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Political factors Governments new laws and regulations Increase of oil prices Taxation Policy ( Luxury Car ) Foreign

Trade egulations !conomic Factors Increase Petrol Prices " unning Cost Financial Crisis in !urope ise in Prices #f aw $aterials !merging $ar%ets in & IC Currency Fluctuation 'ociocultural Factors &$( #perates in different regions Companys expenditure on staff training during crisis Lifestyle C)anges !cological *wareness Tec)nological Factors Large Investment of researc) + ,evelopment of new tec)nologies Focus on t)e environmental issues and ways to create more environments friendly solutions in transport sector ,ual fuel engine - .y/rid !lectric cars - .ydrogen driven cars ( eg0Toyota Partners)ip)

Potters Five Point *nalysis Threat of Potential Entrants ( Low ) (ell esta/lis)ed /rands in t)e industry Large capital re1uired 2ery )ard to ac)ieve economies of scale ( .ow to produce a lot to reduce t)e costs) Patents restrict entry ( In case of &$( )

Bargaining power of suppliers ( Low-Medium) Large no of suppliers $aterials are widely accessi/le 'uppliers are relatively small si3ed wit) no t)reat of forward integration .ig) 'witc)ing costs - )owever &$( !nsures close and /eneficial relations)ip wit) ot)er suppliers ( .elping t)em out t)roug)out recession )0 Bargaining power of buyers ( Low-Medium) elatively easy to c)oose an alternative and customers are 1uite price sensitive0 $ass customi3ation and )ig) flexi/ility It also depends on t)e mar%et we are tal%ing a/out Threats of substitute products or services ( Low to Medium ) * lot of alternatives - /ut none of t)em can offer t)e same convenience Pu/lic transport cam seem as more environment friendly ntensity of competitive rivalry ( ! "! ) Large mature industry *udi - $ercedes - lexus 4 Competing for t)e same customer0 &$( esponse was strategy num/er one 4 developing /rand loyality - focus on growt) customers- profita/ility and long term future0 55555555555555555555 6ey success Factors Long term planning 'trategy of ecological and social sustaina/ility esearc) + ,evelopment institute $ar%eting + &randing Glo/al positioning in esta/lis)ed mar%ets &rand loyality Innovation " ,ifferentiation ( )y/rid " !lectric )

&$( 'T *T!G7 'trategy 8um/er 9 (:;;<0:;:;) 5 Four Pillars 4 Future - Growt) - Customer and Profita/ility0 *ll targets fully attained= Profits were dou/led in t)e first > years Common stoc% rise /y more t)an <;? &irt) of &$( i@0

,ifferentiation strategy= Ase of )ig) 1uality and luxurious materials Providing a /etter level of services &randing + ,esigning an excellent /rand image0 Innovation and esearc) leaders)ip0 Premium ve)icles in luxurious mar%et0

Future directions $ost importantly 6eep focus on growt) ma%et0 Possi/ilities 'trategic alliances Improvement in mar%eting 8P, )gg)

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