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Caribbean Water and Sewage Association Inc.

January to June 2013 | Vols. 1 & 2 (Special July to September 2012 | Vol. Edition) 4 No. 3

Caribbean Water Operators Network in Antigua

Fund Fund for for Waste Waste Water Water Management Management (CReW) (CReW) Project. Project. The The opening opening session session of of the the conconference wasaddressed addressed by Antiference was by Antiguas guas Minister, as Mr John PublicTourism Utilities Minister, well as Maginley, as well as representarepresentatives of the sponsoring tives of the sponsoring agencies, agencies, while the feature address while feature address willand be will bethe by Don Degan of Water by DonWater Degan of Water(WWWS) and Waste Waste Solutions in Water Solutions (WWWS) in CanCanada, who spoke on Internationada, who spoke International al Perspectives on on Water Re-use. Perspectives on Water Re-use. The conference served to update the The conference towater upknowledge andserved skills of date the knowledge and skills of and waste water operators through water and waste water operators interaction with fellow operators through interaction with fellow and professionals; and to provide operators and professionals; and them the opportunity to access, view to provide them the opportunity and share the latest ideas in technito view technology, and share the latest calaccess, equipment, products ideas in technical equipment, techand services with suppliers. nology, services with It alsoproducts providedand Caribbean operasuppliers. tors with the opportunity to share their It also providedin Caribbean operaexperiences preparation for tors with the opportunity toExami share the Operators Certification their experiences in preparation for nations, as well as to showcase their the Operatorsskills Certification presentation through Exami profesnations, as well as to showcase their sional presentations and competipresentation skills through profestive activities. sional and competiThe presentations Antigua meeting also altive activities. lowed participants to showcase their The Antiguaskills meeting also the altechnical through lowed participants to showcase Operators Competition and to their technical skills through identify emerging trends in the the Operators Competition and to water and wastewater industry. identify emerging trends in the Among other issues considwater and wastewater industry. ered by the delegates were: The Enabling Among Environment other issues for considWaered by the delegates The ter and Waste Waterwere: Services, Enabling Environment for Water Water Quality in the Region, and Waste Water Services, Application of Waste WaterWaReter Quality in the Region, Appliuse and Utility Development cation Issues.of Waste Water Reuse and Utility . The Development CAWASA Issues Secretariat was The CAWASA Secretariat represented by Executive was represented by Executive Director Victor Poyotte and ProDirector Victor Poyotte and Program Officer Suzanne Joseph gram Officer Suzanne Joseph and water operators attended and water operators attended from across the Caribbean. from across the Caribbean. Participants expressed satisfac Participants expressed satistion with the proceedings of their faction with the proceedings of third annual conference and partheir third annual conference ticularly welcomed the launchand particularly welcomed the ing at the conference of the first launching at the conference of edition of H2Operator, the new the first edition of H2Operator, magazine being published by the new magazine being pubCAWASA with assistance from lished by CAWASA with assisCReW and the various CAWASA tance from CReW and the variaffiliates. (Moreaffiliates. on Pages 2, 8, ous CAWASA (More and 9) on Pages 2, 8, and 9).

ngineers, ngineers, water water and and waste-water waste-water operators, operators, water water and and waste waste laboralaboratory tory analysts, analysts, stakeholders stakeholders and and other water and waste-water other water and waste-water inindustry dustry professionals professionals from from utiliutilities ties across across the the Caribbean Caribbean gathgathered ered in in Antigua Antigua and and Barbuda Barbuda at at the the end end of of June June for for their their Third Third Annual Annual Caribbean Caribbean Water Water OpOperators Conference. erators Conference. The The conference conference was was held held at at the the islands islands Jolly Jolly Beach Beach Resort Resort on on June June 27 27 and and 28 28 to to discuss discuss matters matters relating relating to to their their profesprofessional sional and and organizational organizational reresponsibilities sponsibilities across across the the region. region. The The theme theme for for the the two-day two-day conference conference was was Water Water Re-use: Re-use: Contributing Contributing to Efficient Efficient Use of of Water Water Resources Resources for a a Healthy Healthy Environment. Environment. The The 2013 2013 Water Water Operators Operators Conference Conference was was jointly jointly sponsponsored by the host utility -sored by the host utility -- the the Antigua Antigua Public Public Utilities Utilities Author Authority ity (APUA) (APUA) as as well well as as by by the the Caribbean Caribbean Water Water and and WasteWastewater water Association Association (CAWASA) (CAWASA) and and the the Caribbean Caribbean Regional Regional

Antigua and and Barbuda Barbuda Minister Minister Antigua John Maginley maginley addressing the John opening of of the the conference conference opening

DOWASCO Updates its Strategic Plan

The last strategic plan developed by the Dominica Water and Sewerage Company Ltd (DOWASCO) covered a threeyear period starting from 1st April 2007 and ending on 31st March 2009. In 2013, some four (4) years after the plan expired, the Board and management made a decision to update it. At the request of DOWASCO, the Executive Director of CAWASA agreed to review all activities undertaken since the expiration of the plan. The purpose of the exercise was to determine the status of implementation of all post-plan activities, assess the performance of the utility and to update the plan. In developing the strategic plan, the consultant took a five-prong approach which involved an analysis of base documents made available by the management of DOWASCO. The consultant interviewed personnel making up the management team of DOWASCO and representatives of key stakeholder organizations. On Wednesday 17th April 2013, the consultant facilitated a one-day stakeholder strategic planning retreat for the company. The retreat was attended by thirty-two (32) senior management personnel from DOWASCO and representatives of key stakeholder organizations. Following a review of notes compiled from base documents, stakeholder interviews and the stakeholder retreat the consultant compiled a Draft Strategic Plan. A draft version of the strategic plan was submitted to management, Board and other stakeholder representatives for validation. Based on feedback received, the consultant revised the Draft Strategic Plan to incorporate additional information provided. The final version of the Strategic Plan 20132018 which outlines strategic priorities along with activities to be implemented by DOWASCO was submitted to the management of DOWASCO for approval.

Executive Director of CAWASA Victor Poyotte


Secretariat News Page & 7 150,000-gallon tank to provide daily life CAWASA Secretariat News Pages 2 and 2, 3 3, 4, 5, 6, Caribbean Water Operators Networked and water to 3,000 Page 14 9 successful 11th Water Weekproject Pages 3 and 8 4 Competed in Antigua Pages 8 and Dominica launches US$7.4 million water Page Cayenne hosted A Tribute Bottled Water quality being assessed PureWorld Water Water Day Feature Page 5 Pages 10 - 12 to Mr. Denis Yearwood Page 11 2013 for approval Page 2013 Increases World Water Day Feature 7 and $700,00 tank to serve 3,000 with daily life water Page 12 15 Rate with Popular Participation Pages 6, Page 1310 What Back Page a wonderful water week $700,00 tank to serve 3,000 with daily life water Bottled Water 150,000-gallon quality being tank to provide daily life water to 3,000 Dominica launches US$7.4 million water project assessed for approval

Page 2


January to June 2013 | Vols. 1 & 2 (Special Edition)

CAWASA Secretariat News

Two enjoyable days of Networking!
he hosting of a two-day Caribbean Water Operators Conference is an important feature on the annual calendar of activities of the CAWASA Secretariat. After a one year hiatus in 2012 due mainly to resource constraints we at CAWASA are indeed grateful for the opportunity to partner with The Caribbean Regional Fund for Wastewater Management (CReW) to make the third conference a reality. In this regard, I must express our deepest appreciation to Chris Corbin of UNEP Caribbean Office and Denise Forest, the CReW Project Coordinator for demonstrating support for the efforts of the CAWASA Secretariat to uplift the professional standing of Caribbean Water Operators. One direct influence of this partnership is the deliberate selection of the conference theme Water Reuse: Contributing to Efficient Use of Water Resources for a Healthy Environment. We see this conference as providing Water Operators from the Caribbean with a unique opportunity to: Make independent technical presentations highlighting technological developments in the water sector; Make joint technical presentations with representatives of Associate Members who are involved in the implementation of projects related to the provision of water and sewerage services; Share experiences and ideas on ways of improving the work of Operators, Analysts and Technicians as professionals in their own right; and

Following is the full text of the official Conference Overview of the Third Annual Caribbean Water Operators Conference held in St. Johns, Antigua on June 27th and 28th 2013 delivered by the CAWASA Executive Director.
Offer solutions to many of the challenges facing Caribbean water and sewerage utilities. On behalf of the CAWASA Secretariat I am also pleased to announce the introduction of the first issue of the Caribbean H2Operator. From 2014 onwards, we intend to publish this document as an Annual Magazine to highlight the work undertaken by regional Operators in the course of delivering water and sewerage services to citizens of the Caribbean. Let me take advantage of this opportunity to congratulate Mrs. Suzanne Joseph, Program Officer at the CAWASA Secretariat on the successful publication of the magazine. It was her idea and she deserves full credit for seeing the initiative through. The conference is also an opportunity to bring you up to date with the performance of Operators in the annual certification examinations held twice a year in February and June. As you may know CAWASA offers certification examinations in seven (7) categories namely: water treatment, water distribution, water laboratory, wastewater treatment, collection and very small water systems. In six (6) of the above-mentioned categories, Water Operators/Analysts are allowed to register to sit examinations in four (4) different classes ranging from Levels 1-1V but in the case of Very Small Water Systems the examinations is in Level 1 only. In the ten years since the introduction of the certification examinations a total of three hundred and twenty-nine (329) Operators have successfully completed the annual examinations and qualified for certification. Of these, twenty-one (21) Operators have completed Level 3while nine (9) have completed Level 4. Of significance to you is that the performance in the field of wastewater management is to say the least very discouraging for CAWASA. The statistics show that, while only two operators have completed Level 3 in Wastewater Treatment none have reached Level 4. In the Wastewater Collection category two Operators have completed Level 3 while only one has reached Level 4. With regards to Wastewater Laboratory, one Operator has completed Level 3 and one has reached Level 4. Over the next two days the conference will focus on four sub-themes as follows: The enabling environment for delivering efficient water and wastewater services; Regional water quality; The application of wastewater reuse; and Utility development initiatives. Another major feature of the conference is a Business Session which is intended to allow CAWASAs Associates operating in the sector to make presentations on various topics relating to projects being implemented or other organizational activities. In this regard, I wish to acknowledge the support of Seven Seas Water, Cole Engineering, Singer Valve, WASA-Trinidad, and Theobalds Engineering.
PROFILE Brief Prole of the organization: CAWASA INC. WHO SHOULD BE CERTIFIED
The Caribbean Water and Sewerage Association Inc. CAWASA), is a regional association of thir-teen (13) water and sewerage utilities in the Carib-bean. CAWASA was incorporated in St Lucia in May 2010 as the successor to the Caribbean Basin Water Management Programme Inc (CBWMP Inc) which was incorporated in St Lucia in November 2001. Operators, Analysts of water and wastewater utilities, hotels, breweries, other water related groups and independent candidates who meet the education and operating experience requirements.

