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Summer - August 2009


Schechter to Host ONLY Robotics and Engineering Lab in Las Vegas

The Solomon Schechter Day School of Las Vegas

was recently awarded a grant for $9,500 towards a
$19,000 robotics and engineering component for the
new science lab just opened at the Friedman Family
Pavilion at Temple Beth Sholom. The grant comes from
the Goldenrod Research Corporation.
The Inaugural Fifth Grade Graduation Class, at their
Graduation on June 8th, gifted the remaining $9,500
to Schechter so that the school will now host the only
robotics and engineering lab in any school in Las Vegas!
The lab will include an array of hands-on learning tools
created for elementary students. Special software
provides a unique opportunity to program a real-world
robotic arm. Younger students use a joystick-controlled
robotic arm. Both include a miniature closed-circuit
television camera.
The lab will also include a tabletop fluid power
training system, which uses common tap water for
power and is controlled by students from a personal
computer. The final component will be an electronic
console that suspends plastic balls on columns of air, incorporates the robotic arms in student challenges that are
designed to develop teamwork and analytical skills. Automated timing and scoring create further incentives for
students to participate.
The lab will provide hands-on technology tools that integrate with existing coursework to reinforce over 100 concepts
in many subjects, including:
• Language Arts • Library Research • Mathematics • Oral Presentation • Problem-Solving
• Quantification • Reading Skills • Science • Social Skills • Technology
Rabbi’s Message
Rabbi Felipe Goodman
The Shooting at The Gay and Lesbian Center in Tel Aviv… much more than just
Before I begin to write the words that I really want to write, I want to take a trip
down memory lane. Let me warn you though, these are not pleasant memories.
I remember it as if it happened yesterday.
I was a rabbinical student at The Jewish Theological Seminary. Shabbat Nov.
4, 1995 seemed to be just like any other Shabbat; it turned out to be a day that
changed the fabric and soul of the Jewish People forever.
I will never forget that Saturday night. I remember turning on our TV just to find out that Prime Minister Yitzchak
Rabin had been assassinated. I also recall with absolute horror the first words I uttered after I heard the news. “I have this
horrible feeling that it was a Jew who shot him!” When my wife heard the words come out of my mouth, she stood there
in complete and absolute disbelief. After we learned what happened, we as a People also stood lonely and shaken, feeling
betrayed and disgusted. That was just the beginning of something we had no idea had been set in motion.
Our Sages of blessed memory warn us constantly and profoundly in their writings about what happens when we turn
on each other. We know for a fact that the destruction of The Holy Temple in Jerusalem was caused by the deep divisions
and hate that separated The Jewish People at the time. One needs to look no further than the writings of Josephus to
understand that the hate we held for one another was very real, intense and yes, it was deadly.
Very often I wonder how it is that we can’t learn from our own history. For centuries, we taught our children how to read
and write even when other cultures wasted no time in what seemed to be a trivial matter. For centuries, we grappled with
history knowing full well that Sinat Hinam, baseless hatred, spreads and kills more accurately than the most modern of
Hate triumphs because it is championed by fanatics, it triumphs because it preys on people’s ignorance. Back in 1995,
the Rabin assassination was not an isolated act, it was the result of hundreds of hateful speeches. It was the result of
careless and irresponsible behavior of many. It was the result of a perverted use of our Torah to justify murder and
bloodshed. It happened then and it happened this past Shabbat, again.
Last Saturday night, a gunman made his way into the gay and lesbian youth center in Tel Aviv. He opened fire, killing
two people and wounding many others. WHY? I think we all know the answer but refuse to understand it. Judaism is a
tradition of light and life but just like any other religion, it can turn into a deadly weapon if perverted or misunderstood. It
doesn’t matter who you are — liberal, conservative, orthodox, reform! It doesn’t matter what your political views are.
We were tasked by God with being Or L’Goyim, a light unto the nations. Is that the way in which we are behaving?
Just like Rabin’s assassination was not an isolated act that happened in a vacuum, this shooting won’t be either. One
needs not to dig too deep into the recent past and listen to the speeches or read the writings of many of Israel’s leading
Ultra Orthodox Rabbis. When speaking about homosexuality, they all have a common thread running through them, an
unbelievable hateful and primitive understanding of homosexuality. They seem to ignore, time and time again, that all of
us are created in the image of God.
So what happens now? Something like this shooting is not only barbaric but has no place in an enlightened society like
Israel. What happens when wolfs in sheep’s clothing use The Torah to hide their ignorance and turn it on its head to justify
No one knows what happens next, but I sure hope that we don’t turn the other way. It is unbelievable that having been
the subject of hatred, torture and so many false and calamitous accusations through time we allow this to happen again.
I hope the criminal who perpetrated this cruel act will be brought to justice and locked up in the deepest of pits that exist
in the Israeli Judicial System! I hope that we understand that hateful speech in Israel needs to be stopped! I hope that all of
us understand that Rabbinic Ordination is not a license to use your tongue for evil! I hope we understand that unless we
STAND UP to this type of hate, it will not be stopped by anyone.
I read a beautiful prayer by Bradley Burston who writes for The Haaretz newspaper. I will include it here
because it is a beautiful way of understanding how we all should be feeling after this horrible tragedy.

