A Double Provocation

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The birth of PUR on the political scene of the country and its public manifestation
in a democratic frame - formed and consolidated after the December of '89 period -
represents an immediately answer, conscious and responsible for the multitude and
complexity problems and challenges of transition to a market economy in Romania, in a
quickly and deep changing world in which the dependencies and global connections have
been multiplied and become over-determining. The world we live in is marked by the
acceleration of the historical rhythm of the massive diffusion of goods and services,
technologies, idea systems, behavior models, so that the incidents and global connections
are overwhelming upon the individual and communities, local or national. The
globalization "sock" was powerfully felt in economical, financial, informational,
communicational, in all social life domains, affecting all developed or less developed,
large or small countries.
Interdependencies have become more tightly and more hardly to avoid, extern
influences imposing categorically not so little times, impossible to avoid its impact.
So, in a decisive moment of history the human condition has once again risen as being
very fragile and vulnerable having to answer at major, even tragic interrogations, under
the sign of a general crisis; a crisis of resources, ideals, solutions.
In Romania, the communism breakdown produced a huge historical whirlpool, a
dislocation of social structures and it generated an irresistible wish of innovation, of
transformation in all domains of collective and individual existence, of institutional
system also. The democratization of political life frame and also the creation of some
premises of transition to market economy have not been enough for Romanian society-
entered on the post-communism changes way - to find its balance and force to join again
to the development orbit.
The Humanist message for the XXI century policy After a correct and close
analysis of country realities, of the international life tendencies, of understanding the
causes and consequences of the process Romania was involved in, from the beginning of
last decennium, PUR has asserted itself the mission to elaborate and propose ideas and
solutions in order to contribute to overpass the difficulties Romanian society have still
faced to.
PUR imperatively considers that political action excel hide bound-conjuncture
and adherent vision which unfortunately corrupts political exercise of parties and thus it
proposes another manner for policy to be done; not disregarding the citizen and abusing
by his needs and expectations, but putting the real human in the center, always as
purpose, never as object or manner of manipulation. Thus the humanist primordial and
constitutive dimension of the political message with which PUR comes out in front of
citizens, of nation, becomes totally clear.
PUR starts from recognizing the necessity of constituting and consolidating a
powerful middle class based on private initiative and property, in order to solve the great
social problems generated by the apparition and perturbation between different classes
and population categories. An enterprising class defined through an active attitude by
economy; an entrepreneur class, not one of fund holders or profiteers who institute a new
relation between work and capital, individuals with managerial vocation and

consciousness, distinguishing themselves as promoters of liberty and action spirit; they
are their own masters economically independent, having the consciousness of risk and
dignity of their condition, but specially, having all dates in order not to be under the
influence of tendencies of manipulation and moral perversion which always act in case of
precarious material conditions. The political doctrine recuperates in its interior the
fundamental principles of the philosophical humanism, for which human represents the
supreme value; man - as social human being acting in certain historical conditions, to
whom is not refused the intrinsic dimension of individuality; man - as complex, creative
personality aspirating for his achievement of destiny. Pre-eminently it is a practice
humanism having no connection with the idealistic and utopian aspects of some ideas
elaborated along the time, in different mystique-religious or laic variants and which have
failed into a circumstance humanism, not being able to contribute for solving the critical
problem of human condition. The humanism that PUR demands itself from, exacerbates
neither absolute individualism nor hyper-collectivities, concepts that have appeared in the
childhood of the two antagonistic system, in wild capitalism, in the race after maximum
profit, source of some social inequalities, on the one hand, and in the equalized
communism dictating upon the human needs, as an instrument of oppression and
alienation on mass scale on the other hand.
The real humanism has the origin in a social-liberal concept proposing and
promoting politics inspired by its idea and values, harmonizing and binding individual
interests with collective ones, reconciling man with society, choosing a third way
between capitalism and communism.
In PUR opinion the political humanism is not a doctrine among others, either a
way of equidistant standing, between right and left, beyond the conventional differences
that existed parties point it out. PUR meets again in the everlasting steam of Romanian
and universal humanism values. Through an effective political dimension, moral, spiritual
and ideal dimension of humanism, PUR gains a practice ancestor that is able and must
prove itself the valences in an individual, community and national register, with generous
openings to universal and international scale.
For PUR the fundamental human rights represent the substance itself of values, to
which the doctrine and its policy revolve rounds about, values laid down in Chart of
Fundamental Rights from European Union: dignity, civil liberties, equality, solidarity,
citizenship and justice. Thus the complete humanism conception that PUR shares is
proved to be the project of an European edifice that reflects the conscious of the necessity
that - in integration process, not only economical, currency and institutional of our
continent - the center, privileged position to be due effectively to citizen with real
problems he has, but specially with political and social solves which are imposed.
A new approach of relations between man and state, between man and powers that
conduct his existence, between man and institutes necessary implies the transition from
formal democracy to real one, the joining of political representatively with the one of
immediate exercising of civic prerogatives.
Thus, the forms and frames of participate democracy, of free choosing, of local
initiative and autonomy get a bigger importance in a society with a growing grade of
decentralization and responsibility in managing of social resources and richness, for
community and each citizen use. PUR nourishes the certitude that the transformation of
the society and individual, development of some social relationships well-founded by

sincerity, trust, mutual aid, altruism, respect and collaboration is possible only through
the solidification of efforts and energies of all political and social forces, removing causes
of human condition degradation and people's alienation. These forces make themselves a
creed from humanism that consequently acts in the name of humanist principles.
PUR considers that democracy and humanism are organically interpenetrated,
intensifying each other. In PUR vision, the total development of human personality - in
respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms, in condition of political pluralism and
equality of affirmation chances in society - represents a desideratum, which can and must
be reached to. The real people who ardently wish the emancipation want to joy for
prosperity, coming true their aspiration for better, not anyway, not declarative, not
scarifying themselves for the sake of a noble, high ideal. In order to establish general
purpose that PUR follows, party starts from the realistic appreciation of the relation
between peoples' necessities, expectations and resources the society derives from it.
PUR answers to the imperative of changing the existent states of affairs, not in an
utopian manner, but in an active and responsible deep manner, urgently with
corresponding and efficient solutions for all appeared and assumed problems.

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