Antiguas Tourism Minister John Maginley addressing participants at the opening ceremony
Finally, the conference offers Operators the opportunity to showcase their technical knowledge and skills by participating in a few specialized competitive engagements. This will be followed by a site visit to a reverse osmosis plant. In closing, I must point out that the Program Officer Secretariat worked very closely with the host utility, the Antigua Public Utilities Authority (APUA). Let me take this opportunity to thank Mr. Ivan Rodrigues and his administrative and technical support staff for their valuable assistance thus far with the arrangements for the conference. It will be remiss of me if I did not take time off to recognize the hard work put in by Mrs. Suzanne Joseph our Program Officer in order to bring this conference to reality. She singlehandedly coordinated the activities leading up to the conference and as you can expect will continue to administer the affairs of the conference to ensure its eventual success. I look forward to two enjoyable days of networking with participants, presenters and sponsors. Thank You

Another valuable CAWASA initiative

agreement with the Association of the Board of Certification (ABC) to provide testing services in support of the annual Operator Examination and Certification programme. Five years ago, the Secretariat initiated the Caribbean Water Operators Conference to provide a forum for Operators to network and share knowledge, skills and experiences. This inaugural issue of the H2O Operator Caribbean magazine is yet another major initiative taken by CAWASA aimed at highlighting the role of Water Operators in the water sector. The Secretariat wants to take this opportunity to encourage Water Operators to make full use of the magazine as a me-


WHY CERTIFICATION? To Perform your job Better! Advance your Career!

COURSES OFFERED CLASSES IIV 1. Water Distribution 2. Water Treatment 3. Wastewater Treat-ment 4. Collection 5. Water Laboratory 6. Wastewater Labora-tory 7. Very Small Water System 8. Small Wastewater System


1. Apply to CAWASA 2. Register for Tutorials 3. Submit application 4. Pay Exam fees 5. Take the Exam


Take an interest in your professional development and in the certification programme; Participate in training and other scheduled activities in preparation for the examination; Obtain all text books and study material recommended for examination preparation; Utilize all training facilities made available by the Utility/organization in support of examination preparation; Register and sit the examination in accordance with instructions provided by the CAWASA

Career Advancement opportunities Higher Wage earning opportunities Competitive advantage of non-certified Operators Recognition as a professional Operator

Cadre of certified professionals Motivate employees to expand knowledge/skills Increase competence level of employees Ensure continuing education for employees

Post-examination Role

Register for remedial training if unsuccessful in the examinations; Continue professional development after receiving certification; Participate in professional development activities for 2.4 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) over the two years; Submit a completed renewal application form along with the renewal fee and relevant documentation no later than six (6) months before the expiry date of the certificate.

Volume 1 Issue 1 Annual Newsletter of the Water Industry Operators of the Caribbean June 2013

ince joining the CAWASA Secretariat, I have placed a great deal of emphasis on improving the competences and professionalism of Water Operators from member utilities. I chose this approach because it is my firm belief that the day-to-day work performed by Operators is of the utmost importance to the delivery of quality water service. As a key stakeholder group, the Operators are fully involved in managing the collection of water at the intakes, supervising water storage facilities, treating of water at the treatment plants, testing the quality of water at the laboratories and coordinating the distribution of water that flows through the various systems. In 2003, the Secretariat entered into an

1 dium for creating awareness of their job responsibilities. It is anticipated that the Operators will use the magazine as a tool for educating
H2Operator Volume 1 Issue 1 2013

persons working within and outside of the water sector. By contributing articles on national or regional projects implemented, they can demonstrate how the water-related challenges encountered were tackled and solved, clarify their role as water sector professionals, update readers on progress made with the certification examinations and with the application of the knowledge and skills acquired. I also wish to point out that Mrs. Suzanne Joseph, Programme Officer attached to the CAWASA Secretariat, deserves all credit for the publication of this magazine. She came up with the idea and coordinated the activities related to this inaugural issue. Kudos to her, are fully in order. Now, its my distinct pleasure to invite you to find and read this first edition from cover to end and to share the contents with others. Victor Poyotte Executive Director, CAWASA

CaribDA hosts successful Curacao workshop

breakthrough story that Id like to talk about. When we refer to water treatment, we think seawater and brackish water desalination, or reuse, right? I cant help but think that there are other sources out there. In fact, its called produced water. Produced water is natural water from underground formations, brought to the surface during oil or gas production. Produced water is one of the potential sources for water treatment. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, the water to oil / gas ratio (WOR) averages seven barrels of water to one of oil. In the worst cases, the WOR reaches 50 to 1. You see, early in the life of an oil well, oil production is high and water production is low. Over time, oil production decreases and water production increases. The cost of managing such a large volume of water is a key consideration to oil and gas producers. Previous nationally produced water volume estimates are in the range of 15 to 20 billion barrels (bbl; 1 bbl = 42 U.S. gallons) generated each year in the United States. This is equivalent to a volume of 1.7 to 2.3 billion gallons per day (CE Clark and Veil September/2009) Produced water properties (both physical and chemical) and volume vary considerably depending on geographic location of the field, the geological formation, the type of hydrocarbon product being produced, and the lifetime of a reservoir. The major concerns of produced water are: salt content, oil and grease, various natural inorganic, and organic compounds or chemical additives used in drilling among other processes involved in oil and gas upstream production. Therefore, produced water treatment could be a challenge. I naturally think, are we ready for this new application? Is there a scalable and environmentally sound solution to desalt produced water? For more on this and related topics, see this recent coverage from NBC news. If you have any questions or comments, please email me at: jmpinto@ In the meantime, I hope Ive given you some food for thought. Sincerely, Juan Miguel Pinto CaribDA Publications Chair

he Caribbean Desalination Association hosted a two-day workshop at the University of the Netherlands Antilles in Curacao, N.A. on June 26-28, 2013. Attendees learned about the importance of comprehensive solutions, efficient management systems, plant retrofitting opportunities and enjoyed a tour of the RO-Sta. Barbara Facility.

I hope the year is proving to be a productive and meaningful year so far. I am very pleased to share this April edition of CaribDA, chock full of the regions latest business and news related to the desalination industry. But first, I have an interesting technological

Letter from CaribDA Publications Chair

January to June 2013 | Vols. 1 & 2 (Special Edition) January to June 2013 | Vols. 1 & 2 (Special Edition)

e-Source e-Source

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CAWASA Secretariat News

t Kitts and Nevis, CAWASA and t Kitts and Nevis, and the Caribbean will CAWASA miss a sterling the Caribbean will miss a sterling champion of the water cause in champion of the water cause in the twin-island Federation, who left the twin-island Federation, who left his position as General Manager at the his position as General Manager the Water Services Department of Stat Kitts Water Services Department of St Kitts in July 2013 to take up an assignment in in July 2013 to take up an assignment in the USA. the USA. Mr. Cromwell Williams is a qualified Mr.Engineer Cromwell Williams isyears a qualified Civil with over 15 expeCivil Engineer with over 15 years experience in Civil Engineering and Project rience in Civil Engineering and Project Management, mainly in Water Supply Management, mainly in Water Supply Management. He also has over 10 years Management. He also has over 10 years experience in the reviewing and grantexperience the reviewing and granting permitsin for land development and ing permits for land development and construction projects. construction projects. Mr. Williams served as General ManMr. Williams Generalof Manager and Chief served Water as Engineer the ager and Chief Water Engineer of the St. Kitts Water Services Department St. Kitts Water Services Department from July 2001 to July 2013. The utilfrom July 2001 to July 2013. The utility has over 14,000 connections and $8 ity has over 14,000 connections and $8 million in annual sales. He led a team million in annual sales. He led a team of three Civil Engineers and about 20 of three Civil and designing about 20 technicians in Engineers the planning, technicians in the planning, designing of surface and groundwater systems of surface and groundwater systems in a total workforce of 115 employees. in a total workforce of 115 employees. He worked as Engineer, St. Kitts Water He worked as Engineer, St. Kitts Water Services Department from October 1999 Services Department from October 1999


to June 2001 and as Engineer, St. Kitts to June Works 2001 and as Engineer, St. Kitts Public Department from SepPublic Works Department from September 1995 to August 1998. tember 1995 to August 1998. He holds a Master of Science Degree holds a Master of Science Degree in He Hydrogeology and Groundwater in Hydrogeology and Groundwater Resources which from the University Resources from the University of London which in September 1999. He also of London in September 1999. He also holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering which he obtained Civil Engineering which he obtained from the Faculty of Engineering, Unifrom the Faculty Engineering, University of the Westof Indies based in Trinversity of the West Indies based in Trinidad and Tobago in June of 1995. idad and Tobago in June of 1995.served Professionally, Mr. Williams Professionally, Mr. Williams served as a member of the St. Kitts Building as a member of the St. Kitts Building Board from 1995 to 1998; a member Board from 1995 Development to 1998; a member of the Caribbean Bank of the Caribbean Development Bank Basic Needs Trust Fund (CDB-BNTF) Basic Needs Trust Fund (CDB-BNTF) Project Advisory Committee from 1996 Project to 1998.Advisory Committee from 1996 to He 1998. has been a member of the CaribHe has been a member of the Caribbean Water and Wastewater Associabean Water and Wastewater Association (CWWA) from 1999 to the present tion (CWWA) from 1999 to the and served as Vice-President of present the Asand served as Vice-President therepAssociation from 2007-2008 andof also sociation from 2007-2008 and also represented the St. Kitts Water Services Deresented Water Services Departmentthe on St. theKitts Board of the Caribbean partment on the Board of the Caribbean Basin Water Management Programme Basin Water Management Programme Inc. (CBWMP), now the Caribbean WaInc. (CBWMP), now the Caribbean Wa-

ter and Sewerage Association Inc. (CAter and Sewerage (CAWASA). And he Association also served Inc. as Trea WASA). And he also served as Trea surer of the CBWMP from 2000 to 2003. surer of the CBWMP from 2000 to 2003. Mr. Williams has been a member of Mr. Williams has been a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and a member of St. Kitts De(ASCE) and a member of St. Kitts Development Control and Planning Board velopment Control and Planning Board since 2002. He has also functioned as since 2002. He has Point also functioned as the National Focal for UNESCO the National Focal Point for UNESCO International Hydrologic Programme International Hydrologic Programme (IHP) from 2002 to the present and as (IHP) from 2002 to the present and as National Focal Point for the OAS InterNational Focal Point for the OAS InterAmerican Water Resources Network American Water (IWRN) since 2002.Resources Network (IWRN) since 2002.

