Lessonplantemplate 1

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VIU Faculty of Education

Lesson Plan Sample Template Vancouver Island University

Name: Christine Lynch Grade Grade 10 Topic Web Quest Date Allotted Time N/A N/A Cite sources used to develop this plan: http://www.cpr.ca/en/about-cp/our-past-present-and-future/Documents/cp-childrens-history.pdf http://books.google.ca/books?id=6i3BNTHoQFwC&pg=PA68&lpg=PA68&dq=seed+prices+far ming+1870&source=bl&ots=xUpZ9XBnO0&sig=mqXQodknX6jJxQhtSdAOehQBO9M&hl=en &sa=X&ei=x8OTUve5E9HfoAT68oL4Aw&sqi=2&ved=0CDQQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=see d%20prices%20farming%201870&f=false http://www.apstudynotes.org/us-history/topics/cattle-frontiers-and-farming/ http://www.bclaws.ca/EPLibraries/bclaws_new/document/ID/freeside/325_96 http://books.google.ca/books?id=6i3BNTHoQFwC&pg=PA68&lpg=PA68&dq=seed+prices+far ming+1870&source=bl&ots=xUpZ9XBnO0&sig=mqXQodknX6jJxQhtSdAOehQBO9M&hl=en &sa=X&ei=x8OTUve5E9HfoAT68oL4Aw&sqi=2&ved=0CDQQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=see d%20prices%20farming%201870&f=false http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/settlement/kids/021013-2031.3-e.html http://www.choosingvoluntarysimplicity.com/what-did-things-cost-in-1872/ http://www.mhso.ca/tiesthatbind/ChineseRailWorkers.php# http://www.nuff.ox.ac.uk/Users/Allen/fiveauthor%20chines.pdf http://treaty6education.lskysd.ca/treaty6basics http://treaty6education.lskysd.ca/ink http://plainshumanities.unl.edu/encyclopedia/doc/egp.ag.052 http://www.forbes.com/sites/johnkoppisch/2011/12/13/why-are-indian-reservations-so-poor-alook-at-the-bottom-1/ 1. Rationale: Why is this lesson relevant at this time with these students? The Canadian Pacific Railway had a huge impact on Canada both economically and socially. Today we still rely on the same tracks that were built over a hundred years ago.

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VIU Faculty of Education 2. Provincial Learning Outcome(s): What IRP outcome(s) does this lesson develop? -Describe the factors that contributed to a changing national identity from 1815 to 1914 -Analyse political, economic, social, and geographical factors that led to Confederation and to the development of Canadas provinces and territories - Analyse the influence of the following on Canadas economy from 1815 to 1914: ! resource development and decline ! technological innovations - Assess the impact of Macdonalds National Policy on Canada 3. Assessment Lesson Outcome What will students learn? Students will learn about the CPR and how it affected the lives of many Canadians. Student will see how math can be applied to both history and people in their everyday lives. Students will practice working as a group. Sources of Evidence What product or action will show what students have learned? Students will create a poster that has the different roles of the people involved. It will include the social injustices. The poster will have the math that correlates with each role. Students will create one poster for the whole group. Criteria What will you look for in this evidence? The poster has each role included, with descriptions of the role and the social justices involved with each. The math is correct, and all work is shown. The poster is organized and has the students work. Shows that they were able to work together.

4. Resources, Material and Preparation: What resources, materials and preparation are required? Students must have access to computers and Internet for the web-quest Student will need paper and scissors and glue to create poster.

5. Lesson Development
Introduction: How will you introduce this lesson in a manner that engages students and activates their thinking?

Pacing 15 minutes

Start this activity by talking to the students about the quest they are going to go on! Today we are going to go the computer lab and each of your are going to go back in time to 1881 and help Canada become united by building the CPR!

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VIU Faculty of Education Teaching/Learning Sequence: What steps and activities are you going to use to help students acquire and practice the knowledge, skills and/or attitudes needed to meet the outcome? Pass out handouts for students to follow along with Students will spilt into groups of four, and decide who will play what part. Students will then start working on their web quest Closure: How will you solidify the learning that has taken place and deepen the learning process?

-Student will create their posters and bring together the information each of them has gathered.

6. Accommodations (adaptations, extensions, other ): How will you plan for students who have learning/behaviour difficulties or require enrichment? For those who dont have access to Internet at home, plenty of class time will be given to work on the project. Also a print out of the information needed could be provided.

Macintosh HD:Users:christinelynch:Documents:lessonplantemplate1.docx Last Revised: Fall 2005

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