itse"$ into an automobi"e !iant capturin! about 1;8 o$ the market share in India. @mp"oyees !re# to 2;;; (end o$ $irst phase 1017), -0;; (end o$ second phase 1002) and >=;; in 1000. +he pro$it a$ter ta< increased $rom Rs 11.7= mn in 101: to Rs. 71>:.>: mn in 1001 but started dec"inin! durin! 100=,2;;1. )urin! the pre,"ibera"i*ation period (101-,1002) a ma%or source o$ 'aruti9s stren!th #as the #ho"ehearted #i""in!ness o$ the Bo ernment o$ India to subscribe to Su*uki9s techno"o!y and the princip"es and practices o$ 2apanese mana!ement. .ar!e

Paurak R. Shah (NIS Academy, Ahmedabad)

number o$ Indian mana!ers, super isors and #orkers #ere re!u"ar"y sent to the Su*uki p"ants in 2apan $or trainin!. (atches o$ 2apanese personne" came o er to 'aruti to train, super ise and mana!e. 'aruti9s sty"e o$ mana!ement #as essentia""y to $o""o# 2apanese mana!ement practices. +he Path to Success $or 'aruti #as as $o""o#sA (a) team#ork and reco!nition that each emp"oyee9s $uture !ro#th and prosperity is tota""y dependent on the company9s !ro#th and prosperity (b) strict #ork discip"ine $or indi idua"s and the or!ani*ation (c) constant e$$orts to increase the producti ity o$ "abor and capita" (d) steady impro ements in 6ua"ity and reduction in costs (e) customer orientation ($) "on!,term ob%ecti es and po"icies #ith the con$idence to rea"i*e the !oa"s (!) respect o$ "a#, ethics and human bein!s. +he Cpath to successD trans"ated into practices that 'aruti9s cu"ture appro<imated $rom the 2apanese mana!ement practices.

India Four Wheeler Industry

+he &our,Whee"er Industry in India has not 6uite matched up to the per$ormance o$ its counterparts in other parts o$ the #or"d. +he primary reason $or this has been the a"",per asi e re!u"atory

Paurak R. Shah (NIS Academy, Ahmedabad)

atmosphere pre ai"in! ti"" the openin! up o$ the industry in the mid,100;s. +he arious "ayers o$ "e!is"ati e Acts she"tered the industry $rom e<terna" competition $or a "on! time. 'oreo er, the industry #as considered "o#,priority as cars #ere thou!ht o$ as una$$ordab"e "u<uryE. Post .ibera"i*ation, the car market in India ha e been in a bur!eonin! sta!e #ith a"" types o$ cars $"oodin! the market in order to meet the demands o$ Indian customers #ho are increasin!"y e<posed to state o$ the #or"d automobi"es and #ant the best #hen it comes to purchasin! a car. It is e<pected that by 2;-;, the Indian car market #i"" be the -rd "ar!est car market across the !"obe. +he main encoura!in! $actors $or the success story o$ the car market in India are the increase in the opportunity $or ne# in estments, the rise in the B)P rate, the !ro#in! per capita income, massi e popu"ation, and hi!h o#nership capacity. +he "ibera"i*ation po"icies $o""o#ed by the Indian !o ernment had been in itin! $orei!n p"ayers to participate in the car market in India. +he recent trend #ithin the ne# !eneration to !et #ork in the so$t#are based sector has "ed to the rise in the income "e e" and chan!e in the "i$esty"e si!ni$icant"y, #hich has $urther "ed to the increase in the demand $or "u<urious cars amon! them. +he car 'arket in India is cro#ded #ith a"" arieties o$ car mode"s "ike the sma"" cars, mid,si*e cars, "u<ury cars, super "u<ury cars, and sports uti"ity ehic"es. Initia""y the most popu"ar car mode" dominatin! the 4ar 'arket in India #as the Ambassador, #hich ho#e er today !a e #ay to numerous ne# mode"s "ike Fyundai, Fonda, 'ercedes,(en*, ('W, (ent"ey and many others. 'oreo er, there are many other mode"s o$ cars in the pipe"ine, to

Paurak R. Shah (NIS Academy, Ahmedabad)

be "aunched in the car market in India. Some o$ the "eadin! brands dominatin! the car market in India at present are Findustan 'otors, Re a @"ectric 4ar 4o., &iat India Pri ate .td., )aim"er 4hrys"er India Pri ate .td, &ord India .td., Fonda Sie" 4ars India .td., Benera" 'otors India, Fyundai 'otors India .td., Skoda Auto India Pri ate .td., and +oyota ?ir"oskar 'otor .td. Since the demand $or $orei!n cars are increasin! #ith time, bi! brands "ike 'ercedes (en*, 3o"ks#a!en, Aston 'artin, &errari, and Ro""s,Royce ha e "on! since made a $oray into the Indian car market.

