Teacher's Role As A Scholar

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Teachers Role as a Scholar

Teaching is a profession which requires several differing qualities and skills to carry out successfully. The role of a teacher goes further than the teaching of pupils. Background work and effective preparation are key to a successful lesson. A thorough understanding of teaching legislation and codes of conduct are also required along with a duty to your work colleagues. It is in the classroom where the teacher has the most impact on the student regarding the development and progress he or she will make. The teacher is responsible for providing an organized, structured time in the classroom and to ensure each individual is given the equal opportunity to progress in there chosen sub ect. This progression will be helped by a teacher who is enthusiastic, organized, confident and have a good knowledge of the teaching sub ect to name a few of the required qualities. !ood planning and providing effective lesson plans that will help to ensure a productive time in the classroom. The teacher must also be aware of the individuals in the class and understand some people thrive off different learning techniques and have appropriate planning in regard to the lesson plan, structure and the approach to help with these matters. The teacher must be non udgmental, confident and instill confidence in the pupils. The teacher should also adopt a reflective view of them and analyze their teaching techniques, learn from others around them and act on this information so that they can continuously develop and improve as a teacher. "ith respect to colleagues, the teacher must at all times respect the professional standing they hold and be respectful of their opinions. They should work hard to maintain good working relationships and show the highest standards of courtesy. #aving an active interest and a close working relationship with colleagues will increase the ability to develop trust and confidence in each other, form an effective working relationship and develop as a unit. $o comments Among the most e%citing trends in education today is the growing interest in researcher& teacher collaboration and in the teacher as a scholar in the classroom. It is of interest to note that both have a rather long tradition in education and represent a return to an older view of the teacher as scholar and researcher. 'ver the course of one(s e%perience it(s clearly identified a distinct difference between roles in educational training and role as a teacher. "hen one(s involvement is purely that of a trainee, #e)*he can deliver content to other learners)trainees+ this is where his)her role begins and ends. As compared to that if one is involved in teaching, #e)*he will find his)her role has greatly increased and diversified to that of mentor, role model, facilitator and more. The role as a teacher involves a variety of aspects from preparing course content to delivering content to learners. ,ut in simple terms, the role of the teacher is to facilitate learning. A key focus of a teacher is to ensure that the learners gain the skill or

qualification that they are working toward and have set out to attain. This is accomplished by meeting the following+ ensuring that the learners meet the standards set out by the awarding body as well as seeing that they meet the criteria that the teacher has set out in the lesson plan, Assuring that the teacher doesn(t ust follow book material but puts in his)her own research. The role of a scholar is to educate him)her self in such a manner that he)she can bring the scholar based research to the student. These goals would be achieved by meeting the needs of the learners and delivering the course in such a way to target a variety of learning. The role of teachers has changed and continues to change from being an instructor to becoming a constructor, facilitator, coach, and creator of learning environments. $o comments #ere are some ma or positive roles that I consider the most important and their definitions- 'bservers- Teachers observe what students do, to give them useful feedback as a group or individually. Teachers lead, respect, and guide their students to become a successful person. *tudents view their teacher as being wise+ therefore they look up to them and work as our role models. The role of a teacher has many facets+ to actively promote inclusion, equality and diversity+ to create a safe learning environment for all students+ to work within the legislative requirements and codes of practice, all in the terms of the Teaching Training .ycle& Identify $eeds & ,lan and /esign & /eliver & Assess & 0valuate An ideal teacher is the one we respect from our heart. #e)she acts as a guide to the students, while not pushing them too much. *uch a perfect motivates them and boosts their morale. #e)she tries to encourage the students and refrains from criticizing them. The perfect teacher prefers to give positive motivation to his)her students. #is)her comments are always constructive in nature. #e)she serves as our friend, guide, educator, confidante, and a blend of all the good qualities one can posses. *uch a teacher shapes the entire life of the students. If everyone in this world gets an ideal teacher, he)she won(t have to look back in his)her life ever. 1ualities 'f A ,erfect Teacher ,roblem *olver *tudents have a tendency to assume that their teacher will come up with a solution for all their problems. This is the toughest test of a teacher&student relationship. Teachers are largely responsible to solve the problems of their pupils, without e%pecting anything in return. It is the main yardstick of being an ideal teacher. 2nderstands *tudent ,sychology

It is very important for a teacher to understand the psychology of his)her pupils. 0very student is different from the other and will react differently to situations. All students cannot be equated and therefore, need individual attention. An ideal teacher knows where the students lack and what their requirements are. #e)she never fails to comprehend the needs of students and tries his)her level best to fulfill them. An Idol 3or *tudents An ideal teacher leaves a life&long impression on his)her students and impacts their mind in a positive way. *he is a much valued asset, without whom one can(t imagine a life. In fact, perfect teachers are as important as our parents. $ot even a single day of our life will seem to be complete without them. They are the ones, whom the students can idolize and look up to. A !ood !uide .hildren of a certain age trust their teachers, even more than their parents. Therefore, it is the responsibility of an ideal teacher to guide the pupil like his)her own child. *uch a teacher shows students the right path under all circumstances and never shies away from his)her duties. In fact, he)she is always there by the student(s side, at the time of need. A 4otivator An ideal teacher never lets the limitations of his)her students restrict their vision. #e)she constantly motivates them to reach ahead and broaden their horizon. A teacher should encourage and inspire his)her pupils to think beyond their confines and help them realize their talents as well as the need to pursue them with diligence. It is a clear fact that Teachers work as role models for their students, as parents, as scholars, as friends, as guides and better consultants.

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