Corpo Assignment (5 Laws)

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9136 AN ACT ORDAINING REFORMS IN THE ELECTRIC POWER INDUSTRY, AMENDING FOR THE PURPOSE CERTAIN LAWS AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES Section 46. Fines and Penalties. The members of the Board of Directors of the juridical companies participating in or covered in the generation companies the distribution utilities the T!"#S$% or its concessionaire or supplier &ho violate the provisions of this "ct ma' be fined b' an amount not e(ceeding double the amount of damages caused b' the offender or b' imprisonment of one 'ear or t&o 'ears or both at the discretion of the court. This rule shall appl' to the members of the Board &ho )no&ingl' or b' neglect allo&s the commission or omission under the la&. To ensure compliance &ith this "ct the penalt' of prision correccional or a fine ranging from Five thousand pesos *P+ ,,,.,,- to Five million pesos *P+ ,,, ,,,.,,- or both at the discretion of the court shall be imposed on an' person including but not limited to the president, member of the Board, Chief Executive Officer or Chief Operating Officer of the corporation, partnership, or any other entity involved found guilt' of violating or refusing to compl' &ith an' provision of this "ct or its .!! other than those provided herein. 2. REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8049 AN ACT REGULATING HA ING AND OTHER FORMS OF INITIATION RITES IN FRATERNITIES, SORORITIES, AND OTHER ORGANI ATIONS AND PRO!IDING PENALTIES THEREFOR Sec. 4. .f the person subjected to ha/ing or other forms of initiation rites suffers an' ph'sical injur' or dies as a result thereof the officers and members of the fraternit' sororit' or organi/ation &ho actuall' participated in the infliction of ph'sical harm shall be liable as principals. The person or persons &ho participated in the ha/ing shall suffer0 1. The penalt' of prison correccional in its ma(imum period *4 'ears 2 months and one da' to 6 'ears- if in conse3uence of the ha/ing the victim sustained ph'sical injuries &hich do not prevent him from engaging in his habitual activit' or &or) nor re3uire medical attendance. The responsible officials of the school or of the police militar' or citi/en4s arm' training organi/ation ma' impose the appropriate administrative sanctions on the person or the persons charged under this provision even before their conviction. The ma(imum penalt' herein provided shall be imposed in an' of the follo&ing instances0 This section shall apply to the president, manager, director or other responsible officer of a corporation engaged in hazing as a requirement for employment in the manner provided herein.

3. REPUBLIC ACT NO. "832 AN ACT PENALI ING THE PILFERAGE OF ELECTRICITY AND THEFT OF POWER TRANSMISSION LINES#MATERIALS, RATIONALI ING SYSTEM LOSSES BY PHASING OUT PILFERAGE LOSSES AS A COMPONENT THEREOF, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Sec. 5. Penalties. 6 *a- 7iolation of Section 2 6 The penalt' of prision ma'or or a fine ranging from Ten thousand pesos *P 8, ,,,- to T&ent' thousand pesos *P 2, ,,,- or both at the discretion of the court shall be impose on an' person found guilt' of violating Section 2 hereof. .f the violation is committed b' a partnership firm corporation association or an' other legal entit' including a government-o&ned or 6controlled corporation the penalty shall be imposed on the president, manager and each of the officers thereof &ho shall have )no&ingl' permitted failed to prevent or &as other&ise responsible for the commission thereof. 4. BATAS PAMBANSA BILANG 33 AN ACT DEFINING AND PENALI ING CERTAIN PROHIBITED ACTS INIMICAL TO THE PUBLIC INTEREST AND NATIONAL SECURITY IN!OL!ING PETROLEUM AND#OR PETROLEUM PRODUCTS, PRESCRIBING PENALTIES THEREFOR AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. Sec. 4. Penalties. 9 "n' person &ho commits an' act herein prohibited shall upon conviction be punished &ith a fine of not less than T&o Thousand Pesos *P2 ,,,- but not more than Ten Thousand Pesos *P8, ,,,- or imprisonment of at least t&o *2- months but not more than one *8'ear or both in the discretion of the court. Furthermore the petroleum and:or petroleum products subject-matter of the illegal trading hoarding overpricing and misuse shall be forfeited in favor of the ;overnment0 Provided That if the petroleum and:or petroleum products have alread' been delivered and paid the pa'ment made shall be the subject of the forfeiture and if the seller &ho has not 'et delivered has been full' paid the price received shall be returned to the bu'er and in addition if the offender is a trader the cancellation of his license. hen the offender is a corporation, partnership, or other !uridical person, the president, general manager, managing partner, or such other officer charged "ith the management of the business affairs thereof shall be criminally liable.

$. REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9208 AN ACT TO INSTITUTE POLICIES TO ELIMINATE TRAFFIC%ING IN PERSONS ESPECIALLY WOMEN AND CHILDREN, ESTABLISHING THE NECESSARY INSTITUTIONAL MECHANISMS FOR THE PROTECTION AND SUPPORT OF TRAFFIC%ED PERSONS, PRO!IDING PENALTIES FOR ITS !IOLATIONS, AND FOR OTHER Sec. 8,. Penalties and Sanctions. - The follo&ing penalties and sanctions are hereb' established for the offenses enumerated in this "ct0 *e- .f the offender is a corporation partnership association club establishment or an' juridical person the penalt' shall be imposed upon the o"ner, president, partner, manager, and#or any responsible officer &ho participated in the commission of the crime or &ho shall have )no&ingl' permitted or failed to prevent its commission *f- The registration &ith the Securities and <(change $ommission *S<$- and license to operate of the erring agenc' corporation association religious group tour or travel agent club or establishment or an' place of entertainment shall be cancelled and revo)ed permanentl'. The o&ner president partner or manager thereof shall not be allo&ed to operate similar establishments in a different name

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