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Performance Task Science 1

Submitted by: Sebastian A. Comandante Submitted to: Sir Mike Section: 3-St.Maur

Ingredients and Procedure

Ingredients for Plain Vanilla Gelato

2 cups milk (whole, low fat or non-fat 1 cup sugar 1/4 cup fat-free powdered milk 1 cup light cream, half-and-half or fat-free half-and-half 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Procedure for Gelato: Before you even think about making gelato, you better get the gel container in the deep freeze and start it freezing up. Models vary, but generally, the recommend the length of time needed to freeze the unit is between 6 hours and 22 hours. It depends on how cold your freezer is. If you have the room, just leave your freezer bowl in the freezer at all times. That way, you can take it out any time for immediate use.To determine whether the bowl is completely frozen, just shake it. If you don't hear liquid moving, it's frozen! Before freezing the bowl, wash and dry the bowl, then place the freezer bowl in the back of your freezer where it is coldest. (Note: Your freezer should be set to 0F for most foods, including gelato. In a large pot ( 4 quarts or larger) with a heavy bottom (for even heat distribution), mix the fat-free milk, Sugar and powdered nonfat dry milk. Bring the mix to a low simmer over medium heat and stir to dissolve the Sugar, then turn the heat down and just keep it warm. Separate the egg yolks from 8 large eggs. Put the egg yolks in a medium bowl and whisk until they are thickened (it only takes about 2 minutes. I use a hand mixer on low speed.While constantly whisking, slowly add 1 cup of the hot milk mixture and whisk until it is blended (a few seconds). Then pour the egg mixture back into the pot of hot milk and increase heat to medium. Stir the mixture constantly with a wooden or plastic spoon, until the mixture is thickened (like gravy) and registers between 170F and 180F (check with an instant-read thermometer, like the ones with a probe). Stir in light cream, half-and-half or non-fat half-and-half and vanilla. Cover and pop into the refrigerator for at least 6 hours before continuing on to step 8. Overnight or even 24 to 48 hours is fine.

Ingredients for Pesto Pasta

160 g linguine, or spaghetti 1/3 cup Pesto Sauce 3 tbsp pasta cooking water 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

Ingredients for Pesto sauce

1/4 cup pine nuts 1/3 cup Parmesan cheese, grated 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil 1/2 tsp salt, to be added when pouring over pasta

Procedure for cooking the pasta:

1. Cook the pasta. 2. While the pasta is cooking, put the pesto sauce in a small bowl, then add salt (as per the quantity specified in the Pesto Sauce recipe) and the specified amount of pasta cooking water, which will warm up the sauce and will dilute it a bit. 3. Put the drained linguine back into the pasta cooking pot, add the sauce and extra virgin oil, then mix well. Serve in the warmed dishes.

Procedure for making the pesto sauce: 1. Cook the pasta. 2. While the pasta is cooking, put the pesto sauce in a small bowl, then add salt (as per the quantity specified in the Pesto Sauce recipe) and the specified amount of pasta cooking water, which will warm up the sauce and will dilute it a bit.
3. Put the drained linguine back into the pasta cooking pot, add the sauce and

extra virgin oil, then mix well. Serve in the warmed dishes.

Converting to SI Unit

1)Pesto Pasta -Cooking Pasta 160 g linguine, or spaghetti noodles = 0.16 kg 1/3 cup Pesto Sauce = 79.2 mL 3 tbsp pasta cooking water = 45 mL 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil = 15mL

-Pesto Sauce 1/4 cup pine nuts = 2 oz 1/3 cup Parmesan cheese, grated = 2.64 oz 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil = 2 oz 1/2 tsp salt, to be added when pouring over pasta = 2.5 g

2)Gelato 2 cups milk (whole, low fat or non-fat) = 16 oz 1 cup sugar = 8 oz 1/4 cup fat-free powdered milk = 2 oz 1 cup light cream, half-and-half or fat-free half-and-half = 8 oz 1 teaspoon vanilla extract = 5 g

Guide Questions:

1) Is the Pesto Pasta dish a Heterogenous or Homogenous mixture? -It is a Heterogenous mixture because you can distinguish which is sauce and which is the pasta 2)Is a Plain Vanilla Gelato a Heterogenous or a Homogenous mixture -It is a Homogenous mixture because you can not identify where the milk,egg yolk,sugar ect... is and it cant seperate it by hand

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