Facts about Indian Car Market7

A"thou!h the Indian automobi"e industry has come a "on! #ay since the dere!u"ation in 100-, India does not rank #e"" amon! its !"oba" peers in many respects, i*., the contribution o$ the sector to industria" output, number o$ cars per person, emp"oyment by the sector as a percenta!e o$ industria" emp"oyment, number o$ monthsG income re6uired to purchase a car, and penetration o$ cars.

Figure7#Passen!er ehic"e stock per 1;; peop"e

India is $ar behind $rom other countries #ith %ust 7.0 cars per 1;; persons, #hi"e /nites States has =7.0 cars on per 1;; persons. Amon! de e"opin! countries, Russia a"so stands ahead than India and 4hina #ith 17.- cars per 1;; persons.

Paurak R. Shah (NIS Academy, Ahmedabad)

+#o thin!s that stunted !ro#th o$ the Indian automobi"e industry in the past ha e been "o# demand and "ack o$ ision on the part o$ the ori!ina" e6uipment manu$acturers (5@'s). Fo#e er, the demand has picked up a$ter the "ibera"i*ation o$ the re!u"atory en ironment, and !"oba" 5@'s #ho en%oy sca"e economies both in terms o$ manu$acturin! and research and de e"opment (RH)) entered the Indian market. +his has resu"ted in a si!ni$icant shi$t in the #ay business is conducted by supp"iers, assemb"ers and marketers.

+he "eader in the India Automobi"e Industry, 4reatin! 4ustomer )e"i!ht and Shareho"der9s Wea"thI A pride o$ IndiaD

+o pro ide ma<imum a"ue $or money to their customers throu!h continuous impro ement o$ products and ser ices. 'aruti has a net#ork o$ -01 sa"es out"ets across 2-; cities a"" o er India. +he ser ice net#ork co ers 1,11- to#ns and cities, bo"stered by 2,1:2 authori*ed ser ice out"ets.+he companyGs chan!e in strate!y and emphasis on de e"opin! e$$ecti e marketin! communications #as their hi!h"i!hts.

Paurak R. Shah (NIS Academy, Ahmedabad)

MA5-/, SC/0/5I& ( !!"#!$%

+he company ouches $or customer satis$action. &or its sincere e$$orts it has been rated (by customers)$irst in customer satis$action amon! a"" car makers in India $or ten years in a ro# in annua" sur ey. 'aruti Su*uki India .imited, a subsidiary o$ Su*uki 'otor 4orporation o$ 2apan, has been the "eader o$ the Indian car market $or o er t#o decades.


Paurak R. Shah (NIS Academy, Ahmedabad)

)urin! 2;;=,;1, 'aruti Su*uki so"d =7:,1:2 cars, o$ #hich >-,;2: #ere e<ported. In a"", o er si< mi""ion 'aruti cars are on Indian roads since the $irst car #as ro""ed out on 1: )ecember 101-.

Market Segment Analysis

(ased on economic strata, the Indian auto consumer se!ment can be sub di ided in to > cate!oriesA

@conomy 'id,Ran!e .u<ury Premium Super Premium


Paurak R. Shah (NIS Academy, Ahmedabad)

&B9/C,I8/ &F ,H/ C&M+A04

'aruti9s marketin! ob%ecti e is to continua""y o$$er the customer ne# products and ser ices thatA Reduce the customer9s cost o$ o#nership o$ their carsI andanticipate and address the customer9s needs and pre$erences


Paurak R. Shah (NIS Academy, Ahmedabad)

in a"" aspects and sta!es o$ car o#nership, to pro ide #hat they re$er to as the C-7; de!ree customer e<perience.D +hey se"" ten mode"s #ith more than >; ariants in se!ments A, (, 4, and uti"ity ehic"e se!ment o$ the Indian passen!er car market. 5$ these, they manu$acture nine mode"s and import the Brand 3itara as a comp"ete"y bui"t unit $rom Su*uki in 2apan. +heir mode"s and ariants are desi!ned to address the chan!in! demands o$ the market and are periodica""y up!raded in techno"o!y, sty"in! and $eatures. +o take ad anta!e o$ the brand reco!nition associated #ith their products, they retain the brand name o$ the product throu!h arious sta!es o$ product up!rades o er time. &or e<amp"e, the ersion o$ the 'aruti 1;; brand current"y so"d in the market is a si!ni$icant"y up!raded ersion, in terms o$ techno"o!y, desi!n and sty"in!, o$ the 'aruti 1;; "aunched in 101-.

