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BY A.Antony Peter


A Pump is a machine , when d i!en " #m s#me e$%e na& s#u ce &i'e a m#%# # a diese& en(ine &i"%s wa%e # &i)uid " #m &#we &e!e& %# hi(he &e!e&*

A Pump is a machine which c#n!e %s Mechanica& ene (+ in%# P essu e ene (+*

Pump is a mechanical device to increase the pressure energy of a liquid. In most of the cases pump is used for raising fluids from a lower level to a higher level. This is achieved by creating a low pressure at the inlet or suction end and high pressure at the outlet or delivery end of the pump. ue to the low inlet pressure the fluid rises from a depth where it is available and the high outlet pressure forces it up to a height where it required

A Pumpin( s+s%em c#nsis%s #" Pump P ime M#!e Suc%i#n Pipe&ine De&i!e + Pipe&ine

La+#u% #" a pumpin( s+s%em

O!e head %an'

De&i!e + head

De&i!e + !a&!e De&i!e + pipe


Pump S% aine - "##% !a&!e

Suc%i#n pipe


P#si%i!e disp&acemen% pump

R#%#d+namic pump

Recip #ca%in( pump

R#%a + pump

Cen% i"u(a& pump

A$ia& pump

Semi A$ia& pump



!hat is meant by positive displacement pump" Positive displacement pump means that for changes in efficiency the pump out let is #onstant regardless of pressure.The out let is positively sealed from the inlet$So that what ever gets in is forced out through out let port


%eciprocating pump Piston pump Plunger pump &uc'et pump

%(#IP%O#)TI*+ PUMP ) reciprocating pump consists of a piston reciprocating inside a close fitting cylinder $ thus performing the suction and delivery stro'es. The reciprocating pump is a positive acting type which means it is a displacement pump which creates lift and pressure by displacing liquid with a moving piston. The cylinder is alternately filled and emptied by forcing and drawing the liquid by mechanical motion This type is also called ,Positive displacement- pump


Cen% i"u(a& pump

Single Stage pump

Multi Stage pump

The Pump which aises wa%e # a &i)uid " #m &#we &e!e& %# .i(he &e!e& 1+ %he ac%i#n #" cen% i"u(a& "# ce is 'n#wn as Cen% i"u(a& Pump.

This a1#!e idea #" &i"%in( wa%e 1+ cen% i"u(a& "# ce was "i s% (i!en 1+ L*D*Vinci,an I%a&ian Scien%is% and En(inee *

#entrifugal Pump
De&i!e + pipe Impe&&e Pump casin(

Suc%i#n Pipe

/##% !a&!e


Principle of operation of centrifugal pumps

The pump c#nsis%s #" an impe&&e which is m#un%ed in a h#usin(* The impe&&e is d i!en a% 2334 %# 5677 pm wi%hin %he h#usin(* The wa%e is d awn in%# %he impe&&e and wi%h %he apid #%a%i#n #" %he impe&&e * P essu e and !e&#ci%+ is c ea%ed and wa%e is %h #wn #u%wa ds wi%h "# ce*The impe&&e is %he #n&+ m#!in( pa % in %he pump* The pump wi&& n#% w# ' a(ains% hi(h heads* Gene a&&+ sin(&e s%a(e pump is n#% used "# heads e$ceedin( a1#u% 577 "ee%*

Principle of operation of centrifugal pumps

The basic principle of operation on which a centrifugal pumps functions :the first step in operation of a pump is priming. Now the revolution of the pump impeller inside a casing full of water produces a forced vortex which is responsible for imparting a centrifugal head to the water. otation of impeller effects a reduction of pressure at the center. This causes the water in the suction pipe to rush into the e!e. The speed of the pump should be high enough to produce centrifugal head sufficient to initiate discharge against the deliver! head.

SU#TIO* PIP(. Suction pipe of a centrifugal pump plays an important role. ) poorly designed suction pipe causes insufficient net positive Suction head$ vibration$ noise and e.cess wear. /or this purpose bends in the suction pipe are avoided and its iameter is often 'ept larger.

