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The topics 1 An introduction to touri ! 1.1 Concept and definitions 1.2Pioneers of tourism 1.3History of tourism " M##tin$ 2.1 Introducing oneself 2.2 Meeting someone for the first time % &'( o) tr'*#++in$ 3.1 Travelling by air. 3.2 Travelling by rail train!" by #ater sea" river! and by road car" bus! , In t-# to.n/ cit( $.1 Things to see in the to#n. %here in to#n& $.2's(ing and giving direction in the street $.3 Information re)uest 0 M#'n o) tr'n 1ort2 R#nt3-ir# ' c'r *.1 Means of transport *.2 +ent a car. *.3 +oad signs and #arnings 4 Tic5#t r# #r*'tion ,.1 -uying an airplane tic(et from a travel agency ,.2 -aggage information ,.3 %hat documents do you need to travel to..& 6 Touri t 'ttr'ction 'nd )'ci+iti# /.1 Tourist attractions /.2 't the ban( 7 8o 1it'+it( 0.1 Ma(ing a boo(ing on the telephone and by letter1fa2. 0.2 'rriving at the hotel. Chec(ing in1out at a hotel. 9 Pu:+ic S#r*ic# 3.1 Public 4ervices 3.2 %eather and climate 1; At t-# r# t'ur'nt 15.1 Catering establishments and restaurant staff 15.2 6ood and drin(s 15.3 7rdering" as(ing1giving advice" complaining apologi8ing and paying 11 L#tt#r .ritin$

Lesson1 AN INTRODUCTION TO TOURISM Touri ! is the act of travel or the purpose of recreation and business" and the provision of services for this act. ' more comprehensive definition #ould be that tourism is a service industry" comprising a number of t'n$i:+# and int'n$i:+# components. T-# t'n$i:+# elements include9 transport system< air" rail" road" #ater and hospitality services: accommodation" foods and beverages" tours" souvenirs" and related services such as ban(ing" insurance and safety and security. T-# int'n$i:+# elements include9 rest and relaxation, culture, adventures and different experiences . 12" Pion##r o) touri ! Thomas Coo(" 6reddie ;a(er" Cesar Manri)ue. T-o!' Coo5 He #as the first person to develop mass tourism. He organi8ed e2cursions and tours #hich opened up the #orld of traveling for pleasure to the middle classes. Many of the things #hich #e no# ta(e for granted in modern tourism date bac( to Thomas Coo( < things li(e traveler=s che)ues" hotel vouchers" and chartered transport. Thomas Coo( lived in ;eicester in the centre of >ngland in the mid:13 th century. He organi8ed his first tour" a rail#ay e2cursion from ;eicester to ;oughborough" in 10$1. Fr#ddi# L'5#r %as one of the pioneers of modern passenger air travel. He #as born in >ngland in 1322" and from an early age #as involved #ith aircraft. He #as an aircraft engineer in the 4econd %orld %ar and also learnt to fly. ;a(er=s business ability appeared soon after the #ar ended. In the -erlin airlift of 13$0 he #as one of a number of businessmen #ho bought and chartered planes to ta(e food and supplies to the people of -erlin #hen the city #as bloc(aded by the +ussian. It #as in the 13,5s and 13/5 that the real gro#th in charter air travel happened" as more and more people #anted to go on pac(age holidays. ;a(er #as at the forefront of this. 6reddie ;a(er helped to ma(e air travel a realistic and fairly cheep possibility for many travelers and tourists. C# 'r M'nri=u# He #as born in 'rrecife in 1313 and studied art in Madrid and ?e# @or(. His maAor set:piece visitor attractions" Bameos del 'gua" Mirador del +io" and Bardin de Cactus are masterpieces of design #hich are totally in harmony #ith the landscape.

The hallmar(s of any Manri)ue proAect are the use of local materials" integration #ith natural" and a completely peaceful atmosphere" all finished #ith a flourish of his o#n brand of surreal art. Cesar Manri)ue died in a car accident Aust outside his Taro de Tahiche home in 4eptember 1332. 12% 8i tor( o) touri ! +ead the article about the history of tourism C6ootprints in the sand of timeD

Lesson 2 MEETINGS 2.1 Introducing oneself pre8entari! Vocabulary: My name is Bohn -ro#n. Mine is 4imon 4mith : Iar eu sunt. Please call me 4imon 'nd you must call me -ill. May I introduce you to . I=d li(e to introduce you to. This is. Ho# old are you& I am ... He1she is . . %here are you from& I=m from . I live in . . %hat is your address1 telephone number& 2.2 Meeting someone for the first time Dialogue: Hogo ;iro arrives at the airport" loo(ing for someone #ho he has never met" but #ho is meant to be #earing a red carnation in his buttonhole in order to be recogni8ed. H;9 >2cuse me" are you -ob 4mith& Man9 ?o" I=m afraid I=m not. H;9 7h" that=s a pity" I=ve Aust arrived from Italy and he #as meant to meet me here. Than( you any#ay. It #ould appear that everyone has agreed to put a carnation in their buttonholeE H.;9 >2cuse me" are you -ob 4mith& -49 @es" I=m . @ou must be Hugo ;iro. Ho# do you do& H;9 Ho# do you do& I=m pleased to meet you Mr 4mith -49 I=m pleased to meet you too. Please call me -ob. H;9 'nd you must call me Hugo. -49 May I introduce you to my colleague" our e2port sales manager" 4imon Fallas& 4imon" this is Hugo ;iro. H;9 Ho# do you do. I=m pleased to meet you at last after all our communication by e:mail and on the telephoneE 4F9 Fid you have a good trip& H;9 %ell" #e had three hour delay at the stopover because they had problems refueling the plane" that=s #hy #e are so late" I=m afraid. -49 It doesn=t matterG #e have had some e2tra time to #or( out our sales strategies for the meeting. My car is in the underground carpar( < have you got any luggage&

H;9 Bust a couple of suitcases #ith samples in them < they should have arrived by no#. 4F9 ;et=s go and get them and then #e=ll give you some lunch before #e go to the hotel. Exercise What would you say? a! Hood afternoon Mr I. Ho# do you do& JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ b! Hood morning I. Ho# are you& JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ c! It=s nice to meet you. JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ d! Ho# is business& JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ e! Have you met Boanna Trilby& JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ f! Fid you have a good trip& JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ g! Ho# do you (no# my mar(eting manager& JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ h! ;et me give you my card. JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ i! %ould you li(e a coffee& JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ A! Haven=t #e met some#here before& JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ

Lesson 3 &A>S OF TRAVELLING Discussion questions: %hy do people travel& Fo you li(e to travel& %hy1#hy not& %21 Tr'*#++in$ :( 'ir Vocabulary: 'irport" airliner" to ta(e off" to land" to get on a plane" to get on board on a plane" get off a plane" boo(1reserve a flight for ;ondon" direct1nonstop flight" a flight via ?e# @or(" airline tic(et" travel1go first1business class" travel1go tourist1 economy class" chec(:in des(" to chec(:in" suitcase" hand luggage1carry:on baggage 'm.>.!" aisle seat" smo(ing1non smo(ing section" boarding card" go through the passport control" departure lounge" gate" fasten seat:belts" luggage compartment" baggage re!claim area" pass1go through the customs. Dialogue: At t-# 'ir1ort -. -loggs9 >2cuse me. Which terminal does flight A !"# go from? 'ir hostess9 Terminal -" Hate $2. $ou mast chec% in !" minutes before departure on an international flight" or 35 minutes before departure on a domestic flight. -. -loggs9 'nd #here do I chec(:in& 'H9 The chec(:in des( is over there: Aust behind the Tarom des(. -. -loggs9 Than( you. Hood morning. &'d li%e to chec%(in please. '.H9 Hood morning" 4ir. Could I have your tic(et and your passport" and could you put your luggage on the scale? )ave you got any hand luggage? +ight" here is your boarding card. *he flight arrives at ++,+- am local time, and you #ill have to put your watch forward by - hours. Please go through customs and