For Liz Trobishi, 17, and Nir Katz, 26, of blessed memory, and for the recovery of the 15 young people wounded late
Saturday by a gunman in a Tel Aviv club for gay teens. Rabbi’s Message continues on Page 10

Assistant Rabbi’s Message
Rabbi Adam Watstein

One of the most valuable life lessons I have learned over the past two months
has been that there is no such thing as the perfect wedding. My own wedding
on May 24 was moved forward three months because of a family illness, but
that event only planted the seeds of this lesson in my mind. It was not until I
officiated at a wedding in Newport, Rhode Island on June 14 that it became an
undeniable fact that the perfect wedding doesn’t exist. This was to be one of the
most well planned, extravagant affairs that I had ever attended. Every detail was
accounted for and every minute planned and choreographed. Even the rain that
had pummeled New England during the previous two weeks moved aside for this wedding.
But when I arrived in Newport several hours before Shabbat, the bride and groom, along with their respective
families, were nowhere to be found. Every hour that passed without hearing from the families was a red flag indicating
that something had gone terribly wrong. At 1:30 am, the groom knocked on my door and informed me that within
minutes of arriving in Newport, his grandmother, who was to be the only grandparent in attendance, slipped, fell
and broke her hip. In a defeated and sorrowful tone, he explained that she was scheduled for emergency surgery the
following morning.
Despite their seemingly foolproof preparation, the unpredictability of life got in the way, leaving an enormous crack
in what was supposed to be the image of perfection. I share this moment with you because it was one of the most
challenging of my rabbinate. Helping individuals, couples, and families navigate hardship and obstacle is the task
of every rabbi, but rarely are we asked to simultaneously balance the happiest of occasions with such untimely and
devastating accidents. As I pondered how best to proceed with the wedding, I was reminded of the lyrics of Leonard
Cohen’s song Anthem:

Ring the bells that still can ring

Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in.

To let the light in through this very noticeable crack in the wedding, I opted for a very unorthodox solution. Prior to the
ceremony on Sunday, and fully dressed in tuxedos and wedding gowns, I marched the wedding party up to the second
floor of Newport Hospital to sign the Ketubah with Nana (Thanks to the groom’s brother you can see this for yourselves
in a two-part video on Youtube by searching the title Nana Signing the Ketubah). While the injury remained a tragic
footnote to the wedding, the gloom surrounding Nana’s broken hip was softened as the couple and I stood under the
Huppah together an hour later.
The fact of the matter is that a perfect wedding is an inaccurate introduction to life for any couple. There are always
missteps, accidents, or wrong turns. There are always unexpected blemishes in our perfect worlds. The challenge is
finding a way to let the light creep through the cracks in our lives. In this case, as we signed the Ketubah in the hospital
we were all reminded that what we celebrate at a wedding is not extravagance or detailed planning, but the fact that
a bride and groom will never again have to face adversity or unexpected tragedy alone. The couple’s springboard into
married life was a concrete example that light always seems to find its way through the cracks so long as there is
someone’s hand to hold. And though this is a story about a wedding, this lesson is not reserved for husbands and wives.
Whether we hold the hand of a spouse or a family member or a friend, or of an entire community, let us remember
that the cracks in our lives always seem more devastating when we are alone.

Jon Mitzmacher
Director of Education

Kindergarten Chefs

Kindergarten Shark Reef

Schechter Announces New

Science Teacher
Schechter is proud to announce the hiring of Rebecca Rouas as
its new Science Teacher. Ms. Rouas has a degree in Geology and
has extensive experience teaching at science and environmental
museums and institutions. Beginning next year, each grade in
Schechter will receive dedicated lab time (the older the grade, the
more lab time is required) with Ms. Rouas.
Kindergarten Shark Reef
Schechter is committed to providing high-quality, rigorous
Science Education to its students and the installation of a robotics
and engineering lab and the hiring of a topnotch Science Teacher
will help us reach our goals.

First Solomon Schechter

Fouth and fifth grade classes at the graduating class
County Heritage Museum

Jennifer Weiss
Youth Educator

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself and share my excitement about
my new role as Religious and Youth Educator at Temple Beth Sholom. I feel fortunate to be
joining Temple Beth Sholom where there is a focus on learning and a commitment to our
Jewish roots and heritage, and where our students can gain a deeper understanding of Judaism, Hebrew and Tefillah.
It is my intention to carry on these important traditions and practices throughout the upcoming years.
Now, some information about my educational background. I was born and raised in Bethany, Oklahoma, and
graduated with a BA in Political Science and a Minor in Judaic Studies from the University of Oklahoma. Prior to
attending OU, I spent a year studying in Israel on Nativ, the gap-year program offered through United Synagogue
Youth. In 2005, I moved to California to attend the American Jewish University, (then University of Judaism) and
received my Master’s of Education in 2007.
This summer, I began meeting with the Religious School staff to learn more about the unique strengths, traditions
and practices of Temple Beth Sholom. These conversations will serve as a starting point in the creation of a roadmap
for the school’s future.
I look forward to meeting all Religious School families in the coming months, and hope to schedule ten to fifteen
minutes with each of you before the beginning of the school year. I have an open door policy and I look forward to
earning your trust and respect.
I will be working at Temple Beth Sholom throughout the summer. Please feel free to call or stop by for a visit.
If you have not yet enrolled your child/ren or have questions regarding registration, please contact The Judy and
Ronald Mack School of Religious Studies of Temple Beth Sholom at (702) 804-1333 x124.

