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Computers in Biology and Medicine 37 (2007) 8 – 20


Phase response characteristics of sinoatrial node cells

D.G. Tsalikakisa, d , H.G. Zhangb , D.I. Fotiadisa, c, d,∗ , G.P. Kremmydasa , Ł.K. Michalisd, e
a Unit of Medical Technology and Intelligent Information Systems, Department of Computer Science, University of Ioannina, GR 45110 Ioannina, Greece
b University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
c Biomedical Research Institute-FORTH, GR 45110 Ioannina, Greece
d Michaelidion Cardiology Center, GR 45110 Ioannina, Greece
e Department of Cardiology, Medical School, University of Ioannina, GR 45110 Ioannina, Greece

Received 29 December 2004; accepted 20 September 2005

In this work, the dynamic response of the sinoatrial node (SAN), the natural pacemaker of the heart, to short external stimuli is investigated
using the Zhang et al. model. The model equations are solved twice for the central cell and for the peripheral cell. A short current pulse is
applied to reset the spontaneous rhythmic activity of the single sinoatrial node cell. Depending on the stimulus timing either a delay or an
advance in the occurrence of next action potential is produced. This resetting behavior is quantified in terms of phase transition curves (PTCs)
for short electrical current pulses of varying amplitude which span the whole period. For low stimulus amplitudes the transition from advance
to delay is smooth, while at higher amplitudes abrupt changes and discontinuities are observed in PTCs. Such discontinuities reveal critical
stimuli, the application of which can result in annihilation of activity in central SAN cells. The detailed analysis of the ionic mechanisms
involved in its resetting behavior of sinoatrial node cell models provides new insight into the dynamics and physiology of excitation of the
sinoatrial node of the heart.
䉷 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Heart; Sinoatrial node; Mathematical models; Cardiac models; Phase resetting; Three-dimensional phase transition curves; Regional differences

1. Introduction from the alteration of the beat-to-beat interval depends on the

timing as well as on the strength of the stimulus. In terms of the
Auto-rhythmic excitation in the cardiac muscle is driven by resetting effect, the total charge injected into the cell seems to
the sinoatrial node (SAN), the natural pacemaker of the heart. be the crucial factor. Thus, any combinations of various pulse
Under physiological or pathological conditions during clinical amplitudes and durations, which result in the injection of the
interventions, such us defibrillation of cardiac muscle or acci- same amount of current, are equivalent [5].
dental situations like electrocution, the pacemaker of the heart The response of biological oscillators to external perturba-
is subjected to external stimulation [1]. tions has been extensively studied using both theoretical and
Experimental [2,3] and numerical [4–6] studies indicate that experimental approaches (reviewed in [32]). Using topological
the application of short current pulses to sinoatrial pacemaker arguments, Winfree [33] greatly contributed to the qualitative
cells result in changes in the cell’s cycle length which depend understanding of phase resetting responses in biological oscil-
on both the phase and the amplitude of the stimulus [3,7–31]. lators and pointed out that, in a spatially extended system like
In most cases, the applied perturbation does not affect the am- cardiac tissue, such responses play a crucial role in the initi-
plitude or the configuration of the pacemaker cell action poten- ation of arrhythmias. Stimuli of critical amplitude and phase
tial. The magnitude and direction of the phase shift resulting might lead to annihilation of normal rhythmic activity and the
initiation of complex spiral wave arrhythmias.
∗ Corresponding author. Unit of Medical Technology and Intelligent Infor- Mathematical models which describe the electrical activity of
mation Systems, Department of Computer Science, University of Ioannina, SAN have been presented by various research groups [1]. The
GR 45110 Ioannina, Greece. Tel.: +30 6510 98893; fax: +30 6510 98889. first models produced by Yanagihara et al. [34] and Noble and
E-mail address: fotiadis@cs.uoi.gr (D.I. Fotiadis). Noble [35], where the basis for models presented later [36,37].
0010-4825/$ - see front matter 䉷 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D.G. Tsalikakis et al. / Computers in Biology and Medicine 37 (2007) 8 – 20 9