Mr Cromwell Williams Mr Cromwell Williams

He has a number of accomplishments a number accomplishments in He thehas water sector of including an analyin the water sector including analysis of projected supply and an demand sis of projected supply and demand for groundwater from 2000 to 2001, the for groundwater from2002 2000and to 2001, preparation between 2004,the of preparation between 2002 and 2004, of a project proposal to increase grounda project proposal to increase groundwater supplies by 25% and supervision water supplies by 25% and supervision of implementation of an US$8 million of implementation of an US$8 Project million Water Supply Improvement Water Supply Improvement Project involving the procurement of wellinvolving the procurement of welldrilling equipment, the successful drilldrilling equipment, the successful drilling of eight wells to increase production ing of eight wells to increase production capacity by about 1 million gallons per capacity by about 1 million gallons per day. day. Mr. Williams initiated Geographic Mr. Williams initiated Geographic Information System (GIS) mapping of Information System (GIS) mapping of the water infrastructure, introduced the water infrastructure, introduced changes in the revenue collection syschanges in thethe revenue tem including use of collection Handheld sysDetem including the use of Handheld Devices and initiated a number of public vices and initiated a number of public awareness campaigns that resulted in awareness campaigns that resulted in reduction in wastage and unaccounted reduction in wastage and unaccounted for water. for water. He has attended a number of short He has attended a number ofto short courses and workshops relating wacourses and workshops relating to water resources management and has also ter resources management and has also received a number academic, education received a number academic, education and training awards as well as a special and training awards as well as a special commendation from Prime Minister of commendation from Prime Minister of St. Kitts-Nevis, Dr. Denzil L. Douglas St. Kitts-Nevis, Dr. Denzil L. Douglas for initiative in raising public awarefor raising public awarenessinitiative of water in issues.CAWASA wishes ness of water issues.CAWASA wishes Mr Williams well. Mr Williams well.

aribbean delegates from several aribbean delegates from several English, French and Butch-speakEnglish, French and Butch-speaking islands and territories had a ing islands and territories a rare experience earlier this year had when rare experience earlier this year when they participated in a week of water acthey participated in of a week of water activities on the banks the Maroni River. tivities on the banks of the Maroni River. The President of the Communaute The President of de the Communaute DAgglomeration Centre Littoral DAgglomeration de Centre Littoral (CACL) Cayenne, Rodolphe Alexan (CACL) Cayenne, Rodolphe Alexan dre, invited CAWASA to the 11th Wadre, invited CAWASA to the 11th Water Week in Cayenne from April 22-16, ter Week in Cayenne from Suzanne April 22-16, 2013. Programme Officer Jo2013. Programme Officer Suzanne Joseph attended the Conference on CAseph attended the Conference on CAWASAs behalf. WASAs behalf. Delegates attended from Martinique, Delegates from Martinique, Guadeloupe,attended Suriname, Santo DominGuadeloupe, Suriname, Santo Domingo, France, St Lucia, St Martin and Haiti. go, France, St Lucia, St Martin and Haiti. The opportunity for the CACL, the SIThe opportunity for the CACL, the SIAEAG and SICSM -- initiators of these AEAG and SICSM -initiators of these days was afforded with the possibility days was afforded with the for institutional partners of possibility the Caribfor institutional partners of the Carib-

Cayenne hosted successful 11th Water Week with heavy Caribbean participation
bean and the Amazon and professional bean and the Amazon and professional sanitation, drinking water and waste sanitation, drinking water management, to meet again. and waste management, to meet again. Panel discussions, technical visits, Panel discussions, technical sales presentations were among visits, many sales presentations were among many opportunities to exchange experiences opportunities to exchange experiences and share knowledge. These days were and share knowledge. These days were open to the general public, especially open to the general public, especially schoolchildren and students training schoolchildren and students An training for careers in the environment. edufor careers in the environment. An cational exhibition and events wereedualso cational planned.exhibition and events were also planned. The AGGLO (urban community cenAGGLO (urban community centerThe coast), organized the 11th edition of ter coast), organized the 11th edition Water Days from 22 to 26 April 2013 of in Water Days from 22 to 26 April 2013 in Cayenne. Cayenne. Indeed, this year CACL had the honor Indeed, thisthis year CACL had the honor of hosting event, which annually of hosting this event, which annually brings together professionals from the brings professionals from the sectors together of water, sanitation and waste sectors of water, sanitation and waste throughout the Caribbean. throughout the Caribbean. year of co2013 is the International 2013 is the International year of it cooperation in the field of water and is operation in the field of water and it is natural that the theme of this edition natural that the theme of this edition was Sharing the Amazon Cooperation was the Amazon Cooperation and Sharing the Caribbean, which promised and the Caribbean, which promised exchanges and returns particularly rich exchanges and returns particularly rich experience. experience. The CACL is competent in its terriThe is competent in its territory in CACL the management of drinking watory in the management of drinking water, wastewater and sanitation is fully in ter, wastewater and sanitation is fully this desire: to promote cooperation in to this to promote cooperation to meetdesire: the challenges of water by an exmeet the challenges of water by an exchange of innovative practices, sharing change of innovative practices, sharing of experiences and expertise. of Rodolphe experiences and expertise. Alexandre , President of Rodolphe Alexandre , President Community of Agglomration of of C Community of Agglomration of to C between Littoral, invited the public between Littoral, invited the public to discover the Zephyr to the water secdiscover Zephyr to the water sector and tothe meet the various professional tor and to meet the various professional Antilles and Guyana. This event aimed Antilles and Guyana. Thisand event aimed to raise many challenges potential to raise many challenges and potential of cooperation in the field of water. of Several cooperation in theand fieldcultural of water. thematic highSeveral thematic and cultural highlights such as conferences, educational lights such as conferences, educational and recreational workshops, exhibiand recreational workshops, tions and visits were also hostedexhibiat the tions and visits were also hosted at the 11th Water day celebrations. 11th Water day celebrations. The Issues: What are the issues of waThe Issues: What are theplanet? issues of water production across the What ter production across the planet? What techniques for sustainable management techniques for management and quality ofsustainable the resource? What soand quality of the resource? lutions for access to drinking What water soon lutions for access to drinking water on our Amazonian territories and the Caour Amazonian territories and the Caribbean? ribbean? Those were and still are -- quesThose were are questions that are at and the still heart of -discustions that are at the heart of discussions at the11th Water Day, organized sions the11th Water Day, organized by theat Urban Community Centre coast by the Urban Community Centre coast (CACL) in partnership with inter union (CACL) in partnership with inter union of Martinique and Guadeloupe, and SIof Martinique AEAG SICSM.and Guadeloupe, and SIAEAG SICSM. An event organized in the framework An event organized in the framework of the International Year of cooperation of the field International Yearthe of UNs cooperation in the of water 2013, global in the field of water 2013, the UNs global organization invited all stakeholders at organization invited all stakeholders at the national level as local, to lead the disthe national level as local, to lead the discussion on how to manage the absolutely cussion on howhighly to manage the absolutely vital resource, threatened by huvital resource, highly threatened by human activities and climatic changes. man activities and climatic changes. CACL is competent in its territory is competent in its territory in CACL the management of drinking water, in the management of drinking water, wastewater and sanitation is fully in wastewater and sanitation is fully in this determination: encourage cooperathis determination: encourage cooperation to meet the challenges of the water, tion toexchange meet the challenges of the water, by an of innovative practices, by an exchange of innovative practices, sharing of experiences and expertise. sharing of this experiences and expertise. Therefore, event aimed to raise Therefore, this event aimed to coopraise many challenges and potential of many challenges and potential of cooperation in the field of water. eration the field of water. Somein of the visiting Caribbean delSome of the visiting Caribbean delegates were also invited to another egates were also invited to another community Maripasula and tenwkre community Maripasula and tenwkre an Amerindian village with approxi an Amerindian village with mately 200 inhabitants and theapproxi invitees mately 200 inhabitants and the invitees had to cross the Maroni River by canoe. had cross the Maroni River by (See to more Cayenne Coverage oncanoe. Back (See more Cayenne Coverage on Back Page ) Page )

Sharing Sharing experiences experiences on on the the banks banks of of the the Maroni Maroni River River

Rodolphe Alexandre Rodolphe Alexandre

Theme and logo for Cayennes 11th Water Week. Theme and logo for Cayennes 11th Water Week.

CAWASA Secretariat News CAWASA Secretariat News

Caribbean Water Operators Networked and Competed in Antigua!
Operators mini-exhibition appreciated promotional mini-exhibition Operators appreciated promotional Operators appreciated promotional mini-exhibition

an Water Operators Networked ande-Source Competed in to Antigua! 4 January June 2013 | Vols. 1 & 2 (Special Edition) Page 8

Antigua and Barbuda Minister John Minister John Antigua and Barbuda Minister Guest Speaker Don degan of World Guest Speaker Don John degan of World maginley addressing the opening of Guest Speaker Don degan of World the opening of maginley addressing the opening of(Canada) Waste Participants Water Solutions (Canada) Participants at the opening ceremony Waste Water Solutions the conference at the opening ceremony Waste Water Solutions (Canada) nce Participants at the opening ceremony the conference

While gathered in Antigua and Barbuda for their 2013 Caribbean Water Operators participants were able to view a special exhibition p igua and Barbuda for their Caribbean Water Operators Conference, were able to view a special Conference, exhibition put on by the While gathered in 2013 Antigua and Barbuda for their 2013 Caribbeanparticipants Water Operators Conference, participants were able to view a special exhibition put on by the OECS CAWASA delegates were able to appreciate exhibits from the OECS, as well promoted as from HD Supply. During the exhibition, the OECS promoted gates were able to appreciate exhibits from the OECS, as well as from HD Supply. During the exhibition, the OECS the RRACC OECS CAWASA delegates were able to appreciate exhibits from the OECS, as well as from HD Supply. During the exhibition, the OECS promoted the RRACC Project (Reduce the Risks to Human and Natural Assets Results from Climate Change). CAWASA Program Officer Suzanne Joseph assisted in set Minister John and Natural Assets Risks to Human Results from Climate Change). CAWASA Program Officer Suzanne Joseph assisted in setting-up Project (Reduce the Risks to Human and Natural Assets Results from Climate Change). CAWASA Program Officer Suzanneand Joseph assisted in setting-up and Guest Speaker Don degan of World manning the mini-exhibition, which drew positive responses from the water operators from around the region gathered in the twin-island st the opening of which mini-exhibition, drew positive responses from the water operators from around the region gathered in the twin-island state. manning the mini-exhibition, which drew positive responses from the water operators from around the region gathered in the twin-island state. Waste Water Solutions (Canada) Participants at the opening ceremony nce

Operators appreciated promotional mini-exhibition

igua and Barbuda for their 2013 Caribbean Water Operators Conference, participants were able to view a special exhibition put on by the gates were able to appreciate Antigua and Barbuda exhibits Minister from Johnthe OECS, as well as from HD Supply. During the exhibition, the OECS promoted the RRACC Guest Speaker Don degan Program of World Officer Suzanne Joseph assisted in setting-up and Risks to Human and Natural Assets Results from Climate Change). CAWASA maginley addressing the opening of Waste Water Solutions (Canada) mini-exhibition, which drew positive responses from the water operators from around the region gathered in theParticipants twin-island state. at the opening ceremony the conference

