SPAR Trimble 2011

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Business opportunities with 3D laser scanning for storage tank applications

Tim Lemmon

Trimble 3D Solutions




Applications: Automated Sign Detection

Applications: Automated Lane Marking

Applications: DTM / TIN / Grid Creation

Trimble Access - Volumes

Guided workflow to generate deliverable in the field

Verification and delivery of result before leaving the field

Trimble Access - DTMs (Surfaces)

Guided workflow to produce DTM (surface) from scan data in the field

Ensure complete data coverage Verify and deliver result in the field

Trimble RealWorks
Easy Guide Step workflow
Semi automatic clearance measurement

Automatic target extraction and registration

Easy Pipe Modeling
- Extract pipe CAD model automatically from cloud

Automation and guided workflows (per application) are critical to efficiently generate deliverables from 3D data

Tank Calibration and Inspection

Tank Calibration - Background

Calibration of storage tanks is a legal requirement when tanks are used for commercial transactions or for an official inventory.

Regulation for Tank Calibration

International Organization of Legal Metrology publishes international recommendation on general requirements of fixed storage tank OIML R 71

Various tank calibration methods standardized by ISO ISO 7507 Each countrys regulatory body develops its own standard referencing to ISO 7507
United States: API 2550/2551/2552/2553 / MPMS Germany: PTB A-4.2 China: JJG168 - 2005

Volumes to determine
Filling Volume

Reference level (dipping plate)

Sump Volume

Traditional Methods
Manual strapping method
Optical reference line method Optical triangulation Internal / external total station measurement

Disadvantages of Traditional Methods

Labor intensive and risky

Very low repeatability

Relies on estimation Environmental unfriendly Not applicable for all tanks

Efforts in Germany to Find New Method

Request from North German Legal Verification Authority (EDN) to find a new tank calibration method to
Minimize tank idle time Reduce environmental impacts Increase accuracy of calibration Improve productivity

Trimble along with German National Metrology Institute (PTB), developed a new tank calibration method using Trimble CX
Certified by PTB (the only one worldwide)

3D Scanning Advantages
Dramatic increase in efficiency and accuracy
Result in 1 day compared to traditional 3 More accurate than traditional standards Highly repeatable

Lower costs compared to traditional methods

Measurements completed quicker with less personnel

Environmentally safe
No need to contaminate water to measure sump

Applicable to different types of tanks

Vertical / horizontal tanks, barges, ship tanks, underground tanks

Complex Tanks 3D scanning

Tank ships spherical


First Step - Scanning

Angle of incident > 30 degrees. The diameter and height relation should not exceed 1:1.7 for floor setups
Multiple setups typically needed to obtain sufficient data

1 setup near reference mark (dipping plate), which defines location between sump and remaining space

Trimble Tank Calibration Solution

Registration Volume Filling & Sump

Export & Compensation

No. height 1 2 3 4 5 6 1.60 m 3.80 m 6.40 m 8.90 m 11.50 m rel. height 0.00 m 2.20 m 4.80 m 7.30 m 9.90 m share of height area partial volume 0.00 m 915.99 m cumulative volume circumference 0.00 m 416.393 m 2.20 m 416.328 m 2.60 m 416.133 m 2.50 m 415.861 m 2.60 m 415.418 m 2.50 m 415.040 m 0.00 m 72.395 m 915.99 m 72.346 m 1082.20 m 1998.19 m 72.331 m 1039.99 m 3038.18 m 72.315 m 1080.66 m 4118.85 m 72.382 m 1038.07 m 5156.92 m 72.263 m subtotal 5156.92 m sump volume 78.24 m total 5235.16 m

14.00 m 12.40 m

Calibration Filling Table

No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 height 1.60 m 3.80 m 6.40 m 8.90 m 11.50 m rel. height 0.00 m 2.20 m 4.80 m 7.30 m 9.90 m share of height area partial volume 0.00 m 915.99 m cumulative volume circumference

0.00 m 416.393 m 2.20 m 416.328 m 2.60 m 416.133 m 2.50 m 415.861 m 2.60 m 415.418 m 2.50 m 415.040 m

0.00 m 72.395 m 915.99 m 72.346 m

1082.20 m 1998.19 m 72.331 m 1039.99 m 3038.18 m 72.315 m 1080.66 m 4118.85 m 72.382 m 1038.07 m 5156.92 m 72.263 m subtotal 5156.92 m sump volume 78.24 m total 5235.16 m

14.00 m 12.40 m

Results are exported to a filling table. Corrections for other factors still need to be applied.

Tank Calibration - Summary

Increase efficiency and accuracy Result within 1 day (3 days by traditional methods) Lower costs / Environmentally safe High accuracy - certified by German Office of Legal Metrology

No. 1 2 3 4 5 6

height 1.60 m 3.80 m 6.40 m 8.90 m 11.50 m

rel. height 0.00 m 2.20 m 4.80 m 7.30 m 9.90 m

share of height


partial volume 0.00 m 915.99 m

cumulative volume


0.00 m 416.393 m 2.20 m 416.328 m 2.60 m 416.133 m 2.50 m 415.861 m 2.60 m 415.418 m 2.50 m 415.040 m

0.00 m 72.395 m 915.99 m 72.346 m

1082.20 m 1998.19 m 72.331 m 1039.99 m 3038.18 m 72.315 m 1080.66 m 4118.85 m 72.382 m 1038.07 m 5156.92 m 72.263 m subtotal 5156.92 m sump volume 78.24 m total 5235.16 m

14.00 m 12.40 m

New - Trimble RealWorks Tank Module

Tank Inspection

Types of Tank Inspection

Routine in-service inspection
At least monthly Mainly through visual inspection of external tank shell surfaces on
Evidences of leaks, shell distortions, signs of settlement (tank tilt) and corrosion Condition of foundation Paint coatings Insulation systems

Types of Tank Inspection

External inspection
At least once every 5 years by authorized inspector External insulation should be removed 3D scanned data can be used as a visual support for inspection documentation

Ultrasonic thickness inspection

From external At least once every 5 10 years 3D scanned data can be used to show thickness deformation over time

Types of Tank Inspection

Internal inspection
At least once every 10 years by authorized inspector Main purpose is to
Ensure tank bottoms integrity Assess bottom and shell thickness Identify and evaluate any tank bottom settlement

Rich Visual and Accurate Information

Example of Tank Shell Scan

Example of Tank Shell Deformation

Section Deformation

Section View
Blue line: total station Green line: 3D scanning
Much more detail with 3D scanning data

Vertical Deformation

Vertical Deformation

Containment Analysis
Measure and analyze containment areas Confirm volumes, quantify deformation and check side slopes Collect factual information of any changes for as-built (QC) records

Summary - 3D Scanning for Tanks

Capture accurate / visual data for:
Calibration and Volume determination Redesign / modification Safety planning / visualization Inspections identify areas for repair Deformation analysis Containment dike analysis

For more information visit us at the Trimble booth at SPAR, or


Tank Calibration Deliverables

Tank Volume

V = Vi + Vp + VA + VB + VL Vi volume of each ring Vp correction for hydrostatic effects VA correction for deadwood VB bottom volume VL correction for tank tilt

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