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Writing Friendly Letters

28/2 Mircea cel Batran street Chisinau, Moldova January 23, 2003 Dear ristine, !our tri" to Washington D#C# $ade $e envious# %lease send so$e "ictures &hen you have the$# '(ll sho& the$ to )lena and *elly# ' have told the$ a+out your tri" and they &ant to ,no& $ore, so i- you can &rite $ore in detail ho& it &ent, '(ll share &ith the$# !ou should +e +ac, to school -ro$ your vacation# We are too# .ctually ' li,e school# 't gives $e the "leasureto $eet $y -riends and learn# ' &ouldn(t say that ' li,e all the school su+/ects, +ut so$e o- the$ are o- interest to $e, as ' ,no& that ' &ill need the ,no&ledge ' get -or $y entrance e0a$s at the university and -or $y -uture in general# )s"ecially use-ul are che$istry and +iology, as ' &ant to enter a $edical university# ' still -ind ti$e to /oin in -or so$e e0tra school activities, "articularly s"orts# 1ennis +rings $e a lot o"leasure# By the &ay )lena /oins $e -or that# We have -un together# Last 1uesday &e "layed -or t&o hours in a ro&#'t &as e0hausting, +ut -un# ' lost, +ut ho"e to ta,e revenge ne0t &ee,# 1o&ards the end o- the ga$e Di$a ca$e &ith hisdog# 2e$e$+er the tall guy &ith the 3er$an 4he"ard5 6e says 76ello7 to you# .s soon as he arrived it &as i$"ossi+le to continue the ga$e, as the dog &ill run to catch the +all and every+ody &as trying hard to ,ee" it -ro$ doing that# 4o, &e all laughed a lot# 6o& are things &ith you5 What is ne& at school5 '(ll +e ha""y to get all ,ind o- ne&s -ro$ you# %leasesay 76ello7 to 2osetta# 6o"e she re$e$+ers $e# .nd "lease, "ass her one o- these "hotos &ith her and $e# 6o"e she&ill li,e it# ' a$ also sending so$e "hotos -or you# ' ho"e to get a letter -ro$ you soon# 4incerely yours, Diana

Writing Letters to %en Friends

200 4te-an cel Mare 4treet Chisinau, 2e"u+lic o- Moldova .ugust 8, 2003 Dear 4tacia, ' a$ ha""y that you have agreed to ,ee" &riting to $e# ' ho"e &e can learn a lot -ro$ each other# First o- all, ' &ould li,e to tell you so$ething a+out $y city# Chisinau is the ca"ital o- Moldova# ' li,e theto&n a lot# 1he architecture is a co$+ination o- ne& and old &hich $a,es it char$ing# For e0a$"le, you &al, in the central "art o- the city near ne& $odern +an,s, sho"s and restaurants and all o- a sudden you see s$all, old +uildings that re$ind you a+out the history o- the country or a "ainter in the $iddle o- the "ave$ent &ith his colors around hi$ dra&ing so$ething# ' really li,e the old "art o- the to&n# Chisinau is $ore than 800 years old, +ut it is very young at the sa$e ti$e# '- you &al, in the evening do&n the $ain street 4te-an cel Mare, you can see a lot o- young "eo"le, students o- colleges and universities# 4o$eti$es concerts are organi9ed in the $ain s:uare o- the city, and a lot o- "eo"le go there to listen to $usic, and dance# Moldovans li,e to sing and dance a lot# 1hey are very -riendly and hos"ita+le, and o"en their doors to visitors &ith great "leasure# ' ho"e you can visit $y country so$e ti$e in -uture# ' a$ sending you so$e "ictures o- Chisinau# 'n $y ne0t letter ' &ill &rite to you a+out $y -a$ily, and a+out $y ho++ies# ' &ill also send a "icture o- $y -a$ily# %lease &rite to $e a+out the ; and your to&n# ' a$ loo,ing -or&ard to a letter -ro$ you# %lease also &rite a+out yoursel- and your -a$ily# 4incerely yours, )lena