Operators appreciated promotional mini-exhibition

While gathered in Antigua and Barbuda for their 2013 Caribbean Water Operators Conference, participants were able to view a special exhibition put on by the OECS CAWASA delegates were able to appreciate exhibits from the OECS, as well as from HD Supply. During the exhibition, the OECS promoted the RRACC Project (Reduce the Risks to Human and Natural Assets Results from Climate Change). CAWASA Program Officer Suzanne Joseph assisted in setting-up and manning the mini-exhibition, which drewCAWASA positive responses from themember-organizations water operators from around the region gathered in the twin-island state. Logos of the various public utilities and were on display There was an interesting photographic displa ious CAWASA Logos public of utilities and member-organizations were onmember-organizations display There was display on exhibit the various CAWASA public utilities and werean oninteresting display photographic There was an interesting photographic display on exhibit

ious CAWASA public utilities and member-organizations were on display

There was an interesting photographic display on exhibit

Logos of the various CAWASA public utilities and member-organizations were on display

There was an interesting photographic display on exhibit

HD Supply took the opportunity to advertise their various wate Programme Officer Suzanne Joseph at the conference HD Supply took the opportunity to Supply advertise their various waterto products gramme Officer Suzanne Joseph at the CAWASA conference HD took the opportunity advertise their various water products CAWASA Programme Officer Suzanne Joseph at the conference

Water Operators Conference in Antigua 2013

Antiguan Students get A Treat

- By Tecla Fontenard, Communications Specialist, OECSRRACC Project -

Seventy students from two Primary statements on the global phenomenon, with Schools in Antigua paid a visit to a climate one boy student questioning why is it that change exhibition set up by the OECS- smoke and exhaust from fossil fuels don't RRACC team at the Jolly Beach Hotel. The just disperse into the infinite atmosphere. HD Supply took the opportunity advertise various gramme Officer Suzanne Joseph at the conference exhibitionto was set up their for two days water from products Why would a buildup of fumes be standJune 27-28, 2013, on the occasion of the 3rd ing still in the atmosphere?, he challenged. annual meeting of the Caribbean Waste Wa- The students were a mix of boys and ter and Sewerage Authority (CAWASA). girls with an age range of 10-13 years. Af During the schools visits, students were ter browsing the exhibits, students were engaged in discussions on issues related to quizzed on various aspects of climate the impacts of climate change in the OECS, change and were gifted with branded merand measures being taken to reduce such chandise from the RRACC Project such as impacts. Discussions also focused on efforts pencils, jotters, exercise books, caps etc. Supply opportunity to advertise their various water products CAWASA Programme Officer Suzanne Joseph at the conference to help HD citizens copetook with the the phenomenon. The exhibition provided a perfect setting The animated students showed great curi- for dialoguing and sharing knowledge on Communications Specialist for Climate Change at the OECS, osity and interest in the climate change dia- climate change, as well as on the RRACC Tecla Fontenard (left) with students at the Exhibition on Climate Change logue, some even challenging the scientific Project.

held in Antigua during the June Water Operators Conference.

Waste Water Re-Use A Caribbean Imperative

- by Tecla Fontenard, Communications Specialist, RRACC Project, OECS Secretariat meeting, which focused on What Are We Drinking? the scientists asserted that the common behaviour of treating wastewater as the poor cousin of water is not only a misjudgement but it is backward. The importance of understanding wastewater not only brings new significance to water management and distribution, but provides the seedlings for wide explorations in the reuse possibilities of wastewater for the benefit of todays eco-system. In light of current stresses on water resources, brought on by poor human practices, degraded environments, and the changing climate, everyone can do with innovative ways to identify and access new water sources. For centuries, countries have fought over oil, but if water sources continue to deplete, the new war will be about water, says Saint Lucian based Wastewater Specialist, Francis Isidore. Speaking during a brief interview with Communications Specialist of the OECSRRACC Project following the meeting, Isidore said that Water is life, but sanitation is dignity, and understanding the link between the two is a critical factor in water re-use.

hen we think of wastewater, we immediately begin to conjure up thoughts of repulsion and distaste, but wastewater is the flip side of water, say scientists at the third annual meeting of the Caribbean Waste Water and Sewerage Authority (CAWASA), which was held in Antigua and Barbuda at the end of June 2013. During the regional

January to June 2013 | Vols. 11 && 22 (Special Edition) January to June 2013 | Vols. (Special Edition)

CAWASA Secretariat News

Caribbean Water Operators Networked and Competed in Antigua!

e-Source e-Source

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Tough Competitors and Deserving Winners!

TOP: Water Operators from across the region pit their wits and professional skills against each other in friendly but fierce competition on the sidelines of their 2013 Caribbean Water Operators Conference in Antigua and Barbuda. BOTTOM: Following the contest of skills and the decisions of the judges and jury, the winners were announced all from the OECS and Windward islands -- each of whom were justly prized for emerging a cut above the rest.

1st Place: 1st Place Winner Antigua and Barbuda

2nd Place: 2nd Place Winner St. Kitts and Nevis

3rd Place: St. Lucia and St. Vincent and Grenadines 3rdthe Place Winner

4th Place: Dominica 4th Place Winner

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January to June 2013 | Vols. 1 & 2 (Special Edition)

CAWASA Secretariat News

Caribbean delegates landed at Maripasula for the week-long Cayenne Water Week. (At right is CAWASA Program Officer Suzanne Joseph).

Caribbean delegates preparing to board a canoe for a rive ride to Cayenne's Tenwrke Amerindian village.

Caribbean delegates preparing to board a canoe for a river ride to Cayenne's Tenwrke Amerindian village.

Caribbean delegates aboard another canoe for another Cayenne river ride, this time along the Maroni River.

Caribbean delegates from several English, French and Dutch-speaking islands and territories participated in a week of water activities on the banks of Cayennes Maroni River. They had been invited by President of the Communaute DAgglomeration de Centre Littoral (CACL) Cayenne, Rodolphe Alexandre, to the 11th Water Week celebrations in Cayenne from April 22-16, 2013. Photos show delegates taking in the rarerare experiences of a of French Creole-speaking Caribbean community in South America. Photos show delegates taking in the experiences a Creole-speaking Caribbean community in South America.

An Amerindian villager in Tenwrke offers a Caribbean delegate a lesson on the native process of making farine, a staple indigenous food.

CAWASA delgates gathered up-river in Tenwrke for interior water lessons.

CAWASA delegates entering a Cayenne Amerindian village after a long but interesting up-river boat ride.

January to June 2013 | Vols. 1 & 2 (Special Edition)

CAWASA Secretariat News

By Engineer Stephen Lindo


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A Tribute to Mr. Denis Yearwood, Retired General Manager of the Barbados Water Authority
Retire from work, but not from life. - M.K. Soni
The Board of Directors, Management and Staff of the Barbados Water Authority wish to congratulate Mr. Denis Kenmore Yearwood, our retiring General Manager, on a wonderful career spanning forty-one (41) years at the institution. He spent the last 21 of those years at the helm of the organisation as its CEO, and dedicated himself to leading the organisation down a successful path with integrity and compassion. Denis, the second of two children, was raised in a sparsely populated rustic village situated in the most northerly parish of the island, St. Lucy, called Rock Hall.Like most Barbadians of his era, the pursuit of excellence in education was the hallmark of his familys aspirations and he worked hard to achieve academic success. Mr. Yearwood attended the Coleridge and Parry Secondary School in St. Peter and continued his education at Harrison College in Bridgetown to complete his six form education. It was there that he excelled in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry and was awarded the prestigious Barbados Scholarship in the year 1969. After completing his undergraduate studies at the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus, in Trinidad and Tobago, he was awarded the Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering with Honours. Yearwood returned to Barbados and joined the public service in 1972 and was assigned to work at the then Waterworks Department as an engineer in the operations and maintenance section located at Bowmanston, St. John under the tutelage of engineer Strathclyde University School of Business in Scotland. There he pursued post graduate studies in Management and when on to obtain a Masters degree in Business Administration. Mr. Yearwood is also a chartered professional engineer having been admitted to Membership of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers, UK. It was evident, therefore, that Mr. Yearwoods naturally sharp and inspired mind had been thoroughly furnished with great ideas and good work ethics associated with a professional engineer and a trained manager. Denis leaves an expansive legacy of achievements as General Manager of the Barbados Water Authority; he oversaw the: Introduction of Universal Metering on the island - 1996; Establishment of Barbados first Desalination Plant at Spring Garden 1999; Comprehensive Review and Overhaul of Barbados Groundwater Protection and Zoning Policy Study; Water Resources and Water Loss Study - 1996; Design of the West Coast Sewerage Project - 2003; Replacement and installation of several miles of water mains island wide; Introduction of plastic pipes such as poly blue pipe for service connections to replace galvanized and lead pipes; Commencement of the new Barbados Water Headquarters Building at the Pine; Commissioning of the Water and Sanitation Projects with financing from the Inter-American Development Bank; Full computerization of Customer Services, Finance Departments of the BWA, Technical Sections and much more. Denis achievements went a long way towards the development of water resource management in Barbados. Under him Barbados water supply became one of the most reliable in the Caribbean. Mr. Yearwood espoused a respect for all persons and he was compassionate and accommodating to his staff and the public at large. He performed his daily tasks with honesty and a meticulous attention to detail, and accepted nothing less from his managers. His legacy will be an enlightening experience for young career aspirants to emulate, as he has clearly demonstrated how one can rise to a higher position in a career and succeed through sheer dedication, commitment and hard work. Denis always bore an infectious smile which permeated the office while he went about his daily deliberations; that smile stood out as a benchmark of this unassuming gentlemans characteristics as a professional. His 41 continuous years of service to the Barbados Water Authority speaks volumes to his commitment to the organization and to the country as a whole. We at the Barbados Water Authority look back upon Mr. Yearwoods career with a sense of great pride and accomplishment; we want to take this opportunity to thank him for his resolute contribution to the organization and to wish him a happy retirement filled with fun and good health! To his wife Pauline we say take good care of him.

Denis Yearwood Retired General Manager of the Barbados Water Authority

Ambrose Johnson. Mr. Johnson was soon promoted to perform the role of Deputy Chief Engineer and young Yearwood, fresh out of university, was entrusted with the task of managing the entire operations at Bowmanston. He had responsibility for managing and operating of all pump stations, pumping equipment and reservoirs on the island. Mr. Yearwoods thirst for education continued and he became the recipient of a Peter Moores Scholarship awarded through BIMAP to attend

Why are wetlands so important to preserve?