(0I1(%2 PIP(. PIP( ) chec' valve is provided in the delivery pipe near the pump$ In order to protect the pump from hammer and also to regulate The discharge from the pump . The si3e and length of the elivery pipe depends up on the requirement.

S% aine and "##% !a&!e*

This is "i%%ed a% %he end #" %he suc%i#n pipe and is su1me (ed in wa%e in such a wa+ %ha% i% is #n&+ a "ew cm a1#!e %he 1#%%#m #" wa%e %# 1e pumped* The wa%e " #m %he sump # we&& "i s% en%e s %he s% aine which is mean% %# 'eep %he "&#a%in( 1#dies awa+ " #m %he pump* In a1sence #" s% aine , %he "# ei(n ma%e ia& wi&& pass %h #u(h %he pump and ch#'e %he pump* The cas% "##% !a&!e is a n#n e%u n # #ne wa+ !a&!e #penin( upwa d #n&+* The wa%e wi&& pass %h #u(h %he "##% !a&!e and wi&& n#% a&&#w %he wa%e %# m#!e d#wnwa ds*

Suc%i#n &i"% #" a pump

The theoretical suction lift or suction head is e"ual to atmospheric pressure divided b! the densit! of the fluid being pumped. #n case of clean water $ cold % it is &'.(( meters or ((.) feet. *ence for other fluids maximum suction lift is &'.(( me%e s specific gravit! of fluid

Priming of centrifugal pumps

The pressure developed b! the impeller of centrifugal pump is proportional to the densit! of the fluid in the impeller. #f the impeller is running in air + it will produce onl! a negligible pressure+ which ma! not suc, the water from its source. To avoid this + the pump is first primed . i.e. filled up with water.

Sin(&e s%a(e pump*

I% has #ne impe&&e 'e+ed %# %he sha"%* This is (ene a&&+ h# i8#n%a& 1u% can 1e !e %ica& a&s#* I% is usua&&+ a &#w &i"% pump*

Sin(&e s%a(e pump*

Mu&%i s%a(e pump

I% has %w# # m# e impe&&e s 'e+ed %# a sin(&e sha"% and enc&#sed in %he same casin(* P essu e is 1ui&% up in s%eps* The impe&&e s a e su #unded 1+ (uide !anes and wa%e is &ed %h #u(h a 1+ 9 pass channe& " #m %he #u%&e% #" #ne s%a(e %# %he en% ance #" %he ne$% s%a(e un%i& i% is "ina&&+ discha (ed in%# a wide cham1e " #m whe e i% is pushed #n %# %he de&i!e + pipe* The pumps a e used essen%ia&&+ "# hi(h w# 'in( heads and %he n# #" s%a(es depends #n %he head e)ui ed*

V#&u%e casin(
In %his, %he impe&&e is su #unded 1+ a spi a& casin(* Such a casin( p #!ides a ( adua& inc ease in %he a ea #" "&#w, %hus dec easin( %he !e&#ci%+ #" wa%e and c# esp#ndin(&+ inc easin( %he p essu e* :u% a c#nside a1&e &#ss %a'es p&ace due %# "# ma%i#n #" eddies in %his %+pe #" casin(*

V#&u%e casin(

V# %e$ casin(
I% is an imp #!ed %+pe #" !#&u%e casin(, in which %he spi a& casin( is c#m1ined wi%h a ci cu&a cham1e * In %his casin( , %he eddies a e educed %# a c#nside a1&e e$%en% and an inc eased e""icienc+ is #1%ained*

V# %e$ casin(

V#&u%e casin( wi%h (uide 1&ades

In %his %+pe #" casin( , %he e a e (uide 1&ades su #undin( %he impe&&e * These (uide 1&ades a e a an(ed a% such an an(&e, %ha% %he wa%e en%e s wi%h#u% sh#c' and "# ms a passa(e #" inc easin( a ea, %h #u(h which %he wa%e passes and eaches %he de&i!e + pipe* The in( #" %he (uide 1&ades is ca&&ed di""use and is !e + e""icien%*

