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Questions 1 4 Choose the best word to complete the sentence.

. Pilih perkataan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat berikut. 1. Azrul won the badminton organized by his school. A 2. exhibition B tournament C campaign D concert

The house we rented in Cameron ighlands had a where we built a !ire. A sto"e B storeroom C campsite D !ireplace


The .. is repairing the lea$ing pipe.

%. A





is computer has been in!ected by a . . bacteria B "irus C !ungus D disease

Questions 5 7 &ead the text and choose the best phrase !or each o! the pictures gi"en. Baca petikan dan pilih rangkai kata yang terbaik bagi setiap gambar yang diberi.

'ast holiday( !ather too$ us to a theme par$) There was an animal

show o! dolphins at the animal pool. The trainers started*

A .+.

,umped out o! the water and we clapped loudly.

The trainers held hoops and the dolphins did some stunts. To reward them( the trainer too$

!ish .-..

and threw them to the dolphins. The dolphins

did put up a good show and we enjoyed ourselves very much.



hitting a stic$ wa"ing a !lag nest o! dolphins herd o! dolphins !rom a can


blowing a whistle calling out their names cage o! dolphins school o! dolphins !rom a buc$et !rom a box




B !rom a pot Questions 8 10

Choose the best answer !or each o! the pictures gi"en. Pilih jawapan yang terbaik bagi setiap gambar yang diberi. .. A B C D /he is typing on the $eyboard. The cler$ is printing out some documents. /he is watching a !ilm on the computer. The lady is typing on a typewriter.

0. A B C D The maid is washing the dirty clothes. /he is ironing the clothes. The maid is hanging the clothes to dry. /he is putting the clothes into a bas$et.

11. A B C D They are ta$ing the stairs to their o!!ices. The wor$ers are cleaning the li!ts. They are ta$ing the li!t to their o!!ices. The wor$ers are waiting !or their !riends.

Questions 11 15 Choose the best answer to !it the situation shown in the picture.

Pilih jawapan yang terbaik bagi situasi dalam gambar.

A 2t3s too hot outside. B 2 don3t want to do it. C 23m doing it right now. D 4here are the clothes5

A 4hat is wrong5 B 23ll ha"e a plate o! !ried rice. C 6ay 2 ha"e the menu( please5 D 7es( two glasses o! sugarcane ,uice.

A Try to pic$ that mangoes !or me. B 2s that stic$ long enough5 C 2t3s "ery cool up here. D 4hat are you doing 5

A 28m sorry( 23ll turn it down. B There3s no need to shout. C down5 4hy don3t you turn it

D I enjoy the loud music.

A 2 can lend you some. B The dresses are all on sale. C 'et3s go shopping tomorrow.

Why didnt you buy that dress ?

Questions 16 20 Choose the best answer to complete the sentences. Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat-ayat berikut.


They put the glasses on the . shel!. A high B higher C highest D more high


The car is par$ed . the bridge. A at B under C between D in


6y !ather .. many prawns last wee$. A catch B catches C caught D catching


2t is still raining hea"ily( . we cannot ha"e our hoc$ey practice. A so B i! C because D but


9amal was here hour ago. A a B an C the D :

Question 21 Choose the word that has the opposite meaning as the word underlined. Pilih perkataan yang berlawan erti dengan perkataan yang bergaris.


2t is a !oolish thing to spend all your money unnecessarily. A B lend sa"e C D waste throw

Questions 22 23 Choose the answer with the correct spe ing! Pilih perkataan yang mempunyai ejaan yang betul. 22. 6other ser"es dishes to our guests. . A B C D 2#. delecious dilicious delicious deliceous

The tra!!ic policeman wears a white A B C D uni!om uni!orm uny!orm unni!orm

Questions 24 25 Choose the sentence with the correct pun"tuation! Pilih ayat yang mempunyai tanda baca yang betul. 2%. A B C D 2*. A B C D &aub( 9elebu( /erdang and tawau are towns in 6alaysia. &aub( 9elebu /erdang( and Tawau are towns in 6alaysia. &aub( ,elebu( serdang and Tawau are towns in 6alaysia. &aub( 9elebu( /erdang and Tawau are towns in 6alaysia. ;4here are all my soc$s5< as$ed &a,u. ;4here are all my soc$s=< as$ed &a,u. ;where are all my soc$s5< as$ed &a,u. ;4here are all my soc$s5< as$ed ra,u.

Questions 26 30 Based on the picture( choose the best answer to !ill in the blan$s in the passage that !ollows. Berdasarkan gambar, pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk diisikan pada tempat kosong dalam teks yang berikutnya.


grandparents own an orchard. There are many 2+. trees in their orchard. During the !ruit .2-. my !amily lo"es to go there. 4e sit .2. the trees and eat the !ruits. 4e en,oy eating the !ruits because they are .20 and ,uicy. 4e usually stay there !or a .#1.. days.