Writing 'n-or$al 'nvitations

D e ' a$ leaving -or the ;nited 4tates ne0t &ee,# ' a$ ha""y -or the o""ortunity, +ut it &ill +e hard -or $e not to see all o- you, $y -riends, -or a &hole year# '(ve decided that it &ould +e good -or all o- us to co$e together this co$ing 4aturday# 'n this &ay, '(ll +e a+le to say 3ood<+y to you# 6o"e &e(ll have -un= We are getting together at $y ho$e at >?00 %M# My $u$ &ill coo, dinner@ you ,no& ho& delicious her -ood is# We &ill also have the ca,e you li,e so $uch### .-ter dinner ' a$ ta,ing every+ody to a disco# My "arents &ill ta,e care o- organi9ing trans"ortation -or us late at night to $y house -or a slee"over "arty# %lease tell your "arents that you &ill stay &ith $e -or the night# '- they are concerned -or the sa-ety or any other reason, they can al&ays call $y "arents to tal, and $a,e sure everything is arranged -or us# ' ho"e you can co$e# '(ll +e &aiting -or you# !ours a--ectio nately, Aic,y 2 2 C h . "

W riting to a 4ic, Friend

Dear .nn, '(ve heard that you are staying ho$e# Mary told $e in a $essage a+out your +ro,en an,le# ' a$ terri+ly sorry a+out your accident, +ut you "ic,ed a good ti$e to stay ho$e# 't is so &indy and cold at this ti$e o- the year in your to&n, that even 4anta Claus &ould not dare to get his nose out o- the door# 4o, &hile oth< ers &ill "ut hundreds o- layers on the$ to go to school, you can /ust lie in your &ar$ +ed and ad$ire Jac, Frost(s art on

your &indo&<"ane# ' ho"e your -riends visit you and hel" you &ith the ho$e&or,# ' &ish ' could +e there &ith you# '- you need any hel" &ith $ath, /ust send $e the "ro+le$s +y e<$ail@ you ,no& ' a$ good at it, so '(ll +e ha""y to e0"lain &hat is not clear to you# 1o$orro& a-ternoon ' &ill send you through internet the "ictures -ro$ our su$$er vacation# 1hey are &onder-ul# 4o $any good $e$ories= 3et &ell soon= 4incerely yours, Cristina

Writing Letters o2e:uest

Dear Bo+, 't see$s li,e it has +een ages since ' le-t the ;4.# ' a$ +ac, to school in Moldova, in $y B2 th grade# ' a$ seriously thin,ing a+out $y -uture career and trying to choose the university that $ight train $e -or it# ' a$ "articularly thin,ing a+out a""lying to so$e universities in the ;4.# ' &ould li,e to have $ore in-or$ation a+out universities in the ;4., +ut un-ortunately it is $ore di--icult to get it -ro$ here# '(ve tried to search through internet +ut it is very ti$e consu$ing and you don(t al&ays get e0actly &hat you are loo,ing -or# ' &ould li,e to as, you -or a great -avor# Do you re$e$+er &hen &e &ent to the +oo,store near your house together and &e -ound the CD &ith in-or$ation a+out universities in the 4tates5 ' regret not having +ought one then# Can you "lease +uy one -or $e and send it5 ' &ill "ay -or all the e0"enses, including the cost o- the CD and also the "ostal services costs# . -riend o- $ine is leaving -or *e& !or, in t&o &ee,s, and ' &ill have the o""ortunity to send the $oney &ith hi$# '(ll give hi$ your address so that he can send a chec, to you# %lease let $e ,no& ho& $uch ' have to give hi$# 6o"e $y re:uest &ill not

create too $uch trou+le to you# %lease let $e ,no& iyou have ti$e -or it# %lease tell 76ello7 to your "arents -ro$ $e# !ours, Dorin