V#&u%e casin(

C&#sed impe&&e pumps

In %his impe&&e , %he !anes a e c#!e ed wi%h sh #uds #n 1#%h sides* This impe&&e is mean% %# hand&e n#n 9 !isc#us "&uid such as # dina + wa%e , h#% wa%e and chemica&s e%c* /# h#% wa%e cas% s%ee& impe&&e is ec#mmended N#n "e #us impe&&e s a e used "# chemica&s which a e &ia1&e %# c# #de a "e #us su "ace* /# pumpin( acids, %he impe&&e s and a&& inside su "aces in c#n%ac% wi%h %he &i)uid sh#u&d 1e c#a%ed wi%h s%#ne*

Semi #pen impe&&e pump

The impeller is provided with shroud on one side onl!. This t!pe of pump is used for viscous li"uids such as sewage water+ paper pulp+ sugar molasses etc.

Open impe&&e pump

The impe&&e is n#% p #!ided wi%h an+ sh #ud* Such pumps a e used in d ed(e s and e&sewhe e "# hand&in( mi$%u e #" wa%e , sand pe11&es and c&a+* The impe&&e s has !e + #u(h du%+ %# pe "# m and is (ene a&&+ made #" "# (ed s%ee&*

Chec' !a&!e
These a e usua&&+ 'n#wn as n#n e%u nin( # "##% !a&!es* These a e desi(ned %# pe mi% "&uid "&#w in #ne di ec%i#n #n&+* These !a&!es a e used in suc%i#n pipes main&+*

Chec' !a&!e

G&#1e chec' !a&!es

These !a&!es a e in%ended %# p e!en% a e!e se "&#w in %he &ine a"%e a pump has s%#pped* O in %he e!en% #" a &ea'* These !a&!e p e!en% dan(e #us 1ac' "&#w in a &ine when %w# # m# e "&uids a e 1ein( supp&ied %# a c#mm#n p#in% a% di""e en% p essu es*

G&#1e chec' !a&!es

:u%%e "&+ !a&!es

These a e &#w p essu e !a&!es #" e$% eme&+ simp&e desi(n which a e used %# c#n% #& # e(u&a%e "&#w* The m#!emen% is simp&e and s% ai(h% "# wa d and is used #n&+ "# ;7 de( ee #%a%i#n #" %he "u&& m#!emen%*

:u%%e "&+ !a&!es

:a&& !a&!es
This !a&!e is " e)uen%&+ used whe e i% is desi ed %# p #!ide a " ee #penin( "# %hic' &i)uids* The !a&!es a e (uided in ca(es and es% in a " ee #pen ci cu&a sea%* The 1a&&s a e ca e"u&&+ ( #und and p#&ished and p #pe &+ 1a&anced*

:a&& !a&!es

+)T( 1)01(

+)T( 1)01(

E""ec% #" %h #%%&in( %he Va&!es

Reducin( %he pump capaci%+ 1+ %h #%%&in( a (a%e !a&!e in a suc%i#n &ine &eads %# ca!i%a%i#ns, e$cessi!e n#ise and !i1 a%i#n E$cessi!e %h #%%&in( #" a discha (e (a%e !a&!e &eads %# #!e hea%in( #" %he pump since #n&+ a sma&& pe cen%a(e #" %he a%ed "&#w is pumped and %he casin( ma+ 1e una1&e %# adia%e en#u(h hea% (ene a%ed 1+ %he e$cessi!e p#we s# %ha% %he %empe a%u e is c#ns%an%*

Sa%is"ac%# + #pe a%i#n #" a s%u""in( 1#$

A "undamen%a& u&e "# sa%is"ac%# + #pe a%i#n #" a s%u""in( 1#$ is %ha% %he e mus% 1e a c#n% #&&ed &ea'a(e, This is necessa + 1ecause in #pe a%i#n , a s%u""in( 1#$ is a "# m #" 1 a'in( mechanism which (ene a%ed hea%* This " ic%i#n is he&d %# a minimum 1+ %he use #" sm##%h p#&ished su "aces and c#n%inu#us supp&+ #" &u1 ican% " #m %he pac'in(s %# %he sha"%< pac'in( in%e "ace* The "unc%i#n #" s%u""in( 1#$ &ea'a(e is %# assis% in &u1 ica%i#n and %# ca + #" %he (ene a%ed hea% main%ainin( pac'in( p essu e a% %he &#wes% p#ssi1&e &e!e& he&ps %# 'eep %he hea% (ene a%i#n %# a minimum*

