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Shirodhara and its

Application in Shiroroga
Dr. Vikram Kumar,
2nd year P.G. Scholar,
Dept. of Panchakarma,
Govt. Ayurveda College,
Guided By-
Dr.G.Vinod Kumar,
H.O.D. ,Dept. of Panchakarma,
Govt. Ayurveda College,
1. Introduction
2. Relevance of the topic
3. Shirordhara - synonyms and types
4. Materials required
5. Procedure
6. Probable mode of action
7. Different dharas in different Shiroroga
8. Conclusion
 Shirodhara is a treatment modality which is benificial
in treating various diseases including Shirorogas.
 More than Shodhana, produce Shamana &
Rejuvenating effect.
 Sirodhara is one of the excellent therapies for the
treatment of several diseases related with head, neck,
eyes, ears, and nose and as well as nervous system.
 Due to present lifestyle Tensions, lack of sleep
etc Nidanas of shiroroga
 Shirodhara is one procedure with multi actions.
 It has
-Local action
-Systemic action
 It has
-Preventive action
-Curative action
Importance of Shiras
 It is considerd as Uttamanga
 One among Trimarma
 Seat of Prana vata and all the Indriyas
 Root of the body (Urdwa moola)
Shirodhara is a procedure in which various
decoctions, oils, medicated buttermilk, milk or
other liquids are continuously poured over
forehead and then allowing to flow over the
scalp from a specific height for specified
period of time.
 Shirahseka
 Murdhaseka
 Shirah Parisheka
Different Types of Shiodhara
Named according to liquid used
1. Taila dhara
2. Kwatha dhara
3. Takra dhara
4. Ksheera dhara
5. Jala dhara
6. Ghrita dhara etc.
Materials required
1. Shirodhara device-1 1. Hotwaterbath-1
2. Varti- 1 2. Vessels -3
3. Dravadravya -1.5litres 3. Rasnadi choorna- Q.S
4. Gauze piece- 1 4. Soft towels-2
5. Cotton earplugs-2 5. Dhara patra-1
6. Soft pillow covered 6. Attendents-2
with rexin-1 1. Oil for Abhyanga-Q.S
Dhara patra
 Dhara patra should be 5-6 inch deep with wide
open mouth, round at the bottom with a
capacity of approximately 2 litres.
 There should be a hole to the size of little
finger at its centre of the bottom.
 There should be three holes with equal
distance to the ridges of the patra, to tie up
three strings for the purpose of hanging over
the stand.
Pre operative procedure
 Abhyanga can be done over the face, neck,
shoulder and chest. (Whole body abhyanga
can also be done)
 Gauze is tied around the head above the
eyebrows of the patient.
 The eyes should be covered with eye pads.
 The ear should be plugged with two cotton
 The patient should lie in supine position on the droni.
 A small pillow should be placed under the neck.
 The dhara pot should be kept in such a way as to allow steady
flowing of the liquid poured into it, over the forehead of the
 The tip of dharavarti should be 4-5 inches above the forehead of
the patient and liquid should fall in a continuous stream.
 The vessel should always be kept oscillating so that the liquid
will fall into the patient’s entire forehead without interruption.
 The liquid falling should be poured again into the vessel after
collecting it from the droni.
Post operative procedure
 Gauze and earplugs should be removed and
head must be wiped off with the towel.
 Rasnadi choorna should be applied over the
 Hot water bath can be done if prescribed, after
1 hour. Head bath should be done with
lukewarm water.
 Generally the treatment is done in the morning hours,
between 7-10 am. If necessary, it can be done
between 4-6 pm.
 The process can be done daily for a period of 7 to 14
 The duration of treatment as well as the time period is
according to the nature of the disease and the physical
condition of the patient.
 It is done usually for a fixed time (45minutes to
1 hour).
Probable Mode of Action
 From Ayurvedic point of View:
 Paka prakriya by Brajakapitta situated at Twak
 Veerya of drugs are absorbed directly without
alteration in properties
 Act directly on the site of Pathology i.e Shiras.

 Scalp is richly supplied by blood vessels.

 Easy absorption of active principles.
Different Dharas in Different
 Vataja shiroroga
 Dashamoola kashaya dhara
 Taila dhara with
-Bala taila
-Bala gudoochyadi taila
-Karpasasthyadi taila
 In Pittaja & Raktaja Shirorogas
 Chandana, Usheera Kwatha dhara
 Ksheera dhara
 Narikela jala dhara
 Ghritadhara
 Sheetala jala dhara
 Taila dhara with
-Chandanadi taila
-Bringamalakadi taila
 In kaphaja shiroroga
 Nagara, mustha, madhuyashti kwathadhara
 Taila dhara with
-Madhuyashtyadi taila
-Triphaladi taila
-Asana Vilwadi taila
-Tungadrumadi taila
 In Arumshika
Nimba Toya Seka
 In Vrana
Triphala kwatha Dhara
 In Psoriasis of Scalp
 In premature graying of hair (Palithya)
 Takradhara
 Dhara with
-Bringamalaka taila
-Brahmi taila
-Neelibringadi taila
-Triphaladi taila
-Yashtimadhu taila
 In hair fall (Khalithya)
Dhara with
-Triphaladi taila
-Bringamalaka taila
- Neelibringadi taila

Shirodhara is a user friendly procedure with

both preventive and curative action and can be
used for treating various Shirorogas.

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