immigration before the duty free shops and go to the departure lounge on time. @our flight #ill be in about half:an:hour. -. -loggs9 Than( you. Koice9 This is the last call for flight number ';,52" no# boarding gate $2. -ill -loggs gets on the plane Koice9 ;adies and Hentlemen" pleas fasten your seatbelt and e2tinguish all cigarettes. %e are preparing for ta(e:off. 't customs. .ill .loggs has rather bumpy flight, then the plane lands, )e gets off the plane and goes off towards customs and immigration, )e spea%s to a customs officer /012, C79 )ave you got anything to declare, 3ir? -. -loggs9 ?o" nothing in particular. Do & have to declare my camera& C79 ?o" that=s all right" sir. 0ould you open your briefcase please& -. -loggs9 Certainly. C79 4o through the green channel, please, -. -loggs9 Than( you. Air tr'*#+ trou:+# O*#r:oo5in$ If you travel first class" this should not happen" but as the no:sho# rate is 15L for both business and economy seats" for the latter t#o this is standard policy. 4o chec( in early to reduce the ris( of being CbumpedD. C'nc#++'tion If you are ta(ing several on#ard flights on the same airline and you s(ip one of them" the subse)uent boo(ings may be cancelled. -e sure to contact the reservations department to ma(e sure there is no (noc(:on effect. Uncon)ir!#d )+i$-t It #ould seem illogical that once you have boo(ed and paid for your flight" you have to reconfirm. Certain flights ho#ever have to be confirmed either $0 or /2 hours before departure. Chec( #ith your travel agent before going. I++n# ' surprising number of illnesses" both common diseases such as measles and chic(en po2 and more serious ones such as diphtheria or mumps can prevent you flying out. The policies vary from one airline to another so it is better to chec( #ith the airline concerned. They may as( you to produce a medical certificate saying that you pose no ris( to other passengers or airline staff. No 1' 1ort @ou are unli(ely to be able to travel on an airline if you have forgotten your passport" if it has e2pired or if you don=t have the right visa. This is because the companies can be heavily fined by the immigration department of the country you

are flying to. 4o do chec( your documents particularly the e2piry date! before you leave. G't# c+o in$ ti!# The closing time varies from one another but the ground staff at the departure gate can refuse entry if you are too late. Drun5#n or di ord#r+( :#-'*iour It is an offence both to board a plane drun(" and to get drun( on the plane. The ground staff can prevent you from boarding" and the captain has the final decision. Bust stic( to #ater. ?o5# In these days of high security flying" a Ao(e about #hat you have in your baggage such a bomb!" or saying that you did not pac( your o#n bag" can lead to an arrest and even prosecution. 4o (eep your Ao(es and good humor to other situations. Exercise 6ill in the sentences using the #ords belo# 7verboo(ed passengers confirm cancelled Terminal airsic( customs lost luggage Information transfer delayed flight Contact number suitcase stopover announce a! b! c! d! e! f! g! h! i! A! (! l! m! I=m sorry there=s no seat. @ou didn=t JJJJJJJJJJyour reservation 2$ hours in advance. %e regret to JJJJJJJJJ that JJJJJJJJJJ T%' *35 has been JJJJJJJJJJJJ #ill be late!. I=m afraid your luggage has been held up in JJJJJJJJJ. JJJJJJJJJJ JJJJJJJJJJ for Miami should proceed to gate 10. 7h noE I=m in the #rong JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ. My JJJJJJJJJJJJ hasn=t arrived. @ou=ll have to go to JJJJJJJJJJJ" then. I=m sorry 4ir" the plane has been JJJJJJJJJJJJ" the ne2t one is in an hour. There are no seats. The plane is JJJJJJJJJJ. Could you please leave a JJJJJJJJJJJJJJ. %ould passengers for flight T%' *35 go to the T%' des( in hall 10 for further JJJJJJJJ. I hope it=s not bumpy ride < I get JJJJJJJJJJJJJ. I boo(ed a direct flight #ithout a JJJJJJJJJJJJJJ.

%2"Tr'*#++in$ :( r'i+ @tr'inA/ :( .'t#r @ #'/ ri*#rA 'nd :( ro'd @c'r/ :u A Vocabulary T-# tic5#t (ou !'( :u(B A single tic%et, a return tic%et, a through tic%et, a first class tic%et, a second class tic%et, a non(smo%ing carriage, a tic%et office,

At the railway station: *he first class5last train6 an early5late train, the mil% train, what time does the next train for 7ortsmouth leave? &s this train going to 8aidstone, please?, Which platform for 7ortsmouth, please?, Where will the carriage be on the platform? &s there a waiting room? 9pon arrival there are connecting trains, We can get a train right through to &s there a direct lin% to the high(speed ferry to :yde Dialogue: At t-# r'i+.'( t'tion .ill .usy tal%s with a station master /3,82 at the railway station, -.-usy9 >2cuse me" what time does the next train for 7ortsmouth leave? 4.M.9 't 1$.1*" then at 1$.$*" after that every half hour until 22.1*. -.-usy: Where will the first class" non:smo(ing carriage be on the platform? 4.M.9 @ou should #ait in the middle of platform. -.-usy9 Which platform does the train for 7ortsmouth go from " please" and is there a waiting room? 4.M.9 Platform$" but you=d better hurry" 4ir" it=s about to leave. -.-usy9 7ne last )uestion < is there a direct lin% to the high(speed ferry to :yde? 4.M.9 @es" there is. @ou Aust need to #al( do#n the platform and the ferry is #ell:indicated. @ou=ll need about 15 minutes but the ferry usually #aits the ;ondon train. -.-usy9 Than( you. Vocabulary Could you tell me #here the Isle of %. ferry goes from& 6oot passengers follo# the green mar(ings. Ho# long is the crossing& It=s only a 1*:minute ride. ' boarding lounge ' hovercraft Dialogue B At t-# )#rr( 1ort .ill .usy wants to ta%e the ferry and tal%s with the harbor master -. -usy9 I=ve Aust come from ;ondon and #ant to get over the #ater , 0ould you tell me where the &sle of Wight ferry goes from? H.M.9 Have you got a through tic%et& If not" you=ll have to go to the tic%et office first. -. -usy9 That=s all right. I bought a through tic(et in ;ondon. H.M.9 ;oot passengers follow the green mar%ing to the boarding lounge . 7ther#ise" you could ta(e the C6ast Cat C: it=s our ne# super:speed ferry" it leaves in ten minutes and it's only a +-(minute ride, Ho#ever" you can only ta(e hand: luggage. Mpon arrival there are connecting trains to ta(e you #here you #ant. @ou

could also ta(e the hovercraft #hich is only a 15 minute crossing and you arrive near the to#n centre. -. -usy9 It=s difficult to decide. H.M.9 If it=s comfort you #ant" ta(e the club lounge on the ferry: there are business facilities including des(s" electronic soc(ets and phones: you can even send a fa2 if you #ant. There=s also a #aiter service and free ne#spapers if you #ant to rela2. -. -usy9 That sounds li(e the best idea: how long is the crossing? H.M.9 It usually ta(es 3* minutes: the sea is calm today so there should be no delay. -. -usy9 'nd #hen it=s rough& Tic5#t in)or!'tion : Tic(ets are available from tic(et agents or ports or on the boats in high season it is sometimes not possible to buy tic(ets on board!. Tic(ets prices are regulated by the government. : Three classes of tic(ets9 first lu2ury!" second and third dec(!: most people travel dec( class. If you buy on board you #ill probably get a tourist class tic(et dec( plus 25L surcharge!. : ' return tic(et usually means a 15L discount. : Half:fare for children aged $ to15 : Cash payment only credit cards not usually accepted!. : Tic(ets are normally non:transferable.

Vocabulary 't the bus stop9 <xcuse me, is this the right bus stop for .embridge? 0ould you tell me where the bus stop for .embridge is? What time does the next bus go? *his stop is for the southbound buses, &t's a through bus to Ventnor, stopping at= *he services do vary during school terms and on ban% holidays, &'d li%e a single to .embridge, please, *hat'll be >" pence please, a double(dec%er( a rac% (un portbaga? a season tic%et (un abonament
DialogueB At t-# :u to1 -.-usy9 <xcuse me, could you tell me where the bus stop for .embridge is? Passer:by9 *his stop is for the southbound buses, The northbound buses or the buses for -embridge usually go from over there.

-.-usy9 Than( you. <xcuse me, is this the right bus stop for .embridge? Passer:by9 @es" it is. &t's a through bus to Ventnor, stopping at -embridge" 4ando#n and 4han(lin. -. -usy9 What time does the next bus go? Passer:by9 7n the timetable it says it at 10.25" although the services do very during school terms on schooldays and on ban( holidays. -. -usy9 %here do I buy my tic(et& Passer:by9 @ou buy it from the driver as you get onto the bus unless you have a season tic%et. -. -usy9 'h: here comes the bus < ho# #onderful" it=s a double(dec%er@ -. -usy: &'d li%e a single to .embridge, please, Friver9 *hat'll be >" pence please. Here you are" 4ir. -. -usy9 Than( you very much. L# on , IN T8E TO&N @CIT>A ,21T-in$ to ## in t-# to.n2 &-#r# in t-# to.nC Vocabulary9 To#n centre1 do#nto#n 'm.>.!" shopping centre1mall" s)uare" bridge" rail#ay station" bus station" underground1sub#ay 'm.>.!" police station" airport" ferry port1sea port" ban(" post1mail office" hotel" cafN" supermar(et" apartment bloc(1 apartment house 'm.>.!" bloc( of flats" crossing1cross#al( 'm.>.!" pelican crossing" 8ebra crossing" intersection" cycle path" school" library" par(" museum" theatre" church" motor#ay1e2press#ay 'm.>.!"" traffic lights" traffic Aam" boo(stall1ne#s:stand 'm.>.!" telephone bo2" litter1rubbish bin" bench %here in the to#n& In the middle of the par(" on the other side of to#n" cross the street" round the corner" at1on 'm.>.! the corner of the street" at the traffic lights" opposite the hotel" in front of the rail#ay station" near the airport" by1ne2t to 1beside the seaport" in1on 'm.>.!" the high street1main street 'm.>.!" in the same street as the post office" behind the to#er bloc(" through the sub#ay1underpass" under the bridge. Dialogue: AB Is this the #ay to the Central Par(& -9 @es" it is.1 ?o it isn=t '9 Is this the right #ay to the car par(& C9 I=m sorry I don=t (no#. I=m a stranger here myself. '9 Ho# do I get to the sea1ferry port&