The analysis of phase response characteristics provides new where V is the membrane potential, t is the time, C is the
insight into the dynamics of the mathematical models, of the membrane capacitance of SAN and
electrical activities of SAN, and an experimentally verifiable
test for the accurate reconstruction of SAN tissue dynamics. Itot = (INa + ICa,L + ICa,T + Ito + Isus + IK,r + IK,s
Simulation of the spatial variation in the electrical properties + If + Ib,Na + Ib,Ca + Ib,K + INaCa + Ip ).
of SAN cells and their phase response profiles is necessary
for reconstruction of the complex dynamics of the SAN tissue. The transition from central to peripheral SAN activity was
Zhang et al. [38] recently presented one-dimensional model modelled as in [38], using a scaling factor which depends on
which describes all of the above. the distance of each cell from the center of the SAN. The set of
In this work, we investigate and characterize the effects of differential Eqs. (1)–(16) given in Tables 2–9 is solved using a
external stimulation on central and peripheral SAN cells us- fourth order Runge–Kutta method with time step 0.1 ms. Fur-
ing the Zhang et al. model [38]. The equation of the model ther details for the formulation of the equations described in
along with the appropriate initial conditions are solved using Tables 2–9 and the experimental background behind the equa-
the Runge–Kutta method. Short (0.5 ms) depolarizing and hy- tions are sited in [38]. The set of differential Eqs. (1)–(16) are
perpolarizing electrical current pulses of varying amplitude and solved twice: first the set of equations is solved for the central
of timing spanning the whole period are applied and the phase cell with initial conditions shown in the left column of Table 9
transition curves (PTC) are obtained [22]. Three-dimensional and second for the peripheral cell with initial conditions shown
PTC [4], relating old phase and stimulus amplitude to the new in the right column in Table 9. The model equations for central,
phase after stimulation, are generated in order to locate critical peripheral and transitional cell configurations are integrated un-
stimuli and singularities in the models. Numerical simulations til a stable limit cycle is obtained. The minimum diastolic po-
for the electrical activity of the transitional cells lying between tential is determined on the stable limit cycle and the vector
the center and the periphery of the SAN [38] are carried out. of dynamic variables at this point is recorded and used as the
Simulations are conducted when specific ionic currents vary. initial condition in the subsequent simulations. For each of the
The application of a critical depolarizing stimulus (about configurations examined, a single 0.5 ms depolarizing or hyper-
0.4 nA) during the late repolarization phase of action potential polarizing current stimulus of a given amplitude is applied at
resulted in annihilation of the activity in central SAN cells, re- several time steps during the whole period of integration. The
vealing the existence of a stable singularity in the correspond- starting reference point is selected at the membrane potential
ing model configuration [22]. Detailed analysis of the phase level of (−10 mV) during the depolarization phase of the action
response characteristics of the peripheral cells failed to show potential and at each subsequent run the stimulus timing in-
a similar singularity and annihilation of normal activity. This creases by 1 ms. The stimulation current amplitude varies from
difference in phase response behavior of central and peripheral 0 to 7.5 nA. For a given stimulus amplitude, the corresponding
cells is portrayed in the structure of the corresponding PTC. PTC are obtained [22], for the whole range of stimulus ampli-
tudes, three-dimensional PTC are also obtained [4].
2. Methods
3. Results
We assume that we apply a short pulse at the SAN and we
obtain the PTC using the model proposed by Zhang et al. [38]. The normal electrical activity of central, peripheral, and tran-
The spatial effects are ignored and the problem is reduced to sitional SAN cells is shown in Fig. 1. The membrane poten-
a time dependent problem which is described by the set of tial V of central (dark line—in Fig. 1(a)) and peripheral (dark
ordinary differential equations. line—in Fig. 1(c)) SAN cells is plotted vs time. The gray lines
indicate the electrical activity of the transitional cells. The du-
2.1. Model equations ration of the simulation is 1 s. The transition between central
and peripheral activity is modelled using a scaling factor (rang-
The electrical activity of central and peripheral SAN cells is ing from 0 to 1) which depends on the distance of the cell from
simulated using the model proposed by Zhang et al. [38] which the center of the SAN (see Eqs. (80) and (81) in Ref. [38] and
was developed using experimental data. The model includes Ref. [39]). The scaling factor is used in order to calculate the
formulations for the ionic currents (INa , ICa,L , ICa,T , Ito ), capacitance and the ionic conductances of the transitional cells
sensitive sustained current (Isus , IK,r , IK,s , If ) and back- given their corresponding values at the center and the periphery
ground currents (Ib,Na , Ib,Ca , Ib,K , Ip , INaCa ). Table 1 shows of the SAN.
the parameters entering the model. The total ionic current For the transitional cell activity shown in Fig. 1 the scaling
Itot appearing in the differential equation which models factor values (0.04 in Fig. 1(a) and 0.13 in plot Fig. 1(c)) were
the membrane potential V is comprised of the currents: selected to indicate the point where a sharp change in mem-
INa , ICa,L , Ia,T , Ito , Isus , IK,r , IK,s , If , Ib,Na , Ib,Ca , Ib,K , INaCa brane potential configuration is evident. Thus, in Fig. 1(c) the
and Ip . The total membrane potential is modelled as transitional cell appears to have the characteristic spike-and-
dome configuration of peripheral cells.
dV −1 The total ionic current Itot is plotted vs membrane potential
= Itot , (1)
dt C V for each of the corresponding simulations Fig. 1(b) and (d).
10 D.G. Tsalikakis et al. / Computers in Biology and Medicine 37 (2007) 8 – 20

