Introduction To Computers

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Introduction to Computers

From Wikiversity

This course is an introduction for non-computer science students (see
Introduction to Computer Science for computer science students). Instead this
course is a gentler, lighter survey course without delving too much into
technical details. It will also examine computers from the perspective on how
they influence society.

The lessons contain relatively little text, plenty of images and many podcasts
prepared by students in which they talk about a particular topic within each
lesson. Most of the lessons are framed around concepts from the world of
computers, and each section of the lesson explains these concepts with text,
images and sometimes a podcast. This reflects the gentle and introductory
nature of this course.

The IBM Roadrunner - the world's fastest computer in 2008.

1. Introduction

○ What is a computer?

○ Computer types

○ Hardware and software

○ Basic operations

○ Data sizes and speeds

2. Processor

3. Peripherals

4. System software
5. Application software

6. Personal

7. Networks

8. Security

9. Internet

10. Development

11. Databases

12. AI
What is a computer?
A computer is a machine that manipulates data according to a list of instructions.
A computer can also be defined as an electronic machine that accepts input
(data), process it and gives out results(information)

Computer organization at a glance

A basic computer consists of three major components: CPU (Central Processing
Unit), IO (Input/Output), and Memory as illustrated in Figure 1.

Data comes through Input and the CPU processes the data based on a program
which is in Memory. The result is returned to Memory or is presented to the user

A Computer-based system
A Computer-based system is a system in which a computer is involved and
consists of three major elements: Hardware, Software, and User. The elements of
a computer based system are described in the three following scenarios:
1. Registration in a University
Hardware = Micro computers, Network platform, and a Server Computer
Software = Student Registration Application, Database, and Operating
User = Operators, Administrators
2. Controlling a section of an Assembly Line
Hardware = A specially embedded system which is developed for this
Software = The machine code Loaded on the Embedded system Memory
User = Other Machine, Supervisor
3. Playing a game with a Computer
Hardware = Game Console such as XBox, Playstation
Software = The Game itself
User = The little kid
Computer types

The Columbia Supercomputer - once one of the fastest.

Supercomputers are fast because they're really many computers working
Supercomputers were introduced in the 1960's as the worlds most advanced
computer. These computers were used for intense calculations such as weather
forecasting and quantum physics. Today, supercomputers are one of a kind, fast,
and very advanced. The term supercomputer is always evolving where
tomorrow's normal computers are today's supercomputer. As of November 2007,
the fastest supercomputer is the IBM Blue Gene/L; it's 65,536 computers, each
with two processors. It has a processing rate of 478.2 TFLOPS.


Mainframe computer
Mainframes are computers where all the processing is done centrally, and the
user terminals are called "dumb terminals" since they only input and output (and
do not process).
Mainframes are computers used mainly by large organizations for critical
applications, typically bulk data processing such as census. Examples: banks,
airlines, insurance companies, and colleges.

Sun SPARCstation
Workstations are high-end, expensive computers that are made for more
complex procedures and are intended for one user at a time. Some of the
complex procedures consist of science, math and engineering calculations and
are useful for computer design and manufacturing.
Workstations are sometimes improperly named for marketing reasons. Real
workstations are not usually sold in retail.
The movie Toy Story was made on a set of Sun (Sparc) workstations
-Perhaps the first computer that might qualify as a "workstation" was the IBM

The Personal Computer or PC

A personal computer (PC)

PC is an abbreviation for a Personal Computer, it is also known as a
Microcomputer. Its physical characteristics and low cost are appealing and useful
for its users. The capabilities of a personal computer have changed greatly since
the introduction of electronic computers. By the early 1970s, people in academic
or research institutions had the opportunity for single-person use of a computer
system in interactive mode for extended durations, although these systems
would still have been too expensive to be owned by a single individual. The
introduction of the microprocessor, a single chip with all the circuitry that
formerly occupied large cabinets, lead to the proliferation of personal computers
after about 1975. Early personal computers generally called microcomputers,
sold often in kit form and in limited volumes and were of interest mostly to
hobbyists and technicians. By the late 1970s, mass-market pre-assembled
computers allowed a wider range of people to use computers, focusing more on
software applications and less on development of the processor hardware.
Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, home computers were developed for
household use, offering some personal productivity, programming and games,
while somewhat larger and more expensive systems (although still low-cost
compared with minicomputers and mainframes) were aimed for office and small
business use.


