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In 1620 a group of people decided to leave England and travel all the long way to America. Why did they do that? There were both religious and economic reasons. Some of them believed that the Church should be different. They left to America, where they would be free to build their own Church and practice religion as they wanted. Others wanted an opportunity to improve their lives. America was a New World then. There was enough land for everyone to make their farm, build their houses and live happily. But were things really that easy? In September 1620 they left England from the port of Plymouth on a small ship, called the Mayflower. There were 102 passengers on board. They had travelled for 66 days, when at last they saw land. It was Cape Cod. The weather was so bad that they could not continue their trip, but they couldnt get off the ship, either. They stayed in the ship at Cape Cod for a month. Then they crossed Massachusetts Bay and landed at their final destination in midDecember. They later called that place Plymouth, because it was the name of the town they had left from in England. By the time they reached their destination, the weather had grown very cold. For the first months, while they were building their houses, they had to stay on the ship. In the meanwhile their food supplies started running out. More than half of the settlers died during their first winter in the New World. They died because of the cold and malnutrition. Those who survived were very weak when they finally got off the ship and settled in their new town, in March 1621. Soon afterwards the settlers met Squanto, an Indian who could speak English. Some years ago an English sea captain had kidnapped Squanto and sold him as a slave. Squanto managed to escape and went to London, where he learnt English. After some time he boarded a ship to America and returned to his people. Squantos tribe had been watching the settlers building their town and they knew that they were weak and hungry. Squanto taught the settlers how to plant corn, how to fish in the rivers and showed them which plants they should avoid because they were poisonous. He also helped them to make an agreement with the local Indian tribes, that no one would harm each other. This alliance between the Indians and the English settlers lasted for more than 50 years. In November 1621 the first corn harvest was very successful. The English settlers organized a feast to celebrate the good harvest and thank God for it. They also invited the Indians, because they had helped them at the beginning. This feast, which lasted 3 days, was the first Thanksgiving celebration. Today Thanksgiving has become an official holiday and is celebrated on the last Thursday of November every year.

Find in the text the words and phrases that have a similar meaning to the following:

Concerning god: _______________________ Concerning money: _____________________ To live better: __________________________ _______________________________________

It had become very cold: _______________________________________ 3 Soon they would have no food left: _______________________________ ____________________________________________________________ (Because of) not eating well: ____________________________________ Not strong: ________________ They shouldnt eat this: __________________________ An agreement that they wouldnt fight or hurt each other: ____________________ The corn that they gathered from the fields: _____________ Celebration:________________ A national holiday, on which schools and shops stay closed: __________________________

2 On the ship: ___________________________

The place where they wanted to go / the end of their journey: _________________________ ______________________________________

Answer the questions:

What reasons did the group of settlers have to leave England? How could poor people improve their lives if they went to the New World? How long did they stay on board from the time they left England until they got off at their final destination? What problems did they face during their first winter in the New World? How had Squanto learnt English? Were the Native Americans friendly or hostile? How did they help the settlers? Where does the name Thanksgiving come from?

The traditional Thanksgiving dinner includes roast turkey. This is why the turkey has become a symbol of Thanksgiving.

Complete with a suitable modal verb. Could or had to: Find and mark on the map the place where the settlers stayed for a month and the place where they built their first town. Today this area is called New England. Its on the North-East coast of the USA.
In the New World the settlers practice religion as they believed right. Poor people have a piece of land to make their house and farm. During their first winter they wo rk very hard. The men build the houses and the women look for food. They (not) find food easily. When spring came their houses were ready, so they (not) stay on the ship any longer, but they were hungry and weak. Fortunately the Native Americans showed them how to grow plants and catch fish in the rivers. When autumn came, they stay in their warm houses and they had enough food for the winter. They (not) worry so much anymore.

Complete the story using the verbs in brackets in the appropriate past form:
When the Mayflower (reach) Cape Cod, it (already / travel) for 66 days. The settlers (not / can) get off the ship, because of the weather. When they finally (get off), they (spend) three months on board. During the first winter, the settlers (have to) build their new town. Until they (finish) their houses, they (have to) stay on the ship. While the men (work), the women (look) for food. The food they (take) with them from England had run out and it was difficult to find something to eat at this time of year. They (not / can) plant seeds either, because it was too cold. All the time that the settlers (build) their town, the Natives (watch) them. When spring came, the Native Americans (show) them how to plant seeds for food, and which plants to avoid.

Those first English settlers were also called Pilgrims because they travelled to the other side of the world, to worship God as they believed fit.

The Cornucopia is another symbol of Thanksgiving. It is also called Horn of Plenty. The Horn of Plenty has its origin in Ancient Greek Mythology.

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