F9 I=m going that #ay" I=ll sho# you. It=s in that direction" but I=m not sure #here e2actly. Ho along here and as( again. '9 Foes this bus1train go to the to#n centre& >9 @es" it does. 1 ?o" it doesn=t. @ouOre on the #rong bus. '9 >2cuse me" can you tell me #here to get off& >9 Ho t#o stops and get off at the ne2t stop1 at the ne2t stop bus one. '9 >2cuse me do I have to change& >9 @es" you have to change at the fourth station. '9 >2cuse me" #here=s the ne2t bus stop& 69 It=s round the corner to the left. It=s the second turning on the right. '9 I=m loo(ing for Kictoria 4tation" is it far from here& H9 It=s not far" you can #al(. 1 It=s on the other side of to#nG you=d better ta(e a ta2i. ,2" A 5in$ 'nd $i*in$ dir#ction in t-# tr##t 's(ing the #ay9 >2cuse me #ould you tell me.the #ay to. Ho# I can get to the airport& Hiving directions9 Carry strait on. Peep on for about *55metres. Ho strait ahead along this street till you come to the traffic lights. Ta(e the number 3. Ta(e bus1train to ;ondon. Turn left1right at the traffic lights: la semafor o luati la stinga1dreapta Ta(e the %inchester +oad: mergeti spre drumul spre %inchester Ta(e the second e2it: a doua esire Turn into Miles 'venue: cotiti pe Miles 'venue Ho up the road as far as: mergeti drept pina la Turn round at the end of the road: va intoarceti la capatul drumului It=s on the corner of.street and. street: este pe colt intre. si . @ou are nearly there: aproape ati aAuns It=s on your left1right : este la stnga1dreapta dumneavoastra Pr#1o ition u #d to -o. t-# dir#ction 't" from" into" in" out of" over peste!" above" through prin!" opposite" up" by1ne2t to" beside" bet#een" around" in front of" to" on" off" under" belo#" along" to#ards" do#n" near" a#ay from" behind. Exercise 6ill in using the proper preposition, Where are you going? a! Ho JJJJJJJJ the par(. b! Frive JJJJJJJ the flyover. pasaA! c! It is JJJJJJthe corner of -riton +oad and >lbury 4treet. d! The car par( is JJJJJ the cinema. e! He goes to #or( JJJJJJ a bicycle.

f! Par( the car JJJJJJ the office. g! The ban( is JJJJJJthe High 4treet. h! It=s a long #ay JJJJJ;and=s >nd JJJJBohn o= Croats. i! The office is JJJJJJ the sho#room. A! Ho JJJJJJthe hill. (! CarefulE There are road #or(s JJJJJJ. l! Frive slo#ly JJJJJthe housing estate. m!The factory is JJJJJJ the H;P plant and the 746 #or(s. n! Come JJJJJJ Melbury +oad JJJJJJ 4ummer 4treet. o! Ho JJJJJJthe #arehouse and stop at reception. p! Ho JJJJJJthe level crossing. )! Ho JJJJJJthe roundabout and ta(e the second e2it. r! The bureau de change is JJJJJJJthe -udapest Hotel. s! Het JJJJJthe motor#ay at e2it 15 and JJJJJ at e2it 1/. t! Ho JJJJJ the station" and turn left. u! The factory is JJJJJJ the no entry sign. v! The urban activity 8one is JJJJJ the ring road. #! Ho JJJJJ the main street as far as the traffic lights. 2! The industrial estate is JJJJJ the to#n centre. y! The plant is Aust JJJJJthe shopping mall. 8! @ou can get a ta2i JJJJthe to#n hall. Dialogue: In t-# tr##t Arno Aones is into his car and wants to find the Wayfield offices, '.B.9 >2cuse me. Ho# do I get to the Wayfield offices, please? P.-.9 ;et me thin(. Ta(e the %inchester road" turn right" ta(e the fourth turning on the left" (eep going until you get to the roundabout" ta(e the second e2it and it=s strait on past the @oungster factory" it=s on your left. '.B.9 Could you sho# me on the map& P.-.9 @es" of course. '.B.9 Is it a long #ay& P.-.9 7nly about fifteen (ilometers. '.B.9 Ho# long #ill it ta(e to get there& P.-.9 't this time of day" about half an hour: this is rush hourE ... '.B.9 >2cuse me" I=m lost. I=m loo(ing for the %ayfield officer. P.-.9 7h dear. @ou=ve gone the #rong #ay. @ou=ll have to turn round at the end of the road" go bac( to the roundabout and ta(e the first e2it. 'fter that" you go up the road as far as the @oungster factory" turn left into Miles 'venue" Then come out of Miles 'venue into Belly 4treet and you can=t miss the office bloc( on the right. '.B.9 Could you dra# me a map& P.-.9 Certainly. Have you got a pen and paper&

' B.9 Here you are" and thin( you very much for your help. P.-.9 @ou are #elcome. ,2% In)or!'tion r#=u# t D 4olicitarea informatiei Vovabulary9 %hat you may say >2cuse meG I=m a stranger in these parts >2cuse me" I=m lost Could you tell me #here the ban( is" please& Is there a ban( near here please& Ho# do I get to. please& Ho# far is it& Is it a long #ay& Ho# long #ill it ta(e to get there& Could you sho# me on the map& Than( you any#ayG Than( you for your help. %hat may be ans#ered& I=m afraid1I=m sorry that I don=t (no# I don=t come from here. To as( again: mai intrabati @ou have gone the #rong #ay.: ati gresit drumul Ho straight along the High street : mergeti drept inainte pe drumul principal Exercise a! b! c! d! e! f! g! h! i! A! (! l! Arrange the sentences in a correct order to ma%e up a dialog5conversation. *axi please@ Here you are. Peep the change. That seems a bit e2pensive. %here to" sir& %e=ve arrived at the airport" sir. ;oo( at the sign CThe driver has the right to accept or refuse the hireD. Could you give me a receipt& I=ll have to charge a special rate for the mon(ey and e2cess baggage. Certainly" enAoy your flight. I=ll be about *5Q" sir. Than(s you s)uire. I=d li(e to go to the airport. %hat is the ta2i fare to Heathro#& 'll right" then. L# on 0 MEANS OF TRANSPORT2 RENT A CAR 0212 M#'n o) tr'n 1ort

-us" coach" tram1streetcar 'm.>!"Trolley:bus" ta2i1cab 'm.>!" car" sports car" police car" ambulance" motor bi(e" scooter" bicycle" underground1sub#ay 'm.>!" train" high speed train" plain" helicopter" ship" boat" motor boat" ro#ing boat" yacht" ferry coach" lorry" trac(. Te2t9 Tr'*#++in$ People can use different means of transport. The bicycle is the cheapest. The motorcycle is also cheap but it is not good for long distances. %ith a car people can travel comfortably for long distances and they don=t get very tired. -eautiful and comfortable ships cross seas and oceans from one continent to another. Planes carry passengers very )uic(ly to various parts of the #orld. @et" many people believe that the best means of transport is the train. They li(e to sit comfortably in the train and admire the nature through the #indo#. If they are hungry they may have their meals in the dining:car. If they travel at a long distance they buy tic(ets in a sleeper. Train lovers li(e to meet ne# people on the train and tal( to them. Most people prefer to travel by through trains. People go to a boo(ing office to get tic(ets. They may buy single or return tic(ets. 02" R#nt ' c'r Vocabulary I #ould li(e to rent 1 hire a car Could I see your driving license please& Could you fill in this form& There is unlimited mileage. The tan( is full. Here are the (eys" the car is in the underground car par(. I pic(ed up the car at the airport. It=s on my e2penses. 7n the road To follo# the directions carefully The distances are huge. The main roads 4ingle line traffic The road signs The high#ay police To Aump the traffic lights. To get caught in a traffic 4ecurity It=s icy1 there are icy patches