2+. 2-. 2.. 20. #1.


!ruit hour on nice !ew


rubber time by good little


!lower season near sweet some


"egetables session under lo"ely many

Questions 31 35 &ead the letter below and answer the >uestions that !ollow.

Baca surat di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.

2% 'orong /entosa( Taman ?eramat( %#111 ?a,ang. 21 /eptember 2112 Dear /uzana( Than$ you !or telling me about the pets website on the 2nternet. 2t3s so much !un and best o! all( it3s !ree. 2 ha"e now adopted a cyberpet called Cutie. There are many shops to "isit on this website. 2 e"en bought a ma$e:belie"e toy !or my pet. 6y mother will allow me only one hour a day on the computer. /he says 2 ha"e to get more exercise( so she ta$es my sister and me to the par$ to cycle. /ometimes( my elderly neighbour ,oins us too. @azlina may be younger than me but s#e can cycle "ery well. At times( 2 still lose my balance and e"en !all o!! e"en though 23"e been cycling !or the past six months. The school holidays are coming. Do write and tell me what you will be doing. 6y !ather says he will ta$e us to 6ela$a which is not too !ar !rom ?uala 'umpur. e wants us to learn about our country3s early history. 23m loo$ing !orward to that( but @azlina is grumbling that history is boring= Bye !or now.

7our good !riend( Hartini


Which of the following statements does not describe the pets website5 A 2t has cyberpets.

B C D #2. A B C D ow

2t is on the 2nternet. 2t costs money to adopt a pet. 2t is so much !un. artini3s mother ma$e sure she gets enough exercise 5 By gi"ing her a bicycle. By ta$ing her to the par$. By ta$ing her !or a holiday. By allowing her to play games.


The word s#e probably re!ers to artini3s . A B C D sister mother neighbour good !riend


@rom the letter( we $now that it was written A B C D a!ter the school holidays be!ore the school holidays during the school holidays when artini was in 6ela$a


4hy does artini3s !ather choose to "isit 6ela$a5 A B C D 2t is his hometown. 2t is not too !ar away. 2t is a historical place. 2t is a good place !or exercise.

Questions 36 40 &ead the notice below and answer the >uestions that !ollow.

Baca notis di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.


4hen will the competition be held5


At the end o! August 2n the middle o! August At the beginning o! August 2n the second wee$ o! August


The theme o! the competition is A B C D 6erde$a Day Aisit 6alaysia 4onder!ul 6alaysia 6y Belo"ed Country


The competition will last !or A B C D # hours % hours 2 hours 2 B hours


The participants wi not be gi"en A B C D a cap light re!reshment colouring materials a pencil and an eraser


4hat is the total number o! prizes !or this competition 5 A B C D # prizes % prizes 21 prizes 2# prizes

$%&&'$('D A)$*'+$

,A,'+ -)' 1 2 # % * + . 0 11 B D D B C D C A B C 11 12 1# 1% 1* 1+ 11. 10 21 C D D A D C B C A B 21 22 2# 2% 2* 2+ 22. 20 #1 B C B D A A C D C A #1 #2 ## #% #* #+ ##. #0 %1 C B C B C A C A C D

,A,'+ (*$'C(.-) A 1. 2. #. %. *. The pupils o! ? Cutra 9aya are "isiting the Dational Eoo. There are many types o! animals which they can see at the zoo. A troop o! mon$eys is swinging happily !rom tree to tree. The teacher( who accompanies the pupils is ta$ing beauti!ul photographs o! the animals. All the pupils are ha"ing !un at the zoo and they en,oy themsel"es there.

$'C(.-) B /a0

/b0 Accept any suitable answers.

Do"tor treats si"2 peop e 3 3ospita 5 patient and gent e we 5paid 6 medi"a degree (ea"#er 1 edu"ates pupi s 4 $"#oo dedi"ated and #ardwor2ing 7 reasonab e paid 10 dip oma 7 degree in 'du"ation ,i ot 2 1 ies aerop ane Airport 6 "autious 8 #ig# 4 paid 1 4ing i"en"e

)ature o1 wor2 , a"e o1 wor2 Qua ities $a ar4 Qua i1i"ations

$'C(.-) C 2t was 6onday morning. The bell rang loudly . 2t was recess time. 6any pupils came out o! their classrooms and went to the canteen to buy !ood. /ome pupils bought !ried noodles while the others bought some delicious ca$es and bee! burgers. Anna had some sandwiches which she brought !rom home. As she wal$ed to the canteen( she saw a girl crying. The girl had a hole in her poc$et. /he had lost her money( so she could not buy any !ood. Anna went o"er to the girl. /he o!!ered to share her sandwiches with her. The girl than$ed her grate!ully. The two girls ate together. Anna was happy because she had helped another person. 4hen she came bac$ home( Anna told her parents what had happened at the canteen that day. er parents were "ery proud o! her.

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