LLC II English

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Question Bank -1 Language, Literature & Creativity II English _____________________________________________________________________

1. In what manner do migrant workers contribute to the life of a city? With examples, mention some of the problems faced by them in the cities. 2. Homelessness and displacement are often the painful consequences of a natural calamity. List six steps (in order of priority) to be undertaken during relief work and crisis management for a specific natural disaster. 3. In what ways can travel be a part of the education of a person? Site examples.

4. It is said that every experience in life whether good or bad, changes us. Do you agree? If change is inevitable, then why do we take so much time to accept it? Describe an experience that has shaped you in a positive way. 5. Child labour is a big social problem in India despite laws that define it as a punishable act. Though the government and several private organisations are taking steps to curb this menace, much more needs to be done. How do you think this problem should be tackled? 6. Describe a wedding party that you have attended and comment on the food that you saw being wasted there. Make suggestions as to how we can save food so that those who lack food may also be properly fed. 7. Write a dialogue between two friends who are discussing the merits of having accommodation in two rather different localities of Delhi. 8. Write in brief note on food that you are extremely attracted to but have never had the chance to taste or try. Describe what attracts you about the food and why you have not tried it yet. 9. Do you think children are naturally more creative than adults? Explain your answer by drawing on your own childhood experiences. 10. Plastic, with its exclusive qualities of being light, yet strong and economical, has invaded every aspect of our day to day life. It has many advantages - it is durable, light, easy to mould, can be adapted to different user requirements. But now plastic is a serious worldwide environmental and health concern due to its non-biodegradable nature. Write a brief note about the growing plastic menace giving suggestions about dealing with plastic waste. 11. Imagine you have just landed in a city not your own. In a short paragraph write about the first few things you notice. Your answer should not exceed 200 words.

12. Write a passage on a chance meeting with a stranger that developed into a memorable conversation. What did the conversation revolve around? Was it entirely a personal affair, or

could it have been part of greater course of political, sociological, and historical events around this place of meeting? 13. Describe the problems of a person when he moves from a small town to a big city. Is such dislocation only a physical dislocation or psychological too? Discuss. 14. Does cinema reflect life? Write review of any film which depicts contemporary social problems. 15. What are the games you played as a child either in school or in your neighborhood? How do you think it has shaped you as a person now?

16. Write a short paragraph explaining the concept of caste to a foreigner whom you meet while travelling. 17. Are technology and innovation really life saviours or is it paradoxical that they have actually created Global Warming? Illustrate your views with some examples. 18. What are the causes of gender discrimination? Are men and women equally responsible for the discriminatory practices?

19. Cite two incidents from your life when you witnessed instances of social injustice. What was your response and would it have changed now? 20. Giving instances from any book you have read or movie you have seen, discuss any two of the following social concerns: a. Cultural dislocation suffered by migrants or refugees during Partition b. Child labour c. The working conditions of construction-labourers, farm-workers, garbage-collectors. d. Social branding of menial job-workers

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