The road is sno#bound The motor#ay is fogbound The seat:belt is compulsory Fo not e2ceed the speed limit ?o over:ta(ing : nu este permisa depasirea 02%2 Ro'd i$n 'nd .'rnin$ INFORMATION 3 ORDER 1. Peep left < RineRi stSnga 2. +educe speed no# 3. >2it $. Halt : stop *. Turn on lights ,. %aiting limited 0am:,pm 25 minutes in any hour! < limita de asteptare /. 4ingle file traffic < sens unic 0. 4lo# < conduceti cu vite8a mica &ARNING 1. %atch out for children < atentie copii 2. Hive #ay1 @ield: cedare 3. Fiversion : deviere $. ;o# bridge < pod Aos *. Fuel carriage#ay 1 maAor road ahead < drum pricipal <drum cu $ ben8i" drum national ,. +oad #or(s ahead < drum in lucru /. -ends for 1 mile < KiraAe pe 1", (m 0. %eight limit 12 tons $ miles ahead! < gabarit redus 3. Height restriction < inaltime limitata 15. Cattle crossing < atentie la animale vaci! 11. 4lippery #hen #et < alunecos si umed 12. 4teep hill engage lo# gear!: panta abrupta 13. Temporary road surface < drum cu suprafata provi8orie <xercise ;ind the names of the means of transport in the sna%e bellow Highspeedtraincarhydrofoilaeroplanebushelicoptertrainshattleferrycoachundergro undhovercraftta2ishipyachtboattrain L# on 4 TICEET RESERVATION 421 Bu(in$ 'n 'ir1+'n# tic5#t )ro! ' tr'*#+ '$#nc( Tuestions you may be as(ed Ho# can & help you?

What day are you flying on? Would you li%e to travel .usiness class or <conomy class? A single tic%et5 one(way /Am,<2 A return tic%et5 a round trip /Am,<2 A long(haul5 short( haul flight *here is a stopover at Detroit *here's also a time difference of +" hours $ou may have ?etlag $ou should ta%e traveler's cheques $ouBll need to chec%(in one hour before departure $ou will need to confirm your reservation #C hours before departure %hat the traveler may say &'d li%e to enquire about flights to= 1ut on Wednesday, bac% on 3unday What time is the direct flight to=? )ow long is the flight? Do & need to apply for a visa? Do & need any vaccinations? &s there any cancellation fee? do & have to ta%e out insurance? Dialogue: T.T.9 Totaltours Travel agency" can & help you? B.+.9 @es" good morning. &'d li%e to enquire about flights to 3an ;rancisco . T.T.9 Certainly" what day are you flying on? B.+.9 1ut on Wednesday, bac% on 3unday. T.T.9 Would you li%e to travel .usiness class or <conomy class? B.+.9 It=s a long flight I thin(. -usiness class please. -y the #ay" how long is the flight? T.T.9 Firect it=s a long(haul flight < about 3 hours. %ith a stopover at Detroit" you=ll need to count another 3 hours. There=s also a time difference of 15 hours < be careful of the ?etlag #hen you come bac(E B.+.9 I=d prefer no stopover. Do & need to apply for a visa? T.T.9 ?ot any more. *here's a visa agreement bet#een most countries these days. @ou Aust need a passport and a returned tic(et. B.+,: Do & need vaccinations or special medical treatment to go to the 4tates& T.T.9 ?ot at all" ho#ever I #ould suggest that you ta(e traveler's cheques. It=s very difficult to change money in the smaller to#ns in the 4tates" but even the supermar(ets accept traveler=s che)ues. B.+.9 &s there a cancellation fee, or do & have to ta%e out insurance? T.T.9 There=s no need for insurance if you are travelling -usiness Class. 6or an 'pe2 flight" it=s better. Ho#ever" you should ta(e out medical insurance.

B.+.9 6ine" so what time is the direct flight to 3an ;ransisco? T.T.9 It leaves from Heathro# airport at 15.1* am , $ou'll need to chec% in one hour before departure. B.+.9 That sounds fine. Can you deliver the tic(ets to my office& T.T.9 Certainly. $ou will need to confirm your reservation #C hours before departure. Could you give me your credit card number" and your address. <xercise What is the right word? a! Fo #e need to apply for a visa / cancellation& b! Have a good travel / trip. c! I=d li(e to book / reserve a flight to 4idney. d! I=d li(e to en uire / in uire about a train to Manchester. e! Ho# !uch / !any is a tic(et to +yde& f! He #ants a single / si!ple tic(et to Madrid. g! There is an 0:hour ti!e "i##erence/ $etlag bet#een Paris and ?e# @or(. h! He is very tired today < he must be suffering from ti!e "i##erence / $etlag. i! @ou need to check%in /register 35 minutes before ta(e:off. A! The $ourney / travel #ill ta(e * hours. (! The trains leave one ti!e / once an hour. l! &ir travel / air voyage is the fastest #ay to go to most places 42" B'$$'$# ti1 'nd in)or!'tion &# r#co!!#nd t-'t (ouB :;oc( your luggage. : Place your name and address on the inside as #ell as the outside of your luggage. : Carry valuably items such as electronic e)uipment" computers" cameras" cash and Ae#ellery #ith you on board the aircraft in your hand luggage!. : Carry necessary items such as passports" identification" medication and (eys on board the aircraft #ith you. : Claim your luggage immediately upon arrival. : 6irearms must be declared. T-# 'ir co!1'n( ' u!# no +i':i+it( )orB : Mnsuitably pac(ed fragile or perishable items. : Previously damaged or over:pac(ed bags. : Famage or loss of protruding parts such as #heels" straps" poc(ets" pull: handles" hanger hoo(s or other items attached to the luggage. : Minor damage such as scratches 8girietura!" scuff 8girietura usoara!" dents umflaturi1taieturi!" cuts and dirt resulting from normal #ear and tear. B'$$'$# +i':i+it( +i!it'tion ;iability for loss" delay or damage to luggage is limited to an amount per (ilo for chec(ed luggage and per passenger for unchec(ed luggage unless a higher value is

declared in advance and additional charges are paid. The carrier assumes no responsibility for fragile or perishable goods. D'n$#rou $ood in c-#c5#d 'nd c'rr(<on<+u$$'$# 4ome seemingly harmless materials used every day at home or at #or( can be very dangerous on board an aircraft. Fo not pac( or carry on board9 : 6lammable li)uids" gases or solids such as paints" matches. : 6ire#or(s : Household items such as bleach" solvents. : Pressure containers such as spray cans. : %eapons9 any form of #eapon must be unloaded" declared and pac(ed in a specific containers for shipment. The above list is not all:e2clusive. <xercise 8atch each problem to a sentence to ma%e an adequate response, 7roblems: 1! My briefcase has been stolen" and all my papers #ere inside. 2! I have been at the baggage claim area and my suitcases are not there 3! 4ome items have been ta(en out of my bags. $! This isn=t my suitcase although it loo(s the same *! The airline has refused some of my baggage. ,! My bags have been damaged. /! My luggage didn=t follo# me on my connecting flight. 0! I can=t find my luggage. 3! My suitcase has completely disappeared. 15! My suitcase has been opened. a! Could you give us a full description of the suitcase and the contents" please& b! Have you chec(ed #ith lost property obiecte pierdute! & c! I=m afraid your baggage has been sent to 4t. Petersburg. %e #ill deliver it by ta2i as soon as #e possibly can. d! ;et me loo( at the loc(" Madam. 7h yes" your bag #as not loc(ed so #e cannot be held responsible. e! Please ma(e your complaint to the carrier in #riting #ithin seven days. f! I thin( you should contact airport security. g! If you left your luggage unattended" it may have been blo#n up. h! It must be over#eight. Please go to the cargo des( to have your luggage for#arded. i! ;et me have your tic(et and the details of your Aourney. A! The security agent must have seen something dangerous on the 2:ray monitor. 42% Di cu ion =u# tion2 &-'t docu!#nt do (ou n##d to tr'*#+ toFC


621 Touri t 'ttr'ction 'nd )'ci+iti# Types of tourist attraction and facilities9 museums" cathedral" churches" par(" hotel" amusement par(" botanical gardens" shopping mall M4! do#nto#n M4! gallery" harbor" ban(" telegraph. 4ydney=s top fifteen tourist attractions.9 1 ?ational Maritime Museum 2 Chinese Harden and Chinato#n 3 4ydney Harbour -ridge $ Museum of Contemporary 'rt * Tueen Kictoria -uilding , 4ydney 7pera House / +oyal -otanical Harden 0 'rt Hallery 7f ?e# 4outh %ales 3')uarium 15 4ydney 7bservatory 11 ;una 'musement Par( 12 4ydney To#er 13 4ydney Harbour 1$ Taronga Uoo 1* -ondy beach

TEGTB T8E REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA Moldova is a small" but beautiful country. Many people call it a horn of plenty. There are lovely vineyards and orchards full of delicious grapes and fruits here. It loo(s li(e a bunch of grapes on the map of >urope. %e are very proud of the ancient Codrii. They (eep lots of secrets about the history of this s#eet piece of land. The river ?istru can tell you a lot of legends and tales about our country and its people. The t#o medieval Moldovan fortresses are on the river ?istru. ?umerous monasteries #ere built on the +aut and the ?istru +iver" in the #oods and other places of rare beauty. There is one thing that ma(es Moldova special. It is the #ells" that are travelers= best friends. There is nothing better on a hot summer day that the clear and cool #ater of the #ells. ?o#here in the #orld can you see many #ells along the roads" in villages and to#ns. Houses in Moldova are another attraction. Moldovans believe that everyone should plant a tree" build a house and dig a #ell. The heart of our country is Chisinau" its capital. This #hite and splendid city is situated on seven hills. The people of Moldova are very special" too. Pind" hard#or(ing and hospitable" they are also very artistic. >verybody admires our beautiful ballads and doinas. P+'c# o) int#r# t in M'+do*'B 4oroca 6ortress 1$33!

