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Republic of the Philippines CONGRESS OF THE PHILIPPINES Metro Manila Fifteenth Congress Second Regular Session Begun and

held in Metro Manila, on Monday, the twenty-fifth day of July, two thousand eleven. REPUBLIC CT NO! "#"$%

/11 ,,, ,,, /.1 ,,, ,,, /01 3%lerical or typo*raphical error4 refers to a ista-e co itted in the perfor ance of clerical !or- in !ritin*, copyin*, transcribin* or typin* an entry in the ci)il re*ister that is har less and innocuous, such as isspelled na e or isspelled place of birth, ista-e in the entry of day and onth in the date of birth or the se, of the person or the li-e, !hich is )isible to the eyes or ob)ious to the understandin*, and can be corrected or chan*ed only by reference to other e,istin* record or records" Provided, however, &hat no correction ust in)ol)e the chan*e of nationality, a*e, or status of the petitioner.# Section 0! Section 5 of the Act is hereby a ended to read as follo!s" #S$%. 5. &or! and ontents of the Petition. ) &he petition for correction of a clerical or typo*raphical error, or for chan*e of first na e or nic-na e, as the case ay be, shall be in the for of an affida)it, subscribed and s!orn to before any person authori6ed by la! to ad inister oaths. &he affida)it shall set forth facts necessary to establish the erits of the petition and shall sho! affir ati)ely that the petitioner is co petent to testify to the atters stated. &he petitioner shall state the particular erroneous entry or entries, !hich are sou*ht to be corrected and7or the chan*e sou*ht to be ade. &he petition shall be supported !ith the follo!in* docu ents" /11 A certified true achine copy of the certificate or of the pa*e of the re*istry boo- containin* the entry or entries sou*ht to be corrected or chan*ed8 /.1 At least t!o /.1 public or pri)ate docu ents sho!in* the correct entry or entries upon !hich the correction or chan*e shall be based8 and

N CT FURTHER UTHORI&ING THE CIT' OR (UNICIP L CI)IL REGISTR R OR THE CONSUL GENER L TO CORRECT CLERIC L OR T'POGR PHIC L ERRORS IN THE * ' N* (ONTH IN THE * TE OF BIRTH OR SE+ OF PERSON PPE RING IN THE CI)IL REGISTER ,ITHOUT NEE* OF -U*ICI L OR*ER. (EN*ING FOR THIS PURPOSE REPUBLIC CT NU(BERE* NINET' FORT'/EIGHT Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in ongress asse!bled" Section "! Section 1 of Republic Act No. 9048, hereinafter referred to as the Act, is hereby a ended to read as follo!s" #S$%&'(N 1. #uthority to orrect lerical or $ypographical %rror and hange of &irst 'a!e or 'ic(na!e. ) No entry in a ci)il re*ister shall be chan*ed or corrected !ithout a +udicial order, e,cept for clerical or typo*raphical errors and chan*e of first na e or nic-na e, the day and onth in the date of birth or se, of a person !here it is patently clear that there !as a clerical or typo*raphical error or ista-e in the entry, !hich can be corrected or chan*ed by the concerned city or unicipal ci)il re*istrar or consul *eneral in accordance !ith the pro)isions of this Act and its i ple entin* rules and re*ulations.# Section %! Section ., para*raph /01 of the Act is li-e!ise a ended to read as follo!s" #S$%. .. *efinition of $er!s. 2 As used in this Act, the follo!in* ter s shall ean"

/01 (ther docu ents !hich the petitioner or the city or unicipal ci)il re*istrar or the consul *eneral ay consider rele)ant and necessary for the appro)al of the petition. No petition for correction of erroneous entry concernin* the date of birth or the se, of a person shall be entertained e,cept if the petition is acco panied by earliest school record or earliest school docu ents such as, but not li ited to, edical records, baptis al certificate and other docu ents issued by reli*ious authorities8 nor shall any entry in)ol)in* chan*e of *ender corrected e,cept if the petition is acco panied by a certification issued by an accredited *o)ern ent physician attestin* to the fact that the petitioner has not under*one se, chan*e or se, transplant. &he petition for chan*e of first na e or nic-na e, or for correction of erroneous entry concernin* the day and onth in the date of birth or the se, of a person, as the case ay be, shall be published at least once a !ee- for t!o /.1 consecuti)e !ee-s in a ne!spaper of *eneral circulation. 9urther ore, the petitioner shall sub it a certification fro the appropriate la! enforce ents, a*encies that he has no pendin* case or no cri inal record. &he petition and its supportin* papers shall be filed in three /01 copies to be distributed as follo!s" first copy to the concerned city or unicipal ci)il re*istrar, or the consul *eneral8 second copy to the (ffice of the %i)il Re*istrar :eneral8 and third copy to the petitioner.# Section 1! Section 8 of the Act is hereby a ended to read as follo!s" #S$%. 8. Pay!ent of &ees. ) &he city or unicipal ci)il re*istrar or the consul *eneral shall be authori6ed to collect reasonable fees as a condition for acceptin* the petition. An indi*ent petitioner shall be e,e pt fro the pay ent of the said fee. &he fees collected by the city or unicipal ci)il re*istrar or the consul *eneral pursuant to this Act shall accrue to the funds of the ;ocal %i)il Re*istry (ffice concerned or the (ffice of the %onsul :eneral for oderni6ation of the office and hirin* of ne! personnel and procure ent of supplies, sub+ect to *o)ern ent accountin* and auditin* rules.#

Section 2! Separability lause. 2 'f any pro)ision of this Act shall at any ti e be found to be unconstitutional or in)alid, the re ainder thereof not affected by such declaration shall re ain in full force and effect. Section 3! Repealing lause. ) Any la!s, decrees, rules or re*ulations inconsistent !ith the pro)isions of this Act are hereby repealed or odified accordin*ly. Section $! %ffectivity lause. ) &his Act shall ta-e effect fifteen /151 days after its publication in the +fficial ,a-ette or in at least t!o /.1 ne!spapers of *eneral circulation. Appro)ed

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