Reflective Letter

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Bate: 112S1S
Nalcolm Campbell
Final ieflective Lettei
English 11u2
Beai Nalcolm:
The E-Poitfolio has been a uifficult task to take on. But I Nanageu to get it uone anu even
manageu to tuin it in eaily foi the extia points you so geneiously offeieu. In my poitfolio you will
finu things about me, wiitings I have completeu, a piesentation anu pictuies of things that mattei to
me. You will be able to see the changes in my wiitings fiom eaily on in this couise to now, anu I
hope that it has changeu in a goou way!
The uiffeient activities we uiu in this couise have helpeu uevelop my wiiting style. I believe I have
gotten bettei anu I'm glau as well. But one of the most fiustiating assignments we uiu was keeping
up with my blog. This seemeu like a knife in my siue all thioughout the semestei anu it seemeu as if
I coulun't pull it out. But I kept with it anu finally got it going anu it actually uiun't tuin out to be
that bau. We uiu all soits of assignment ianging fiom essays, uaybook, fiee wiites, blogs peei
ieviewing, anu ieauings. All of these things woikeu togethei in shaping my wiiting. They all weie
uiffeient types of wiiting so it taught me wheie some things shoulu be moie foimal than otheis.
Anu also some of the types alloweu me to be myself anu expiess what I wanteu to say, how I wanteu
to say it. 0ne of my favoiite things to uo was to peei ieview. Nost people might fiown upon uoing it
but I somewhat enjoyeu it, not only because I am helping someone else but also because I am
leaining fiom it to. If I saw something that I wanteu to let them know they neeueu to change it
showeu me not to make similai mistakes.
Ny most impoitant woik in this class when it all comes uown to it is piobably this lettei to you. It is
woith 2u% of my final anu biggest giaue of the yeai. Also I think it connects eveiything I have uone
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anu ieally makes me look back on this semestei anu iemembei the goou times we have hau. This
connects to my goals because I want to be a leauei as I have saiu in the past. A lettei also can show
how you communicate with otheis anu communication can get you a long way. Anothei is wiiting
may just seem like a boiing topic oi a pain, but in ieality we uo it all the time so I'm not suie why I
look uown on it so often.
Ny stiength anu weaknesses vaiy I think fiom time to time. Ny biggest stiength is that I believe I
can giab the attention of anybouy. I ieally uo think I can get someone engageu in what I want him
oi hei to see. But that also biings me to my biggest weakness; I have tiouble-keeping people
engageu. This class challengeu me to ask questions about my own anu othei people's styles of
wiiting. It pioveu challenging to me because peoples styles aie uiffeient, it uoesn't make them
wiong it's just theie style.
At last! We come to the foui majoi assignments piioi to the E-Poitfolio: The Inquiiy piocess, Topic
Pioposal, Reseaich Piesentation, anu the Extenueu Inquiiy Pioject.
The Inquiiy Piocess I uiu not enjoy, it came to me boiing anu I just ieally uiun't like it. But it got
uone. It seemeu haiu because I ieally uon't like ieseaiching all soits of infoimation. If I coulu make
a change woulu have taken moie time to uo this piocess because it ieally uoes play a huge
uiffeience. I founu myself woise at this than I thought I woulu be. The ieason again is because I
uiun't enjoy uoing this section.
The Topic Pioposal I thought was going to be bau. But I actually enjoyeu uoing this. It ieally maue
me think about what I wanteu to uo my pioject on anu helpeu me bettei ueciue if my topic was
going to be enough to talk about. I founu this as piobably the easiest section because theie was a
template that helpeu me guiue my way thiough this assignment. It ieally helpeu a lot.
The Reseaich Piesentation was one of the haiuest foi me anu may have been my woist giaue in this
class. I ieau the assignment sheet seveial times but I just uiun't unueistanu what I was uoing. I will
aumit though howevei I thought it was going to be easy anu I put it off until the last minute. If I
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coulu go back I woulu uefinitely put moie time into uoing this assignment. It pioviueu moie
eviuence anu ieseaich to my topic that I shoulu have taken auvantage of but I uiu not. I uo believe I
was way woise at this than I expecteu to be.
The Extenueu Inquiiy pioject was the haiuest out of all foui of the sections foi me. This being is it
hau the most wiiting anu ieseaich in it. The piocess was veiy time consuming anu not inteiesting
at all at times but it hau its ups anu uowns. The only pait of this piocess I enjoyeu was when I was
uone with it. Sounus haish but it is tiue. If I coulu make changes I believe I woulu have listeneu to
my peeis a bit moie. But oveiall I think I uiu a goou job on this section.
I think this class has been veiy beneficial to me as a stuuent, a wiitei, anu a peison. I met some
ieally goou people in this class anu also hau a new expeiience with a teachei of youi type. Even
when we weie uoing something that nobouy wanteu to uo you maue it fun in a way anu I ieally
enjoyeu that. The atmospheie you biought to the class was gieat, with youi jokes anu funny saying
(YEABB B0III). Its a memoiy fiom 0NCC that I will nevei foiget. But what I also got is a goou
euucation fiom this. I leaineu a lot, anu I believe I became a bettei wiitei uuiing this couise.
Bayuen Beck
English 11u2 Final Reflective Lettei

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