The Curch Monastery 7rhei" 1015! The hermitage of -utuceni" 7rhei < 4chitul -utuceni 4pring Calaraseasca" 7cnita: Isvorul The 7a(:tree of 4tefan the Hreat Cobilcea" 4oldanesti! The Monastery Capriana 4traseni" 1*$*! +epicolous Monastery Tipova +esina" 1,:1/ century! < manastirea rupestra The river ?istru The church 4f. Fumitru 7rhei ! +udi Monastery" Fonduseni The Monastery ?oul ?eamt Chitcani" 4lobo8ia! The house of the painter Igor Kieru Cernoleuca" Fonduseni! 4aharna Monastery" +e8ina The church C 4t. Maria is dormitionD Causeni" 1*:1/ century! P+'c# o) int#r# t in C-i in'u The Hates of the City Parliament +epublic of Moldova The +esidence of the President of Moldova The church Chuflea ?ational Palace Municipality of Chisinau1 The To#n hall of Chisinau Triumphal 'rch 'rt museum The Circus 7rgan Hall The House of Culture of rail#ay #or(ers The monument to 4aint 4tefan the Hreat The church 4aint Parascovia of 4i(hla ?ational Museum of 6ine 'rts ?ational Museum of History Cathidral the -irth of Hod The church of 4t. Pantelemon The Cathedrale of 4t. Tiron Ciuflea church! 62" At t-# :'n5 T(1ic'+ 1-r' # B Tell me" please" #here I can change dollars into euros& %here is the nearest ban(& %hen are the ban(s open here& Is the ban( open no#& %hen are the ban(s closed here& I #ould li(e to change euros into pounds. Change me" please" dollars into local currency.

%hat is the e2change rate today& @our passport" please. Here are my passport. @our address" please. 1 %here do you live& Here is my address. I #ant to use this chec( in dollars" please. Hive me large ban(notes" if you can. I need some change. Change me this ban(note 1 bill 'm. >.! into small ! change. I #ant to open a ne# account here. %hat (ind of an account #ould you li(e to have& I need a current account1 a deposit account. @our identification" please. %hat can be the rate of interest from my money& @our interest can be from three to five per cent. 'nd #hat about getting a che)ue:boo( and a credit card& @ou can have both9 a credit card" a che)ue:boo( and some other services of our ban(. ;et us fill in a fe# forms. Hive 1 Ma(e me a state of my account" please. Hive me the receipt. I #ant to pay some money into my account" please. Pay four hundred pounds in to! my current account" please. I #ant to #ithdra# money from my account" please. I=d li(e to close my account. 4hall I sign this& 4ign here" please. DialogueB At t-# :'n52 'usto!er9 Hi. IVd li(e to deposit this chec( into my savings account. Teller: 7P. That gives you a ne# balance of Q 3*,. 'usto!er9 Than(s. Can I order ne# chec(s #ith you as #ell& Teller: ?o" customer service #ill ta(e care of that. at the customer service counter! 'usto!er9 Hi. IVd li(e to order ne# chec(s. (ervice )'(*: %hatVs your account number& 'usto!er: I #ish I could find my chec(boo(E I must have left it at home. IVm sorry" but I donVt (no# the number by heart. '(: ThatVs 7P. If you give me your name" I=ll chec( my computer. 'usto!er: 'ndre# Peller. '(: 'nd your social security number& 'usto!er9 233 *, /335. '(: 7P" here you are. %ould you li(e a bo2 of five hundred or a thousand chec(s& 'usto!er9 6ive hundred #ill do for no#. '(9 %ould you li(e your address printed on your chec(s& 'usto!er9 @es" and my phone number" please.

'(: ?o problem. IVll put the order in today. TheyVll be mailed directly to you. 'usto!er: Than(s. 'lso" I=m interested in getting a car loan. Fo you happen to (no# #hat the interest rates are& '(: That depends on the amount you borro#. -ut youVll have to tal( to one of our loan officers. 'usto!er: I see. %here can I find a loan officer& '(: 7ur loan department is located on the second floor. 'usto!er: Than(s. 7ne last )uestion. Fo you have any credit card applications& '(: @es" hereVs one. 'usto!er: @ouVve been very helpful. Than( you. '(: @ouVre #elcome. L# on 7 8OSPITALIT> 721 M'5in$ ' :oo5in$ on t-# t#+#1-on# 'nd :( +#tt#r3)'H Vocabulary &-'t (ou !'( :# o))#r#d a single5 twin room double room a suit with bath5 shower5 bathroom a front room to loo% into the sea or sea view Would you li%e full board or half board? Do you have air D conditioning in your rooms? Boo5in$ .ell's )otel, how can & help you? & would li%e to reserve5 boo%= in the name of 3mith, we're fully boo%ed &'m afraid we have no vacancies on that date, 0ould you tell me the price, please? &ncluding full <nglish brea%fast and VA*, Con)ir!in$ 0ould you send me a confirmation? could you hold the room until >,E" pm? for a late5early chec%(in we'll require a deposit We loo% forward to meeting you, Dialogue B8B .ell's )otel, how can & help you? ?SB & would li%e to reserve a single room with bath in the name of 3mith, B8B Certainly" sir. %hat date& ?SB The 1,th Bune for t#o nights. B8B &'m sorry, we're fully boo%ed on 1/th Bune.

?SB That=s all right" I=ll come on 1*th Bune instead" for t#o nights. B8B Would you li%e full board or half board? ?SB Half board please. 0ould you tell me the price, please? B8B *hat's CCF per room per night, including full <nglish brea%fast and VA*, ?SB Do you have air D conditioning in your rooms? B8: &'m afraid not, ?SB It doesn=t matter. B8B 'll right" Mr. 4mith. That=s a boo%ing for a single room for two nights beginning 1*th Bune. ?SB 0ould you send me a confirmation? B8B Certainly. Could I have your name and fa2 number or address& ?SB 7f course" It=s.I=ll be arriving late" could you hold the room until >,E" pm? B8B Certainly" but for a late chec%(in we'll require a deposit. Could you give me credit card number& ?SB It=s 5331$*3*. B8B Than( you for calling -ell=s hotel. We loo% forward to meeting you, 72" Arri*in$ 't t-# -ot#+2 C-#c5in$ in3 out 't ' -ot#+2 Vocabulary At t-# r#c#1tion d# 5 Hood morning" Ms Bones" have you got a reservation& I have got a reservation. Fo you have any vacancies& I=d li(e to chec( in I=d li(e to boo( a single room1a double room1 a suite1 a t#in:bedded room I=d li(e a room #ith a telephone1 a bath1a )ueen1(ing:si8e bed1a double bed1t#in beds1a balcony1a sea vie# That=s three nights including brea(fast. Could you fill in the registration form& Here=s your (ey1 (ey:card. +oom 123 on the first floor %hat time do you serve lunch& -rea(fast is served bet#een ,.35 and 15 am. Finner is from/pm. The night porter comes on at 11 pm The carhop #ill deal #ith your car. I=d rather par( it myselfE Have you got any baggage1 luggage& I=ll call the page boy1 bell:boy to ta(e up your bags. That=s all right. I only have one small suitcase. U in$ #r*ic# Fo you have a safe for valuables& %ould you li(e a #a(e:up call&

@es" please ring until I ans#erE Could I have a #a(e:up call at ,.35" please& L#'*in$ t-# -ot#+ I=d li(e to chec( out please. I=d li(e to settle my account" please. I=d li(e to pay my account. Certainly" %hat room number& %hich room #ere you in& %hat is the room number& %hat time do #e have to vacate the room& ;ast chec( out time is at noon. Fid you use the telephone or the mini:bar& Ho# #ould you li(e to pay& %ith my company payment card. 4ign here please. Have a good trip Exercise +atch the ,Top an" Taila! Hood morning" 4tar Hotel b! I=d li(e to boo( c! Certainly" #hat d! %ould that be full e! %ould you li(e a suite or f! ho# much does it cost g! the price includes h! I=m afraid i! Could you sent me A! I #on=t arrive before 3pm (! 6or all reservations" #e re)uire l! Fo you offer #ee(end m! %e #ill need full n! %e should li(e refreshments o! Please find enclosed 1!a double1single1t#in 2! #e=re fully boo(ed 3! could you hold the room& $! rates& *! a confirmation by fa2& ,!ho# can I help you& /!a deposit 0! at 15 am and $ pm 3! brea(fast and all ta2es. 15! conference facilities. 11! date& 12! per night" please& 13! a room. 1$! a che)ue for the deposit 1*! board or half board&

TE.T T8E PRIORIT> BELL 8OTEL %e have an e2cellent range of rooms to offer the business mar(et" #hich provide a variety of si8es for different applications. This leaflet contains the floor areas" po#er and telephone connections" capacities and travel details. Ho#ever" if you have any special re)uirements" our Manager or reception #ill be pleased to help. 'dvanced boo(ing is essential as the Hotel is used commercially all year round. T-# r# t'ur'ntB this room is ideal for ban)uet" buffet" or formal settings" as #ell a large meeting room for conference or seminar activities.