25 0.05

0 0.00



-50 -0.10

-75 -0.15
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 -75 -50 -25 0 25
(a) t (b) V

30 0.35

0 0.00

-30 -0.35

-60 -0.70

-90 -1.05
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 -90 -60 -30 0 30
(c) t (d) V

Fig. 1. Normal electrical activity in central (a,b), peripheral (c,d) and transitional sinoatrial node cells (gray lines in a–d). In figures (b) and (d) the total ionic
current Itot is plotted vs the membrane potential V shown in figures (a) and (c). Figures (a) and (c) indicate the variations of membrane potential V with time t.

40 0.05

T0 T
0 0.00


-40 -0.05

-80 -0.10
0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 -75 -50 -25 0 25
(a) t (b) V

Fig. 2. (a) Single pulse perturbation protocol for the central sinoatrial node cell. A depolarizing stimulus of 0.45 nA is applied with a time delay  after the
detection (at V = −10 mV during the depolarization phase) of the second action potential. The gray trace corresponds to the unperturbed activity. (b) The total
ionic current Itot vs the membrane potential V .

The difference in Itot amplitude between central and peripheral applied resulting in early depolarization of the cell membrane
cells is mainly due to the contribution of INa which is not (dark line). The phase  of the stimulus is /T0 while the new
present in central cells. The Itot –V plots provide a means to phase of the perturbed oscillator is  =  + 1 − T /T0 where
visualize the effects of external perturbation on the SAN cell T is the period of the perturbed cycle [22]. The electrical ac-
activity (see Fig. 2) and can be considered as a representation tivity resumes immediately after the first perturbed cycle as is
of the complete multi-dimensional phase space of the model. evident from the Itot –V plot (Fig. 2(b)) in which both simula-
The single pulse perturbation protocol used is shown in tions are shown (gray line corresponds to the unperturbed limit
Fig. 2. The gray solid line represents the normal unperturbed cycle oscillation of the central SAN cell and the black line cor-
electrical activity of central SAN cell with a period T0 =334 ms. responds to the limit cycle oscillation of the SAN).
The onset of the action potential is marked at V = −10 mV (de- The individual ionic currents comprising Itot in both the cen-
polarization phase). At a time interval  after the onset of the tral and peripheral SAN cell models are shown in Fig. 3(a),
action potential a short (0.5 ms) depolarizing current pulse is (b). Current traces of 1 s of spontaneous activity are plotted.
D.G. Tsalikakis et al. / Computers in Biology and Medicine 37 (2007) 8 – 20 11

0.04 1

-0.10 -5
0.02 0.0

0.000 0.00


-0.004 -0.08
0.001 0.012

0.000 -0.002

0.004 0.004

-0.002 -0.010

0.008 0.026

0.005 0.012
0.00 0.00


-0.01 -0.04

0.001 0.03


-0.002 -0.05
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
(a) t (b) t

Fig. 3. (a) Ionic currents for central sinoatrial node cell model; (b) Ionic currents for peripheral sinoatrial node cell model.

