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Saravana Kumar.

L2-Desktop Support Engineer #8/2/1,13th cross, 7th Main, Bhuvaneshwari Nagar, K P Agrahara, Bangalore- !""23# $%ail&'aran2 17(g%ail#co% Mo)ile& *1 *7318"7!18

CSCO12405 833

Objective: +o see, an e%-lo.%ent o--ortunit. with a co%-an. that o//ers a challenging -osition in the 0+ /iel1 where %. technical s,ills can )e o/ use to the $sta)lish%ent an1 where there is a chance /or unli%ite1 growth within the /ir%# Professiona Summar!: - 2 .ears 3 Months o/ Pro/essional $3-erience in 0+ 4iel1# - 5or,ing as a 6es,to- 'u--ort $ngineer in Best 7o%-uter 'ervices /ro% Aug 2""* to till 1ate# - 5or,e1 as 7lient 'ervice in +heore% 0n1ia Pvt 8t1#Bangalore /ro% 4e) "8 to 9une "8# E"perience Summar!: #s a Desktop engineer in Best $omputer Services: - :es-onsi)le to 7reate New 6o%ain ;ser accounts# - Assign 4ile an1 4ol1er Per%issions# - :es-onsi)le to ta,e 1ail. +a-e Bac, u- an1 restoration o/ /iles# - 7on/igure the New s.ste%s ). using <host 0%ages# - 'u--ort en1-users on Microso/t o-erating s.ste%s, Microso/t =//ice a--lications# - 'u--ort an1 :es-on1 =n-7all site to site /or 1es,to- en1 user issue# - Anal.>e, 0nstall, Mo1i/., an1 :e-air P7 'o/tware, =-erating '.ste%# - :es-onsi)le /or ;-1ate all latest Patch 'ervices ?P7 an1 5in1ows A--lication@# #s a Desktop engineer % $ ient P ace $ompan!: 0%-ulse 0nternetwor, +echnolog. 'olution# $ ient Location: Banga ore# &ature of job & - 0nstalling =-erating '.ste%s an1 a--lications through Networ, Boot, <host 'erver an1 M6+ - 0nstalling Norton AntiAirus in client %achine an1 ;-1ating Antivirus# - 7on/iguring Microso/t =utloo, using $3change server an1 0MAP an1 P=P3 -rotocols# - +rou)leshooting )asic =-erating s.ste% -ro)le%s without /or%atting# - :e%ote 6es,to- issues# - 5ireless 7on/iguration an1 trou)leshooting# - A8AN issues trou)leshooting - 5ee,l./6ail. ta,ing Bac,-u- using nt)ac,u-# '(#L)*)$#+)O& & '#'#8#7 /or% +ila, Me%orial $nglish 'chool 2""" ?K'$$B,Karnata,a@ Bangalore P;7 ?P7M7s@ 2""3 /ro% K+'A 7ollege ?P ; Boar1, Karnata,a@ Bangalore 21B B7A /ro% ;niversal 7ollege ?Bangalore ;niversit.@ 2""7 Bangalore !8B SK)LLS & - 7o%-uter Asse%)ling, Preventive Maintenance, an1 +rou)leshooting - Pro/icient with the o-erating s.ste%s li,e 5in1ows 4a%il.# - 7on/igure an1 %anage Car1ware 1evice an1 1rivers# - 'o/tware 0nstallation, 'o/tware 6iagnostics, Airus :e%oval, etc - 7erti/ie1 in C/5?AD@

- 'tu1ie1 an1 7erti/ie1 77NA# - Know a)out 6ata storage on :A06 level conce-t ?'A', 'AN, NA'@# ,OLES PL#-ED: - 'olving =' an1 Networ,, =utloo, -ro)le%s# - 0nstallation o/ =-erating '.ste%s, 'o/tware an1 8ocal an1 Networ, -rinters# - 7oor1inate with the tea% to -rovi1e goo1 Eualit. o/ service - 6e-lo. =-erating s.ste%s, 'ervice -ac,s an1 o//ice a--lications - 5ee,l. ta,ing Bac,-u- using nt)ac,u-# - 'M' an1 '77M issues chec,ing an1 /i3ing# - Active 6irector. users an1 grou-s %anage%ent# - <rou- Polic. %anage%ent using <PM7 an1 :'=P# - 7reating users with roa%ing -ro/ile# - +rou)leshooting Active 6irector. re-lication -ro)le%s# - 6is, ca-acit. -lanning using 1is, Euota an1 %onitoring the 6is, usage an1 %aintaining the /ile '.ste%# - 0nstalling an1 con/iguring the AA with latest ;-1ates# - Atten1ing an1 closing the reEuest as -er '8A# - 7oor1inating with Networ, tea% /or all the networ, relate1 issues an1 involve ). %.sel/ to i%-rove the s,ill set# - 7oor1inating with 5in1ows tea% /or resolving the 6o%ain issues an1 client connectivit. issue an1 -atch %anage%ent in server %achine an1 client %achines# KE- S+,E&.+/ & - 7on/i1ence, 'incere an1 Car1wor,ing# - +i%e %anage%ent s,ills# - Keen to learn# - +rou)le 'hooting ',ills #reas of )nterest & - 'erver 'u--ort an1 Networ, a1%inistration# - 'torage a1%in# PE,SO&#L DE+#)LS & Date of birt0 & 1*-"!-1*82 Se" & Male 1artia status & 'ingle ,e igion & Cin1u &ationa it! & 0n1ian Language Kno2n & $nglish, Cin1i, Kanna1a an1 +elugu DE$L#,#+)O& & 0 here). 1eclare that the a)ove in/or%ation an1 -articular are correct to the )est o/ %. ,nowle1ge an1 )elie/# P ace & Bangalore Date & Fours 'ath.anara.ana B N :ea1 %ore& htt-&//www#in1ianGo)tal,s#co%//oru%/showthrea1#-h-HtI222"2#i3>>2,si;6Et7

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