T-# &#++ roo!B this is a room #ith plenty of light for smaller business meetings #hich can be served easily for bar and catering re)uirements. T-# .'itin$ roo!B a small private room off the main lounge1reception area" ideal for small board" committee or sales meetings" intervie#s" etc. S#!in'r #=ui1!#nt inc+ud# B flip charts and pencils" television and video" screen" fa2 machine" computer #ith internet facilities" 7PH overhead proAector!. T-# :#droo! B all forty bedrooms single" t#in and double! are comfortably furnished and are en:suite #ith 4(y TK" radio" direct dial telephone and courtesy tea and coffee. ;aundry and dry:cleaning facilities are available. Ot-#r -ot#+ )'ci+iti# B indoors heated s#imming pool" gymnasium and steam room" private enclosed car:par(" e2press chec(out and free airport shuttle. Fisabled facilities including lift. Holf" e)uestrian and fishing facilities available nearby. Exercise ;ind out the words which correspond to the definition bellow a! ' place to hold a meeting9JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ b! The surface area of the room9 JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ c! Ho# to get to the hotel9 JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ d! 4omething you #ant Aust for you9 JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ e! -oo( before you arrive at the hotel9 JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ f! @our needs for food and drin(9 JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ g! ' CpaperboardD9JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ h! @ou need it to sho# transparencies9 JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ i! ' bedroom #ith t#o single beds9 JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ A! ' private bathroom9 JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ (! Telephone #here you do not need the s#itchboard9 JJJJJJJJJJJJJ l! 6ree tea and coffee: offered by the hotel9 JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ m!To #ash your clothes9 JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ n! To (eep fit and healthy9 JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ o! To (eep your car safe9JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ p! Chec(:out faster than a traditional one9 JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ )! -us to and from the airport9 JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ r! >)uipment for people #ith special needs" including going up and do#n stairs9 JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ TEGT C-#c5in$ in ' -ot#+ Part ' The tourists arrive at the hotel. The receptionist M4'9 reception cler(! chec(s them in and assign their rooms. The guide tells the tourists about the hotel=s facilities. The tourists as( him )uestions about entertainment" shopping and sightseeing.

The guide tries to ma(e things easy and pleasant for each tourist. %hen there are problems" he ta(es care of them immediately. Part @ou #ill get the (eys to your room in a fe# minutes. In the meantime" (indly fill in this registration form1card and hand them to the hotel receptionist together #ith your passport!. %ould1 #ill you follo# me please& %e=ll go up in the lift" M4' elevator!. %e=ll ta(e the lift to the second floor. 7r #e=ll ta(e the stairs. The lift is out of order so #e=ll have to #al( up. The rooms are to be vacatedG you #ill have to vacate your rooms before noon on the day of departure. Part C The hotel has a )uite lounge:bar1coc(tail bar" a spacious dining room" a restaurant and a coffee shop1a cafN. 7n the ground floor you #ill find a currency e2change office" a ne#: stand" a gift1 souvenir shop" a handicraft shop" a car rental agency1 a car hire office" and a public phone1 public call bo2es. 7n the first floor there is a TK room" and a children=s playroom. In the basement there is a sound proof disco. 7ther amenities include a sauna" a gymnasium" a barber shop and a beauty salon1 a ladies= hairdressing salon1 a ladies= hairdresser. There are t#o pools" one for the gro#n:ups and another for the children. There=s also bo#ling" mini: golf and table tennis. >very evening an e2cellent band plays for dancing in the hotel. 'll rooms have private bathroom1sho#er" color television1TK #ith remote control" radio1alarm cloc( radio" in: house video" telephone and tea:and:coffee: ma(ing facilities. 'll rooms have air:conditioning" hair:drier" and mini bar1 a refrigerator stoc(ed #ith refreshments. Telephone operators handle calls and provide a #a(e < up service. If you #ant anything" dial the hotel operator or dial directly the e2tension of a service you desire. The hotel restaurant is open until 11 pm. -ut if you #ant something to eat later than that" Aust call room service. %hen you got out" please leave your (eys at the reception des( M4'9 front des(!. If you have any problems or complaints" please let me (no#. Today #e=ll have lunch in the hotel dining room at one o=cloc(. I=d li(e to meet you in the hotel lounge at 12.$*. 4ee you then. L# on 9 PUBLIC SERVICES 921 Pu:+ic #r*ic# Vocabulary Central heating" running #ater

%ater supply" gas supply" electricity supply +ail#ay" post office" mail delivery" public transport Cable television" telephone" telegraph Fray cleaner" shoe repair" amusement par( Cinema" theatre" disco" restaurants Pubs and burs" cafes" canteen" public library" internet cafN ;aundry1dry cleaning etc. Exercise &-ic- #r*ic# do (ou n##dC 1! I need to bro#se on internet 2! I #ould li(e my brea(fast in my room 3! I have too many bags and need help $! I #ant to change money *! I thin( my suit is rather dirty ,! I need to #a(e up early /! I need to ma(e a complaint 0! I need some clean clothesE 3! I need a ta2i to get to the factory 15! I need to tal( to someone responsible about the conference facilities 11! I need some more soap

cont'ct laundry1 dry cleaner chambermaid1 housemaid duty manager front des( reception! the ban( ;aundry1dry cleaner front des( bell:boy business centre room service

Exercise 0hoose the proper variant I=m afraid it isn=t #or(ing. a! I=m afraid the . doesn=t #or(. Heating < satellite television <car par(: lighting < direct:line telephone: lift: (ey card: computer. b! I=m afraid there isn=t a 1 aren=t any . drin( in the mini:bar : flip:chart : air conditioning : pens and paper < clean to#els < enough pillo#s c! I=m afraid I thin(. there is a mista(e in the bill <I=ll loo( into it < this isn=t #hat I ordered < I=ve bro(en the fa2 machine < the room hasn=t been cleaned < someone has been smo(ing in this room. d! I=m sorry but I can=t find. my room (ey < my (ey card < hot #ater: my briefcase < the CHandymanD conference < the public telephone < the restrooms. e! I=ll. chec( that for you < send someone up right a#ay: have been overcharged: be #ith you right a#ay: send someone to repair it.

92" &#'t-#r 'nd c+i!'t# Tropical climate" continental climate" temperate climate. WXYZ[\]^_[` _a[bcd"
_Yed[e]edcafeg` _a[bcd" hb]X]eeg` _a[bcd Climatici tropicali" climat continental" cu climat temperat!

It=s cold. It=s hot. It=s humid. High1 lo# air humidity: jg^Y_ck 1 e[l_ck macneY^df mYlohpcG umeditatea a aerului
mare1 mica

It=s cloudy qdY Yrac\eY! It=s foggy qdY dhbceeY! It=s #indy j]dX]eY! %ind sheltered j]d]X lcs[s]eeYb" ferit de vint! It=s sunny. tYae]\eY!G 4olar radiation tYae]\eck Xco[cu[kG radiatie solare! It=s frosty bYXYleg`" geros! It=s chilly pYaYoeY" racoare! It=s foggy. dhbceeg`.! There is little fog ths]^dmh]d e]beYvY dhbcecG rareori ceata! It=s stormy rhXeY]" furtunoasi ! It=s cool pYaYoeY" racoare! It=s raining. wo]d oYnof! Precipitation. +ainy period It=s pouring burea8a! It=s dry ^hpck ZYvYoc" uscat! It=s belo# 8ero -ree8e m]d]X" rX[l! It=s sno#ing wo]d ^e]v! 6lood ecmYoe]e[]! Frought lc^hpc" seceta! average air temperature in summer1#inter < tX]oekk d]bZ]XcdhXc mYlohpc a]dYb 1
l[bY` G temperature medie a aerului vara1 iarna day1 night temperature: d]bZ]XcdhXc oe]b 1 eY\fx "temperature 8iua1 noaptea Temperature is sho#n in degree Celsius < W]bZ]XcdhXc ZY_clcec m vXcoh^cp y]af^[kG temparatura este indicate in grade Celsius There are fe# cloudy and rainy days < z^df e]^_Yaf_Y Yrac\eY [ oYnoa[mg] oe[" rareori ploua sau cer inorat 6resh1 clean air" free of dust and allergenic agents1 factors: tm]n[`1 \[^dg` mYlohp" r]l Zga[ [ caa]Xv]eegp cv]edYm 1 {c_dYXYm" aer curat" lipsit de praf si alergeni

