Do You Instantly Recognize Your Soul Mate

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Inner Awareness Do you instantly recognize your soul mate? By Jaime T. Licauco Read more: http://lifestyle.inquirer.

net/137613/do-you-instantly-recognize-yoursoul-mate#ixzz2lr1NyfPP Follow us: @inquirerdotnet on Twitter | inquirerdotnet on Facebook I often get many questions, either through text or e-mail, from readers about al l sorts of topics. Here are two recent ones, from the nature of soul mates encou nter to the appearance of spirits in the afterlife. A former student, Elvin Dauz of Sydney, Australia, asked if it is possible for s oul mates not to recognize each other at first meeting, but realize this afterwa rd. The reason he asked this question is because of what I wrote as one of the five characteristics of a soul mate encounter, namely, When soul mates meet, they will recognize each other instantly from a soul level. Another characteristic is that, When it is time for two soul mates to meet, they will meet wherever they are on earth. There is an irresistible force that will d raw them together. Elvin then went on to narrate what happened. I first met my girlfriend in 2008 or 2009, but we didn t have any attraction for each other, although she already had a crush on me. I had another girlfriend at that time, so I wasn t interested. We communicated with each other again only last June 2013, and the relationship b ecame official in September of the same year. It was a whirlwind romance, since we knew each other from way back. When we saw each other three weeks ago in Singapore, a weird thing happened. When ever I touched her, I felt strong electricity in my arms and wrists. She said I was shaking and that my body heated up. I never felt like this before with anyon e else. Also, I prayed for a long time to find that partner I would spend my life with. B ut I failed. This time, however, it became successful. Could this count as a soul mate encounter, although we didn t recognize nor even li ke each other when we first met? I just want to know your thoughts. Strong attraction I replied as follows: Yes, it may still be considered a soul mates encounter even if at first meeting you did not recognize each other to be soul mates, because later on you both did. You see, our minds and emotions may set aside such strong attraction because we may have other commitments. Your souls already know even if your minds do not recognize it. Remember, our mind can block inputs from the soul, but eventually the soul triumphs. Elvin further asked, You also mentioned in your book that soul mates should be co mpatible on all seven levels of their being, and not only in a few. How would we know if we are compatible on all seven levels? I told Elvin, You will know this intuitively if something else is missing. In a s oul mate encounter, the relationship encompasses the totality of your being, nam ely, physical, etheric, emotional, lower mental, higher mental, astral and spiri

tual. Appearance in the afterlife A doctor connected with a large pharmaceutical company asked the following quest ion through a friend: When a person dies, what is his appearance in the afterlife ? As old as his parent, young or at the peak of his health? Also, what book of y ours do you recommend on this subject? Immediately and even a few weeks or months after a person dies, he or she may ap pear to the living the way he was when still alive, because his consciousness is still earthbound. But once he has moved on and has stayed for some time in the spirit world, he may appear to the living at the prime of his or her life. I remember the case of a 69-year-old student of mine whose spirit guide appeared to him as a beautiful 30- or 35-year-old woman. He did not recognize that it wa s his own mother who died at the age of 80, until she introduced herself to him. As for my book, I can recommend that you read Everything You Always Wanted to Kno w About Ghosts (But Were Afraid to Ask) NOTE: Don t miss the next Soul mates, Karma and Reincarnation seminar on Nov. 23, from 1 to 7 p.m. Call 8107245 or 0908-3537885 for seminar details or personal consulta tion. Read more: Follow us: @inquirerdotnet on Twitter | inquirerdotnet on Facebook

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