Artwork Students in Kitah Hay with

perfect attendance

Learning how to put

on Tefillin

I am pleased to announce the return of Temple Beth opportunities to interact with other Jewish children and
Sholom’s Kadima and USY chapters! The 2009-2010 teens through social, cultural, religious and educational
calendar is beginning to come together, and it is jammed events. The programs run through USY serve as stepping
packed with fun and exciting programs for our TBS stones in creating lasting relationships with other Jewish
youths! youth and having experiences that will both strengthen
Why should your child join the TBS youth group? their Jewish ties and encourage their active involvement
in Jewish life.
Our youth programs provide our children with

Mazal Tov! You survived your first day of school! Celebrate with USY and receive a FREE yogurt on Us!
Who: All future Kadimaniks and USYers
When: Monday, August 24 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Where: Golden Spoon: 3370 South Hualapai Way
The 2009 USY Disney Day is coming. Join us as you, (and 300 of yor closest USY friends from the West
Coast) take over Disneyland.
Who: All members of Junior and Senior USY
When: Sunday, September 6, 2009
(Depart after Havdallah on September 5 and return home.)
Where: Disneyland
TBS USY is proud to sponsor the 2009 High Holy Days Food Drive.
Who: All members of Junior and Senior USY
What: Help collect and deliver groceries to the JFSA for distribution
When: Kol Nidre and other designated dates during High Holy Days – see Jennifer Weiss
Where: Youth Lounge

Please contact Jennifer Weiss, Religious and

Youth Educator, for more information on
any of these upcoming events, registration
materials or questions on how to become a
member of the TBS youth groups. jweiss@ or (702) 804-1333 x122

Jennifer Zukowski
Director of Early
Childhood Education

Support Temple Beth Sholom and come see the Las Vegas 51’s take on the
Albuquerque Isotopes, the Triple-A affiliate of the L.A. Dodgers. Be there to see the Temple
name in lights, receive a free 51’s cap, and watch our very own Rabbi Watstein take the
mound! Plus, autographs by Cosmo, the 51’s mascot.

When: Sunday, August 16, 2009

What Time: 7:05 pm
Where: Cashman Field
Seating: The Party Deck –
shaded tent complete
with fans, misters & cushioned
seats located in left field.
Free: 51’s caps for all attendees.
Fun: Autographs and photos with
Cosmo, the 51’s mascot.
Tickets: $20 for members, $25 for
Children under 3 are free.

Reservations required! Credit cards accepted by calling the

Temple office at (702) 804-1333 x100.

Temple News
Men’s Club
On Thursday, June 18 the Men’s Club hosted a social
night open to all Temple members. Designated as
“Oscar Night” in honor of featured speaker “Mayor Oscar
Goodman,” approximately 65 guests took advantage
of this hosted event and enjoyed a delicious Chinese
Kosher Buffet.
The Mayor arrived early and worked the crowd as only he
can do. Armed with his “Happiest Mayor Chips” and “Sir
Oscar Comic Books” he went from table to table passing
them out and socializing with the guests. The Mayor then
spoke for about 30 minutes, opening with some funny
stories from his early days after his first election to the
much more serious issues currently facing the city as a
result of the economic downturn. Following his speech he
entertained questions on a wide variety of topics before Mayor Oscar Goodman Men’s Club
exiting to thunderous applause. President Jerry Springberg

Temple Beth Sholom

Welcomes New Cantor
Avraham Alpert
After an exhaustive search, the Temple Beth Sholom Board of Directors ratified
the choice of Cantor Avraham Alpert as the new Cantor of the Temple. The resumes
were received from the Cantors Assembly, which is the professional organization of
duly invested Cantors of the Conservative Movement.
The Temple Beth Sholom search committee considered all the resumes it
received and three candidates were invited to spend the weekend with the
congregation. The final decision was predicated not only upon the candidate’s
voice, but also their knowledge, experience, and ability to work with both children
and adults.
Originally from Chandler, Arizona, for the past eight years, Cantor Alpert has served Mosaic Law Congregation in
Sacramento, California. He brings with him not only tremendous energy and enthusiasm, but also a profound knowledge
and love of the Hebrew language, liturgy, and sacred rituals and traditions. Cantor Alpert is scheduled to take the reins at
Temple Beth Sholom on August 1st.
Alpert is known equally for his fervor and commitment to Judaism, traditional prayer and for his rich voice ranging
from deep baritone coloraturas to seamless falsettos. Avi prefers helping others to connect with God through soulful
davening over stage performance. He recorded and produced a CD in conjunction with several other cantors and
synagogues. The recording, entitled, “Friday Night Live” was mailed to the entire synagogue membership as a tool
toward fluency in prayer.
In his time away from work, the Cantor enjoys relaxing with his wife Kamala, and their children Ezra, Maiella, and
Solomon. He also enjoys biking, chess, and basketball.