Cen% i"u(a& pumps sh#u&d n#% 1e #pe a%ed d + 9 wh+ =

In cen% i"u(a& pumps since %he e is a e&a%i!e m#%i#n 1e%ween %he su "aces #" %he s%a%i#na + and #%a%in( wea in(s, %he e mus% 1e a c&ea ance 1e%ween %hem*S#me &ea'a(e mus% %he e"# e #ccu du in( #pe a%i#n*This &ea'a(e is necessa + %# ac% as a &u1 ican% and c##&an% %# 'eep %he su "aces sepa a%ed and %# p e!en% and sei8in( #" %he su "aces*/# %his eas#n , a pump sh#u&d ne!e 1e s%a %ed un&ess i% is "i&&ed wi%h &i)uid*

Cen% i"u(a& pumps sh#u&d n#% 1e #pe a%ed 'eepin( %he discha (e !a&!e9 wh+ =
I" %he discha (e !a&!e is c&#sed, %he "&#w #" &i)uid can 1e s%#pped wi%h#u% 1ui&din( e$cessi!e p essu e in %he casin( as %he impe&&e ids " ee %# #%a%e in %he &i)uid esu&%in( in (ene a%i#n #" hea%*

Radia& "&#w pump*

O dina i&+ a&& cen% i"u(a& pumps a e manu"ac%u ed wi%h adia& "&#w impe&&e s

Mi$ed "&#w pump*

The mi$ed "&#w impe&&e is >us% a m#di"ica%i#n #" adia& "&#w %+pe ena1&in( i% %# pump a &a (e )uan%i%+ #" wa%e * /&#w %h #u(h %he impe&&e is a c#m1ina%i#n #" adia& and a$ia& "&#ws and %he impe&&e esem1&es %he p #pe&&e #" a ship* S#me mi$ed "&#w impe&&e s &##' &i'e a sc ew and a e 'n#wn as sc ew impe&&e s*

A$ia& "&#w pumps

I% is a #%# d+namic pump, i% is ha d&+ >us%i"ia1&e %# ca&& i% as a cen% i"u(a& pump 1ecause cen% i"u(a& "# ce is n#% ca&&ed in%# p&a+ "# %he (ene a%i#n #" p essu e*

Ope a%i#n #" ecip #ca%in( pump

-uring the suction stro,e+ the piston moves towards the right+ thus creating vacuum in the c!linder. This vacuum causes the suction valve to open and the water enters the c!linder. -uring the deliver! stro,e+ the piston moves towards left+ thus increasing pressure in the c!linder . This increase in pressure causes the suction valve to close and deliver! valve to open and the water is forced into the deliver! pipe.

Pa %s #" a Recip #ca%in( Pump

De&i!e + Pipe .d 1 .s a Suc%i#n Pipe Wa%e Le!e& A37? R#%a%in( C an'

d # R ( n i % c C#nne

;7? 2@7?


Pa %s #" a Recip #ca%in( Pump

De&i!e + Pipe .d 1 .s a Suc%i#n Pipe Wa%e Le!e& A37? R#%a%in( C an'

d # R ( n i % c C#nne

;7? 2@7?


Pa %s #" a Recip #ca%in( Pump

De&i!e + Pipe .d 1 .s a Suc%i#n Pipe Wa%e Le!e&

d # R ( n i % c C#nne



2@7? A37? R#%a%in( C an'

Pa %s #" a Recip #ca%in( Pump

De&i!e + Pipe .d 1 .s a Suc%i#n Pipe Wa%e Le!e&

d # R ( n i % c C#nne



2@7? A37? R#%a%in( C an'

Pa %s #" a Recip #ca%in( Pump

De&i!e + Pipe .d 1 .s a Suc%i#n Pipe Wa%e Le!e&

d # R ( n i % c C#nne



2@7? A37? R#%a%in( C an'