>8 )+ony 2oad 4hreve"ort, Louisiana CBB0C Fe+ruary 28, BD8E Mrs# )dna %rint9 Director o- 4u$$er %rogra$s Ca$" 6o&ard B203 %eachtree 2oad, *#)# .tlanta, 3eorgia 3030D Dear Mrs# %rint9? ' &ould li,e to a""ly -or a /o+ as counselor in Ca$" 6o&ard this su$$er# My -riend Jerry Fle$inger, &ho has +een a counselor in your ca$" -or the "ast t&o years, told $e that several "ositions are availa+le# For the "ast three years ' have &or,ed "art<ti$e at the McDonald Center, an a-ter<school daycare center, &ith seven to ten<year<old +oys# ' have also +een an assistant coach &ith the Little League tea$s -or several years# ' a$ es"ecially interested in a "osition as counselor, since that is $y s"ecial -ield o- interest# ' a$ an )agle 4cout and a $e$+er o- the .udu+on Clu+ and 4ierra Clu+# ' a$ e0"erienced as a canoe tri" leader and have led several +ird &al,s &ith younger scouts# 1his s"ring ' a$ ta,ing a si0<&ee, course on 4aturdays at 4hreve"ort Co$$unity College to learn to teach +otany to young children# 1he -ollo&ing "ersons can tell you $ore a+out $y &or, &ith young "eo"le and $y :uali-ications -or a /o+ as counselor? Mrs# 3loria Lerner, Director, McDonald Center, 38E8 2eisor 2oad, 4hreve"ort, Louisiana CBBB8 Dr# Julie 2osecran9, 'nstructor, 4hreve"ort Co$$unity College, E028 Airginia .ve, 4hreve"ort, Louisiana CBB03 ' &ould a""reciate an intervie& at your convenience# ' ,no& that you &ill +e in the city so$eti$e ne0t $onth at a reunion -or Ca$" 6o&ard ca$"ers# !ou can reach $e at the a+ove address, or you can call $e at CD0<BB 4incerely yours, John 4tac,


Cover Letter / Letter o- 'nterest

BB803 )dge&ater Drive La,e&ood, Fhio Mr# Jonathan 4calley Director, Marine Li-e 2esearch La+oratory 2>E0 West BECth 4treet Cleveland, Fhio EEBBB March 8, BD8E

Dear Mr# 4calley? ' &ould li,e to a""ly -or a /o+ as a la+ assistant in the Marine Li-e 2esearch La+oratory during the co$ing su$$er# ' &ould also +e interested in a-ter<school &or, and &or, on 4aturdays isuch a /o+ &ere availa+le# ' a$ enclosing a resu$e o- $y s,ills and +ac,ground# B a$ very interested in "ursuing a career in $arine +iology and have a""lied to several colleges &here ' can s"eciali9e in this -ield# Whenever it &ould +e convenient -or you, ' &ould +e ha""y to co$e to the la+oratory -or an intervie&# !ou can reach $e at the a+ove address or +y "hone, 83B<># 1ruly yours, 2o+ert 3ordon

2esu$e/Curriculu$ Aitae GCAH

Ina Raduleanu Address: Telephone: E-mail Address: Date of Birth: Nationality: Marital Status: Wor E!perien"e: 2D/2 a"#20 Mircea cel Batran str# Chisinau, 2e"u+lic o- Moldova E882E8 iraduleanuIaol#co$ ."ril 20, BD8E Moldovan 4ingle &une-Septem'er ())* .d$inistrative .ssistant at the !outh Center Duties and res"onsi+ilities? $a,ing "urchases and accounting -or the$, conducting inventory o- su""lies, handling tele"hone conversations, ty"ing docu$ents, translating docu$ents, $aintaining -iles in "ro"er order, etc# April ())* 'nter"reter at a three days &or,sho" &ith ;*D% G)nglish<2o$anian<2ussianH &une-Au%ust ())( 4tudents( Ca$" .dvisor Duties and res"onsi+ilities? su"ervising a grou" o- 32 students aged B8<B>, organi9ing s"ort and -un activities -or the$, organi9ing the &or, o- the ca$" ne&sletter# ())+ < First year student at the .cade$y o- )cono$ical 4tudies, Chisinau, 'nternational 2elations De"art$ent ())* < Finished high school/Lyceu$ 4"iru 6aret, Chisinau ()),-())( < 4tudied one year at Fran,lin Learning Center high school, ;4.# F"erating 4yste$s? M4 DF4, Windo&s D8/D8/*1/2000 %rogra$$ing Languages? %ascal 4o-t&are? M4 F--ice GWord, )0cel, %o&er %oint, Futloo,H, Corel Dra& B0, 'nternet *ative language 2o$anian# Fluent in 2ussian, )nglish, French Wor,ing ,no&ledge o- 4"anish 7B7 category 4trong leadershi" and co$$unication s,ills )0"erience &ith -oreigners


#omputer S ills:

$an%ua%e S ills: Dri-er $i"ense: S ills:

E!tra-"urri"ular A"ti-ities and A.ards: ()),-())* < De+ate %rogra$# ."ril 2003 < 2nd "lace to" ten s"ea,ers at the *ational De+ate Co$"etition ())(-())* < Fdyssey o- the Mind %rogra$# 2nd "lace at the *ational Co$"etition &anuary-Mar"h ())( < Courses in )nglish, 1F)FL,( at 7%rodidactica7 Language 4tudy Center# April ())( < 3rd "lace at the 2e"u+lican Contest in )nglish &anuary - Mar"h ())( < Aolunteer at the Children's Republican Hospital and Save the Children. May ())* < 1F)FL e0a$ination G88C "ointsH /o''ies0Interests Referen"es: 1ennis, volley<+all, /ournalis$, literature, "iano, $usic Mr# 3recu, "ro-essor o- Mathe$atics at the .cade$y o- )cono$ical 4tudies, cgrecuIyahoo#co$, tel? 8E8>30 Mrs# *anu, Director o- the !outh Center, $nanu>2Ihot$ail#co$, tel? 22E230

h ai ir




J Date o- +irth, nationality, and $arital status are "ersonal data that the a""licant $ight choose to include in the resu$e or leave out#





Writing Letters o- .""reciation
Dear Catalina,
11 I

28>> Cu$+erland street %hiladel"hia, .ugust B0, 2003 We have sa-ely arrived ho$e yesterday evening# Fur "arents $et us at the air"ort# ;n-ortunately $y +rother couldn(t $a,e it, as he &as +usy at his &or,# '(ll ,ee" in $y $e$ory the +est i$"ressions a+out Moldova and its "eo"le# .s soon as ' reached ho$e last night, ' +egan to tell the -a$ily a+out $y vacation in Moldova# 't is hard to say &hat ' en/oyed $ost o- all# With so $any delight-ul e0"eriences to choose -ro$, it &as di--icult to choose &hat to tell -irst# 1he ca$"ing in the +eauti-ul oa, -orest, the -ire, 7-rigarui7, and the &onder-ul Moldovan $elodies &ill -orever stay in $y $e$ory# 1he tri"s to the 4aharna $onestry, 4oroca, and Frh/eiul Aechi, though tiring, gave $e an insight o- the country(s history and Moldovan traditions# ' &as i$"ressed +y the large cellers o- Cricova# But the $ost a$a9ing thing is "eo"le(s hos"itality and o"enness to -oreigners# '(ll de-initely tal, a+out your coun< try at our World Cultures hours &hen &e return to school in 4e"te$+er# 6o"e the "hotos co$e all right so that ' can sho& ho& green and +eauti-ul your country is# 1han, you -or such an interesting and re&arding e0"erience# ' a""reciate you -inding ti$e and ener< gy to organi9e this -or us# 4incerely yours, )lisa

.cce"ting 'nvitations

Dear Dorin, What a sur"rise= F- course ' a$ co$ing, no :uestion a+out it# '(ll en/oy s"ending a &ee, &ith you and your -a$ily, es"ecially i- &e are going to the seaside# ' love sun and &ater= ' have tal,ed to $y "arents, and they have nothing against it# Fn the contrary, they li,e the idea, as they thin, ' need a rest a-ter the school year so$e&here a&ay -ro$ Chisinau# %lease give $e $ore details a+out the tri"# What should ' +ring &ith $e5 ' a$ e0citingly &aiting -or this tri" to ha""en and &ill start "re"aring -or it to$orro&# !ours, David

2e-using %olitely 'nvitations


BEBC Whittier 4treet, *#W# Washington, D#C# Dear Mindy, July C, 2003 't &as ,ind o- you to invite $e to your "arty# 't &ill, ' ,no&, +e lots o- -un@ and ' &ish ' could co$e and $eet all o- our -riends# .s it ha""ens, ho&ever, ' a$ invited to a &edding "arty to one o- $y close rela< tives this &ee,end, and they rely on $y hel" &ith organi9ing so$e things -or the &edding# ' regret that ' can(t +e in t&o "laces at the sa$e ti$e# ' congratulate you on your +irthday and &ish that all your drea$s co$e true# ' have sent you a "re sent# 6o"e you li,e it# )n/oy the "arty# Lovingly yours, Cindy

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