A microcontroller
Microcontrollers are mini computers that enable the user to store data, do simple
commands and tasks, with little or no user interaction with the processor. These
single circuit devices have minimal memory and program length but can be
integrated with other processors for more complex functionality.

-the smallest category of computer is called an embedded computer which is

another term for microcontroller
Microcontrollers are important, they are used everyday in devices such as
appliances and automobiles.

Inside of webserver


Hardware refers to the physical elements of a computer. Also referred to as the machinery or
the equipment of the computer. Examples of hardware in a computer are the keyboard, the
monitor, the mouse and the processing unit However, most of a computer's hardware cannot
be seen; in other words, it is not an external element of the computer, but rather an internal
one, surrounded by the computer's casing. A computer's hardware is comprised of many
different parts, but perhaps the most important of these is the motherboard. The motherboard
is made up of even more parts that power and control the computer.
In contrast to software, hardware is a physical entity, while software is a non-physical entity.
Hardware and software are interconnected, without software, the hardware of a computer
would have no function. However, without the creation of hardware to perform tasks directed
by software via the central processing unit (box), software would be useless.

Software, commonly known as programs, consists of all the electronic instructions that tell
the hardware how to perform a task. These instructions come from a software developer in
the form that will be accepted by the operating system that they are based on. For example, a
program that is designed for the windows operating system will only work for that operating
system. Compatibility of software will vary as the design of the software and the operating
system differ. A software that is designed for Windows XP will experience compatibility
issue when running under Windows 2000 or NT.
Software can also be described as a collection of routines, rules and symbolic languages that
direct the functioning of the hardware.
Software is capable of performing specific tasks, as opposed to hardware which only perform
mechanical tasks what they are mechanically designed for. Practical computer systems divide
software systems into three major classes:
1. System software: Helps run computer hardware and computer system. Computer
software includes operating systems, device drivers, diagnostic tools and more.
2. Programming software: Software that assists a programmer in writing computer
3. Application software: Allows users to accomplish one or more tasks.
The term "software" is sometimes used in a broader context to describe any electronic media
content which embodies expressions of ideas such as film, tapes, records, etc. Software is the
electronic instruction that tells the computer to do a task.

Firmware is both hardware and software.
It is a computer chip that performs only one function.
Examples are a video card and sound card.
Can be explained as programming instructions that are stored in a read-only memory and can
only be used by connecting them with software.
Used so that processing happens quicker as in video and sound cards.

Basic operations
Input device keyboard
Whatever goes into the computer. Input can take a variety of forms, from commands you
enter from the keyboard to data from another computer or device. A device that feeds data
into a computer, such as a keyboard or mouse, is called an input device.

Anything that comes out of a computer. Output can be display screens, loudspeakers, and
Processor is the brain of a computer. It's also called the "CPU"(Central processing unit) and
it is a microchip.

Computer data storage is referred to as storage or memory, which can save digital data.
Examples are RAM, hard disks or removable memory sticks.

Data sizes and speeds

Names for different sizes of data
Bit uses binary digits "0" or "1" which a computer interprets. It's like the dots and dashes in
Morse code for a computer. It's also called machine language.
In computer science a byte is a unit of measurement of information storage, that equals '8
bits', can be used to represent letters and numbers. For example, the number 01000001 is 8
bits long, and represents the letter A.
A kB is a unit of data that equals 1024 bytes. This is because 8 bytes cannot contribute into
Megabyte is 1024kB squared, 10242

1 GB
A gigabyte is a unit of data storage worth a billion bytes meaning either exactly 1 billion
bytes (10243) or approximately 1.07 billion bytes
A terabyte (derived from the prefix tera- and commonly abbreviated TB) is a measurement
term for data storage capacity. The value of a terabyte is 10244 and is defined as about one
trillion bytes, or 1024 gigabytes.

