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Chapter 1


What did Rose blame Rudolf for?

She blamed him for being years old and not doing anything useful. ( idle)

-Why did Rudolf Rassendyll account for his being idle ( unemployed)?

He said that rich families like the Rassendylls didn't need to do things. He said he had enough money to do anything he wanted. He had an important position in society .

Why hadn't Rassendyll been lazy at all times?

a)He had studied hard and learned a lot when he was at a German school and university. b)He spoke some languages.{ German , English , French , Spanish and Italian ) c)He was very good at riding horses and good with a gun and a strong swordsman.

According to Rose, how was Rudolf Rassendyll different from Robert ?

Besides Rudolf's red hair She said that Robert realised that his position in society had responsibilities, but Rudolf only saw opportunities in his position.

What good news did Rose have for her brother-in-law?

She said that Sir Jacob Borrodaile would offer Rudolf a real opportunity to work for him when he became an ambassador after months. She hoped Rassendyll would take the job. Sir Jacob Borrodaile wanted Rudolf to work for him in an embassy.

Why did Rassendyll accept to work for Sir Jacob in an embassy?

First, Rose had a way of asking people to do things which was impossible to refuse. ( Rose was persuasive ) Second, he thought the job sounded quite interesting.

-What did Rudolf Rassendyll decide to do during the six months ?

He decided that he would visit Ruritania, a small country in the middle of Europe.

Rudolf Rassendyll's family always have an interest in Ruritania. Illustrate.

In Countess Amelia Rassendyll married a member of the Ruritanian royal family, the Elphbergs who had red hair and straight noses.

-What helped Rassendyll's decision to travel to Ruritania?

He read in The Times newspaper that Rudolf the th was to become King of Ruritania in the next three weeks, and that amazing celebrations were planned for that joyous occasion He decided to see such a fantastic event so he began to prepare for the journey.

-Why did he tell Rose he was going to write a book about social problems?

Because he did not want her to think he was being lazy. prisoner of zinda 1


What was Robert and his wife opinion about Rassendyll's future book?

Rose said that it would be such a good thing to do Robert said that writing a book was the best way to get t into politics.

-What was Uncle William's advice that Rassendyll decided to take?

Rassendyll's Uncle William always said that no man should ever pass through Paris without spending twenty-four hours in the city.

-What did Bertram Bertrand tell Rassendyll about Antoinette de Mauban?

She was well known for her wealth and ambition and she was leaving Paris that day..

Why did Antoinette de Mauban visit Paris ?

Antoinette de Mauban was a guest of the Duke of Strelsau ( Duke Michael ).


What did George Featherly tell Rassendyll about the Duke of Strelsau?

He said that Michael was the half-brother to the King of Ruritania. He was his father's favourite son. He wished to be the king of Ruritania not only a Duke

-Why did the guards at the Ruritanian border stare at Rassendyll's passport?

Because Rassendyll looked exactly like the King of Ruritania.


-What did Rassendyll read in the Ruritanian newspaper?

The king's coronation was to be in two days' time which was too much earlier than he thought .The newspaper described the excitement in the country and Strelsau .

According to the hotel owner, why was Duke Michael popular with many people in Ruritania unlike his brother?

a) Michael always lived in Ruritania and he cared about the people so people loved him b)As for the King, he was almost a stranger. He had been abroad for most of his life and not many people even knew what he looked like. c) He was staying in a hunting lodge in the forest as he liked hunting and good food.

What was one of the two daughter's comment on Johann's surprise?

She said that it was the red hair which surprised Johann because they didn't see it in the country unless he was part of the king's family , the Elphbergs.

-How was the Castle of Zenda well-defended?

It was very old but well built, with a moat all around it. Behind it was a large mansion. The castle could only be reached by a drawbridge between it and the mansion.

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-Who did Colonel Sapt and Fritz work for?

They worked for the King of Ruritania and they were loyal and faithful to the king .

Rassendyll and the king didn't have identical personalities. Illustrate

Rudolf Rassendyll was an officer for the queen's a army , he was good with a sword . Rudolf Elphberg liked to live well and he preferred eating to action. but he was kind. Chapter 2

What differences did Rassendyll find when he examined his the king carefully?

Although the king certainly looked very like Rassendyll , there were some differences. The king's mouth perhaps was less wide and Rassendyll's face was a little thinner.

Why did Rassendyll want leave Ruritania at once ?

Rassendyll wanted to leave Ruritania in order not to worry the king but the kind king invited him to eat with him that night in the hunting lodge

Where did the king and Rassendyll have their dinner ?