L# on 1; AT T8E RESTAURANT 1;21 C't#rin$ # t':+i -!#nt 'nd r# t'ur'nt t')) T(1# o) c't#rin$ # t':+i -!#nt Hreat establishment < restaurant mare ;ittle restaurant < restaurant mic Msual standart restaurant < restaurant cu standart obi|nuit Fe lu2e restaurant < restaurant de lu2: clasic Hotel restaurant < restaurant de hotel -oarding house" pension < restaurant pensiune" familial Canteen < cantina studenReasci! %or( restaurant < restaurant de Snterprindere

Through#ay1 motor#ay restaurant < restaurant rutier Fining car < vagon: restaurant Traditional restaurant: restaurant cu specific local (peciality restaurant < restaurant de specialitate: cu specific Chinese restaurant < restaurant chine8esc Italian restaurant < restaurant italian 7riental restaurant < restaurant oriental 6ishermen=s restaurant < restaurant pesciresc Tur(ish restaurant : restaurant turcesc Hunter=s restaurant : restaurantvSnitoresc Kegetarian restaurant < restaurant vedetarian 6ast:food restaurant < restaurant cu servire rapida 'utomatic restaurant < restaurant automat 4elf:service restaurant: restaurant cu autiservire Frive:in restaurant: restaurant rapid pentru automobili|ti -eer1 ale house: beririe Pub:cSrciumi Inn : han %ine cellar: crama Coffee shop < cafenea Tea room < ceainarie ice:cream parlor < gelaterie pastery < pie shop < patisserie placintarie nightclub < club de noapte night bar" cabaret" casino" disco bar" dancing bar . R# t'ur'nt t')) +estaurant director" restaurant manager" restaurant chef" assistant manager" head #aiter sef de sala!" #ine #aiter somelierul!" #aiter1 server" #aitress "assistant" cloa(:room attendant garderobiera!" porter portar: usier!" boss1 o#ner proprietar!. Po ition The head #aiter9 7rgani8es the service" chec(s the service" chec(s the tables and dining < room clearing" #elcomes and greets the guests" places the guests at the table offers the menu and the #ine list" ta(es the order" advices the guests in ma(ing their choices suitable dishes and drin(s!" receives and deals #ith the complaints" ma(es the day=s bill of fare. The station #ater9 Ta(es part in setting the tables" sits the guests at the tables" advices the guests" serves the guests" ma(es and chec(s the bill" issues the bill" sees the guests off" than(s and greets them" deals #ith their complaints. %ine #ater9 Presents" recommends1suggests" serves the drin(s" organi8es1 (eeps the #ine: cellar. The #ater1#aitress.9 Is polite" is respectful" is attentive" is not indifferent" apologi8es" as(s for permission" is punctual" is correct" has professional tact" listens

attentively" doesn=t insist. Provide competent information" spea(s correctly" clearly" doesn=t interfere in the guests= conversation" and fallo#s the priority and eti)uette rules. 1;2" Food 'nd drin5 A11#tiI#r B 'ssorted meat" assorted fish" Ham" pic(led mushrooms" 6ried mushrooms" red 1 blac( caviar" 4ausage 1 salami" butter" 7lives" omelet" 4alad" cheese" ' soft <boiled egg 1 a hard:boiled egg" Fir t cour # B -roth 1 clear soup" chic(en broth" -eef soup" 7nion soup" vegetable soup" 6ish soup" cabbage soup. S#cond cour # 3 Main courses9 Meat dishes" barbecue" -eef ste#" +oast meat" a cutlet" ' chop" a rissole" 4te#ed meat" pelmeni 1 meat dumplings" ;ish Dishes 5 3ea food(stuffs: 6ried fish 1 boiled fish Crabs" 4almon ;obsters" 4ushi" G'rni - 3 Dr# in$B Mashed potatoes" 6rench fries" coo(ed beans1peas D# #rtB Ca(e" 'n apple pie" Drin5 B %ater" Buice" coffee #ith mil( " -lac( coffee" tea 1 a cup of tea" s)uids:calimari shrimps1shrimps salad:crevete Trout crayfish1cra#fish" oysters: stride boiled rice" ba(ed potatoes. grilled vegetables fresh fruits" mil( sha(e"

&in# B %hite 1 red #ine" s#eet 1 dry #ine" Muscat" #his(y on the roc(s" -randy. S1ic# B Mustard" (etchup" Pepper" salt" 4auce" vinegar" Harlic. Co*#r B ' saucer" a glass 1 a goblet" a plate ' for(" a spoon" a soup:plate" ' tablespoon" a dessert:spoon" a tea cup" ' teaspoon" a (nife" a tall #ine glass" ' #ineglass" a nap(in1 a serviette" a cor(:scre#" ' table:cloth" a salt cellar" ' glass" a cover1 a place:sitting. Exercise /""%bo"0 a! +a# < rare < medium < medium:rare < over5done < #ell:done b! -eef < por( < horse < veal < lamb < mutton c! Chic(en < goose < tur(ey < snail < pigeon d! 4mo(ed < roasted < chopped < grilled < ba(ed < steamed < ste#ed e! Hare < rabbit < stag < #ild boar < venison < duc( < pheasant f! 4almon < trout <pi(e < crab < cod g! 6rog=s legs <oysters < lobster < mussels < shrimps h! ;emon < pear < grapes < blac(currant < lime < raisin i! Cauliflo#er < mustard < spinach < peas < beans < mushrooms < asparagus A! 6rench fries < mashed potatoes < lee( < chips Aac(et < ne# (! Ice cream < Aelly} custard < stilton < apple pie < spotted dog < panca(e l! Pasta < rice: noodles < lentils < avocado < couscous < fla(ey pastry m!4crambled < hard!boiled < sliced < fried < poached n! lager < tea < spar(ling #ine < crisps < peanuts < #his(y 1;2% Ord#rin$/ ' 5in$3$i*in$ 'd*ic#/ co!1+'inin$/ '1o+o$iIin$ 'nd 1'(in$ Dialogue: 1ostess: Palace +estaurant. +artin9 Hi" I=d li(e to ma(e dinner reservations for seven thirty tonight. 1ostess: %eVre all boo(ed at seven : thirty. Ho# about eight or eight : thirty& +artin9 >ight oVcloc( is fine. 1ostess: 6or ho# many&

+artin: There #ill be t#o of us. 1ostess: %hatVs your name and number" please& +artin: 4tevens. My number is 0,,:/1*2. 1ostess: 4o" thatVs a table for t#o at 0. 55 p.m. #e loo( for#ard to seeing you" Mr. 4tevens. 2aiter: %e have a fe# specials on the menu this evening. 6irst thereVs a lovely pepper stea( served #ith beans and potatoes. 'nd #e have a delicious shrimp dish in a garlic sauce served over rice. E3a: %hich one #ould you recommend& 2aiter: I thin( the stea( is the best thing in the menu. E3a: 7P" I=ll have that then. 2aiter: Ho# #ould you li(e your stea(& E3a: Medium rare. 2aiter: 'nything to drin(& E3a: %hat (ind of beer do you have on tap& 2aiter: Miller" bud" and Coors. E3a: ' -ud" please. 2aiter: 4ure. E3a: 'ctually" I=d rather have carrots than beans #ith my stea(. 2aiter: IVll chec( #ith the chef" but I=m sure that #on=t be a problem. E3a: Hreat. )a little later* 2aiter: %ould you li(e some coffee or dessert& +artin: I could go for some coffee" and you& E3a: ?othing for me" than(s. 2aiter: 'merican coffee" sir& +artin: IVd rather have a cappuccino and the chec(" please. 2aiter: +ight a#ay. Dialogue: &2B Hood evening" sir. Ho# can I help you& M2-.9 I=d li(e a table for dinner" please. &29 %ould you li(e to sit in the corner or by the #indo#& M2 -.9 7ver there #ould be fine. Could you bring me the menu& &29 %ould you li(e to drin( before your meal& M2-.9 @es please I=ll have a #his(y on the roc(s. &29 Certainly. 're you ready to order no#& M2-.9 %hat do you recommend& &29 %ell" #e have today=s special Cspringtime 4almonD. M2-.9 Ho# is it coo(ed and #hat comes #ith it&