14 petabytes stored within.

A petabyte is a unit of information or computer storage equal to one quadrillion bytes
(10245). Microsoft stores on 900 servers a total of approximately 14 petabytes.

Measurements of Data Speed

1,000,000 bits per second (usually used in describing internet download/upload speeds) Bits
are transferred, not bytes.
1,000,000 kilobits per second or 1,000,000,000 bits per

Processor (and more)

Logic gates (on and off makes computers work)
Vacuum tube

Vacuum Tube
A vacuum tube is a small glass tube the size of a light-bulb. It was invented in 1936. It was
meant to amplify and act like a switch. It facilitated the flow of electrons. The vacuum tube
was replaced in computers by the transistor in 1948.

Because a vacuum must be provided in the form of an evacuated enclosure in which the
electrons can move without collisions with gas molecules, these devices were originally
called vacuum tubes or electron tubes in the US, and thermionic valves in Britain.
A transistor is an electrically operated logic gate or switch that alternates between "on" and
"off" millions of times per second. May be used in many different digital and analog
functions due to its fast response and accuracy. Transistor (Using Information Technology: A
Practical Introduction to Computers & Communications, p 191) It is made of a
semiconductor Transistors (silicon) so that it CAN allow electron flow when turned "on", but
not allow it when it is turned off. Only an electrically charged center will allow electrons to
flow. Transistors are used to amplify or switch electronic signals.

Integrated Circuit

Integrated Circuit
An integrated circuit is a mini electronic circuit which consists of multiple transistors. More
transistors close together increased capability and consumed little power. Integrated_circuit
Integrated circuits were invented in 1958.

Integrated circuits contain solid state technology, which is usually silicon. This is due to the
technological advancements of integrated circuits which are now created in a single step. The
main advantages of integrated circuits were there cost and performance.Integrated_circuit

A microprocessor is a great integrated circuit of millions of transistors and other devices, yet
on a small chip. It functions as a storage unit, processor, and is central to the computer. The
most important parts are the transistors, which operate as a control switch to help process data
One or more microprocessors serve as the processing elements of a computer system
Microprocessor A microprocessor was introduced to the computer system in the mid-1970s.
binary code
Binary numeral system is using two symbols, usually "0" and "1". A binary numbers can be
represented by bits. Binary refers to the system of information transfer through the processor.
The binary code occurs in digits of 0 and 1. The processor understands these codes as off and
on respectively.
binary system has two digits 0 and 1. In the computer 0 represented by the electrical current
off and 1 by current being on.
A bit is short for binary digit. Each bit can be a 0 or a 1. A computer understands 0's as an
electrical circuit that is turned off and 1's as an electrical circuit that is turned on. All
information and programs on a computer are represented by these bits.
A bit is the smallest representative value of data.

in the binary system 0 or 1 is called a bit.

The bit is also a unit of measurement, the information capacity of one binary digit. It has the
symbol bit, and less formally "b". The unit is also known as the Shannon, with symbol "Sh".
The first known binary numbers were introduced by an Indian mathematician Pingala and it
was written in Hindu numbers. Binary_numeral_system