A comparison of the two plots reveals the contribution of each the stimulus was applied) to the period T0 of the unperturbed
ionic current in Itot . The sodium current INa is the principal cycle over the stimulus phase . Such plots were obtained for
component of Itot in peripheral while it is absent in central the central and peripheral SAN (Fig. 5).
SAN cells. Low amplitude stimulation shown in Fig. 5(a), (b), in both
In the central cell model, the maximum upstroke velocity of the central and peripheral SAN cells, produces only minimal
the action potential is 6 V s−1 , the minimum diastolic potential advances (T1 /T0 < 1) or delays (T1 /T0 > 1) for most of the cy-
is −68 mV and the maximum systolic potential is 22 mV, while cle excluding a small region around  = 0.4 where a significant
in the peripheral cell model the maximum upstroke velocity of advance is observed. At this region the membrane is in the ab-
the action potential is 86 V s−1 , the minimum diastolic potential solute refractory period and the stimulus amplitude is sufficient
is −81 mV and the maximum systolic potential is 25 mV. to initiate an action potential and thus to shorten T1 . Increasing
For each one of the experiments shown in Fig. 1(a) and the stimulation amplitude extends the  region where an ad-
(c), we repeat those with  from 0 to T0 (correspondingly vance is observed. In central cells the delay in the occurrence
0 <  < 1) and current stimulus amplitudes from 0 to 7.5 nA. of the action potential at intermediate stimulus levels observed
The results are shown in Fig. 4 where representative PTC are close to  = 0.6 is associated with the approximation of a sin-
depicted. Fig. 4(a)–(d) correspond to low amplitude stimuli gularity in the phase space. Around this singularity T1 becomes
(−0.3 nA) while Fig. 4(e)–(g),(j) traces correspond to high am- close to 2 × T0 (Fig. 5(c)) while for 0.4 <  < 0.6 approach-
plitude stimuli. Fig. 4(a)–(d), (j) correspond to central and pe- ing T1 /T0 = 2, there are missing points which correspond to
ripheral cells while the Fig. 4(b), (c), (f), (g) correspond to the T1 /T0 → ∞.
transitional cell configurations shown in Fig. 1 (gray lines in The PTC shown in Fig. 4 indicate that, in central, periph-
Fig. 1(a) and (c), respectively). eral, and transitional SAN cells, both Type 0 (Fig. 4(a)–(d)) and
The advance or delay in the occurrence of the first action Type 1 (Fig. 4(e)–(j)) phase resetting is obtained. Low ampli-
potential after perturbation for a set of experiments for which tude stimuli produce continuous PTC since the effect of the
the stimulus phase varies from 0 to 1 can be visualized by external perturbation on the phase of the limit cycle oscillator
plotting the ratio of the corresponding period T1 (during which is less pronounced. The discontinuities of the PTC for stronger
12 D.G. Tsalikakis et al. / Computers in Biology and Medicine 37 (2007) 8 – 20

1 1


0 0
0 1 0 1
(a) φ (b) φ

1 1


0 0
0 1 0 1
(c) φ (d) φ

1 1

0 0
0 1 0 1
(e) φ (f) φ

1 1

0 0
0 1 0 1
(g) φ (h) φ

Fig. 4. Phase transition curves for central ((a), (e)), peripheral ((d), (j)), and transitional cells ((b), (c), (f), (g)).

stimuli (Type 1 phase resetting) are indicative of the existence dimensional phase transition plots allow further investigation
of a singularity in the limit cycle. of the phase resetting behavior of an oscillator. Moreover, such
Each of the PTC in Fig. 4 represents a set of experiments like PTC can help in finding the exact stimulus phase and amplitude
the one shown in Fig. 2 where the stimulus amplitude is con- combination which brings the oscillator close to the singularity
stant while the interval  varies. A set of such curves for var- range.
ious stimulus amplitudes produces a three-dimensional phase The three-dimensional phase transition plots for the cen-
transition surface [4] relating both  and stimulus amplitude tral, transitional and peripheral SAN cells are shown in
to the new phase  of the perturbed oscillator. Such three- Fig. 6 as contour plots with the new phase  is color-coded
D.G. Tsalikakis et al. / Computers in Biology and Medicine 37 (2007) 8 – 20 13