-- by Patricia Mancuso, Erie, PA
Wetlands include swamps, marshes, bogs, riverbanks, mangroves, floodplains, rice fields -- and anywhere else, according to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), that saturation with water is the dominant factor determining the nature of soil development and the types of plant and animal communities there. They are widespread in every country and on every continent except Antarctica. If all the worlds wetlands were put together, they would take up an area one-third larger than the United States. Environmentalists, biologists and others concerned about the health of the planet and its inhabitants recognize the key role wetlands play in life on Earth. The EPA points out that, besides containing a disproportionately high number of plant and animal species compared to other land forms, wetlands serve a variety of ecological services including feeding downstream waters, trapping floodwaters, recharging groundwater supplies, removing pollution and providing fish and wildlife habitat. Wetlands can also be key drivers of local economies, given their importance to agriculture, recreation and fishing. According to Wetlands International, a global non-profit dedicated to the conservation and restoration of wetlands around the world, wetlands are on the front-line as development pressures increase everywhere. Wetlands are vulnerable to over-exploitation due to their abundance of fish, fuel and water, reports the group, which works on the ground in 18 countries to educate the public and policymakers about the health of local wetlands and to advocate for better policies. When they are viewed as unproductive or marginal lands, wetlands are targeted for drainage and conversion. The rate of loss and deterioration of wetlands is accelerating in all regions of the world, the group adds. The pressure on wetlands is likely to intensify in the coming decades due to increased global demand for land and water, as well as climate change. The widespread expansion of development in the US in recent decades has brought the issue of wetlands loss to the forefront of debates on zoning and land use planning. One of the key and underlying issues is concern about endangered species: More than a third of

species on the US Endangered Species List live only in wetlands and almost half use them at some time during their lifecycles. While the issue lingers on in municipal planning meetings around the country, the federal government does what it can to protect wetlands. It does so through regulations spelled out in the Clean Water Act, which include providing tax incentives for selling or giving wetlands to land trusts or other conservation groups, via cooperative efforts with state and local entities, and by acquiring wetlands outright to add

acreage to public lands systems. And several states have passed laws to regulate activities in wetlands, and many municipalities include wetlands conservation in their development permitting and zoning processes. Readers can do their part by staying current on local zoning laws, keeping an eye on local wetlands and speaking up if something looks amiss. Potential problems are much easier to resolve early on than after damage is done, so speaking up soon can often lead to more successful and less contentious outcomes.

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January to June 2013 | Vols. 1 & 2 (Special Edition)

Dominica launches US$7.4 million water project

Dominica has launched an US$7.4 million water upgrade project that the authorities said would benefit thousands of residents and consumers in the north, east and south of the country. The Mero to Castle Comfort project dubbed The Third Water Supply Project Water Area-1 (WA-1) Network Upgrade the project and is being funded by a US $6.1 million loan from the Barbados-based Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), the Dominica government and the Dominica Water and Sewerage Company (DOWASCO). The CDB also gave a US$150,000 grant for technical study and capacity building. Speaking at the launch of the 42-month project in early April, DOWASCO Board of Directors member, Kay Robinson said the area is affected by turbidity and the project will assist in alleviating that problem. inadequate and storage is insufficient. The project comprises of three major areas: construction of a new intake at the Checkhall river approximately two kilometeres upstream from the existing intake; the upgrade of the network transmission and distribution system; construction of two distribution storage tanks of 100,000 gallons at Massacre and 250,000 gallons at Antrim; the upgrade of the existing Springfield intake; the Antrim filtration plant and the setting up of a leak detection and repair program. It will also include ancillary work comprising of the access road and foot path to the new Checkhall intake. Robinson noted that there will be various benefits will be derived from the project. Several benefits mainly improved water quality due to a relocated source and upgrade of the treatment plant, and consumers will be able to enjoy a more reliable water supply with minimal interruptions many major socio economic benefits, she noted. Housing, Lands, Settlements and Water Resources Management Minister, Reginald Austrie, used the launch of the project to urge nationals to review water resource management. We continue to repeat and to say that we have 365 rivers I am not sure when the last count was made but we might have a reduction in the number of rivers that we claim to have and I believe that is an awareness that we have carry across the country and we have to use all the institutions available to get that information across, he said. WA-1 is the largest out of 43 water areas island-wide servicing essential services including the Princess Margaret Hospital and various schools. It accounts for 48 percent of total water consumption.

Housing, Lands, Settlements and Water Resources Management Minister, Reginald Austrie, used the launch of the project to urge nationals to review water resource manage WA-1 is frequently compromised by extreme turbidity levels that are often accompanied by extreme rainfall in these areas and we have seen a worsening of this in recent times. This results in frequent closures of the intake since the existing treatment facility is


Water Taxi service launched in Bermuda

A new water taxi service has been launched in Bermuda, offering service across the Island Bermuda Water Taxi, operated by Captain Ashley Simmons, is hoped to provide another option for the public to travel between Dockyard, St Georges and Hamilton. Capt Simmons said: After witnessing ferries and buses transporting visitors around Bermuda, the idea came to me about offering an alternative mode of transportation with a difference. With a water taxi, tourists and locals can call for the taxi when needed or can make reservations for a pickup. The water taxi is for anyone who would like a relaxing ride to their destination, while learning about the history of our beautiful Island. The service will run between Dockyard and St Georges, Dockyard and Hamilton, and throughout the Great Sound. It operates between the hours of 8am to 7pm daily with run times of 15 and 25 minutes for a cost of $10 to $20 depending on the destination.

Efforts at Enhancing Water-based Tourism Product

t. Lucias Ministry of Tourism, Heritage and Creative Industries continues to improve the quality of the water-based tourism services and the sites and attractions sectors through training in better emergency response preparedness. This is one of the many activities undertaken by the Ministry to continue enhancing the quality of the Saint Lucian Tourism Product. Approximately 30 participants in each sub-sector receive training in June in Multi-hazard Contingency Planning Business Continuity Planning. Some of the areas participants learned about included: Introduction to the Structure of Disaster Manage-

ment in Saint Lucia-(Business Continuity and Multi-Hazard Contingency Planning for the National Tourism Sector); Introduction to Business Continuity Planning and Management; Fire Response and Preparedness; Awareness of the Standard for the Water-based Tourism Sector. Participants were expected develop or update their own business continuity plans, to be reviewed and endorsed by NEMO and endorsement for enlistment on Saint Lucia Tourist Boards Website. This training is the collaborative effort of the Ministry and its industry partners and the National Emergency Management Office (NEMO).

Water Taxis are popular and essential for visitor travel within Caribbean destinations and efforts are under way on several islands to improve the product overall.

St Lucians reminded to always be prepared St. prepared for for Drought drought
The Saint Lucia Meteorology Services confirms that the drought conditions experienced earlier are over, whilst predicting above normal rainfall for the coming months. Earlier this year authorities had declared a dry spell after recording significant reductions in rainfall for the period December to February. Signals were sent across the island for Saint Lucians to conserve water amidst lingering fears of a possible repeat of the drought of 2010. However, April came with heavy and continuous rainfall, alleviating the concerns of many who had already experienced water rationing. Director of Met Services Thomas Auguste reveals that the month of April recorded historic rainfall. He said, Actually in April the toand looking forward to the hurricane season, we believe that there is going to be a very high probability of flooding and landslides during the hurricane season. And since it is a very active season and we have had so much rainfall preceding the start of the season (which is June 1st), the alert right now is for people to be very cautious going into the hurricane season, because of the high probability of landslides due to heavy rainfall. These developments are quite in tune with the global trend of irregular weather patterns and the worsening climatic conditions. The Saint Lucia Met Services says it will continue to monitor the weather and calls on Saint Lucians and their Caribbean neighbours -- to do the same.

tal rainfall recorded at Vigie Airport is the highest that we ever recorded since we began keeping record in 1967 and at Hewanorra we had the third highest since 1973. We have officially declared that the drought is over and the forecast for the next 3 4 month is normal to above normal rainfall.

The rainfall recorded at George F.L. Charles Airport was 343mm and at Hewanorra International Airport 277.7 mm. Saint Lucians were encouraged to start taking all the necessary precaution ahead of this hurricane season. According to Mr Auguste, Looking at the increased rainfall in recent times

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January to June 2013 | Vols. 1 & 2 (Special Edition)

sions that involve all relevant actors, from investors to users, she continued. A new UN Water analytical brief on water security released today on the occasion of World Water Day underlines that numerous examples from across the globe demonstrate that shared waters provide opportunities for cooperation across nations and support political dialogue on broader issues such as regional economic integration, environmental conservation, and sustainable development. Cooperation mechanisms can vary in terms of decisionmaking structures, levels of participation, and rules and regulations,but the principle remains the same: when water resources are cooperatively shared and managed, peace, prosperity and sustainable development are more likely to be achieved. Cooperation can help overcome inequity and prevent conflicts, and thus contribute to poverty eradication, socio-economic development and improve living conditions and educational chances, especially of women and children. Once again, UN-Water has awarded two projects that contribute to the fulfilment of international commitments made on water and water-related issues this year. The UN Water "Water for Life" Best Practices Award was given to a project implemented in the city of Kumamoto in Japan for the conservation of groundwater resources and to the Safe Water and Sanitation for All initiative in the Republic of Moldova, aimed at improving coverage in rural areas of the country. The Rio+20 outcome document identifies water as a key area for achieving sustainable development. The International Year of Water Cooperation is in fact providing excellent opportunities for engagement and dialogue in the UN System and among Member States on all waterrelated issues in the context of the Rio+20 outcomes and moving towards 2015, said Mr Michel Jarraud in his keynote at the World Water Day celebrations in The Hague, The Netherlands. World Water Day and the International Year of Water Cooperation certainly give us the opportunity to reflect on the benefits of cooperation and promote increased cooperation at all levels for the management and use of Water resources as a way to achieve sustainable development.

World Water Day celebrations and High Level Forum held in the Netherlands
The World Water Day celebrations organized by the United Nations and the Government of The Netherlands on March 23rd in The Hague addressed both water cooperation and the outcomes from the Thematic Consultation on Water in the post-2015 agenda. The programme of the day involved political and governmental leaders and members of the UN High Level Panel on the Post 2015 Development Agenda, and included inspirational speeches, presentations and interactive discussions. A series of thematic sessions also gave the opportunity to reflect on the different dimensions of water cooperation, and brought new ideas and innovative approaches from different sectors of society. Challenges identified on 21 March at the Multi-stakeholder Dialogue on Water organized by the Dutch Government were incorporated in the thematic sessions

World Water Day Message from UN Water

Cooperation for peace, prosperity and sustainable development.

Cooperating around this precious resource is key for security, poverty eradication, social equity and gender equality. Water is central to the well-being of people and the planet," Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said in his video message for the International Year of Water Cooperation 2013. "We must work together to protect and carefully manage this fragile, finite resource." Every action involving water management and use requires effective cooperation between multiple actors, whether at the local or the international scale. In recognition of this reality, the United Nations General Assembly declared 2013 to be the International Year of Water Cooperation, following a proposal from a group of Member States led by Tajikistan. World Water Day, celebrated on 22 March, is dedicated to the same theme this year. UNESCO, in collaboration with UNECE and UN DESA, is leading activities for both the Year and the Day on behalf of UN Water. Today, over 780 million people do not have access to improved sources of drinking water and 2.5 billion people are without improved sanitation. Population growth associated with changing consumption patterns, especially in cities, is driving an increase in water demand. Our lifestyles are more water-hungry. With the world population expected to grow from a little over 7 billion today to 8 billion by 2025, water withdrawals should increase by 50 per-

CEHI warns host country:

Water resources in a precarious state!