A A ( ( ( 4 4 4 4 /ti"ity 3ehic"e /ti"ity 3ehic"e

'aruti 1;; 5'NI Jen Wa!on R A"to @steem (a"eno 3ersa SWI&+ BKPSK ?INB BRAN) 3I+ARA


Paurak R. Shah (NIS Academy, Ahmedabad)

Product Price Place Promotion
+roduct Strategy7#
Port$o"io o$ 12 products &i e product "ines

Product .ine A1 A2 AS/3 4 , 4"ass

+rice Strategy7#

Products 1;; A"to, Jen ,Wa!on LR, S#i$t, A, star ) JiR@, S<: 3itara, Bypsy 5mni, 3ersa

+he price o$ the 'aruti car is bet#een Rs. 21;;;; to Rs. 1>;;;;;. 'aruti L 1;; is the "o#est price car o$ this company.

Paurak R. Shah (NIS Academy, Ahmedabad)

A"to, 5mni, Wa!on R, are a"so the "o# price car o$ the company, Jen H @steem are the mid price car o$ the company. (ut Brand 3itara is the hi!h price mode" o$ the company. +he price o$ car is decided accordin! to its product ariety, 6ua"ity, desi!n etc.

+lace strategy7# 7;; Ne# car sa"es out"ets co erin! -0- cities. 27> M'aruti +rue 3a"ue9 out"ets spread across 177 cities. 2721 'aruti Authori*ed Ser ice Stations, co erin! 122; cities. +ie up #ith Adani !roup $or e<portin! 2;;,;;; units throu!h 'nudra port Bu%arat Suggested +lace strategy7# :;; ne# car sa"es out"ets in ne<t three years. S1>; ne# true a"ue shops in ne<t three years. 12;; ne# 'aruti Authori*ed Ser ice Stations in ne<t three years. +ie up #ith other distributors $or @<ports. +romotion Strategy7# Ad ertisin! +3 Ads Print Ads Radio Ads CBhar Aa Baya FindustanD CIndia 4omes Fome in 'aruti Su*uki.D

Paurak R. Shah (NIS Academy, Ahmedabad)

In$ormation Ad ertisin!, a"ternati e Ad ertisin! 5ptions (+. , Sponsorships +3 sho#s , India9s Bot ta"ent P"ace Ad ertisin! L (i"" boards Sa"es Promotions Product #arranties Premiums (!i$ts) +rade sho#s 2,721+he number o$ #orkshops that pro ide customers #ith maintenance support in 122; cities.

SW&, Analysis
(i!!er name in the market. 2. @stab"ished distribution H a$ter sa"es net#ork. -. /nderstandin! o$ the Indian market. :. Abi"ity to desi!n product #ith di$$erentiatin! $eatures. >. (rand Ima!e. 7. @<perience H ?no#"ed!e ho# in techno"o!y. =. +rust o$ Peop"e. 1. 'aruti /dyo! .td. is the market "eader $or more than decade. 0.Fas a !reat dea"ership chain in the market. 1;. (etter a$ter sa"es ser ice. 11. .o# maintenance cost o$ ehic"e.
1. 17

Paurak R. Shah (NIS Academy, Ahmedabad)

1..ack o$ e<perience in $orei!n market. 2.4omparati e"y ne# to diese" cars. -.Peop"e resistant to upper se!ment mode"s. :.Fea y import tari$$ on $u""y bui"t imported mode"s. >.@<ports are not that !ood. 7. .esser diese" mode"s in the market compare to others. =. B"oba" ima!e is not that bi!.

1.Increased purchasin! po#er o$ Indian midd"e c"ass $ami"y. 2.Bo ernment subsidies. -.+a< (ene$its. :.Prospecti e buyers $rom t#o L #hee"er se!ment. >. Breat opportunities to !o !"oba" #ith success o$ S#i$t and SN: a""o er. 7. Introduction o$ more diese" mode"s. +he diese" car se!ment is !ro#in!.

Paurak R. Shah (NIS Academy, Ahmedabad)



5pportunity to !ro# bi!!er by enterin! into bi!!er car markets. A"ready a market "eader so !reat opportunity to be the kin! o$ market in e ery sta!e o$ industry.