A byte is 8 bits, a number between 0 and 255 (28=256). It is symbolized by a capital B.
These bits are combined in groups to represent numbers, letters, or special characters. Bytes
are also used to represent the capacity of the computer's memory, whether in KB or MB . In
system programming languages, the byte is one of the basic integral data types.
Otherwise known as K, KB, Kbyte and kB. A kilobyte is used as computer storage that is
equal to 1000 bytes. Kilobyte
In reality a kilobyte equals 1024 bytes. 210 = 1024 bytes.
In older computers, this was a much more common unit of measurement for memory than it
is currently.
1MB = 1024 KB
1 MB equals about 500 pages of text.
a KB consists of 1024 bytes , a MB of 1024 KB ...(GB , TB ...)
The most common size for RAM nowadays is 1 GB (1024 MB) sticks which is in the main
stream pricing range.
1 TB = 1024 GB
Mostly used size in large databases of banking and telecommunication applications, but 1 TB
drives do exist for the mainstream consumer.
Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code: a binary code used with large computers,
such as mainframes. This code uses 8 bits (0's or 1's) for each character and was developed
by IBM in 1963 and 1964.
EBCDIC code pages and ASCII-based code pages are incompatible with each other.

It was designed by IBM to extend the Binary-coded decimal. EBCDIC

Pronounced: "ask-ee". A type of binary code that uses 1 byte (8 bits) for each character. A
total of 256 characters. ASCII is the most common code used in microcomputers. ASCII
stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange
It is a "numerical representation of a character" and can be viewed in a table format (view at
Text-only files containing no graphics and no formatting such as boldface and italic. ASCII
format is used to transfer documents between computers, such as PC and Macintosh. Such
files may use the .txt (for text) extension.
A type of binary code that uses 1 byte for each character.
Unicode is a type of binary coding which uses an exclusive number for every character. It
uses up to 4 bytes (currently 21 bits) for each of these characters, instead of the 1 byte per
character of EBCDIC. Unicode can handle 2,097,152 (221) character combinations (instead of
the 256 characters of ASCII) which means most of the world's written languages can be
represented by a single character set.

In text processing, Unicode takes the role of providing a unique code point — a number, not a
glyph — for each character. In other words, Unicode represents a character in an abstract way
and leaves the visual rendering (size, shape, font or style) to other software, such as a web
browser or word processor.

CPU (the brains and its helpers)

Control unit
As a component of a CPU (Central Processing Unit), the control unit is sometimes known as
the "brain within the brain." This is because the control unit regulates the flow of information
within a processor. It also manages all the endeavors other units participate in within it. This
can be summed up in the saying, "it controls what happens inside the processor, which in turn
controls the rest of the PC." The control unit directs electronic signals as well.
The main operation of most CPU's is to complete a sequence of instructions, which are
stored, called programs. The programs are represented by a series of numbers that are kept in
a computers memory. There are four steps in the operation: fetch, decode, execute and
writeback. Central_processing_unit#CPU_operation Control_unit (Using Information
Technology: A practical Introduction to Computers & Communications, p. 208)

Control unit
A typical schematic symbol for an ALU: A & B are the data (registers); R is the output; F is
the Operand (instruction) from the Control Unit; D is an output status
ALU represents Arithmetic Logic Unit
• It is a digital circuit that does arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division.
• The ALU is a big part of the central processing unit(CPU).
• It also does logical operations such as comparing two pieces of data to see whether
one is equal, greater than, or less than (=,>,<).
• It is the fundamental piece for the CPU, even simple processors have ALU's
In 1945 John von Neumann wrote a report with the ALU concept in it. Arithmetic_logic_unit
The die size refers to the physical size of the processor. Manufactures are racing to miniturize
consumer electronics to reduce the cost, power consumption and increase CPU efficiency.
The 32nm processor is the next evolution after the 45nm Pyren Intel CPU.
Toshiba and NEC Electronics will work together on advanced chip manufacturing
technologies to help them continue the steady miniaturization of consumer electronics
Due to the increasing cost of manufacturing such processing chips, many companies have
made joint venture to share the costs of manufacturing. Toshiba and NEC Electronics may
make the 32nm processor a complete joint venture down to the manufacturing.
Multicore is a processor which has two or more processors combined onto one piece of
silicon. This helps to enhance speed and performance by dividing the work between each
An advantage of having two or more cores is that a computer can perform several tasks
simultaneously, rather than having tasks queued in line, however, they will still freeze up
under tense or error operation.
Currently, AMD has just released Barcelona aka Phenom which is a direct competition to the
Pentiums Core2Duo. However, the highly anticipated Phenom currently does not match up to
the promised speed and performance that it would deliver, which only further hinders the
very stretched economic status that AMD face.
Although not necessarily dealing with computers, it here refers to how many times a set of
bits (words) are presented to the processor in a second. The processor receives information in
waves. Each of the 32 (or 64 according to the word size) receptacles receive either a zero or a
one (electric charge or no charge) in one cycle. Then the next cycle comes with its own set of
bits. The rate at which these waves enter into the processor is measured in cycles per second
(Hertz or Hz). Computers are so fast these days that it is measured in billions (Giga) of cycles
per second (GHz).

