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The tremendous development in technology and the diversity in this industry have drastically changed the lifestyle of people

in society. The progress in technol ogy has good impacts as well as bad implications to people. In many ways, techno logy simplifies life,and it has many beneficial effects to the community and the human condition. On the other hand, the result of the technological progress ha s brought many complications to our lives. However, the negative and positive ef fects of technology depends completely on people?s exposure to it and the use th at they give it. To begin, the enormous progress in technology is responsible for the great forwa rd revolution in the fields of agriculture, manufacturing, warfare, transportati on, information, medicine, communication and so on. The mass media, for instance , is one of the most representative areas. We have radio, television, telephones , Internet, and every other device that will fit in the palm of the hand. Anothe r example is the technological advance in the area of medicine that has introduc ed the latest tools to improve quality patient care. Furthermore, technology pla ys an important role in international trade because the world market has been gl obalizing by it. In other words, the most important contribution of technology t o society is making the lives of common people much easier and helping them achi eve what was previously not possible. On the other hand, the huge development in technology has also complicated life, and it has many negative effects on people. First of all, the new technology in mass media changes cultural values and social behaviors by spreading ideas, val ues, behavior patterns within a society and among different groups. Some technol ogies also have negative effects on the environment, such as pollution, and lack of sustainability because they are designed to economic effects only. The new f orms of entertainment, such as Internet, and video games have serious effects on children and adults causing obesity, laziness, and loss of personality. In addi tion, through the Internet, the pornographic and gambling industries have been i ntroduced for the various web sites.Therfore, the consequences of the technologi cal advance does not only affect the people it also affect the planet. As a matter in fact, technology has been part of life on the earth since the adv ent of the human species like language, rituals, commerce, and the arts. Technol ogy is an intrinsic part of human culture and it shapes society as well as is sh aped by society. However, the positive or negative effect of technology on socie ty will depend on the choices that people make. These choices between increasing technology include, rising to consumer demands, products channels of distributi on, and people?s ability to gain these products with ease. Other effects of tech nology are beliefs regarding to freedom of choice, materialism, consumerism, and the utilization of technologies just as people requests. To illustrate, technol ogy could be used to maintain, prolong, or terminate a life depend on the patien t?s desire. Therefore, the difference in a person attitude towards technology is dependent on that person?s exposure to it rather that the notion she/he has of it. In conclusion, the technologies available to people greatly influence how their lives are as well as people have influence on technology?s development and how i t is used. Indeed, the industrial revolution is still underway changing patterns of work and bringing with it the economic and social consequences. The more obv ious economic effect of the industrial revolution is the depletion of nonrenewab le natural resources such as petroleum, coal, and ores. The social consequences of the technological modernization are the negative impact on people?s behavior and the creation of the new technological generation. However, people should tak e advantage of the technology advances and use it wisely in benefit to their liv es. For example, people could use technology to create shortcuts in working and making tasks easy too. On the contrary, unfortunately, people could use technolo gy to create weapons of massive destruction. Finally, we are the new technologic al generation, so not only the future of this civilization but the future of the planet is in our hands.

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