In observance of World Water Day 2013 the Caribbean Environmental Health Institute (CEHI) warned host country that St. Lucia's water resources were in a precarious state. CEHI, which is located in Castries, said poor land use practices within watersheds that include deforestation and pollution of rivers had left them with reduced flows and often times leaden with silt and other contaminants. CEHI said in its message to mark the occasion, "Watershed degradation has direct impacts on the quality of water that we rely on for drinking. Climate change is expected to worsen the situation as rainfall patterns are expected to change, with droughts becoming more severe and prolonged, and during the hurricane season, storms and hurricanes are expected to increase in intensity causing damage to our fragile water supply systems. "Combined with all of these challenges we often waste water as we do not appreciate its true value. The little value we place on water is directly contributory to the issues that our lone water utility faces in terms of adequately meeting the costs it takes to produce water and deliver it safely to our homes and businesses". With the current drought conditions being experienced and on the eve of the Commemoration of World Water Day on March 22, it was a good time "to reflect on our water issues and what we need to do to make out country more water secure", CEHI said. The United Nations has designated the year 2013 as the International Year for Water Cooperation and in commemoration, countries are encouraged to celebrate their efforts at solving the world's water problems through collaborative efforts amongst all partners; the local community, government, the private sector, water and sewerage service providers, water sector financiers, regional and international technical and donor agencies. As part of activities to mark World Water Day, a Symposium on Water was held in Castries organized jointly by the CEHI, the Caribbean Water and Wastewater Association and the Caribbean Water and Sewerage Association, in association with the Ministry of Sustainable Development.

The fulfillment of basic human needs, the environment, socio economic development and poverty reduction are all dependent on water. cent in developing countries and by 18 percent in developed countries. Water for irrigation and food production constitutes one of the greatest pressures on freshwater resources. An estimated 148 states share a basin with one or several countries, which is a potential source of conflict, as actions upstream have impacts on downstream countries. The Danube, for example, is shared by 19 countries, and the Nile River by 11. Water overextraction, diversion, pollution,scarcity and the neglect of existing agreements are often at the roots of water tensions. Governments must commit to finding inclusive and cooperative solutions to water challenges, said Ms Irina Bokova in her messages on the occasion of World Water Day. For this, we must take deci-

We are only the custodians of this Planet!

World Water Day Message from the St. Lucia Water Resources Management Agency
The Water Resources Management Agency (WRMA) of the Ministry of Sustainable. Development, Energy, Science and Technology and the rest of the world today celebrates World Water Day under theme Water Cooperation. The observance of World Water Day is an initiative that grew out of the 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio De Janerio, Brazil. Coming out of this conference, the UN General Assembly designated March 22nd of each year as the World Water Day. At its 58th session the UN proclaimed that the years 20052015 as the International Decade for Action with a special focus on the participation on women. Member states devote this day to implement some of the UN recommendations and to organize activities as deemed appropriate in the local context. Water Cooperation, on the international plain, would mean cooperation for peace, security, sustainable development and the environment, cooperation for poverty alleviation and universal access to clean potable water for all. In the St. Lucian context, the problem that we are grappling with as it relates to water cooperation is that of water pollution which generally stems from the improper disposal waste and waste water or bad land management practices which leads to a reduction our water quality and quantity. The world has enough water to quench its 7 billion peoples thirst. What we at WRMA are asking is for all of us to cooperate and adhere to the global principles including our own Water and Sewerage Act No. 14, 2005 which governs our local water resources. We need to be mindful of the end users, we need not pollute our waterways, for our society, fauna and flora depends on it for its sustainability and by extension our survival. Over the last few years, transboundary water management has ended up in major disputes between rival nations so this years theme is quite apt in that it is seeking to build respect, mutual understanding and trust amongst neighbours thereby promoting peace whilst encouraging economic and social growth. So, as we place attention on todays commemoration, WRMA is imploring St Lucians and persons throughout the region to conserve our water resources, use it sparingly, harvest rain water where and when possible, try to develop the culture of re-use for in doing so we are in fact training the next generation of water users the healthy habit of water conservation practices particularly now as we are seemingly facing a looming water scarcity issue. Remember, we didnt just inherit this planet from our forefathers we are only the custodians for our children and grand children.

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2013: International Year of Water Cooperation

All About International Water Cooperation Year

In December 2010, following the proposal initiated by Tajikistan and submitted by a group of countries, the United Nations General Assembly declared 2013 as the United Nations International Year of Water Cooperation. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) was appointed by UNWater to lead the preparations for both the 2013 International Year of Water Cooperation and the World Water Day, in collaboration with the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and with the support of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), the UN-Water Decade Programme on Capacity Development (UNW-DPC) and the UN-Water Decade Programme on Advocacy and Communication (UNW-DPAC). UN-Water has called upon UNESCO to lead the 2013 International Year

of Water Cooperation in view of the organizations multi-dimensional mandate in the realm of natural and social sciences, culture, education and communication, and its significant and long-standing contribution to the management of the worlds freshwater resources.

Water Cooperation: Whats it all about?

The fulfillment of basic human needs, our environment, socio-economic development and poverty reduction are all heavily dependent on water. Good management of water is especially challenging due to some of its unique characteristics: it is unevenly distributed in time and space, the hydrological cycle is highly complex and perturbations have multiple effects. Rapid urbanization, pollution and climate change threaten the resource while demands for water are increasing in order to satisfy the needs of a growing world population, now at over seven billion people, for food production, energy, industrial and domestic uses. Water is a shared resource and its management needs to take into account a wide variety of conflicting interests. This provides opportunities for cooperation among users. In designating 2013 as the UN International Year of Water Cooperation, the UNGA recognizes that cooperation is essential to strike a balance between the different needs and priorities and share this precious resource equitably, using water as an instrument of peace. Promoting water cooperation implies an interdisciplinary approach bringing in cultural, educational and scientific factors, as well as religious, ethical, social, political, legal, institutional and economic dimensions.

Mutual trust and understanding community needs key for successful water cooperation
Mutual trust and understanding the real needs of communities have been emphasized as key factors for successful water cooperation by the participants of the International UN-Water Conference on water cooperation which took place from 8 to 10 January in Zaragoza, Spain. The participants shared a wide range of initiatives, including experiences in rural and urban areas, and cases at country and basin level, to identify lessons learned and key success factors. The need for cooperation was highlighted as critical for sustainable water management. Micro-irrigation practices and experiences from water user associations and small communities in Peru, Kenya, Guatemala, Bolivia, Madagascar, Ethiopia and India, examples of multisectoral collaboration in different cities around the world, and partnerships between public and private actors have been discussed. Cases from Kenya and Bolivia demonstrated that the existence of a legal framework to support the creation of collective water management is important but it is implementation which is determinant. To actually realize cooperative water management, the implementation of a system of incentives and penalties is also required. While political will enables the development of laws and regulations, implementation should come from local organizations and institutions. Identifying appropriate solutions can be hampered by differences in perceptions, as demonstrated by specific cases in Peru and Kenya, where projects failed because irrigation technologies were imposed without taking into consideration traditional practices and perspectives. While financing is important and water user associations are often created through development cooperation funds, it should be complemented by cooperation and mutual support between sectors and users to become sustainable. Trust forms the foundation on which the house of water cooperation can be built. We should invest in generating trust declared Victor Viuales, director of the Spanish NGO Ecology and Development (ECODES), who has participated in this conference. Overexploitation of aquifers was one of the other main themes in which the collective management by organizations such as water user associations has been recognized as essential. In cases such as the aquifer of the Bajo Llobregat in Spain, the fact that all stakeholder felt the urgent need for cooperation was the key success factor for sustainable basin management. Presenters of this and other cases emphasized the importance of building relationships between water user communities and authorities based on mutual respect and avoiding paternalistic attitudes. According to Brice Lalonde, Executive Coordinator of Rio+20 at the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs We are entering the era of water reuse. Particularly in cities, water reuse is imperative. Learning how to cooperate to recycle water among different users and sectors is crucial for providing access to safe sanitation to the 2.6 billion people who are currently lacking this basic service. On the last day of the Conference, the Spanish case was analyzed. International participants gained insights on participatory processes implemented in the Ebro River Basin with the Basin Authority model as an example which can inspire other countries. Other shared examples of cooperation and collaboration between organizations included the Spanish Cooperation Fund for Water and Sanitation, and a number of solidarity projects and participatory processes in the regions of Aragon and Navarra in Spain. Political will, legal frameworks, accountability and institutional structures provide a solid foundation for water cooperation. Achieving water cooperation is the result of a long term process which requires time, patience and mutual trust summarized Josefina Maestu, director of the UN Office to support the International Decade for Action Water for Life 2005-2015 when closing the Conference.

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January to June 2013 | Vols. 1 & 2 (Special Edition)

Facts and Figures
An increasing demand
The cost of adapting to the impacts of a 2C rise in global average temperature could range from US$70 to $100 billion per year between 2020 and 2050 (World Bank, 2010). Of this cost, between US$13.7 billion (drier scenario) and $19.2 billion (wetter scenario) will be related to water, predominantly through water supply and flood management.

A resource without borders

Water is not confined to political borders. An estimated 148 states have international basins within their territory (OSU, n.d., 2008 data), and 21 countries lie entirely within them (OSU, n.d, 2002 data). There are 276 transboundary river basins in the world (64 transboundary river basins in Africa, 60 in Asia, 68 in Europe, 46 in North America and 38 in South America). 185 out of the 276 transboundary river basins, about two-thirds, are shared by two countries. 256 out of 276 are shared by 2, 3 or 4 countries (92,7%), and 20 out of 276 are shared by 5 or more countries (7,2%), the maximum being 18 countries sharing a same transboundary river basin (Danube). 46% of the globes (terrestrial) surface is covered by transboundary river basins. 148 countries include territory within one or more transboundary river basins. 39 countries have more than 90% of their territory within one or more transboundary river basins, and 21 lie entirely within one or more of these watersheds. Russian Federation shares 30 transboundary river basins with riparian countries, Chile and United States 19, Argentina and China 18, Canada 15, Guinea 14, Guatemala 13, and France 10. Africa has about one-third of the worlds major international water basins basins larger than 100,000 km2. Virtually all sub-Saharan African countries, and Egypt, share at least one international water basin. Depending on how they are counted, there are between 63 (UNEP, 2010b) and 80 (UNECA, 2000) transboundary river and lake basins on the African continent. Rich nations are tending to maintain or increase their consumption of natural resources (WWF, 2010), but are exporting their footprints to producer, and typically, poorer, nations. European and North American populations consume a considerable amount of virtual water embedded in imported food and products. Each person in North America and Europe (excluding former Soviet Union countries) consumes at least 3 m3 per day of virtual water in imported food, compared to 1.4 m3 per day in Asia and 1.1 m3 per day in Africa (Zimmer and Renault, n.d.). Land grabbing is another increasingly common phenomenon. Saudi Arabia, one of the Middle Easts largest cereal growers, announced it would cut cereal production by 12% a year to reduce the unsustainable use of groundwater. To protect its water and food security, the Saudi government issued incentives to Saudi corporations to lease large tracts of land in Africa for agricultural production. By investing in Africa to produce its staple crops, Saudi Arabia is saving the equivalent of hundreds of millions of gallons of water per year and reducing the rate of depletion of its fossil aquifers. Nearly all Arab countries suffer from water scarcity. An estimated 66% of the Arab regions available surface freshwater originates outside the region.