Hertz is named after the German physicist Heinrich Rudolf Hertz.

Word size
Word size is the numbers of bits processed by the processor in one cycle.Modern PC's had
processors with word sizes of 16 bits, then they increased to 32 bits (pentium 25=32), and
now 64 bits. When the PC processor has more bits it can transfer the data within each
microprocessor quicker than that with a lower amount of bits. Word_(computer_science)
If the processor is a doctor, and RAM is the big waiting room with everyone in it, cache is
like the examining room that you still have to wait in before the doctor arrives.
Cache briefly stores data which the Processor will use soon. This is done so that while
working the computer does not have to consistently search through the motherboard,
speeding the process up. There are three types of caches. They include level 1, level 2 and
level 3. The first level cache is called the internal cache which is part of the microprocessor
chip and contains the least kilobytes of the three which operates faster even though it has
lower capacity. It was the first developed (thus the number), but didn't satisfy our need for the
volume of data that we needed to process quickly. So Level 2 cache was developed. It is
external cache (separate from the microprocessor), but has more memory (from 64 kB to
2MB). The level 3 cache is also separate from the microprocessor but only in high end
Moore’s law
In 1965, Gordon E. Moore observed that the number of transistors placed on an affordable
integrated circuit were increasing exponentially, doubling approximately every two years.
The capability to measure digital electronic devices (such as memory capacity and processing
speed) is directly linked to Moore's law. He predicted this rate would continue; so far it has
for the last 50 years.
Moore's law is an important part of computer history. The most popular formulation is of the
doubling of the number of transistors on integrated circuits every two years. At the end of the
1970s, Moore's Law became known as the limit for the number of transistors on the most
complex chips
It includes things other than just the number of transistors, but also processing speed, memory
size, and image resolution in digital cameras.
Optical circuits are circuits using 'light' not electricity.
Optical circuit is one or more circuits made of solid state components. Usually made on a
semiconductor or dielectric substrate. It is made up of light sources, optical filters, and
photodetectors. It allows a circuit to interact with another while remaining electrically
separated from the other. Integrated_optical_circuit
Simply any optical component within the computer uses light instead of electricity.
Nanotechnology is described as a field of applied science and technology whose unifying
theme is the control of matter on the atomic and molecular scale; normally 1 to 100
nanometers, and the fabrication of devices with critical dimensions that lie within that size
One nanometer (nm) is one billionth, or 10-9 of a meter. Nanometer to a meter is the same as
that of a marble to the size of the earth.
We can detect complex radio signals from outer space, but most or all are believed to be
created naturally from quasars for example.
SETI (search for extra terrestrial intelligence) is a non profit organization that uses modern
computer technology to look for intelligent patters within the radio signals. It is a search for
other lifeforms in our universe.
You can contribute by joining the team and allow your computer to process data while you're
not using it. The data are then return to the server for further analysis. It is also a favorite tool
for "FOLDERS" to contribute their processing power.