Temple News
Rabbi’s Message continued from Page 2 L’DOR V’DOR -
Lord, teach me to stand naked before you Making a Difference
And, in so doing, learn the meaning of modesty. for Seniors
Let me stand naked, which is to say, stripped to my humanity, By Shel Kolner
And mourn these young people shot L’Dor V’Dor has finished its year and is already
For having chosen to practice making plans for the events that will take place in
Their own humanity. 5770. We continue to make an impact on the seniors
in the Southern Nevada Valley. We are the premiere
Cause me, Lord, to shed this defective armor, outreach program in Southern Nevada and we do
Which we call clothing, respectability, convention, make a difference.
The mask which we mistake for loyalty to tribe. On June 2, L’Dor V’Dor hosted 175 seniors from
The mask which keeps me from seeing the face behind the mask local facilities and their homes. We celebrated
of the tribe we have come to call enemy. Shavuot with musical entertainment by our students
from the Solomon Schechter Day School and
At the close of this dark anniversary, this time when tradition musical selections by the Senior Choir from Bet
tells us, the worst of calamities were wrought by sinat hinam, Knesset Bamidbar of Sun City Summerlin. After the
hatred unbound, hatred for its own sake, teach me what I need entertainment our guests moved into the Social Hall
to know about my true enemy. and enjoyed a luncheon catered by Gustav Mahler.
Force me to see that what I am so certain that I hate, the clear, The entire event was a great hit with our guests.
familiar targets of my fury, are already inside me. These 175 guests brought our total past the 2200
Help me heal of this contagion, this cruel disease which scars mark for the past 13 events. I am continually amazed
and hardens the soul, which cores and blackens and blinds at the number of people who tell us how much they
enjoyed the day out and are looking forward to the
the heart, this affliction which feeds on self-righteousness and next event. Even while waiting for their buses they
the conviction that God plays favorites, that the person whose were extolling the virtues of the day. We really do
behavior and appearance, and ways of speaking and dancing make a difference.
and loving are foreign to me, has less right to a true self than I.
Volunteers are still the backbone of our
Rock me awake, O Lord who invented the mosaic, the patchwork, organization. If you can spare a few hours every
the universe. other month please call Lillian Radomsky at (702)
Force me to see the miracle of every life on the threshold 942-3251to provide transportation for our guests, or
Of what we have come to know as Karen Berke at (702) 341-5112 if you would like to
volunteer in the social hall. Our next event, scheduled
Real life. to celebrate the High Holy Days, will be Wednesday,
Let me know that in the beginning, real life is created September 9. If you would like to enjoy our events
through ahavat hinam, love unbound, love unfiltered, love with us call and we will put you on our list.
unselfish, love shorn of armor and unkindness and judgment The Board of L’Dor V’Dor meets between events
and ancient rage. to critique the previous event, plan the next one and
Lord, whose business it is to give life, shock us, cajole us, set the dates for the rest of the year. Our next events
manipulate us, bring us to heel, force us in this terrible moment to are:
know the enormity and the necessity of chesed, lovingkindness. Date: Celebrating:
Lord, whose great gift and whose most murderous creation was September 9, 2009 High Holy Days
the human being, help us find the human in the Other, hated from October 27, 2009 Sukkot
habit and from afar. Help us up, the mourning, the remnant, December 15, 2009 Chanukah
those whom tragedy has in cruelty and in lovingkindness left
If you know of any senior who is homebound and
alive. Teach us to honor the slain by honoring the living, their could benefit from this opportunity to socialize with
own behavior and appearance and speech, the dancing and the other people, please call the L’Dor V’Dor coordinator,
loving of those doing nothing more banal and nothing more Shel Kolner at (702) 228-4744. We’ll make sure they
extraordinary, than living a genuinely real life. receive invitations to the upcoming events.
We want to thank all the sponsors of these events
This article appeared in Rabbi Goodman’s most recent blog. for their continued donations. We are particularly
To read more from the Rabbi or to follow him on Twitter while appreciative of the support of the United Jewish
he’s in Israel, go to: Community/Jewish Federation of Las Vegas for their
ongoing assistance. From the Board of L’Dor V’Dor
and all its volunteers we wish you L’Shana Tova – a
sweet and blessed 5770.