2.0 2.0
1.8 1.8
1.6 1.6
1.4 1.4
1.2 1.2

1.0 1.0
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
(a)  (b) 
2.0 2.0
1.8 1.8
1.6 1.6
1.4 1.4
1.2 1.2

1.0 1.0
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
(c)  (d) 
2.0 2.0
1.8 1.8
1.6 1.6
1.4 1.4
1.2 1.2

1.0 1.0
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
(e)  (f) 

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Fig. 5. Alteration of the timing of the first action potential after stimulation is plotted T1 /T0 vs  for various stimulation amplitudes. (a) Peripheral cell at
−0.5 nA, (c) peripheral cell at −2.5 nA, (e) peripheral cell at −5 nA, (g) peripheral cell at −6.5 nA and (b) central cell at −0.2 nA, (d) central cell at −0.4 nA,
(f) central cell at −0.6 nA (T0,central = 320 ms, T0,peripheral = 160 ms).

on a gray scale from 0 to 1. The ordering of the plots is simi- to the difference in the amplitude of the corresponding total
lar to that of Fig. 4 and the corresponding PTC of Fig. 4 can membrane current (a stronger stimulus is required to produce
be considered as horizontal “slices” of the data at the corre- Type 1 phase resetting behavior of Fig. 1).
sponding current stimulus amplitude (Istim ). The difference In the three-dimensional phase transition plots shown in
in the stimulus amplitude for the corresponding plots is due Fig. 6, there exist regions where the new phase  is very dense
14 D.G. Tsalikakis et al. / Computers in Biology and Medicine 37 (2007) 8 – 20

Central Peripheral
-0.3 -1.5
-0.6 -3.0

-0.9 -4.5
-1.2 -6.0
-1.5 -7.5
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Transitional Transitional
-1 0.2
-0.8 0.3
-2 0.4

-3 0.6
-2.0 -4 0.8
-5 1.0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
(c)  (d) 

Fig. 6. Three-dimensional contour plots of the new phase vs old phase and amplitude: for (a) central, (b) peripheral, and (c), (d) transitional SAN cell.




0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Fig. 7. A critical stimulus of −0.4 nA applied at t = 0.53 s resulting in permanent annihilation of sinoatrial node repetitive activity.

(e.g. for  = 0.55 and Istim = −0.4 nA). Such regions indicate Further experimentation with finer values for  and Istim
the existence of a singularity and should be further investigated within those regions revealed the existence of a stable singular-
by fine-tuning of both  interval and Istim amplitude. ity for the central SAN cell. In the simulation shown in Fig. 7 a
D.G. Tsalikakis et al. / Computers in Biology and Medicine 37 (2007) 8 – 20 15