Primary storage, or memory, means the space on your hard drive that is briefly used for
working space. This usually occurs in a chip. Memory consists of four types of memory chips
RAM, ROM, CMOS and flash.
A 1GB DDR RAM memory module
RAM stands for Random Access Memory and is a type of chip used in primary storage
memory. It is also temporary storage, holding software instructions and short-term working
memory for the processor. RAM can be increased in most computers by using the expandable
memory slots. Ram video
Primary storage
Primary storage (RAM)is called 'primary' because it is the main memory that is accessible to
the CPU. It is used to store data that is currently being used.Primary_storage
Random access memory
Random access memory or RAM is a form of data storage used in computers. Taken in the
form of integrated circuits which represents primary or temporary storage, it allows data
which is stored to be accessed in any order, which is why it's called random. Making it
random instead of sequential greatly increases the speed the computer can operate since time
is not wasted going to the place where needed data is stored (as in tape backups).
Volatile is a descriptive word for RAM which is short term memory; when the computer loses
power the temporary storage will be lost . In order to prevent data from being lost, it must be
saved to a hard disk [247].
Fast [edit]
RAM (in most cases)work faster than a hard drive, and some, faster than flash memory
(which isn't volatile). This greater speed is why it's still used in computers today. Computers
will run faster and more efficiently with more amounts of RAM. The suggested amount of
RAM for current operating systems such as Windows Vista/xp and OSX 10.5 to run smoothly
with the weight of shared graphics memory and programs is 1024 megabytes. Currently,
RAM comes in 3 types: DDR1, DDR2, And DDR3. DDR1 and 2 are currently most used.
DDR3 operates at a higher frequency and has 3 data transfer channels thus increasing
bandwidth. Newly developed SSD hard disks currently are capable of meeting and exceeding
the transfer rate of DDR and DDR2.
A 32bit operating system is only capable of utilizing 4gb of RAM. However 64bit is capable
of supporting much more memory.
ROM refers to a read only memory chip that cannot be written on or erased by the computer
user without special equipment. While using ROM contents are not lost when power to the
computer is no longer available.

Since it does not need power, and cannot be rewritten the only things put on ROM are
starting (booting) instructions.
CMOS stands for Complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor. This is a technology used in
chips and analog circuits. Cmos
Don't lose contents when turned off even if the content was not saved. Also keeps the time
and date current even when the computer is turned off.

Storage (where's all that information kept)

Computer storage is often referred to as secondary memory. It's where data is more
permanently stored.
This image has been deleted due to copyright violation. See talk page
computer processing
Magnetic storage
Floppy disks

3.5 inch floppy disk

A "floppy disk" (or diskette) is a form of magnetic data storage; thin, flexible,soft, flat piece
of mylar plastic, packaged in a 3.5 inch plastic case. The reason it was called a floppy is
because obsolete (8 and 5.25 inch formats) types would "flop" as you waved them. Floppy
disks were invented by IBM and were a popular form of data storage from the 1970's to the
1990's. The key to their widespread use was their inexpensive cost and ease of portability.
Information could be transferred to a floppy disk, stored, disk removed, then inserted into
another system to then be accessed.
Although there was a variety of different sizes of floppy disks produced by various
manufacturers, the most widely used was the 3.5 X 5.25 inch [13]. (As identified below) It is
a form of secondary "permanent" storage and can hold approximately 1.44 MB. The disk is
inserted into a floppy disk drive, a device that holds, spins, reads data from, and writes data to
a floppy disk.
With the new systems now available, the demise of the floppy disk was inevitable. It has been
replaced by CD, CD-ROM and USB Drives. It is deemed "evil" because of its unreliability
and small size. However, the floppy disk has not lost its use totally, the very image of the
floppy disk has become a symbol for saving data in programs. It has managed to maintain its
portability and popularity in a different way.
Picture of a 3.5 inch floppy & 5.25 inch floppy.
Zip disks