Temple News
Women’s League – by Melanie Greenberg
Women’s League had a busy summer planning for a new year. A number of Board members met each week throughout June
to devise a strategic plan for the coming year and into the future. This plan will be presented to the full Board for a vote at our
August meeting. Many hours of thought and passion went into the plan. Participants tried to take into consideration what was
important to Women’s League members and ways to attract new members. We are all very excited about the calendar and
hope everyone will take part in implementing it as well as participating in the programs.
A common suggestion was to make our programs fun. When a program was suggested, I looked at the faces around the table
and, if they didn’t light up, it didn’t make the cut! Another thing we tried to be aware of is the economy. We understand that
many members are experiencing financial difficulties, so we tried to plan a variety of events that would not break the piggy
bank! It was a wonderful experience for all who participated. We really learned a lot about each other and grew even closer
through the process. Personally, I am so proud to be part of such an intelligent, caring and kind group of women. I really look
forward to a successful year.
As of July 1, I am officially Co-President of Women’s League with Brenda Katz. We are very excited about all the possibilities
for the future and for the opportunity to get more women involved, as well as increase our membership. Brenda and I
have worked together before and not only enjoy working together, but also have a mutual respect for each other. We bring
complementary abilities to the table, which is a benefit to everyone. We will do our very best to serve Women’s League with
dignity and respect for our membership, our Board and our synagogue.
We invite all women who are members of TBS to join WL this year. We are an important component of the Temple and are
here to support our synagogue and its membership. New members will receive a fabulous book, The Faith Club, free of charge.
This book will be the topic of discussion for our September program. Dues are $36 and our paid up membership event is in
October with special guest, Congresswoman Shelley Berkley.
Brenda, Jerry, Gene and I join in wishing you and your families L’Shanah Tova.

B’nei Mitzvah
B’nei Mitzvah Happenings - By Adam Brustein
As I write this article, we have just completed two months of B’nei Mitzvot. Our students all
performed extremely well on their big day; some even read multiple aliyot from their Torah
portion. As proud as I am of their accomplishments, in this article, I want to focus on another
aspect of the B’nei Mitzvot ceremony. As many of you know, each student that becomes a B’nei
Mitzvah is presented with a Yad (Torah pointer) prior to their being called up to the Torah for the
first time. When making this presentation, the Rabbi instructs the students that he is not giving
them a trophy for display in their rooms; instead, he is providing them with a tool for use at future
Shabbat and Festival services when reading from the Torah. Finally, we are seeing the Rabbi’s
words realized. At nearly every Shabbat service during the past two months, post-B’nei Mitzvah
students at our Temple have returned to the Bima to read from the Torah. We are fortunate indeed.
I also want to express my personal appreciation of the outstanding efforts that our young adults
have been putting forth to make this vision become a reality. Not only are they excelling on the
day of their reading, but they are working diligently with me in the preparation stage to ensure
that their performance will be one in which they, their family and the entire congregation can
take pride. I would be remiss if I did not also thank the many congregants who either have written to me or spoken to me
personally to express their strong support of this effort. As an educator, I value the trust and confidence placed in me by
parents and students, and I promise that I will continue to work as hard as I can to earn it. To that end, and to try and make our
overall B’nei Mitzvah program as good as it can possibly be, I encourage you to contact me with any comments or suggestions.
If I can help you in any way, please call me anytime at (702) 497-5267. Again, thank you so much.
B’Shalom Adam

B’nei Mitzvah
Shaina Tarter was called to for “Positively Kids,” and volunteered at homeless shelters. Currently,
Sarah is collecting school supplies for Vail Pittman Elementary
the Torah June 13 School.
LAS VEGAS, NV – Special guests expected to attend include family members from
Parents Carey and Lou North Carolina, Virginia, Colorado, and California.
Tarter and older brother
David and sister Stacey Joseph Henry and Rebecca Samantha
were proud to announce Prager to be called to the Torah
the Bat Mitzvah of Shaina
Tarter on Saturday, June on August 29
– Temple Beth Sholom
Shaina currently attends is pleased to announce
7th grade at the Adelson the B’nei Mitzvah of
School. In addition to her Joseph Henry Prager
studies, she participates in the Outdoor Club, and Rebecca Samantha
the Swim Team, and plays piano. In her spare Prager on August 29th.
time, Shaina enjoys camping, hiking, and sleep- Joseph and Rebecca
away camp JCA Shalom. She is also hoping to are the children of Lisa
visit Israel again soon. Prager and the late Dr.
Harris “Robert” Prager.
For her Mitzvah project, Shaina made Joseph is currently in
friendship bracelets for children sick in the 8th grade at the Hyde Park Academy of Math and Science. Rebecca
hospital. She has also participated in feeding the is currently attending the Advanced Technologies Academy
homeless at a shelter. Magnet school with her goal to play track and volleyball at Palo
Verde High School; Both are Math and Science Honors students.
Sarah Danielle Karasik Rebecca is also a National Junior Honor Society member and has
received straight A’s all throughout middle school.
to be called to the Torah In his spare time, Joseph enjoys playing the bass guitar and
August 15 swimming, while Rebecca pursues photography, swimming,
babysitting and spending time with friends.
LAS VEGAS, NV – Special guests expected to attend include Grandma Ellen
Debbie and Joel Karasik Whitemore of Las Vegas, and Grandparents Joan and Len Prager
are proud to announce from Port Jervis, New York. Other family members who will attend
the Bat Mitzvah of their hail from Chicago, Florida, NY, Maine, Wisconsin, and Illinois.
daughter, Sarah Danielle Out of town friends expected are from Arizona, Mississippi,
Karasik, at Temple Beth California, Michigan, Illinois, and Texas.
Sholom on Saturday,
August 15th.
Sarah currently attends
Thomas Mark Issacs to be called to
7th grade at the Sig the Torah September 12
Rogich Middle School LAS VEGAS, NV – Donna and Gavin Issacs
where she has been acknowledged for her are proud to announce the Bar Mitzvah of
perfect attendance and her participation in the their son Thomas Mark Issacs on September
choir for three years. She is also the recipient 12th at Temple Beth Sholom.
of the “Great American Challenge” award and
has been recognized by Senator Harry Reid for Thomas currently attends 8th grade at
two years of participation in the Community the Meadows School. In his spare time, he
Service Club. enjoys soccer, tennis and golf.
In addition to her studies, Sarah is an avid His Mitzvah project will be to volunteer at
reader and soccer player, a counselor-in-training an assisted living center.
at Camp K’ton Ton at Temple Beth Sholom, a Girl Special guests expected to attend are
Scout, and an animal lover having rescued and Grandparents and family from Vancouver,
cared for her two dogs including her newest, a Canada, Grandmother, Uncle and Aunt
Chow named “Nala.” from Sydney, Australia, Uncle, Aunt and Cousins from Melbourne,
For her Mitzvah project, she has raised money Australia, Uncle, Aunt, and Cousins from New York, and friends
for the Lied Animal Foundation, collected clothing from North America, Australia and New Zealand.