critical stimulus of −0.4 nA is applied at t = 0.53 s resulting in Investigation of the effects of increases of various concentration
permanent annihilation of the normal repetitive activity. Tran- on annihilation of SAN activity must be further studied.
sitional and the peripheral cells do not exhibit similar behavior.
The application of stimulus of appropriate amplitude and
phase (e.g.  = 0.4 and Istim = −5.4) results in a series of low 5. Summary
amplitude oscillations of the membrane potential with normal
limit cycle behavior resuming after 2–3 cycles. In the present work, we use the model proposed from Zhang
et al. [38] and we examine the dynamic response of the SAN to
4. Discussion external stimulus. We apply a short current to reset the sponta-
neous rhythmic activity of the single SAN. This application of
Investigation of the dynamic behavior of biological oscil- the external stimulus results in the prolongation of the normal
lators and their response to external perturbation is of great activity and a new phase is obtained. This resetting behavior is
importance in biological research since biological oscillations quantified in terms of phase transition curves (PTCs) for short
are involved in many vital processes in living systems [32,33]. electrical current pulses of varying amplitude which span the
Understanding the dynamic response of the SAN to external whole period. Discontinuities, as we show in the figures, re-
perturbations is important in elucidating its behavior under nor- veal critical stimulus. The application of this critical stimulus
mal and pathological conditions [33]. Studies in the past have can result in annihilation of activity on SAN cells. Detailed
concentrated on the elucidation of the phase resetting dynam- analysis of the ionic mechanisms which involved in the reset-
ics of the SAN using biophysical ionic models [15,29,5] but ting behavior could be useful and provide new insight into the
did not address the issue of regional differences between cen- physiology of the excitation in SAN cell. Our work, is a step
tral and peripheral node cells (the corresponding ionic models forward to a future work on higher dimensionality model were
described central cell behavior). we believe the resetting technic can be more significant.
The SAN is a complex structure and regional differences in
the electrical activity of regional cells seem to be important in
the behavior of the natural pacemaker of the heart [39,40,30]. Acknowledgements
The Zhang et al. model [38] used in this study accounts for
regional differences and can be used to model the electrical This work is partially funded by the Greek Secretariat for Re-
activity of central, peripheral, and transitional cells. search and Technology PENED-01E511 to D.G. Tsalikakis.
In this work, the analysis of phase resetting characteristics
of each type of SAN cell by means of three-dimensional phase
transition plots, revealed important differences in their response Appendix
to external electrical stimuli (see Fig. 6). Although all types of
cells display both Type 0 and Type 1 phase resetting behavior, The parameters used in the model are given in Table 1. The
the stimulus amplitude at which Type 1 phase resetting behavior set of differential equations (1)–(16) given in Tables 2–9 was
first appears varies. This is a result of the regional differences solved using a fourth order Runge–Kutta method with time step
in Itot amplitude (see Fig. 1): Itot is higher in the periphery of 0.1 ms.
SAN (mainly due to the dominance of INa ) and thus a higher
amplitude of external stimulus is required in order to signifi-
cantly affect the normal limit cycle behavior. We have produced Table 1
Itot –V plots to provide a means to visualize the effects of ex- Parameters of the model
ternal perturbation on the SAN cell electrical activity (Fig. 2). 4-AP 4-Aminopyridine
Our simulations show the existence of a critical stimulus AM Atrial muscle
amplitude-phase combination which is capable of annihilating APD Action potential duration
CL Spontaneous cycle length
the electrical activity of the central SAN cells (Fig. 7). So far, Cm Cell capacitance
there is no reference in the literature describing and proofing Cma (x), C s (x)
m Capacitance of atrial muscle cell or SA node
the existence of such a combination in Zhang model. It is be- cell in one-dimensional model of intact
lieved that such critical stimuli are involved in the generation SA node at distance x from center of SA node
of certain cardiac arrhythmias [33] and gives new insights into dL , dT Activation variables for ICa,L and ICa,T
dNa,Ca Denominator constant for INa,Ca
the investigation of cardiac models. dV /dtmax Maximum upstroke velocity of action potential
In a complex structure like the SAN, regional differences Da , Ds Diffusion coefficient between atrial muscle cells
and spatiotemporal interactions could play an important role in or SA node cells in one-dimensional
its pathophysiological response to external perturbations and model of the intact SA node
should be further investigated. This must be included in our next EK,s Reversal potential for IK,s
ENa , ECa , EK Equilibrium potentials for Na+ , Ca2+ , and K+
set of experiments targeting one-dimensional cells. However, ECa,L , ECa,T Reversal potentials for ICa,L and ICa,T
the use of the finite element method might help in the analysis of F Faraday’s constant
two- and three-dimensional structures. The comparison of phase FK,r Fraction of activation of IK,r that occurs slowly
resetting characteristics of other models will be included too. FNa Fraction of inactivation of INa that occurs slowly
16 D.G. Tsalikakis et al. / Computers in Biology and Medicine 37 (2007) 8 – 20

Table 1 (continued) Table 1 (continued)