zip disk
A zip drive is a secondary storage device that uses zip disks. Zip disks are cartridges similar
to floppy disks but capable of storing 70-500 times more memory. Zip disks are disks with a
special high quality magnetic coating that have a capacity of 100, 250, or 750 MB [15].
Zip drives are almost obsolete amongst today's students as CDs or memory sticks are much
more convenient since they can be read by almost all computers (zip disks need special zip
Hard drives
A hard-disk drive is non-volatile device used for storage that is located inside the computer
case. Like the floppy drive, it holds its data on rotating platters with a magnetic upper exterior
which are changed or read by electromagnetic tipped arms that move over the disk as it spins.
hard disks come in various speeds. An IDE hard disk spins at 4200rpm and is significantly
slower than SATA A particular SATA hard disk has a spindle speed of 7200rpm. A SCSI hard
disk (used in servers and high end computers)have a spindle speed of up to 15000rpm
Currently, the fastest hard drive would be a SSD (solid state drive) which relies on non-
volatile silicon memory chips arranged in arrays to store data. SSDs have nearly no read and
write latency and is capable of speeds of 200-300mbps compared to the standard sata which
is capable of 40-90mbps. A SSD however can cost 10times the price of a mechanical Hard
Disk and store a fraction of the data a mechanical hard disk is capable of. Currently the
record is 256GB for SSDs and 1TB for HDDs
The setup of a hard disk may include: stand alone master, slave with master present, RAID 0,
RAID 1 - 10
RAID Setup: the two most common configurations are RAID 0 and 1
RAID is the abbreviated term for: Redundant Array of Inexpensive Drives. Raid 0 uses the
concept of stripping to evenly split data between 2 or more drives. This allows the computer
to access multiple drives simultaneously to increase data transfer rate and response time. The
disadvantages of this setup is reliability. If one of the drives fail -- your data is gone.
RAID 1, is the setup in which 2 or more disks are used to create copies of each other assuring
no data loss if one or more drives fail in the array. Performance wise, there is no gain.
The most cost effective purchase would be for a 500GB internal HD in the SATA format
which will run about 120$. 25 cent per MB is the current sweat spot for purchase, anything
higher or lower will cost more per MB.
Hard_disk [17]
A hard drive is also known as a hard disk or fixed disk drive. Hard_drive
Hard disks are most commonly used for secondary storage.
Tape drives [edit]
A tape drive is a storage device that uses a streaming magnetic tape to store data. Instead of
allowing random-access to data, tape drives only allow sequential-access to data. It must
wind between reels to find any particular piece of data at any given time.
Tape drives are used for archival storage of data stored on hard drives Tape_drive
Optical strategies [edit]
Pressing [edit]
CD pressing is having the CD stamped or plated instead of laser encoding. [18] Check out
this informative video which features how mass production CD pressing is conducted:
Burning [edit]
Burning is a process in which a CD is written using indentations that are burned onto the disc.
[19] You can burn onto a variety of devices, such as CD-R, CD-RW and DVD-R. This
process happens with the use of red or blue lasers. Some burnable devices are rewritable
(CD-RW) and some are permanent (CD-R).
Sides and layers [edit]
DVD's are capable of writing and reading two different layers on both sides of the disc.
If both sides of a DVD are used, this double layer can be duplicated again, creating four data
layers. This form of disc can hold over 4.7GB of information.

Blu-Ray [edit]
Blu-Ray uses a blue violet laser. The laser enables many functions of a video such as
recording, rewriting and playback. Much more data can be stored on a Blu-Ray disc than on a
regular DVD, over five times the amount of data that a single layer DVD. It also has a duel
layer version. Blu-Ray is a new optical disc standard based on the use of a blue laser rather
than the red laser of DVD players. The standard was developed collaboratively by Hitachi,
LG, Matsushita (Panasonic), Pioneer, Philips, Samsung, Sharp, Sony, and Thomson. Toshiba
and NEC are among the companies promoting a competitive optical format, HD-DVD.,,sid9_gci810790,00.html
flash [edit]
The most flexible storage device. Flash would be considered as a secondary storage. It's a
non-volatile computer memory which does not lose it's information when power is lost. It is a
technology that is primarily used in memory cards to transfer data between computer and
other digital products such as a PDA (personal digital assistant), digital camera, digital
camcorder, and etc. The flash memory drive comes in many forms such as a jump drive, use
flash drive, and etc.
Image of Flash Stick: [20]