In a small wooden hunting lodge between trees which Michael used for hunting.

What two things did Duke Michael do that the King appreciated ?

a) Duke Michael invited the king to hunt in his land and let him use his guards. b) Michael ordered Josef to give the king some delicious cakes to eat at the end of his meal . so the king said " well done, Michael."

How did Fritz and Sapt have two different opinions about the coronation?

Fritz suggested telling the people of Ruritania that the king was ill Sapt said that if he wasn't crowned that day he wouldn't ever be a king.

How did They persuade Rassendyll to take the place of the king at coronation?

a) Fritz said that Rassendyll's German language was perfect b) Fritz said if Rassendyll was dressed in the king's clothes no one would know. c) Sapt said If he didn't go to Strelsau that night , Duke Michael would be king and the king would either be dead or in prison.

How would they get the king to Strelsau after the coronation?

a ) Sapt and Rassendyll would leave the place and come back to the lodge on horses while Fritz would stay to guard the king's bedroom at the palace. b) Josef would get the king ready for the journey back. to the palace with Sapt in the dark. c) Rassendyll would leave the country before it was light .

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Why would Sapt would always be at Rassendyll's side ?

To tell Rassendyll who the people were that he met


What do you know about Marshal Strakencz ?

He was a very important person in the army. He was tall and his jacket was covered in medals. He led a group of soldiers to welcome the Pretend King ( Rassendyll ) .

Rassendyll find out the city had two different parts partly old and partly new?

There were wide, modern streets where the rich people lived in big houses. There were the poor's tiny houses which were hot in summer and freezing cold in winter

How did this gap between the rich and the poor affect the new king?

The rich would support the new king because they knew that nothing would change The poor didn't like the new king so they would support Duke Michael..

Why did the poor people support Duke Michael?

As he told them he wanted things to be different and gave them hope for better future.

Why did Rassendyll feel frightened when he saw Antoinette de Mauban?

AS she stared at him , her expression changed . Surely she knew who he was Rassendyll was afraid that she would call out," That is not the real king." Chapter 3

-What did the Marshal order his men to do?

He ordered them to enter a poor part of the town where the people were loyal to Michael.

to ride alone in the old part? - Give two reasons for Rassendyll's insistence

a) Rassendyll wanted to succeed in the Marshal's test. b) Rassendyll wanted the poor people to see that their king trusted them.

-How were the people had different feelings when they saw Rassendyll?

Although some people smiled and cheered , others were quiet and looked at him angrily

-Who did Rassendyll see inside the beautiful building?

Rassendyll saw Princess Flavia who was a beautiful young woman with red hair Rassendyll saw Duke Michael with his red cheeks, dark eyes and dark hair

Show that the Princess was a good observant?

She told Rassendyll that he looked different , he looked more tired , serious and thinner.

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What did Fritz warn Rassendyll against in the afternoon of the coronation?

He warned him against walking alone in the old part of the city because Duke Michael wouldn't like it if he became too popular with the Duke's people .

-To what extent, Fritz had orders to prevent Michael from visiting the king?

Sapt ordered not to let Michael in even if Fritz's life depended on it."

How was Rassendyll's camouflage to leave the palace at night?

He put on a big coat and a hat leaving the palace with Sapt not through the door but through a panel in the wall which led to a dark passage .

Why did Sapt got off the horse and put his ear to the ground?

He did that in order to know the number and the distance of the horses behind them Sapt said that they were two horses and they were about two kilometres behind.

How could Sapt recognize the two men on the road through the forest ?

Because the moon was full and he could see the road clearly so Sapt recognized the Duke and Max Holf ( Johan's brother ) Max was a strong-looking man.

-At the fork, Sapt would love to shoot Duke Michael but he didn't .Discuss

He realised that killing the Duke wouldn't have helped the king at that moment

What did " All is well " mean ?

It meant that the Duke had got the king and imprisoned him in the Castle of Zenda.

What did Sapt do when he saw the or torn and dirty handkerchiefs ?

Sapt held of Rassendyll's hands telling him that he used those handkerchiefs to tie up the old woman ( Johann's mother ). ( It was a mistake to use handkerchiefs not ropes)

According to Sapt ,how did Michael know what happened to the king?

The old woman untied the handkerchiefs and told Michael about Sapt's plan.

What was Sapt's plan after the disappearance of the king?

He told Rassendyll that they had to continue with the game they started so Rassendyll would be a king again until they could save the king.

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