Gaurav Srivastava: Objective

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Gaurav Srivastava

91+8445164366 |

To work for an organization in the world that is continuously working for the benefit of their customers through innovation, commitment, excellent customer service and complete integrity.

Educational Qualification
B.Tech (Electronics & Comm nication ! "ntermediate

Board/University MTU

School/College K. .!." Modi #ngneering $ollege "r.-irendra ,waroop #ducation $entre,.anki Kanpur ,ri 0aghukul

Year of Passing %&'(

Percentage )%.&&*

$+,# +oard

%&&/ %&&1


#igh School

$+,# +oard

$ey S%ills
2bility to focus on task !ood communication skills !ood team player 3 positive attitude 4ighly motivated to achieve team goals

$ey Com&etencies
5perating ,ystem6 7indows "atabase6 M, 2ccess 8anguage6 $ #mbedded ,ystem9atmga'),pic':; 5thers6 M, 7ord, M,6#xcel, M, .ower .oint

Subjects of Interest

Control Systems Digital Communication Basic Electronics

Industrial Training
<n =+, 8> , !onda on mo'ile transmission( of c( )**

Pro,ect Title 6 8ine Tracking 0obot,dtmf switch - ration. ) weeks Tools6c language -escri&tion6 2 line following robot is a mobile machine employed to sense and follow the black lines that are drawn on the white surface. Mobile based switch for controlling robot.

Pro,ect Title ? !sm @ !ps based tracking device for vehicle - ration. 'year -escri&tion6 This proAect is to track and lock the vehicle if the device is stolen or lost and gives the message about its location to its user.

CU00"CU*+0 +CT"1"T"ES '. #lected as the head 'oy of the school twice. %. ,elected as the captain in school team to represent in chess competitions. B. !ot prize in the de'ate at the school level. +2Y -"ST"2CT"/2S '.,ilver medal in maths 5lympiads at state level. %.$ertificates in various cultural events in bsnl.. B.!ot 1st 0ank in Cuiz competition in gonda. (.!ot distinction marks ( subAect in high school. +2Y TE+3 SP/0TS .articipated in foot'all( cric%et competition in school.

#/BB"ES 0eading blogs 3 books,listening music,net surfing.

Personal Profile
DatherEs name F "ate of +irth F 8anguages known F 2ddress F ,aunda road modi nagar. 8ate.,ri 2. .,rivastava %/th Auly '//% 4indi, #nglish "heeraA dairy near bsnl exchange

< hereby declare that all the information mentioned above is true 3 correct to the best of my knowledge. "ateF .laceF !haziabad 94a rav Srivastava!

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