Pa %s #" a Recip #ca%in( Pump

De&i!e + Pipe .d 1 .s a Suc%i#n Pipe Wa%e Le!e&

d # R ( n i % c C#nne



2@7? A37? R#%a%in( C an'

Pa %s #" a Recip #ca%in( Pump

De&i!e + Pipe .d 1 .s a Suc%i#n Pipe Wa%e Le!e&

d # R ( n i % c C#nne



2@7? A37? R#%a%in( C an'

Pa %s #" a Recip #ca%in( Pump

De&i!e + Pipe .d 1 .s a Suc%i#n Pipe Wa%e Le!e&

d # R ( n i % c C#nne



2@7? A37? R#%a%in( C an'

Pa %s #" a Recip #ca%in( Pump

De&i!e + Pipe .d 1 .s a Suc%i#n Pipe Wa%e Le!e&

d # R ( n i % c C#nne



2@7? A37? R#%a%in( C an'

Pa %s #" a Recip #ca%in( Pump

De&i!e + Pipe .d 1 .s a Suc%i#n Pipe Wa%e Le!e&

d # R ( n i % c C#nne



2@7? A37? R#%a%in( C an'

Pa %s #" a Recip #ca%in( Pump

De&i!e + Pipe .d 1 .s a Suc%i#n Pipe Wa%e Le!e& A37? R#%a%in( C an'

d # R ( n i % c C#nne

;7? 2@7?


Pa %s #" a Recip #ca%in( Pump

De&i!e + Pipe .d 1 .s a Suc%i#n Pipe Wa%e Le!e&

d # R ( n i % c C#nne



2@7? A37? R#%a%in( C an'

Pa %s #" a Recip #ca%in( Pump

De&i!e + Pipe .d 1 .s a Suc%i#n Pipe Wa%e Le!e&

d # R ( n i % c C#nne



2@7? A37? R#%a%in( C an'

Pa %s #" a Recip #ca%in( Pump

De&i!e + Pipe .d 1 .s a Suc%i#n Pipe Wa%e Le!e&

d # R ( n i % c C#nne



2@7? A37? R#%a%in( C an'

Pa %s #" a Recip #ca%in( Pump

De&i!e + Pipe .d 1 .s a Suc%i#n Pipe Wa%e Le!e&

d # R ( n i % c C#nne



2@7? A37? R#%a%in( C an'

Pa %s #" a Recip #ca%in( Pump

De&i!e + Pipe .d 1 .s a Suc%i#n Pipe Wa%e Le!e&

d # R ( n i % c C#nne



2@7? A37? R#%a%in( C an'

Pa %s #" a Recip #ca%in( Pump

De&i!e + Pipe .d 1 .s a Suc%i#n Pipe Wa%e Le!e&

d # R ( n i % c C#nne



2@7? A37? R#%a%in( C an'

Pa %s #" a Recip #ca%in( Pump

De&i!e + Pipe .d 1 .s a Suc%i#n Pipe Wa%e Le!e&

d # R ( n i % c C#nne



2@7? A37? R#%a%in( C an'

Pa %s #" a Recip #ca%in( Pump

De&i!e + Pipe .d 1 .s a Suc%i#n Pipe Wa%e Le!e&

d # R ( n i % c C#nne



2@7? A37? R#%a%in( C an'

Pa %s #" a Recip #ca%in( Pump

De&i!e + Pipe .d 1 .s a Suc%i#n Pipe Wa%e Le!e&

d # R ( n i % c C#nne



2@7? A37? R#%a%in( C an'

I% is used "# &i"%in( wa%e " #m %he deep we&&s*A >e% pump in i%s simp&es% "# m c#nsis%s #" a pipe ha!in( a c#n!e (en% end a% i%s 1#%%#m* The uppe end #" %he pipe &eads %# %he e)ui ed hei(h%*Wa%e unde a hi(h p essu e is in% #duced %# n#88&e* The p essu e ene (+ #" %he wa%e is c#n!e %ed in %# 'ine%ic ene (+,as i% passes %h #u(h %he n#88&e*As a esu&% #" %his,%he p essu e in %he c#n!e (en% p# %i#n #" %he pipe is c#nside a1&+ educed and %he wa%e is suc'ed in %# %he pipe*The suc'ed wa%e a"%e c#min( in c#n%ac% wi%h %he >e%, is ca ied in %# %he de&i!e + pipe*