&orei!n companies enterin! marketI so a bi!!er threat $rom 'N4s. 2.4ompetition $rom second hand cars H +A+A Nano. -.+hreats $rom 4hinese manu$actures. :.+o the market share, as many bi! names are comin! in the industry >.+here is hard"y any diese" mode"s 7. Rs. 1 "akh L Rs. 1.> "akh car


Paurak R. Shah (NIS Academy, Ahmedabad)

+heir strate!y is to capture the rura" market by emp"oyin! #omen #ho be"on! to their "oca" community throu!h #hich their product can reach to "oca" consumers. +heir strate!y is to pro ide #ork $or #omen to create a#areness amon! con$ined consumers

+hey started #ith Pro%ect Shakti in #hich their basic aim is to educate a rura" person about their products throu!h #omen #ho be"on!s to their o#n "oca" community and #ho can communicate #e"" in their "an!ua!e #ith them. In this #ay many educated #omen !et #ork in rura" sector and on the other hand F.. 4orporate Socia" Responsibi"ity (4SR) a"so increases to#ards society by introducin! educati e pro!rams $or the bene$it o$ the rura" sector

-/4 S,5A,/3IC I0I,IA,I8/S B4 MA56,I

A% ,650A5&602 S,5A,/3I/S MA56,I F&11&W/2 'aruti #as the undisputed "eader in the automobi"e uti"ity,car se!ment sector, contro""in! about 1:8 o$ the market ti"" 1001. With increasin! competition $rom "oca" p"ayers "ike +e"co, Findustan 'otors, 'ahindra H 'ahindra and $orei!n p"ayers "ike )ae#oo, PA., +oyota, &ord, 'itsubishi, B', the #ho"e auto industry structure in India has chan!ed in the "ast se en years and resu"ted in the dec"inin! pro$its and market share $or 'aruti. At the same time the Indian !o ernment permitted $orei!n car

Paurak R. Shah (NIS Academy, Ahmedabad)

producers to in est in the automobi"e sector and ho"d ma%ority stakes. In the #ake o$ its diminishin! pro$its and "oss o$ market share, 'aruti initiated strate!ic responses to cope #ith India9s "ibera"i*ation process and be!an to redesi!n itse"$ to $ace competition in the Indian market. 4onsu"tancy $irms such as A+ ?earney H 'c?insey, to!ether #ith an internationa""y reputed 5) consu"tant, )r. Athreya, ha e been consu"ted on modes o$ strate!y and or!ani*ation de e"opment durin! the redesi!n process. +he redesi!n process sa# 'aruti comp"ete a Rs. :;;; mn e<pansion pro%ect #hich increased the tota" production capacity to o er -,=;,;;; ehic"es per annum. 'aruti e<ecuted a p"an to "aunch ne# mode"s $or di$$erent se!ments o$ the market. In its redesi!n p"an, 'aruti, "aunches a ne# mode" e ery year, reduce production costs by achie in! 1>,0;8 indi!eni*ation $or ne# mode"s, re amp marketin! by increasin! the dea"er net#ork $rom 1>; to -;; and $ocus on bu"k institutiona" sa"es, brin! do#n number o$ endors and introduce competiti e biddin!. +o!ether #ith the redesi!n p"an, there has been a shi$t in business $ocus o$ 'aruti. When 'aruti commanded the "ar!est market share, business $ocus #as to Cse"" #hat #e produceD. +he ear"ier $ocus o$ the #ho"e or!ani*ation #as Eproduction, production and productionE but no# the $ocus has shi$ted to Emarketin! and customer $ocusE. +his can be obser ed $rom the chan!es in mission statement o$ the or!ani*ationA 101:A E&ue" e$$icient ehic"e #ith "atest techno"o!yE. 101=A E.eader in domestic market and be amon! !"oba" p"ayers in the o erseas marketE. 100=A E4reatin! customer de"i!ht and shareho"ders #ea"thE.

Paurak R. Shah (NIS Academy, Ahmedabad)

B% C655/0, S,5A,/3I/S F&11&W/2 B4 M61 PRI4INB S+RA+@BK , 4A+@RINB +5 A.. S@B'@N+S 'aruti caters to a"" se!ment and has a product o$$erin! at a"" price points. It has a car priced at Rs.1,1=,;;;.;; #hich is the "o#est o$$er on road. 'aruti !ets =;8 business $rom repeat buyers #ho ear"ier had o#ned a 'aruti car. +heir pricin! strate!y is to pro ide an option to e ery customer "ookin! $or up !radation in his car. +heir so"e moti e o$ ha in! so many product o$$erin! is to be in the consideration set o$ e ery passen!er car customer in India. Fere is ho# e ery price point is co ered.

