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TACHE FINA E !E A SE"#ENCE $: %$THE &'(E) 'F (')!

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Aprs avoir travaill plusieurs sances sur le Pouvoir des Mots dans notre socit, je vais tre valu (e) de manire plus importante sur la prise de parole en continu / interaction dans un spot publicitaire destin sensibiliser et convaincre un public cible.

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In order to bac* an online wareness Ca!"ai#n about the Power of Words , a Co!!ercial Co!"etition in t#e ,orm o, a collection of Pu$lic Service Messa#es% #as been launc#ed in sc#ools around t#e world in order to raise awareness amon& c#ildren and teena&ers about t#e importance o, words.2ell$c#osen words may e,,ect positive c#an&e and stir people to action. "ou and your classmates, #ave decided to ta*e part in t#e competition to ma*e your voices #eard and ma*e a di,,erence.

What do I have to do ?

In pairs, create your own Power of Words ! commercial.

"ou can decide w#et#er you want to use a voice$over ( EOC) or let t#e c#aracters interact. (EOI)

What TIPS can I follow ?

Step 1

How to make a commercial in 5 easy Steps :

Who are you talking to ?

%ecide on your ar&et audience

Step 2

Who are you ? Advertisers' name ( company's name ( your lo&o ( your What is your personality ? How to say/convince
.ere are


Step 3

some devices / 0se /

)a*e your ad inspirin&, e+citin&, un,or&ettable -

a catc#y p#rase ( a piece o, music ( a visual device ( repetitions 1

Step 4

What is your message ?

"ou need to end on a 8call to action ( invite your audience to call you ,or more in,ormation etc1

Step 5

Time out your script !

Always *eep in mind t#at most !

commercials are 9: seconds in len&t#. ( )a*e sure t#at you *eep your script s#ort, sweet , and to t#e point- ( #in* to mar* your script to #elp you pause your voice (voice$ over)

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