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t is actually very common to hear people saying that "this kid was born to do this".

There is much discussion as to whether people are indeed born with talents or anyone can be taught how to gain certain skills. On the one hand, it is thought that each one of us has a specific talent that was born with it. Therefore, there are several children that are definetely very good at music or sports even from their young age even though they have not be taught how to do this before. Moreover, there are many children that have managed to develop their skills on their own without any help from experts. This is actually what impresses people and yrge them to believe that there are people that have been born with specifis talents. However, that does not mean that experts and teachers are not important, as they play an essential role in order to identify these talentes children and help them to improve their skills. On the other hand, several people argue that everyone can become a good musician or athlete, for example, provided that they are taught by ualified teachers. !hat is needed is to be really keen on learning and willing to try hard in order to achieve your goal. There are lots of examples of children that they didn"t seem to be able to ever be a musician, but after a lot of practise and lessons, they finally succeeded it. #veryone can become what he is dreaming through the right and professional training. Taking all the above into consideration, $ hold the view that there are actually some children that from the very young age seem to be very talented in different skills, but without the appropriate training from experts, noone can improve their skills in order to reach to the absolute perfect scale.

!ho can forget the outstanding musical talent of Mo%art who started out very young or the long& standing golf skills of Tiger !oods' These people are often referred to as child prodigies and are thought to have ac uired their skills from birth. Other well&known and talented artists like Madonna have re uired years of hard work and dedication to reach the top. $t is often said that if a person is good at something, ()* of this is due to talent and +)* the result of hard work. Music and sports re uire long hours of training and practice. $ think it is

possible to teach any child how to become great at sports and music. ,or example, many -hinese Olympic gold medallists are trained from a very young age how to be winners. .atural talents or aptitudes can be understood as an early interest in a sub/ect. 0avid 1eckham for example began playing football young and spent a lot of his free time on the field. $t was easier for him to become a well&known player as he was merely doing what he en/oyed best. These kinds of people are thought of as being born talented which gives less importance to all the hours of practice and the struggles faced to become successful. 2s with all sub/ects, $ believe music and sports can be taught. The degree to which someone is good at something depends on factors like dedication, creativity, a supportive network and opportunities available to develop a talent. #ven if someone is born with certain talents, they still re uire skills and techni ues to improve and excel, which can be provided through lessons. 2s long as someone is passionate about what they do, they can be taught well. & 3ee more at4 http455apostolosmakrides.blogspot.com56)()5)75model&answer&ielts&writing&task& 68((.html9sthash.0M:3k1ah.dpuf

$t is an obvious fact that everyone is born with some sort of special talent. 2lthough some people work really hard to achieve their goals but $ strongly believe that god gifted talent is matchless. 3ome people argue that a person can achieve anything in life if he works hard and has a firm determination. $n addition, some people have the talent to learn anything in life as they plan well and spend their time and energy to get the skills for a particular sports or music. ;eople become successful this way but they would not be able to do some extra ordinary /ob in this field, for instance make a record or creating a new piece of music. On the other hand, people with inborn talent have got some uni ue ability to create something extra ordinary no matter which profession they belong to. ,or example a ;akistani artist 2min <ul /ee was a great artist who was an engineer by the profession, and has not got any proper training in painting. 1ut he has produced master pieces for kings and ueens of the sub continent. He was interviewed where he explained that whenever he is provided with an empty canvass with a brush, a budle of new ideas emerge in his mind and allows him to paint without any proper planning. ;eople who have got inborn talent in sports like ;akistani bawler 3houaib akhtar is well known fast bawler. However he had work hard but it=s his inborn talent to ball above the normal pitch. -oncluding the topic $ would like to say that it=s a fact that hard work and interest are very important to achieve goals but inborn abilities makes you achieve them more easily.

Today, children all over the world have the opportunity to develop definite skills regarding music and sport. However, some people believe that only children born with certain talents can succeed to become an artist or a good sports person.

.onetheless, $ believe that any child trained from an early age can become a successful sport player or instrument player. 3uccess in any form re uires hard work. !hen very young children are trained everyday to become good sports players or musicians, throughout the years of hard work they will definitely develop certain skills which will help them to achieve success. Take as an example, the well&known tennis player, >afel .adal, who is a right&handed person, but when he started playing tennis his uncle forced him to hold the racket with the left hand. 2fter years of training, he has become one of the best tennis players in the world. ?ooking at this example, it is clear that "practice makes perfect". $n contrast, however, there are some who claim that successful players are born with certain talents. This theory can be true /ust for vocal singers. Only a person who was bestowed by <od with a beautiful voice can become an ama%ing singer. 1ut even such a person has to train in order to learn how to control their voice and breath. Taking this points into consideration, $ agree with the fact that "success means ninety nine percent hard work and one percent talent". .eedless to say, every person who has will and motivation can achieve their dream.

;eople say that inborn talent is very much important for the child to become successful in the respective fields like sports or music. However another set of people debate that, we can gain the excellence by continuous practice. $n the following paragraphs, $ will explain both these views before a reasoned conclusion is drawn. On one hand, it is usually easy to achieve the success for people who are born with talents. They can learn uickly and makes lesser mistakes because of the sheer talent they possess. ,or an instance, consider a cricket player 3ehwag. !ithout any proper footwork and body language, he achieved such a glory in cricket. $t is mainly due to his talent of timing the ball correctly. !hereas people like 0ravid, who has learned cricket through practice and learning, achieved the success with the perfect footwork and shot selection according to cricket books. 0ravid is a perfect example for a person, who has become good in sports with learning and practice. ;eople without inborn talent, need rigorous and continuous practice to achieve the perfection. -omparatively, person has to face more hardships without inborn talent to become good in the respective area. To sum up, in our society we have both kinds of successful people. 3ome might have reached the peak with ease due to inborn talent, few others would have did it with their dedication and

practice. $ personally feel that practice and learnings are very much essential for the success and inborn talent would be an added advantage to reach greater heights. yash@ABblr Posts: (A Joined: 3un Oct 6), 6)(C 64@6 pm

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