Factors that in)luence the consumer.s buying decision )or the product
Cultural Social Culture Subculture Social Class Reference group Family Roles and statuses Personal Age and life-cycle stage Occupation Economic circumstances Lifestyle Personality and selfconcept Psychological Motivation Perception Learning eliefs and attitudes Buyer

A;Cultural Factors
!alue" perception" and preferences #ationalities" religion" race" geograp$ical regions Social class

Paurak R. Shah (NIS Academy, Ahmedabad)

A;Social Factors
Reference %roups Social Class Roles & Status

A;+ersonal Factors
@conomics 4ircumstances 5ccupation A!e H .i$e 4yc"e Sta!e .i$esty"e Persona"ity and se"$,concept

A;+sychological Factors
Motivation Perception Learning eliefs and attitudes

Business /n(ironment Factors +olitical Factors7#

1. Bo ernment continuous"y s"ashin! ta< rates. 2. Bo ernment has "aunched automoti e mission p"an (A'P). -. Automatic appro a" $or &)I in automobi"e sector.

/conomic Factors7#
1. Stab"e economic po"icies. 2. @asy a ai"abi"ity o$ $inance. -. @conomics incenti es by "oca" state Bo ernment. :. .o#er duties H ta<es. >. Fu!e domestic demand.

Paurak R. Shah (NIS Academy, Ahmedabad)

Social Factors7#
1. .ucrati e market in rura" India. 2. Rapid urbani*ation and income "e e"s.

Ski""ed "abour costs amon!st the "o#est in #or"d.

,echnological Factors7#
1. &our .akhs pass out e ery year. 2. 4redib"e "oca" supp"iers o$ hi!h 6ua"ity components. -. India emer!in! as an automobi"e manu$acturin! H research. hub $or automobi"e

/cological Factors7#
1. India automoti e re!u"ations are c"ose"y a"i!ned to #or"d standards on emission H sa$ety. 2. Pro<imity to ma%or e<port market.

1egal Factors7#
1. Wei!hted ta< deduction up to 1>;8 on in house R H ) acti ities. 2. Re"ati e"y Fi!h import )uties


+he price o$ a car is %ust one,third o$ #hat it cost you o er its "i$etime. Runnin! and maintainin! it make up the other t#o, thirds. +ake into account resa"e a"ue and its rea" cost becomes c"ear. 'aruti Su*uki stands $or a"ue as much as it stands $or per$ormance. In spite o$ risin! input costs, #e try our best to keep prices do#n. +heir runnin! costs and resa"e a"ues are unbeatab"e too. Nothin! matches the de"i!ht their cars de"i er. In

Paurak R. Shah (NIS Academy, Ahmedabad)

the 2) Po#er 4SI study 2;;>, 1>8 o$ 'aruti Su*uki o#ners stated that they #ou"d de$inite"y recommend the car they dri e to someone e"se. In$act, you don9t buy a 'aruti Su*uki. Kou in est in it. A$ter the rash o$ ne# cars "aunches the past t#o years, the re"ati e "u"" in the auto industry is sho#in! up in the customer satis$action indices. Accordin! to the 2;;> $our,#hee"er +ota" 4ustomer Satis$action (+4S) study conducted by the specia"ist di ision o$ +NS Automoti e, the automobi"e o#nership e<perience or customer o#nership e<perience has dec"ined in a"" areas compared to 2;;:. +he study is one o$ the "ar!est syndicated automoti e studies in India, representin! the responses o$ more than =,;;; ne# car buyers. +he comprehensi e study co ers o er >; mode"s #ith customer e a"uations taken in the key areas o$ sa"es satis$action, product 6ua"ity, ehic"e per$ormance and desi!n, a$ter,sa"es ser ice, brand ima!e, and cost,o$,o#nership. +he +4S inde< score pro ides a measure o$ satis$action and "oya"ty a !i en mode" en%oys #ith its customers. Accordin! to +NS Automoti e, the dec"ine is predominant"y $or o"der, sma"" and entry mid,si*e car mode"s. +he a!ein! o$ these mode"s seems to be posin! a sti$$er cha""en!e $or manu$acturers to sustain past per$ormance "e e"s at a time #hen customer e<pectations are risin! sharp"y.

B&&-S 2:

Paurak R. Shah (NIS Academy, Ahmedabad)

PB)A' (Post Braduate )ip"oma in App"ied 'ana!ement) (ook , Semester 1 (4ourse#are -) 0/WS +A+/5S +F@ @45N5'I4 +I'@S +F@ +I'@S 5& IN)IA


I0,/50/, W/BSI,/S

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Paurak R. Shah (NIS Academy, Ahmedabad)

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