&29 %ild salmon #ith herbs and touch of cream sauce. It=s served #ith Aac(ed potatoes. M.-.9 That sounds fine. %.9 %hy don=t you try the CChef=s -a(ed >ggD for a starter& M. -.9 %hat e2actly is that& %.9 It=s an egg ba(ed #ith local mushrooms. %ould you li(e some #ine #ith your meal& M.-.9 no" I=ll Aust have some still #ater" please. ?o" maybe I=ll have some #ine. %.9 I=ll send you the #ine #aiter. . M.-.9 >2cuse meE I=m afraid that the egg is overcoo(ed. %.9 I=m sorry" sir. I=ll get you another one. . M.-.9 I=m afraid that the salmon is too saltyE %.9 I=m sorry" sir. I=ll have it changed for you. . M.-.9 I=m afraid that the #ine is cor(ed are miros de dop!E %.9 I do apologi8e. I=ll get you another bottle. . M.-.9 Could I have the bill" please& %.9 Certainly" here you are. M.-.9 >2cuse me E I thin( there is a mista(e. I didn=t have a dessert. %.9 I=m sorry" sir. I=ll change the bill. M.-.9 0ould you charge it to my room, please? /il puteti include in nota de plata a camerei2 %.9 7f course" #hich room number is it& Exercise 8atch every complaint to its opposite %aterE >2cuse me. I=m afraid that. a! The meat is overdone. b! The #ine is cor(ed. c! The plates are cold. d! It=s s#imming in sauce e! %e ordered our meal three )uarters of an hour ago. f! The coffee is too strong. g! The bread is stale. h! The #ine is too cold. i! The fish is almost ra# < it=s undercoo(ed. A! The met is very tough. (! This is )uite tastelessE l! I thin( #e=ve been overcharged.

1! This is too #arm for a CchilledD #hite. 2! This is too #ea(. 3! %e #ould li(e to finish our starter before you remove the platesE $! %e=ve been undercharged. *! It=s overcoo(ed. ,! Tuite delicious. /! There is not enough sauce. 0! Too hot for a salad. 3! It=s nice and fresh. 15!The meat is underdone. 11!This #ine is too young. 12!Kery tender. L# on 11 LETTER &RITING Cont#nt o) ' +#tt#r2 T-# 'ddr# . Ms B. 4impson 6oreign +ights Manager Chapman } Hall ;td. 11 ?e# 6etter ;ane ;ondon >C$P $>> >ngland D't#2 Briti 12th Fecember" 255J S'+ut'tion2 Briti Fear 4ir" Fear Madam" Fear Mrs. 4mith" Fear 4irs" For!'+ L#tt#r2 1.

or Ms '. 'rafel Product Information Manager McCra#:Hill -oo( Co 1221 'venue of the 'mericas ?e# @or(" ?.@. 15525 M4' A!#ric'n Fecember 12" 255J A!#ric'n Fear 4ir9 Fear Madam9 Fear Mrs. 4mith9 Hentlemen9

$2 7rchard +oad -ootle ;iverpool

The Firector Tourist Information Centre High 4treet >2eter Fevon


/ March 255$ Fear 4ir or Madam ,2


I am #riting to en)uire about holiday accommodation in the >2eter area. 02 I #ould be grateful if you could send me details of cheap hotels and brea(fast accommodation in or near >2eter" together #ith a map of the city centre. 42 I loo( for#ard to hearing from you. 6. @ours faithfully @ (our i$n'tur#A Pate -urton 72 92

12your address but not your name. "2the name or title of the person you are #riting to. %. The date. ,. Mse9 - The personVs surname Fear Mrs. 4mith! if you (no# it. 7nly use the first name if you (no# him or her very #ell. - VFear 4ir~ if you are #riting to a man and donVt (no# his name. - ~Fear Madam~ if you are #riting to a #oman and donVt (no# her name. - ~Fear 4ir1Madam~ or ~Fear 4ir or Madam~ if you donVt (no# the name or the se2. @ou can also use the personVs position Fear Councillor1 Manager1 etc.!. 0. @ou can #rite a short statement here to introduce the main point of your letter. This is not al#ays necessary. 4. -egin #ith a sentence #hich e2plains the purpose of the latter. Then #rite any e2tra information. Peep to the point. 7nly mention #hat is necessary. If the letter is very short you could put everything in one paragraph. If it is longer and includes several points" you #ill need more than one paragraph. 6. Conclusion. 7. 6ollo# these rules for endings9 - use ~@ours faithfully~ #here you have used ~Fear 4ir~ or ~Fear Madam~.

- Mse Vyours sincerely~ #here you have used the personVs name ~Fear Mrs. 4mith~!. ~@ours sincerely~ is" ho#ever" seen more and more in both cases. @ou can use ~-est #ishes~" ~+egards~" ~Pind regards~" etc. in letters #hich are not very formal and #here you (no# the person or have spo(en to them often on the phone. %rite clearly and neatly. FonVt cross out. 92 @our name. In)or!'+ L#tt#r2 1/ 4outh street Carlisle C' 2, MH Tuesday 11th Bune. Fear Clare Than(s very much for our latter. It #as lovely to hear from you. IVm glad youVre enAoying your ne# Aob and that you li(e -ristol. ItVs nice that the people at #or( are so friendly. %eVre all missing you here in CarlisleE -ob and Hilary had a party last #ee(end and everyone #as as(ing ho# you #ere. It #as a good party" although I didnVt get home till five in the morning so I spent most of 4unday in bedE I donVt (no# #hat the #eatherVs been li(e in -ristol but itVs been really hot here this #ee(. I hope it stays li(e this as Helen and I are planning to go camping in 4cotland at the end of the month. It #onVt be much fun if it rainsE %ell" no more ne#s for the moment" but I=ll #rite again soon. ;ove ?ic( 8o. do )or!'+/ #!i<)or!'+ 'nd in)or!'+ +#tt#r di))#rC The degree of formality of a letter depends on9 - your relationship #ith the person you are #riting to. - The purpose of the letter. - @ou #rite formal letters to someone #hom you do not (no# or to #hom you are in a subordinate position. The purpose of the letter is usually an impersonal one or serious one. - @ou #rite informal letters to someone you (no# #ell or #ith #hom you are on e)ual terms. The purpose of #riting is" often" personalG it may be light:hearted or it may be more serious.

- 4emi:formal letters fall bet#een these t#o e2tremes. They may be to someone much older or in a superior position to you but #hom you (no# so #ell that you can rela2 the formality of your #riting. They may be to someone #hom you do not (no# #ell but #ho is the same age and level as you so that an e2tremely formal letters is inappropriate. A::r#*i'tion u #d in :u in# corr# 1ond#nc#. 'd d : addressed : adresat cui&! 'd # < addressee : destinatarul 'd < advertisement : publicitate '2!2 : ante meridiem lat! < pSni la amia8i '11. < appendi2 : ane2i Attn. < attention < Sn atenRia cc2/ cc < copies < adresa unde au fost e2pediate copii ale scrisorii CEO : chief e2ecutive officer < director e2ecutiv c). < confer < de comparat Co. < company : companie contr. < contract : contract Cor1.: corporation : corporaRie cur. : 1. currency" 2. current < 1. valuti" 2. curent dd : 1. dated 2. delivered < 1. datat" 2. furni8at D#1." Fept. < department : departament doc. : document pl. docs! : acte #'on : e2cept as other#ise noted < daci nu este indicat altfel #nc2/ #nc+. : enclosed" enclosure < ane2at" ane2i #Hc2/ #Hc+. : e2cept" e2cluding" e2ception" e2clusion < e2clu8Snd" e2cepRie #H1n < e2piration < termen de e2pirare F> : fiscal year < an fiscal -2'. : hoc anno lat.! < an curent -). < half : Aumitate 82J2/ 8J/ -2=. < head)uaters < organele de conducere id2 < id#! lat.!i.e." ie : id est lat.! : acela|i inc2/ inc+2 < including : inclusiv Inc2/ inc. < incorporated < Snregistrat ca persoani Auridici in)o < information : informaRie in*2 < invoice : facturi LLC : limited liability company < 4ocietate cu rispundere limitati Ltd2/ +td. < limited < cu rispundere limitati LOC : letter of commitment < scrisoare de garanRie !d # < merchandise : mirfuri !#!o < memorandum : memo

M2O2/ !2o2 : 1. mail order" 2. money order < 1. transfer po|tal" 2. transfer de bani N3A : not applicable < nu poate fi aplicat N2B2/ NB : nota bene lat.! NC/ N2C2/ n3c : no charge : gratis o3+ : our letter < scrisoarea noastri PA : po#er of attorney < procuri" 12'. : per annum lat.! < pe an 1'r. : paragraph" 11. : pages" 11/ 121. : per" pro lat.! < din numele =* : )uod vide lat.! < ve8i... rct < receipt : cec r#1t. < report : raport r# : regarding" : Sn privinRa i$. < signature : semnituri ur$t : urgent" VAT : value:added ta2 : TK'





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