Charles Schussler became a recipient of the Guggenheim
Award at the age of 9 years old, and connued his studies
in the medium of charcoal and pastels for a few years.
A graduate of the Fashion Instute of Technology, he
worked with designers Givenchy, Pio De Silva and Calvin
Klein on the producon of children’s sportswear.
Aer teaching adult art classes in New York City,
he moved to Arizona where he taught at Phoenix,
Glendale and Rio Salado Colleges. In 1999, Charles
moved to Las Vegas and subsequently taught privately
as well as at CCSN and the Summerlin Council.

(*NO CLASS NOVEMBER 25/Thanksgiving)
Prior to classes, there will be an orientaon lecture on September 16th introducing
the medium of charcoals with its different shades of black; pastels, together with
perspecve and line. Charles will show a few of his drawings and explain the various
supplies needed.

Please return the registraon form to the office by September 4th. Class size is limited.

Name: _______________________________ TBS Member: Yes / No

Address: ____________________________________________________________

Tel: ___________________________ Email: ________________________________

Meet the Board of Directors
Jeremy Bach Leonard
Jeremy Bach was born in
Los Angeles and raised in
Born in the Bronx, New York,
Hillsborough, California. Leonard, his wife Linda and
After receiving his Bachelor their two daughters moved to
Degree from the University California in 1971 where they
of California, Berkeley, he became members of Temple
Beth Sholom in Santa Ana.
moved to Hawaii where he
While in California they were
helped his father open and
very active in Jewish Marriage
operate three restaurants. In Encounter, serving on the
2001, after having returned Board of Directors of Jewish
to California to study, Jeremy received his MBA from Marriage Encounter of Southern California. Leonard later
the USC Marshall School of Business in Finance and served as President of the International Congress of Jewish
Marriage Encounter. The Eckhause family joined Temple
Marketing and moved to Las Vegas to work for MGM Beth Sholom in 2000 when they moved to Las Vegas.
MIRAGE. Jeremy has since served in numerous capacities Leonard is the Founder and past President of AFCOM, the
and currently holds the position of Vice President leading association in the world for data center managers.
of Finance and Strategic Sourcing, MGM MIRAGE - He has been instrumental in raising the computer industry’s
Corporate Operations. Jeremy and his wife, Georgina, awareness of data center management’s critical role in the
overall success of the company, and to raising the level of
have three young daughters, Sara, Julia, and Naomi.
technical knowledge, management skills and professionalism
Jeremy became a Bar Mitzvah at his Northern within the computer industry. He is also Founder and past
California shul, Temple Beth El, where he is proud of Chairman of the Data Center Institute, a council of leading
computer industry vendors and data center managers
his Jewish education and his youth involvement while
working together to examine, research and develop positions
helping lead the Temple Beth El basketball program to on industry trends relative to data center and e-business
three consecutive Northern California Jewish Basketball issues.
League championships. Jeremy, Georgina, and their For seven years Leonard served on the Curriculum Advisory
family have been members of Temple Beth Sholom Board at the National Technical Institute for the Deaf. He has
since arriving in Las Vegas in 2001. spoken at various industry conventions, authored numerous
articles on the computer industry and has been quoted
frequently in such publications as Computerworld, Information
Week, Datamation, The New York Times, U.S. News & World
Report, The Washington Post, The Wall St. Journal and many
Harvey Gitel
Harvey Gitel, Treasurer, has been a member of Temple Beth Sholom for over 11 years. He
has served on the Ritual, Finance, and High Holy Day Honors Committees. He has been
active in the Chevra Kadisha, morning minyan, adult education programs and Men’s Club,
where he served as President and represented the Men’s Club on the Board of Directors.
Harvey also served on the initial advisory board for the Solomon Schechter Day School.
Harvey retired as a partner and National Director of Forecasting Services from the
international accounting firm of Ernst & Young, LLP. He spent 29 years in financial and
consulting services with non-profit, for-profit healthcare and elder care providers and
suppliers, associations, and varied businesses seeking financing. Upon his retirement 11
years ago he moved to Las Vegas from Cleveland.
Harvey was born and raised in St. Louis where he received his BSBA and MBA from
Washington University. During his working years he lived in Chicago, Cleveland and Los
Angeles and his immediate family lives in Israel resulting in numerous trips to the Holy Land. Rather than a golf course,
Harvey can generally be found relaxing at a poker table at the Bellagio or Wynn.

