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UNIT II - CONGESTION AND TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PART - A 2.A.1. When queue will be formed in a network?

Queue will be formed if the current demand for a particular service exceeds the capacity of service provider. 2.A.2. What are the characteristics of queuing process? 1. Arrival pattern 2.Service pattern 3.Number of server 4.System capacity .Queue discipline 2.A.3. What is meant by implicit congestion signaling? !hen networ" con#estion occurs pac"ets #et discard and ac"nowled#ement will be delayed. As a result source understands that there is con#estion implicitly. 2.A.4. What are the ongestion! ontrol "echanisms? 1. $ac"pressure 2. %e&uest from destination to source to reduce rate 3. 'seful only on a lo#ical connection basis 4. %e&uires hop(by(hop flow control mechanism . )olicin# *. +easurin# and restrictin# pac"ets as they enter the networ" ,. -ho"e pac"et .. Specific messa#e bac" to source /.#.0 1-+) Source Quench 2. 1mplicit con#estion si#nalin# 13. Source detects con#estion from transmission delays and lost pac"ets and reduces flow 2.A.#. What is meant by $% &? 4he 5/-N bit is part of the Address field in the 5rame %elay frame header. 4he 5/-N mechanism is initiated when a 64/ device sends 5rame %elay frames into the networ". 1f the networ" is con#ested0 6-/ devices 7switches8 set the value of the frames9 5/-N bit to 1. !hen the frames reach the destination 64/ device0 the Address field 7with the 5/-N bit set8 indicates that the frame experienced con#estion in the path from source to destination. 2.A.'. What is meant by (% &? 4he $/-N bit is part of the Address field in the 5rame %elay frame header. 6-/ devices set the value of the $/-N bit to 1 in frames travelin# in the opposite direction of frames with their 5/-N bit set. 4his informs the receivin# 64/ device that a particular path throu#h the networ" is con#ested. 2.A.). What is the use of *iscard %ligibility +*%, bit? 4he 6iscard /li#ibility 76/8 bit is used to indicate that a frame has lower importance than other frames. 4he 6/ bit is part of the Address field in the 5rame %elay frame header. 2.A.-. What is the error checking mechanism used in $rame .elay? 5rame %elay uses a common error(chec"in# mechanism "nown as the cyclic redundancy chec" 7-%-8. 4he -%- compares two calculated values to determine

whether errors occurred durin# the transmission from source to destination. 5rame %elay reduces networ" overhead by implementin# error chec"in# rather than error correction. 2.A./. What are the onsiderations for 0raffic "anagement in ongested &etwork? 5airness0 Quality of Service0 %eservations 2.A.11. Ad2antages of $rame .elay ongestion ontrol 1.+inimi:e frame discard 2. +aintain QoS 7per(connection bandwidth8 3. +inimi:e monopoli:ation of networ" 4. Simple to implement0 little overhead . +inimal additional networ" traffic 2.A.11. What are the $rame .elay 0raffic .ate "anagement 3arameters? 1. -ommitted 1nformation %ate 7-1%8 2. Avera#e data rate in bits;second that the networ" a#rees to support for a connection 3. 6ata %ate of 'ser Access -hannel 7Access %ate8 4. 5ixed rate lin" between user and networ" 7for networ" access8 . -ommitted $urst Si:e 7$c8 *. +aximum data over an interval a#reed to by networ" ,. /xcess $urst Si:e 7$e8 .. +aximum data0 above $c0 over an interval that networ" will attempt to transfer 2.A.12. *efine committed (urst si4e+(c,? 4his is maximum number of bits in a predefined period of time that the networ" is committed to transfer without discardin# any frames. 2.A.13. *efine access rate? 5or every connection in frame relay networ"0 an access rate is defined. 4he access rate actually depends on bandwidth of channel connectin# user to networ". 2.A.14. What are the steady state performance measures to be determined in 5ueuing models? Queuein# models allow a number of useful steady state performance measures to be determined0 includin#< = the avera#e number in the &ueue0 or the system0 = the avera#e time spent in the &ueue0 or the system0 = the statistical distribution of those numbers or times0 = the probability the &ueue is full0 or empty0 and = the probability of findin# the system in a particular state. 2.A.1#.Write 6endall7s notation. 7a;b;c8< 7d;e8 is >endall?s notation a@distribution of inter arrival time b@distribution of service time c@number of server d@maximum number of allowed items in a system e@&ueuin# discipline used 2.A.1'. What is meant by traffic intensity in queuing analysis? 4raffic intensity A Arrival rate;Service rate 2.A.1). What is the role of DE lint in Frame relay?