85% of the world population lives in the driest half of the planet. 783 million people do not have access to clean water and almost 2.5 billion do not have access to adequate sanitation. 6 to 8 million people die annually from the consequences of disasters and waterrelated diseases. Various estimates indicate that, based on business as usual, ~3.5 planets Earth would be needed to sustain a global population achieving the current lifestyle of the average European or North American. Global population growth projections of 23 billion people over the next 40 years, combined with changing diets, result in a predicted increase in food demand of 70% by 2050. Over half of the world population lives in urban areas, and the number of urban dwellers grows each day. Urban areas, although better served than rural areas, are struggling to keep up with population growth (WHO/UNICEF, 2010). With expected increases in population, by 2030, food demand is predicted to increase by 50% (70% by 2050) (Bruinsma, 2009), while energy demand from hydropower and other renewable energy resources will rise by 60% (WWAP, 2009). These issues are interconnected increasing agricultural output, for example, will substantially increase both water and energy consumption, leading to increased competition for water between water-using sectors. Water availability is expected to decrease in many regions. Yet future global agricultural water consumption alone is estimated to increase by ~19% by 2050, and will be even greater in the absence of any technological progress or policy intervention. Water for irrigation and food production constitutes one of the greatest pressures on freshwater resources. Agriculture accounts for ~70% of global freshwater withdrawals (up to 90% in some fast-growing economies). Economic growth and individual wealth are shifting diets from predominantly starch-based to meat and dairy, which require more water. Producing 1 kg of rice, for example, requires ~3,500 L of water, 1 kg of beef ~15,000 L, and a cup of coffee ~140 L (Hoekstra and Chapagain, 2008). This dietary shift is the greatest to impact on water consumption over the past 30 years, and is likely to continue well into the middle of the twenty-first century (FAO, 2006). About 66% of Africa is arid or semi-arid and more than 300 of the 800 million people in sub-Saharan Africa live in a water-scarce environment meaning that they have less than 1,000 m3 per capita (NEPAD, 2006).

The treatment of wastewater requires significant amounts of energy, and demand for energy to do this is expected to increase globally by 44% between 2006 and 2030 (IEA, 2009), especially in non-OECD countries where wastewater currently receives little or no treatment (Corcoran et al., 2010). Pollution knows no borders either. Up to 90% of wastewater in developing countries flows untreated into rivers, lakes and highly productive coastal zones, threatening health, food security and access to safe drinking and bathing water Over 80% of used water worldwide is not collected or treated (Corcoran et al., 2010).

The impact of climate change

The IPCC predicts with high confidence that water stress will increase in central and southern Europe, and that by the 2070s, the number of people affected will rise from 28 million to 44 million. Summer flows are likely to drop by up to 80% in southern Europe and some parts of central and Eastern Europe. Europes hydropower potential is expected to drop by an average of 6%, but rise by 2050% around the Mediterranean by 2070 (Alcamo et al., 2007).

Cooperation, a contrasted reality

There are numerous examples where transboundary waters have proved to be a source of cooperation rather than conflict. Nearly 450 agreements on international waters were signed between 1820 and 2007 (OSU, 2007). Over 90 international water agreements were drawn up to help manage shared water basins on the African continent (UNEP, 2010).

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Rate Increases with Popular Participation

How one Caribbean Government government brought broughtwater waterrates ratesup-to-date up to date after 13 tear -- or or even even a after 13 years years with with hardly hardly a a sweat, sweat, at a tear a protest! protest!
Saint Lucians are paying more for water much more, they will tell you, as Water rates have gone up 66.15% and Sewerage rates up by 50.8%. Whopping figures, you will say. But its also the very first increase awarded to the local Water and Sewage Company (WASCO). For over a dozen years the islands publicly owned company has been going deeper and deeper into the red, only to be rescued every year by the Government. Efforts were made to privatize WASCO, but plans ran into legal problems following a change of government in 2006. Another government change in 2011 removed privatization off the board, opting instead for joint Public/Private participation. WASCOs finances were killed by a growing number of defaulters not paying bills and water being stolen through illegal connections. The company was always unable to pay its monthly electricity bills and normal salary demands grew after the union representing workers successfully negotiated a 10% wage increase. Last December, with Christmas approaching, workers took strike action to press for payment of their increases, forcing the company to turn to the government for yet another bailout. The government took the bull by the horns and engaged the mechanism to determine whether the company deserved a rate increase and how to go about it. WASCO submitted its proposals and justification arguments to the islands Water and Sewerage Commission which oversees developments in the water sector, which then invited the public to comment on the proposals and called for consumers to also get involved in the exercise, to help determine how much they will pay for water. Following the period of national consultation, the Commission deliberated on all the submission and suggestions and recommendations and considered all the arguments. It then announced that the existing rate structure for Water was changed and the increase requested by WASCO for Sewerage was reduced. Under the new structure, the overall rate for water would see 55.72% of the 66.15% go towards water, while the rest (10.43%) will go towards the dredging of the massive John Compton Dam at Roseau, which WASCO is also responsible for. Dredging of the heavily-silted dam is expected to be completed within two years, but if it is to continue after the allocated two years, WASCO would have to justify that continuation. It means that after the completion of the dredging, the 10.43% would be knocked off the water rate, reducing it to 55.72%. The commission also dictated that any dredging would have to undergo competitive bidding.

The Roseau Dam has remained largely clogged since Hurricane Tomas and requires a massive de-silting operation that will cost more than the company will ever be able to afford under the old rates. Regarding Sewerage rates, the originally proposed 140.30% was reduced to 50.8% after final comments from the public, to avoid a public rate shock. Based on data provided by WASCO, the Commission sought to determine the rate and the revenue requirement of the company, which it placed at EC $60,546,307.00 per annum. It therefore awarded increases it felt would meet the companys needs, but also sought certain public guarantees from the company. The following new rates were agreed: Domestic the first 3,000 gallons (which previously cost EC $7.35) was increased by $4.86 (66.15%) to $12.21. In excess of 3,000 gallons (originally EC $15.00) now costs EC $9.42. The minimum charge for 2,000 gallons was EC $14.70 and is now EC $24.42. Commercial/Industrial Water: The former price per 1,000 gallons was $20.00 and the new tariff is EC$33.23. Hotels paid EC$22.00 per 1,000 gallons the new rate is EC$36.55. Government paid $14 per 1,000 gallons, but the new rate is EC$66.46. Ships -- which are charged the highest rates -- paid EC$40.00 per 1,000 gallons, but the new rate is EC $66.46. The Commission held discussions with the Minister for Sustainable Development, Energy, Science and Technology regarding Service Standards for WASCO and indicated it wanted the Water and Sewerage (Service Standards) Regulations enacted without delay. Following the new rate increases, WASCO also now has to submit quarterly reports to the Commission with the following information: Non-revenue water, outstanding debts (inactive customers), information on the governments Amnesty Programme (to benefit defaulters), staffing information (including recruitment and category), customer complaints, accounting system, customers (active or otherwise) and category, service interruption (areas, duration and reasons) and detailed information on selling expenses. The Commission has made it clear to WASCO that, with the new tariff increase, it also expects to see some level of improvement at WASCO and will engage WASCO to establish certain targets, which must be achieved during the tariff period of three years. The Commission will also monitor increased efficiency, increased response to customers complaints and more reliable service delivery. A water rate increase isnt easy anywhere, especially these days. No Caribbean country can simply raise rates these days without some form of organized protest. That didnt happen in St. Lucia, not because people can afford, but because everyone accepted WASCO needed to raise its own cash, as government is already cash-strapped. The St. Lucia reality like elsewhere in the Caribbean is that consumers would readily spend more on bottled water than on locally produced potable (pipe) water. Many spend more on imported bottled water than on paying monthly water bills. The age-old island-wide water distribution plant is badly in need of rehabilitation, if not replacement, but neither the Government nor WASCO can afford. The decision to charge more for water came after implementation of a 15% VAT rate and preceded the removal of half governments the subsidies on sugar, rice and flour. There had also been a reduction in fuel subsidies with petrol rates at the pump and the cost of LPG (cooking gas) returned to the dictates of the world market price for oil. That St. Lucians did not demonstrate against the steep increases in water rates had as much to do with their understanding of the national state of economic play as with the manner in which the increase was approached. The government didnt just go to the parliament and pass a new law to dictate an increase. Instead, it engaged the public and the stakeholders in the process and allowed a commissioned body to professionally guide the process. The water company pleaded for all the more money it needs, the consumers listened and listed their complaints and demands, the commission listened to all and took all arguments into consideration, then arrived at a proposed conclusion. That too was publicized and the consumers again had their say, resulting in a downward adjustment of the commissions earlier proposed Sewerage rate. And no, the Commission not the Minister, not the Cabinet is holding WASCO to task to ensure that what it agreed to do is implemented so that what was promised to water consumers is delivered. St. Lucias water situation is not much different to that of any other similar Caribbean island. Whats different is how the problem is being approached. The Popular Participation element is a feature worth studying and emulating elsewhere, as it had paid dividends in St. Lucia. The offer of an Amnesty to defaulters has also helped. With WASCO now given the liquid life-saver of an increase in Water and Sewerage rates, it is expected that the many long years of criticism of WASCO will become, sooner rather than later, like water under the bridge!

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150,000-gallon tank to provide daily life water to 3,000

Schlueter and District Governor-elect Herve Honore, officially turned on the valve to commission the water tank. Dr. Lewis apologized for the absence of Prime Minister Dr. Kenny Anthony, who was in Cuba on government business. According Acting Prime Minister Dr Lewis, WASCOs motto is water is life. When NASA astronauts are going on space explorations, the first thing they want to know is: Is there water? Therefore, we recognize the importance of such a project for the people of PlateauBabonneau -- and by the extension the people of St. Lucia -- so I thank you on behalf of the government and people of St. Lucia. Public Relations Officer for the project, Judy Deterville, said A sustained education and awareness programme forms a significant part of this project. This will not only impact the community, but will be relevant for the country as a whole. While it may be more difficult to change the mindset of an ageing population, working to change behaviors in children will impact the future. They will grow with the right attitude to conserve, protect and use water responsibly. The community and the country will continue to benefit long after the grant funds have been expended. Rotary officials acknowledged the contribution of quantity surveyor Brad Paul, one of the longest-serving Rotarians on the island. His assistance was deemed as priceless, to say the least, according to one speaker. He saved the club US$30,000 within the first week of taking on the responsibility of overseeing the construction aspect of the tank, which kept the construction cost both in cash and kind at $700,000.00.

Ministers all in a row... (left to right) Sports Minister Shawn Edward, Water Minister Jimmy James, Commerce Minister Emma Hippolyte, Home Affairs and National Security Minister Philip La Corbiniere and Health Minister Alvina Reynolds.