Meet the Board of Directors
the highest rating available by the prestigious Martindale-
Ed Kainen Hubbell Law Directory and is one of only three Southern
Ed Kainen, First Vice President, Nevada Family Lawyers listed in the Best Lawyers in
is a family law attorney and a America. He has repeatedly been named a “Nevada Super
shareholder in the Las Vegas Lawyer” and one of the “Top 25” lawyers in the State of
law firm of Ecker & Kainen, Nevada by Las Vegas Life Magazine.
Chartered. He is a Fellow
At Temple Beth Sholom, Ed is presently the First Vice
of the American Academy
President and member of the Executive Committee,
of Matrimonial Lawyers,
having recently served as Secretary. For many years he
a Nevada Board Certified
has been involved with and he serves on the Board of
Specialist in Family Law, and
the Solomon Schechter Day School where he has been
is the Chair of the Nevada
involved for many years. Ed has also been involved on a
Board of Certified Family Law
number of special projects in the past and was Co-Chair
Specialists. Ed has achieved
of the Membership Committee.
Ellis Landau
Ellis Landau, retired Executive the Audit and Compensation Committees.
Vice President and Chief Prior to Boyd Gaming Corporation, Ellis worked for
Financial Officer of Boyd Ramanda Inc., later known as Aztar Corporation for 19
Gaming Corporation, a position years, as well as U-Haul International in Phoenix and the
he held since he joined the Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington, D.C.
company in 1990, continues
his involvement in the gaming Ellis was born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
industry through his January He received his Bachelor of Arts in economics from
2007 appointment to the Brandeis University in 1965 and his M.B.A. in finance from
Board of Directors of Pinnacle Columbia University Business School in 1967. He served
Entertainment, Inc. While in the United States Army Reserve from 1967-1973. Ellis
at Boyd, he negotiated, structured, and managed major settled in Phoenix, Arizona in 1969 where he raised two
acquisition, development, and financial transactions that children, Rachel and David. There, he met and married
played a significant role in taking Boyd from a small private Yvette Ehr Cohen, a successful attorney working for the law
company to a large and successful public company with firm of Snell & Wilmer. Ellis came to Las Vegas in 1990 to
properties nationwide. become Chief Financial Office for Boyd Gaming and Yvette
became General Counsel for Mandalay Resort Group.
Ellis dealt with a wide range of issues, from helping
to direct the company’s strategic direction to day-to-day Ellis has sought to be helpful to important causes and
financial matters. He was responsible for many of the institutions in his community. He is currently President of
company’s strategic initiatives, from initiating an acquisition Temple Beth Sholom, having recently served as Treasurer,
or development opportunity through negotiating and closing and was honored as the Temple’s Man of the Year 2006. He
the transaction. He arranged all of the company’s debt and is Chair of the Board of the Anti-Defamation League Nevada
equity transactions, and was the company’s face and choice Chapter and a sponsor of its No Place for Hate program.
to Wall Street and the financial community. The company’s Other areas of support include his alma mater, Brandeis
accounting and tax functions reported to him and he University, and the United Way of Southern Nevada.
oversaw both internal and external financial reporting and Today, Yvette is a principal in W.A. Richardson Builders,
filings. He also oversaw related financial matters such as LLC; Rachel lives in Washington, D.C. with her husband Joe
401 (k) and insurance. Ellis also served on the company’s Ersek, son Benjamin and twin daughters Evie and Grace;
seven-member Management Committee and attended and and David resides in Los Angeles.
participated in all Board and Committee meetings including