fL , fT Inactivation variables for ICa,L and ICa,T x Distance from center of SA node
gp , gc Conductance of a current in peripheral or central in one-dimensional model of intact SA node
SA node cell models xs Activation variable for IK,s
g a (x), g s (x) Conductance of a current in atrial muscle cell y Activation variable of If
or SA node cell in one-dimensional model z Valency of ion
of intact SA node at distance x from center of SA [Na+ ]i , [Ca2+ ]i Intracellular Na+ , Ca2+ , concentrations
node an Voltage-dependent opening rate constant of n
gNa Conductance of INa bn Voltage-dependent closing rate constant of n
gCa,L , gCa,T Conductance of ICa,L and gCa,T NaCa Position of Erying rate theory energy
gto , gsus Conductance of Ito and Isus barrier controlling voltage dependence of
gK,r , gK,s Conductance of IK,r and IK,s INaCa
gf,Na , gf,K Conductance of Na+ and K+ n Time constant of n
components of if  Space constant
gb,Na , gb,Ca , gb,K Conductance of Ib,Na , Ib,Ca and Ib,K
h1 , h2 Fast and slow inactivation variables for INa
h Net fractional availability of INa
INa TTX-sensitive Na+ current
ICa,L , iCa,T L- and T-type Ca2+ currents Table 2
Ito , Isus Transient and sustained components of 4-AP- Formulation of the equations of Na+ current (INa )
sensitive current
IK,r , IK,s Rapid and slow delayed rectifying K+ currents The sodium current INa is given by the equation
IK Sum of IK,r and IK,s
If Hyperpolarization-activated current (F )2.0 (e(V −ENa )F /RT − 1.0)
INa = gNa (m)3 h[Na+ ]o V
If,Na , If,K Na+ and K+ components of If RT (eVF/RT − 1.0)
Ib,Na , Ib,Ca , Ib,K Background Na+ , Ca2+ , and K+ currents
INaCa Na+ /Ca2+ exchanger current
Ip Na+ –K+ pump current Sodiumcurrent m gate
Ip Maximum Ip
Itot Total ionic current in a cell dm (m∞ − m)
= (2)
a (x), I s (x)
Itot tot Total ionic current in atrial dt m
muscle cell or SA node cell in one-dimensional
model of intact SA node at distance x  1.0/3.0
from center of SA node m∞ =
(1.0 + e−V /5.46 )
Ist Sustained current
IK,ACh ACh-activated K+ current 
IK,AP ATP-sensitive K+ current m =
kNa,Ca Scaling factor for INa,Ca (0.832e−0.335(V +56.7) + 0.627e0.082(V +65.01) )
Km,Na , Km,K Dissociation constants for Na+ and K+ activation +0.00004)
of Ip
L Length of string of SA node and atrial
tissue in one-dimensional Sodium current h gate
model of intact SA node
h = ((1.0 − FNa )h1 + FNa h2 )
Ls Length of string of SA node tissue
in one-dimensional model of intact SA node
m Activation variable for iNa dh1 (h1,∞ − h1 )
= (3)
MDP Maximum diastolic potential dt  h1
n∞ Steady-state value of n
pa General activation variable for IK,r dh2 (h2,∞ − h2 )
= (4)
pa,f , pa,s Fast and slow activation variables forIK,r dt h 2
pi Inactivation variable for IK,r
Q10 Fractional change in a variable 1.0
with a 10 ◦ C increase in temperature h1,∞ =
(1.0 + e(V +66.1)/6.4 )
r Activation variable for Ito
R Universal gas constant
h2,∞ = h1,∞
q Inactivation variable for Ito
SA node, SAN Sinoatrial node 0.000003171e−0.2815(V +17.11)
t Time  h1 = + 0.0005977
(1.0 + 0.003732e−0.3426(V +37.76) )
T Absolute temperature
TOP Takeoff potential
V Membrane potential
V a, V s Membrane potential of atrial muscle  
cell or SA node cell in one-dimensional model of 0.00000003186e−0.6219(V +18.8)
 h2 = + 0.003556
intact SA node (1.0 + 0.00007189e−0.6683(V +34.07) )
V a (x), V s (x) Membrane potential of atrial muscle
cell or SA node cell in one-dimensional model of
intact SA node at distance x from center of SA node
D.G. Tsalikakis et al. / Computers in Biology and Medicine 37 (2007) 8 – 20 17

Table 3 Table 4 (continued)