By Marius Modeste
St. Lucias Water and Sewerage Company WASCOs motto is Water is Life and everyone was reminded recently when the Rotary Club of St. Lucia officially handed over a 150,000 imperial gallon water tank at Plateau-Babonneau that will serve over 3,000 residents. One of the more critical needs in every community is to have running water as frequently as necessary or possible. Without access to water, the effects of every single social problem are amplified. Communities to be served by the new tank report that they generally receive water one day a week. Some areas have never received running water, which makes it common to see women and children walking up steep hillsides with pails of water. Some communities within the project area

collect water from the river. In his welcome remarks, Rotarian Timothy Moffat said, This project The Water Tank -- is by far the biggest project Rotary has taken on in St. Lucia in over thirty years. After storms and hurricanes, water becomes very unreliable and could be the cause for health problems -- and for this reason, Minister of Health Alvina Reynolds (who is also the Parliamentary Representative for the area), heaped praise on all the various Rotary branches in St. Lucia and the USA that contributed to the success of the project. Leading members of Rotary and caregivers in the NICE Program sometimes had to carry water to bathe and take care of the elderly persons -- and they too thanked the Rotarians for this precious gift. Acting Prime Minister Dr Robert Lewis, along with District Governor Steve

District Governor Steve Schlueter sipped the first cup of water

The Babonneau Water Project is expected to initially provide approximately 3,000 residents with potable running water on a daily basis. An elderly gentleman said at the handing-over ceremony, Rotary gives life water. The same way the Rotary wheel turns, the same way it acts positively on the lives of others. The senior citizen went on to say, This new water supply will lengthen our lives, as we will have less water-borne diseases and less burdens of carrying water up the hill.

Water leak halts spacewalk

From the Wide World to our Caribbean Sea

The Evolution of UNEP's Caribbean Environment Programme (CEP) Stockhol, Sweden, 1972 was the venue of the historic United Nations Confrence on the Human Environment that led to the formation of the United Nations Environemnt Programme (UNEP). In 1974, UNEP launched its Regional Seas Programme with the Caribbean Sea indentified as one of its most important regions. In 1976, at the request of Governments of the Wider Caribbean, UNEP initiated the development of the Caribbean Action Plan. In 1981, at Montego Bay, Jamaica, the Caribbean Action Plan was adopted. In 1983 at Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, Governments of the Wider Caribbean Region adopted the Convention for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment of the Wider Caribbean Region known also as the Cartagena Convention. In 1986, the Caribbean Regional Coordinating Unit was established in Kingston, Jamaica and is hosted by the Government of Jamaica. This Unit is the Secretariat for the CEP. It works in conjunction with a number of national agencies as well as through its Regional Activity Centres (RACs): Center of Engineering and Environmental Management of Coasts and Bays (Cimab) in Cuba, Institute of Marine Affairs (IMA) in Trinidad and Tobago, Regional Marine Maritime Pollution Emergency Information and Training Centre (REMPEITC- Caribe) in Curacao, as well as the SPAW RAC in Guadeloupe, France. Beloved Threat Oil and its by-products are precious commodities that fetch high prices on world trade markets and fuel modern day necessities. Ships, aircraft and motor vehicles as well as our national electricity supplies depend on oil. But when oil seeps into our waterways and spill in our seas it becomes a hazard of huge proportions. Fish kills follow, marine life is compromised and entire habitats on which fishing, tourism and recreation depend are threatened, if not permanently destroyed. Cherished Seascapes Whether the West Indian Manatee, the tasty spiny lobster and conch that are over-harvested delicacies, sea-birds or sea turtles, coral reefs, mangroves or sea grass beds, the Caribbean seascape, like its landscape, is bursting with beauty of an exquisite kind and outstanding economic value. Much of it is now threatened and too much is disappearing. Death on Tides Sewage, pesticides, fertilizers, eroded soil, used oil and dangerous industrial chemicals, sunscreen, simple throwaways like styrofoam containers and plastic bags from seaside picnics and regular household garbage... all these find their way into the sea. Though the horizon seems limitless and ocean depths beyond measure, our finite seas and fragile sea creatures are being slowly poisoned. After a storm or hurricane, the things we thought that we had thrown "away" stare back at us. The garbage piled on sandy beaches by the last high tides is strewn amongst the tell-take signs of damaged coral reefs and threatened wildlife. Changing our attitudes and behaviour on land can turn again the tide of death that threatens our coastal waters.

This was the second spacewalk in eight days for Mr Parmitano (L) and Chris Cassidy (R) NASA was recently forced to abort a spacewalk at the International Space Station (ISS) because of a dangerous water leak in an astronaut's helmet. The leak was so bad that Luca Parmitano, Italy's first spacewalker, could not hear or speak as the spacewalk came to an abrupt end. So bad it was that he asked his spacewalking partner, Christopher Cassidy, for help getting back inside the ISS. The source of the leak wasn't immediately known but one possible source being considered was the helmet drink bag that astronauts sip from during spacewalks. However, Mr Parmitano reported that it didn't taste like drinking water. Before crewmates inside yanked off his helmet, Mr Parmitano said: "It's a lot of water." NASA rarely cuts a spacewalk short, but the Italian could have choked on the floating water droplets in the helmet. The trouble cropped up barely an hour into what was to be a six-hour spacewalk to perform cabling work and other routine maintenance. It was the astronauts second spacewalk in eight days. Mr Parmitano startled everyone when he announced that he felt a lot of water on the back of his head. He had first thought the liquid was sweat brought on by the exertion of the job. But he was repeatedly assured it could not be. Early estimates suggested about half a litre of water had leaked out. The water eventually got into Mr Parmitanos eyes. When that happened, ground controllers ordered the two men back inside the station.

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CReW examines status of LBS Protocol in Selected Countries

GEF CReWs Regional Baseline Assessment included an assessment of the status of the Protocol Concerning Pollution from Land-Based. Sources and Activities (the LBS Protocol) in selected Caribbean countries - Antigua & Barbuda, Barbados, Guyana, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent & the Grenadines, Suriname and Trinidad & Tobago. This aimed to provide a baseline for the design and implementation of future capacity building interventions. Of the countries surveyed, Suriname is the only country that has not yet acceded to the Cartagena Convention, while Barbados and St. Vincent & the Grenadines have not ratified or acceded to the LBS Protocol. The other four countries - Antigua and Barbuda, Guyana, St. Lucia and Trinidad. Trinidad & Tobago have ratified or acceded to both the Convention and the Protocol. The study confirmed that there is a great disparity between the countries with respect to their status in relation to the Protocol. While all of the countries have to some extent sought to prevent, reduce and control pollution of the marine environment from land-based sources and activities, some have made more progress than others. It also confirmed that even those countries that have not yet acceded to the Protocol are undertaking activities that fall within its purview. The study found that these countries generally face the same challenges and constraints in their efforts to address Protocol related activities, to varying extents: Lack of financing. Inadequate (and sometimes uncoordinated) policy, legislative and institutional frameworks to facilitate the fulfilment of the countries obligations under the Protocol. Lack of human, financial and technical resources. Old infrastructure. Lack of adequate maintenance and poor operational systems. A need for sustained water quality monitoring programmes as well as more comprehensive information management systems. A need for more focussed public awareness and environmental education programmes in respect of pollution of the marine environment. The assessment covered: the status of river and coastal water quality; status of implementation of Protocol related activities; areas relating to the Protocol that are of greatest concern to the countries; challenges faced in the implementation of the Protocol; and areas where CReW can assist in addressing the challenges faced. In countries which have not already acceded to the LBS Protocol it also included: areas relating to the Protocol that are of greatest concern; the main stumbling blocks to ratification; a list of areas where CReW can assist in moving the accession process forward; and recommended steps to be taken to accede to the Protocol. Areas where assistance is needed included the following, most of which were identified by all or most of the countries: Funding for the development of laboratory capacity in support of monitoring programmes;

CReW Project Coordinator Denise Forrest explaining some of the findings Formulation and implementation of relevant policies; Enhancing institutional capacity through training and the provision of technical and other assistance; Review of the legislative and regulatory framework and drafting of legislation to address the weaknesses and gaps identified; Design and implementation of public awareness and environmental educational programmes; Accessing and adopting more appropriate technology; Establishing data management systems both for national analytical purposes and for facilitating the exchange of information; Evaluation of the economic impacts of pollution resulting from nutrients and wastewater; Provision of easy financial arrangements to assist industries in upgrading their treatment; Developing public awareness programmes; Guidance on the development of a wastewater permitting systems. The assessment concluded that all of the countries, whether or not they have acceded to the Protocol, face some challenges in respect of addressing Protocol related activities. Through Component 2 Reforms for Wastewater Management, CReW is working with these countries to prioritize and deliver activities which address some of these needs. It is however up to the countries themselves to commit to the implementation of the Protocol related activities and to integrating them into national agendas and the work programmes of implementing agencies.

Bottled Water quality being assessed for approval

With the increasing use of bottles water across the Caribbean, more and more countries are taking steps to ensure proper quality water is offered to consumers. St. Lucia is no exception and recently, Paradise Springs Ltd and Sunfresh Limited -- both bottlers of purified drinking water on the island -- were informed they had met the requirements to be reissued licenses for use of the St. Lucia Standard Mark. This showed the two companies had maintained rigorous standards regimes to satisfy the Bureau they had met the requirements for certification to use the quality seal. Paradise Springs has for the last 11 years been relicensed to use the mark, making the company the longest user of the Saint Lucia Standard Mark. Sunfresh Ltd, bottlers of Winfresh H2OPurified Drinking Water, was first licensed in 2010. Head of Certification at the Bureau, Dr Xanthe Dubison said, "These companies have been involved in the bottling of purified drinking water and the licensing agreement is basically the end result of our product certification programme. This involves a regime of inspection and auditing shows the quality seal, which provides the consumer that level of confidence in the product. On the importance of the license, Dubison said: "We have two national standards against which these companies are assessed. These companies, once they have passed the inspection are issued a license which vertically states that they have met the requierments of the Standards. General Manager of Sunfresh, Tessa Bolard, expressed her gratitude for the licensing: "We are pleased to be associated with the Bureau of Standards and to be licensed under them to produce bottled water. You have to attain a particular level to attain the license, and this is what we have done." General Manager of Goddard Catering and Paradise Water, Anthony Samuel, said: "We were one of the first bottled water companies to carry the Standards mark, which we are very proud of. Carrying the standards mark is very important because it associates us with the quality that we pride our water on. Having the Bueau involved was good for us because it ensured that we stuck to the requirements needed for the health and safety of the consumers."

of the facilities, followed by testing of the product. There are two elements involved in the Product Certification Pro-

gramme: quality management and food safety systems. These are implemented at the level of the manufacturing facilities. The product label

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Wastewater & Management in the Caribbean: Cooperation for Action

Caribbean Water & Wastewater Association ND

in collaboration with

The Barbados Water Authority

Barbados Hilton Resort, Needhams Point, St. Michael, BARBADOS


October 6: Registration & Exhibition Set-up

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October 7: Registration, Exhibition Set-up, Official Opening Ceremony & Welcome Reception October 8: Exhibition Opens with Ribbon Cutting Ceremony October 810: Exhibition, Plenary Sessions, Technical Sessions, October 11: Tours & Field Trips, Awards Ceremony The Planning Committee reserves the right to make adjustments to this schedule for the enhancement and benefit of all participants.

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