2.A.1-. 8ow does frame relay report congestion? 2.A.1/. Write 9ittle7s formula. 2.A.21. *efine 0raffic intensity or utili4ation factor and 5:;. 2.A.21. What is the difference between committed burst si4e +(c, and %<cess burst si4e +(e,. 2.A.22. *efine terms .outer= (ridge and >ateway. 2.A.23. What is Bluetooth? 2.A.24. Distinguish between Poisson and Exponential formulae. 2.A.25. How we calculate the percentile of packets transfer at a time in traffic management technique. 2.A.26. Define Arrival rate and service rate PART B 2.B.1. Explain the single- server and multi server queering models. (16)
Models Construction and analysis Queuein# models are #enerally constructed to represent the steady state of a &ueuein# system0 that is0 the typical0 lon# run or avera#e state of the system. As a conse&uence0 these are stochastic models that represent the probability that a &ueuein# system will be found in a particular confi#uration or state. A #eneral procedure for constructin# and analysin# such &ueuein# models is< 1. 1dentify the parameters of the system0 such as the arrival rate0 service time0 Queue capacity0 and perhaps draw a dia#ram of the system. 2. 1dentify the system states. 7A state will #enerally represent the inte#er number of customers0 people0 Bobs0 calls0 messa#es0 etc. in the system and may or may not be limited.8 3. 6raw a state transition dia#ram that represents the possible system states and identify the rates to enter and leave each state. 4his dia#ram is a representation of a +ar"ov chain. 4. $ecause the state transition dia#ram represents the steady state situation between state there is a balanced flow between states so the probabilities of bein# in adBacent states can be related mathematically in terms of the arrival and service rates and state probabilities. . /xpress all the state probabilities in terms of the empty state probability0 usin# the inter(state transition relationships. *. 6etermine the empty state probability by usin# the fact that all state probabilities always sum to 1. !hereas specific problems that have small finite state models are often able to be analysed numerically0 analysis of more #eneral models0 usin# calculus0 yields useful formulae that can be applied to whole classes of problems.

Single-server queue
Sin#le(server &ueues are0 perhaps0 the most commonly encountered &ueuein# situation in real life. Cne encounters a &ueue with a sin#le server in many situations0 includin# business 7e.#. sales cler"80 industry 7e.#. a production line80 transport 7e.#. a bus0 a taxi ran"0 an intersection80 telecommunications 7e.#. 4elephone line80 computin# 7e.#.

processor sharin#8. /ven where there are multiple servers handlin# the situation it is possible to consider each server individually as part of the lar#er system0 in many cases. 7e.# A supermar"et chec"out has several sin#le server &ueues that the customer can select from.8 -onse&uently0 bein# able to model and analyse a sin#le server &ueue9s behaviour is a particularly useful thin# to do.

Poisson arrivals and service

M/M/ /!/! represents a sin#le server that has unlimited &ueue capacity and infinite callin# population0 both arrivals and service are )oisson 7or random8 processes0 meanin# the statistical distribution of both the inter(arrival times and the service times follow the exponential distribution. $ecause of the mathematical nature of the exponential distribution0 a number of &uite simple relationships are able to be derived for several performance measures based on "nowin# the arrival rate and service rate. 4his is fortunate because0 an +;+;1 &ueuin# model can be used to approximate many &ueuin# situations.

Poisson arrivals and "eneral service

M/G/ /!/! represents a sin#le server that has unlimited &ueue capacity and infinite callin# population0 while the arrival is still )oisson process0 meanin# the statistical distribution of the inter(arrival times still follow the exponential distribution0 the distribution of the service time does not. 4he distribution of the service time may follow any #eneral statistical distribution0 not Bust exponential. %elationships are still able to be derived for a 7limited8 number of performance measures if one "nows the arrival rate and the mean and variance of the service rate. Dowever the derivations a #enerally more complex. A number of special cases of +;E;1 provide specific solutions that #ive broad insi#hts into the best model to choose for specific &ueuein# situations because they permit the comparison of those solutions to the performance of an +;+;1 model.

