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Alistair Cameron Crombie

Alistair Cameron Crombie (4 November 1915 9 February 1996) was an Australian historian of science who be an his career as a !oolo ist" #e was note$ for his contributions to research on com%etition between s%ecies before turnin to history" &orn in &risbane' Australia' Crombie was e$ucate$ at the An lican Church (rammar )chool*1+ an$ (eelon (rammar )chool"*,+ #e stu$ie$ at the universities of -elbourne an$ Cambri$ e" .n the early 195/s' he tau ht at 0niversity Colle e' 1on$on" .n 1952' he was iven a %osition at 34for$' as that school5s first lecturer in the history of science" 6urin Crombie5s tenure at 34for$' the history of science was a$$e$ to the ra$uate level offerin s of 34for$5s history faculty"*2+ 6urin his career as a historian of science' Crombie i$entifie$ thematic threa$s or 7styles7 in the $evelo%ment of 8uro%ean a%%roaches to science" #e %ublishe$ his i$eas in 1994 in a $efinitive 29 volume wor:' entitle$' )tyles of )cientific ;hin:in in the 8uro%ean ;ra$ition < ;he #istory of Ar ument an$ 84%lanation es%ecially in the -athematical an$ &iome$ical )ciences an$ Arts" 6urin his tenure he su%ervise$ several stu$ents' inclu$in =obert Fo4 (>rofessor of the #istory of )cience' 34for$ 0niversity)' 6avi$ - ?ni ht (>rofessor of the #istory an$ >hiloso%hy of )cience' 6urham 0niversity)@ (erman 8 &errios (>rofessor of the 8%istemolo y of >sychiatry' 0niversity of Cambri$ e) an$ ;revor 1evere (>rofessor of the #istory of )cience' 0niversity of ;oronto)" &iblio ra%hy Au ustine to (alileo< ;he #istory of )cience A"6" 4// 9 165/ (=evise$ e$")" >en uin" 1969 *195,+" .)&N /9149/55/A49A" (also %ublishe$ un$er the title< -e$ieval an$ 8arly -o$ern )cience) =obert (rossteste an$ the 3ri ins of 84%erimental )cience' 11//91A//" 34for$< Claren$on >ress" 1952" .)&N /9199B,41B995" )cience' 3%tics an$ -usic in -e$ieval an$ 8arly -o$ern ;hou ht" 1on$on< #amble$on" 199/" .)&N /99/A6,B9A996" )tyles of )cientific ;hin:in in the 8uro%ean ;ra$ition< ;he #istory of Ar ument an$ 84%lanation 8s%ecially in the -athematical an$ &iome$ical )ciences an$ Arts" 1on$on< (eral$ 6uc:worth C Com%any" 1995" .)&N /9A1569,42992" Notes Dum% u% E -ason' Dames (,/11)" Churchie< ;he Centenary =e ister" &risbane' Australia< ;he An lican Church (rammar )chool" .)&N 9AB9/9646955B/A92" Dum% u% E Fo4' =obert (-arch 199A)" 78lo e< Alistair Cameron Crombie' 4 November 191599 February 19967" .sis BB (1)< 1B21B6" =etrieve$ 1A February ,/12" Dum% u% E Fo4' =obert (A%ril ,//2)" 7;he #istory of )cience' -e$icine' an$ ;echnolo y at 34for$7" #istory Faculty Alumni Newsletter No" 1" 0niversity of 34for$ Faculty of #istory" =etrieve$ ,//69/B91A"

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