Throat *o33le



Ai &i"% pump u%i&ises %he c#mp essed ai "# aisin( wa%e *:ecause %he densi%+ #" mi$%u e #" ai in wa%e is much &#we %han %he pu e wa%e *I" such a mi$%u e is 1a&anced a(ains% a wa%e c#&umn, "# me wi&& ise much hi(he %han %he &a%e * Ai &i"% pump, in i%s simp&es% "# m c#nsis%s #" an #pen !e %ica& pipe wi%h i%s &#we end su1me (ed in%# %he &i)uid %# 1e aised*The uppe end #" %he pipe &eads %# %he e)ui ed hei(h%*The c#mp essed ai is in% #duced a% %he 1#%%#m #" %he pipe %h #u(h a n#88&e* Ad!an%a(esC I% is )ui%e simp&e in desi(n* N# m#!in( pa %s* The ini%ia& as we&& as main%enance c#s% is !e + &ess Disad!an%a(esC E""icienc+ #" %he pump is !e + &#w*


)I% !)T(%





ifference between centrifugal 4reciprocating pumps CENTRI/,GAL P,MP L#w ini%ia& c#s% Occupies &ess "&## space C#ns% uc%i#n is simp&e L#w main%enance c#s% Less wea and %ea Can hand&e di %+ wa%e Can un a% hi(he speeds De&i!e + is c#n%inu#us Ope a%i#n is )ui%e and simp&e Needs p imin( N# ai !esse& is e)ui ed RECIPROCATING P,MP Ini%ia& c#s% is much hi(he Occupies m# e "&## space C#mp&ica%ed c#ns% uc%i#n .i(h main%enance c#s% M# e wea and %ea Can n#% hand&e di %+ wa%e Can n#% un a% hi(he speeds De&i!e + is pu&sa%in( Ca e is e)ui ed in #pe a%i#n D#es n#% need p imin( Ai !esse& is e)ui ed

Se&ec%i#n #" pumps

Nature of li"uid to be pumped
/ esh # sa&% wa%e , acid # a&'a&ine C#&d # h#% in c#ndi%i#n Speci"ic ( a!i%+ #" %he &i)uid Visc#us # n#n 9 !isc#us*

Re)ui ed capaci%+ as we&& as minimum and ma$imum am#un% #" &i)uid %# 1e pumped

Suction conditions
Suc%i#n head 9 h#w much = N# #" 1ends and e&1#ws in %he suc%i#n pipe*

Se&ec%i#n #" pumps 9 c#n%d

-ischarge conditions -eliver! head / how much 0 1riction head 0 2ength and diameter of deliver! pipe 0 Total head *ow much is total head 0

Selection of centrifugal pumps based on specific speed Specific speed in rpm 1 10 to 30 2 30 to 50 3 50 to 80 80 to 1!0 5 1!0 to 500 ! #bo$e 500 '&pe of centrifugal pump Slow speed pump, with radial flow at outlet Medium speed pump , with radial flow at outlet High speed pump , with radial flow at outlet High speed pump , with mi"ed flow at outlet High speed pump , with a"ial flow at outlet %er& high speed pump.

Speci"ic speed #" a cen% i"u(a& pump

The specific speed of a centrifugal pump ma! be defined as the speed of an imaginar! pump+ identical with the given pump+ which will discharge one liter of water + while it is being raised through a head of one meter. This helps in selecting the t!pe of centrifugal pump.

