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Type 1: (For Transitions) Transitions can only be placed at the beginning of a sentence (and are followed by a comma).

Sentence Connectors Type 2: (For Compound Sentences) These connectors can only be placed in the middle of 2 complete sentences. - FANBOYS

Contrast !ords: The students in the dorms wanted to sleep early. "o!e#er$ the construction outside the dorms didnt allow them to. Khalid is a good student. %n contrast$ his twin Jihad isnt. Some people ne er try new ideas. On t&e contrary$ there are people who always try new things. ! li"e swimming in the ocean. On t&e ot&er &and$ my husband# Tare"# en$oys rela%ing on the beach. Cause e**ect !ords: Suren studied hard. T&ere*ore$ he passed his grammar +ui,. Jihad tripped o er Ted at the game. As a result$ he bro"e his leg. Tony lo ed -laire for years. T&us$ he married her. Time !ords: The ambulances were rushing people to the emergency room. ,ean!&ile the

&ubai is a growing city# 'ut the roads are not growing fast enough. 'asmine had to study hard$ or she wasnt going to pass. The rain continued to drop$ yet (eorge and )ichael went out in the streets to shop.

Type 3: (For Comple Sentences) These connecting words can be placed either at the beginning of the sentence (with a comma after the first clause) or in the middle of the sentence (without a comma) Alt&ou(& Sarah was tired# she went out with her friends. Sarah went out with her friends alt&ou(& she was tired. )#en t&ou(& Saoud wor"ed hard# he couldnt pass *conomics.

.ahra did not pass her e%am$ *or she didnt study hard enough. The population in &ubai continues to e%pand$ so construction companies continue to build.

Since )adina was tired# she slept early+ ! ha ent seen /rancis in a long time 'ecause she mo ed to her country.

Since )ahmoud mo ed to the States# he has made a lot of friends. -&ile my family was watching the game#

rescue wor"ers were searching for ictims.

we heard an e%plosion outside. -&en 'ouhana is tired# he cant concentrate. A*ter the game tonight# we are going to celebrate. 0mar had fallen asleep 'y t&e time his father came home. /arids friend had called him 'e*ore she came o er. ! was watching t. . as my mother was preparing dinner. 1amy will study until you come o er. Sultan will $oin you on the bas"etball court as soon as he finishes his homewor". 4e all lo e watching rugby$ and we en$oy spending our time on the field.

Addition !ords: -reati ity in ol ed loo"ing at things in a new way. ,oreo#er$ it means trying new things. To pass the class# )iss Kathy re+uired that we study e ery day. %n addition$ we had to memori,e 23 new ocabulary words e ery wee". Ot&er !ords First$ Second$ )arlier$ For instance$ For e ample$

*lie didnt come to class on time# nor did 5i,ar.

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