Multiple-servers queue
+ultiple 7identical8(servers &ueue situations are fre&uently encountered in telecommunications or a customer service environment. !hen modellin# these situations care is needed to ensure that it is a multiple servers &ueue0 not a networ" of sin#le server &ueues0 because results may differ dependin# on how the &ueuin# model behaves. Cne observational insi#ht provided by comparin# &ueuin# models is that a sin#le &ueue with multiple servers performs better than each server havin# their own &ueue and that a sin#le lar#e pool of servers performs better than two or more smaller pools0 even thou#h there are the same total number of servers in the system. 2.B.2. At an ATM machine in a supermarket, the average length of a transaction is 2 minutes and on average, customers arrive to use the machine once every 5 minutes, How long is the average time that a person must spend waiting and using the machine? What is the 90th percentile of residence time? On average, how many people are waiting to use the machine? Assume M/M/1. .(16) 2.B.3. Consider a frame relay node that is handling a Poisson stream of incoming frames to be transmitted on a particular 1 Mbps outgoing link. The stream consists of two types of frames. Both types pf frames have the same exponential distribution of frame length with a mean of 1000 bits. a. Assume that priorities are not used. The combined arrival rate of frame of both types is 800 frames/second. What is the mean residences time (Tr) for all

frames? b. Now assume that the two types are assigned different priorities, with the arrival rate of type 1 of 200 frames/second and the arrival rate of type 2 of 600 frames/second. Calculate the mean residence time for type 1, type2, and overall. c. Repeat (b) for _1 = _2 = 400 frames/second. d. Repeat (b) for _1 = 600 frames/second and _2 = 200 frames/second. . (16) 2.B.4. Messages arrive at a switching center for a particular outgoing communications line in a poisson manner with a mean arrival rate of 180 messages per hour. Message length is distributed exponentially with a mean length of 14,400 characters. Line speed is 9600 bps. a. What is the mean waiting time in the switching center? (6) b. How many messages will be waiting in the switching center for transmission on the average? (10) 2.B.5. a. Explain the effects of congestion. (8) b. Explain the congestion control mechanisms in networks. (8)

Congestion-Control Mechanisms Backpressure Request from destination to source to reduce rate Useful only on a logical connection basis Requires hop-by-hop flow control mechanism Policing Measuring and restricting packets as they enter the network Choke packet Specific message back to source !g!" #CMP Source $uench #mplicit congestion signaling Source detects congestion from transmission delays and lost packets and reduces flow Explicit congestion signaling

5rame %elay reduces networ" overhead by implementin# simple con#estionnotification mechanisms rather than explicit0 per(virtual(circuit flow control. 5rame %elay typically is implemented on reliable networ" media0 so data inte#rity is not sacrificed because flow control can be left to hi#her(layer protocols. 5rame %elay implements two con#estion(notification mechanisms< = 5orward(explicit con#estion notification 75/-N8 = $ac"ward(explicit con#estion notification 7$/-N8 5/-N and $/-N each is controlled by a sin#le bit contained in the 5rame %elay frame header. 4he 5rame %elay frame header also contains a 6iscard /li#ibility 76/8 bit0 which is used to identify less important traffic that can be dropped durin# periods of con#estion. 4he FECN bit is part of the Address field in the 5rame %elay frame header. 4he

5/-N mechanism is initiated when a 64/ device sends 5rame %elay frames into the networ". 1f the networ" is con#ested0 6-/ devices 7switches8 set the value of the frames9 5/-N bit to 1. !hen the frames reach the destination 64/ device0 the Address field 7with the 5/-N bit set8 indicates that the frame experienced con#estion in the path from source to destination. 4he 64/ device can relay this information to a hi#her(layer protocol for processin#. 6ependin# on the implementation0 flow control may be initiated0 or the indication may be i#nored. 4he BECN bit is part of the Address field in the 5rame %elay frame header. 6-/ devices set the value of the $/-N bit to 1 in frames travelin# in the opposite direction of frames with their 5/-N bit set. 4his informs the receivin# 64/ device that a particular path throu#h the networ" is con#ested. 4he 64/ device then can relay this information to a hi#her(layer protocol for processin#. 6ependin# on the implementation0 flow(control may be initiated0 or the indication may be i#nored. Frame Relay Discard Eligibility 4he Discard Eligibility (DE) bit is used to indicate that a frame has lower importance than other frames. 4he 6/ bit is part of the Address field in the 5rame %elay frame header. 64/ devices can set the value of the 6/ bit of a frame to 1 to indicate that the frame has lower importance than other frames. !hen the networ" becomes con#ested0 6-/ devices will discard frames with the 6/ bit set before discardin# those that do not. 4his reduces the li"elihood of critical data bein# dropped by 5rame %elay 6-/ devices durin# periods of con#estion. Frame Relay Error Checking 5rame %elay uses a common error(chec"in# mechanism "nown as the cyclic redundancy check (CRC). 4he -%- compares two calculated values to determine whether errors occurred durin# the transmission from source to destination. 5rame %elay reduces networ" overhead by implementin# error chec"in# rather than error correction. 5rame %elay typically is implemented on reliable networ" media0 so data inte#rity is not sacrificed because error correction can be left to hi#her(layer protocols runnin# on top of 5rame %elay.

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