Speci"ic speed #" a cen% i"u(a& pump

SP(#I/I# SP(( * S 5 * . 6Q 789:

* 5 )ctual speed of the pump ; 5 ;uantity flowing in m<=sec 8 5 elivery 8ead in m

.*3.4#N5 16 P 6P3 P7MP 82#5NM3NT

The c#up&in( "aces mus% 1e chec'ed 1#%h an(u&a and a$ia&&+* The an(u&a a&i(nmen% can 1e chec'ed 1+ usin( a "ee&e # %ape (au(es 1e%ween %he c#up&in( "aces* The a$ia& a&i(nmen% can 1e chec'ed 1+ usin( s% ai(h% ed(es and "ee&e (au(es*


G #u% %he 1ed p&a%e 1+ chec'in( i%s &e!e& #n a&& sides 1+ usin( wed(es # s%ee& 1&#c's* A"%e 5 %# 6 da+s when %he ( #u% is se%, em#!e %he wed(es and m#un% %he pump* Ti(h%en %he 1#&%s and chec' %he &e!e& a(ain ei%he wi%h %he &e!e& # dia& indica%# * In case , s#me dis%# %i#n is n#%iced c# ec% i% 1+ inse %in( shims and %i(h%en %he 1#&%s "i m&+* Chec' %he &e!e& a(ain*


S.() *#+#M,',+S -).*/,0 *.M*S ,/,-'+1- M)()2/)-3 1 /oss of power in transmission .pto 5 4 depending upon alignment (il 2 *ossibilities of misalignment 'oo often (il 3 Matching of pump and motor rating Ma& not be correct 1s correct 0anger of o$erloading 5 underloading %er& high (il 5 Maintenance -umbersome (egligible

6 36 0ischarge


2( Speed



.haracteristic curve for Speed verses -ischarge

.haracteristic curve for Speed 9s *ead


3H Head 2H

2( Speed



.haracteristic curve for Speed 9s Power


3* *ower 2*

2( Speed




T# un %he pump a% %he speci"ied du%+ p#in% De!ia%i#n #n %he du%+ p#in%s esu&% in pa % &#ad < #!e &#ad c#ndi%i#ns* This wi&& a""ec% %he e""icienc+ #" %he pumps and m#%# s %he e1+ p#we c#nsump%i#n* T# chec' up "# %he mechanica& " eeness #" %he pump and c# ec% c&ea ance I* E* a% :ea in(s , Lu1 ican%s G&and pac'in( A&i(nmen% e%c. 1ailure on the above will result in increased friction which will force the pump to consume more energ!.


T# chec' up e(u&a &+ "# p #pe "unc%i#nin( #" !a&!es, suc%i#n s% aine s pipe&ines and #%he access# ies* N#n c#mp&iance #" %he a1#!e wi&& esu&% in chan(e #" p essu es which wi&& shi"% %he du%+ p#in% %he e1+ %he p#we a1s# 1ed wi&& !a +* T# chan(e %he wea #u% c#mp#nen%s < pa %s &i'e impe&&e s, wea in(s sha"% p #%ec%i#n s&ee!e and (&and pac'in( e%c wi%h (enuine spa es pe i#dica&&+* /ai&u e #" %he a1#!e wi&& inc ease %he c&ea ances, e$cessi!e &ea'a(e wi&& s%a % which wi&& a&& "ina&&+ educe %he e""icienc+ #" %he pump.


To run the pump at the specified dut! point -eviation on the dut! points result in part load : over load conditions. This will affect the efficienc! of the pumps and motors thereb! power consumption. To chec, up for the mechanical freeness of the pump and correct clearance #. 3. at ;earings + 2ubricants 5land pac,ing 8lignment etc. 1ailure on the above will result in increased friction which will force the pump to consume more energ!.

,(,+78 2#/#(-, )9 # -,('+19.7#/ *.M*

8 22




0eli$ered energ& *ump

*iping Motor

'hrottling of $al$es

S&mptom *ump < suction line not primed properl& ,"cessi$e suction lift #ir lea: in suction line 9oot $al$e not submerged 1ncorrect direction of rotation 7land lea: 9oot $al$e too small 9oot $al$e partl& clogged Speed too low 1mpeller is damaged 1mpeller out of balance 1nsufficient or e"cessi$e lubrication 2earings incorrectl& fitted Stuffing bo" incorrectl& pac:ed *ump shaft or slee$e worn

T%OU&0( S8OOTI*+ #8)%T (ature of trouble *ump fails *ump deli$ers ,"cess lea: Hea$& noise 2earings to deli$er low ;uantit& in stuffing bo" or $ibration heating up = = = = = = = = = = =

= = = = = =

= =

= = =

= =



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