Case (and what's inside) [edit]

Motherboard [edit]
A motherboard is a piece of hardware in a computer which is the central circuit board. A
motherboard provides the electrical and logical connections by which the other components
of the system communicate. A few examples would be the main memory, extra storage, video
and sound. See also the main entry for Motherboard in Wikipedia. Motherboard
Ports [edit]
Dedicated [edit]
Serial [edit]
Parallel [edit]
SCSI [edit]
USB [edit]
Universal Serial Bus (USB*) is a connectivity specification.
USB is one of the most successful interconnect in computing history. It operates at 480 Mbps
and can be found in over 2 billion PC, CE, and mobile devices. USB has strong consumer
brand recognition and a reputation for ease-of-use. {}
Firewire [edit]
Slots [edit]
Slots are an opening in a computer where a circuit board can be inserted to add new
capabilities. All personal computers contain expansion slots for adding more memory,
graphics capabilities, and support for special devices. [21]
Slots Video
Graphics card [edit]

Graphics Card
Graphic cards- are also called video card's or a video adapter. They are in all PCs. Graphic
cards covert signals into video signals so the images can be displayed on the monitor.
Different graphics cards are used for different purposes. Leading manufactures include ATI
Graphics cards are designed to offload rendering from the CPU. The fastest graphics card in
mass production today is the Nvidia GeForce 280. This is suitable for gamers and enthusiasts.
It will cost well over $300. Graphics cards are powered by the motherboard and require a
PCIX or PCIX 2.0 slot to install. Some cards require more power and thus will need a 6-8 pin
connector that runs directly to the power supply. Graphics cards also include on board
memory for efficient rendering. Typical sizes include 128-1024mb of memory. Today, high
end graphics cards have multiple core processors that are largely parallel to increase texture
fill and process more 3D objects in real time.
Sound card [edit]

Close-up of a Sound Card

A sound card, also referred to as an audio card facilitates the input and output of audio signals
to and from a computer under the control of computer programs. Sound cards for computers
were uncommon until 1988, which left the single internal PC speaker as the only way early
PC software could produce sound and music.
Uses of a sound card include the audio component's for multimedia applications such as
games, video/audio editing software and music composition. Most computers today have
sound capabilities built in, while others require additional expansion cards. w:en:Sound_card
NIC [edit]

Network Interface Card

Network Interface Cards - A network card, network adapter, LAN Adapter or NIC (network
interface card) is a piece of computer hardware designed to allow computers to communicate
over a computer network. Used for remote communication via cable. Data is transmitted over
a cable network. The NIC connects computers and other devices such as printers.
PC card [edit]
A PC card is a peripheral interface device that is located on the side of a typical laptop
computer. Originally used as a memory expansion tool; the PC card has many uses such as
the use to house network cards,modems, and hard disks.

What is Metadata?
Data Types »

Bytes, Kilobytes and Gigabytes, OH MY!

December 11

The smallest unit of information on a computer is a bit,  which is short for the term
“binary digit” and can only consist of the numbers 0 or 1. Bits are used in various
combinations of the numbers 0 and 1 to create meaningful information, such as a byte.
A byte is a computer storage unit containing enough memory to hold a store a single
character, such as a number or a letter. It is composed of eight bits.
Because bytes are a small unit, it is more common to see the terms kilobytes and gigabytes to
refer to storage space on a computer.
Kilobyte:Â 1,024 bytes
Megabyte:Â 1,048,576 bytes or 1,024 kilobytes
Gigabyte:Â 1,073,741,824 bytes or 1,024 megabytes
It can be difficult to conceptualize the amount of electronic data contained in a byte.Â
Different documents take up varying amounts of space.Â
The following examples demonstrate the approximate quantities of data that can be stored in
a single gigabyte of space:
 Microsoft Word files: 65,000 pages
 E-mail files: 100,000 files
 Text files: 675,000 pages
For more definitions, please visit our Glossary of Terms page.
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