Formulation of the equations of L-type Ca2+ current, ICa,L
L-type Ca channel ICa,L d,T =
(d,T + d,T )
ICa,L = gCa,L fL dL + −(V +14.1)/6.0
(V − ECa,L )
(1.0 + e )
dT,∞ =
(1.0 + e−(V +37.0)/6.8 )
L-type Ca channel d gate

ddL (dL,∞ − dL ) T-type Ca channel f gate

= (5)
dt d,L
dfT (fT,∞ − fT )
= (8)
  dt f,T
(V + 35.0) 42.45V
d,L = −14.19 − −0.208V
(e−(V +35.0)/2.5 − 1.0) (e − 1.0)
f,T = 15.3e−(V +71.7)/83.3
5.71(V − 5.0)
d,L = 0.4(V −5.0)
(e − 1.0)
f,T = 15.0e(V +71.7)/15.38
d,L = 1.0
(d,L + d,L ) f,T =
(f,T + f,T )
1.0 1.0
dL,∞ = fT,∞ =
(1.0 + e−(V +23.1)/6.0 ) (1.0 + e(V +71.0)/9.0 )
L-type Ca channel f gate

dfL (fL,∞ − fL )
= (6)
dt f,L
Table 5
Formulation of the equations for sensitive currents (Ito and Isus ) and delayed
3.12(V + 28.0)
f,L = rectifying current (IK,r )
(e(V +28.0)/4.0 − 1.0)
f,L = Ito = gto qr(V − EK )
(1.0 + e−(V +28.0)/4.0 )
Isus = gsus r(V − EK )
f,L =
(f,L + f,L ) q gate

dq (q∞ − q)
1.0 = (9)
fL,∞ = dt q
(1.0 + e(V +45.0)/5.0 )

q∞ =
(1.0 + e(V +59.37)/13.1 )

Table 4 q = 0.0101 + + 0.000024e0.1(V +50.93)
0.57e−0.08(V +49.0)
Formulation of the equations of T-type Ca2+ current (ICa,T )
T-type Ca channel ICa,T 4-AP sensitive currents r gate

ICa,T = gCa,T dT fT (V − ECa,T ) dr (r∞ − r)

= (10)
dt r

T-type Ca channel d gate 1.0

r∞ =
ddT (dT,∞ − dT ) (1.0 + e−(V −10.93)/19.7 )
= (7)
dt d,T
d,T = 1068.0e(V +26.3)/30.0 r = 0.00298 +
(1.037e0.09(V +30.61)+ 0.369e−0.12(V +23.84) )

d,T = 1068.0e−(V +26.3)/30.0

18 D.G. Tsalikakis et al. / Computers in Biology and Medicine 37 (2007) 8 – 20

Table 5 (continued) Table 6 (continued)

Rapid delayed rectifying potassium current IK,r
x s =
IK,r = gK,r pa pi (V − EK ) (1.0 + e−(V −40.0)/9.0 )

pa = ((1.0 − FK,r )pa,f + FK,r pa,s )

xs = e−V /45.0

Rapid delayed rectifying potassium current pa,f gate

dpa,f (pa,f,∞ − pa,f )

= (11)
dt pa,f xs
xs∞ =
(xs + xs )

pa,f,∞ =
(1.0 + e−(V +14.2)/10.6 ) 1.0
xs =
(xs + xs )

pa,f = Hyperpolarization activated current If
(37.2e(V −9.0)/15.9 + 0.96e−(V −9.0)/22.5 )
If = (If,Na + If,K )

Rapid delayed rectifying potassium current pa,s gate

dpa,s (pa,s,∞ − pa,s )
= (12)
dt pa,s If,Na = gf,Na y(V − ENa )

pa,s,∞ = pa,f,∞ (13)
If,K = gf,K y(V − EK )

1.0 Hyperpolarization activated current y gate

pa,s =
(4.2e(V −9.0)/17.0 + 0.15e−(V −9.0)/21.6 )
dy (y∞ − y)
= (16)
dt y
Rapid delayed rectifying potassium pi gate

dpi (pi,∞ − pi )
= (14)
dt p i y = e−(V +78.91)/26.62
pi,∞ =
(1.0 + e(V +18.6)/10.1 )
y = e(V +75.13)/21.25

y∞ =
(y + y )

Table 6
Formulation of the equations for slow delayed rectifying current (IK,s ) and 1.0
y =
hyperpolarization current (If ) (y + y )

Slow delayed rectifying potassium current IK,s

IK,s = gK,s (xs )2.0 (V − EK,s )

Slowdelayed rectifying potassium current xs gate

dxs (xs∞ − xs )
= (15)
dt xs
D.G. Tsalikakis et al. / Computers in Biology and Medicine 37 (2007) 8 – 20 19

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