To place an ad please call Karen Boyarsky

(702) 804-1333 x129

Meet the Board of Directors
Blanche Meisel Joel Mann
Blanche Meisel is a Las Vegas Joel Mann, a native of
resident for ten years. Blanche Southern California, graduated
held leadership roles in from California Polytechnic
the Conservative Movement State University at San Luis
on the local, regional and Obispo in 1997, with a
Bachelor’s in Political Science
national scene for the past
and two minors in Economics
40 years including Past and Graphic Communications.
International Vice President After graduation, he moved to
of Women’s League and Washington D.C. to work for
President of the Northern United States Senator Dianne
New Jersey Region. Currently Feinstein. He then went to work
on the Board of Temple Beth Sholom and co-chair of its for the National Jewish Democratic Council as the Deputy
Programming committee, Blanche also serves on the Political Director and Deputy Political Action Committee
Board of Women’s League, the JTS Rabbinical School, the Director.
Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem, Torah It was in Washington D.C. that Joel met his wife, Sari
Fund Cabinet (JTS) and the Las Vegas Art Museum. Blanche Greenberg and, after getting engaged, moved to Las Vegas in
received a Bachelor of Science degree from the University 1999.
of Illinois College of Agriculture and has been married to Joel graduated from the William S. Boyd School of Law
her husband Phil for 59 years. They have four sons, four at UNLV in 2002 and worked for the Clark County District
daughters-in-law and ten grandchildren. Attorney’s office before entering private practice. In 2006, he
opened the Law Office of Joel M. Mann, where he practices
criminal defense law. He is a graduate of the Las Vegas
Moms Supporting Moms Leadership Academy and serves as President for the Nevada
and Daddies, too! Attorneys for Criminal Defense.
A support and information group for parents of
Joel has been involved in the Jewish community throughout
children ages K to college. Thursday, September 10th
his life, as a leader in AZA, a founder and President of Hillel
at 9:30 am. Contact Jacquie Frye at (702) 242-9979 at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, as well as a board member of
for reservations. ADL in Las Vegas. He is a graduate of the Jewish Federation’s
Young Leadership program.
Joel and Sari have three children, Eli, Shira, and baby
Seth. He has enjoyed celebrating many simchas at Temple
Security Beth Sholom including his wedding, his son’s bris, and his
daughter’s naming. He looks forward to many more and to
Officer continue serving on the Board of Directors.

Assists Metro
On June 1, 2009, TBS Director of Security Daniel Sinai contacted the Las
Security Officer Nick Vegas Metropolitan Police Department to report the
Gomez was stationed at suspicious activity. When they arrived, the Metro officers
the front gate and observed investigated and confirmed that someone had attempted
a suitcase being thrown to burglarize the house from which the suitcase was
over the back wall of the thrown. Due to the quick response of Officer Gomez, the
house directly across from perpetrators were unable to take anything of value.
the Temple. A suspicious Temple Beth Sholom continues to be dedicated to
looking car passed by a few times, slowing down, but the providing security for our building and safety for our
driver did not get out of the car to retrieve the suitcase. members. Due to his observance at the front gate, Officer
When Officer Gomez tried to retrieve the license plate Gomez was also able to prevent what could have been a
of the vehicle, the driver accelerated and sped towards large theft from a neighboring house.
Town Center.

Mina Rosen PAVILION In Honor of:
Linda & Herb White In Honor of: Merle & Michael Mitzmacher’s 40th
In Honor of: Dr. David Steinberg, for your Wedding Anniversary
Steve Cohen’s Birthday leadership as President this Mimi Katz
Evelyn & Leon Goldstein past year Jeralyn & Michael Sarnoff
An Aliyah: Bruce Kesselman Thank you:
Eva & Ben Kilimik Joshua Goodman
Sam Showel
SANDRA & STANLEY Ruth Goldfarb
Rabbi Goodman Speedy Recovery:
Esther Frankenstein Stanley Mallin FOR SSDS-LV
Jacquie & Marc Frye Anita Lewy In Honor of:
Honorine & Hank Gordon In Memory of: Charlotte & Sam Showel’s 60th
Sara & Michael Krelstein Allen Brewster Wedding Anniversary
Arlene & Jerry Blut Sheryl Honig
In Memory of:
Paul Schmier
Chic Hecht Gertrude Eisenbruck
Gail Hecht Arlene & Jerry Blut In Memory of:
Gertrude Eisenbruck
Fannie (Peppy) Silverstein Harry Gilbert
Judy Applebaum
Joan Silverstein Arlene & Jerry Blut
Susan & Hillel Aronson
Elvan Spilka Elvan Spilka
Bonnie Berkowitz
Dee & Fred Berkley Bonnie Berkowitz
Ruth Brewster
Louisa & Louis Levin Marci & Rob Mudock
Sheryl & Jaclyn Honig
Blanche & Phil Meisel
Mickey Stern SANDRA & STANLEY Lillian & Henry Kronberg
Renee Landesberg
Yiskor: MALLIN EARLY Anita Lewy
Harvey Gitel CHILDHOOD CENTER Cecilia Ostrow
In Honor of: Elaine & Irving Steinberg
DISCRETIONARY FUND Sandra & Stanley Mallin’s
Mazal Tov:
Rabbi Adam & Angie Watstein on
Esther Frankenstein SCHOOL OF RELIGIOUS
your marriage
Esther Frankenstein Blanche & Phil Meisel on STUDIES
Jacquie & Marc Frye grandson Daniel Meisel John Sherwin Endowment
Anita Lewy becoming a Bar Mitzvah In Honor of:
Priscilla & Abe Hodes Shirley Chaplin Beverly Chervitz’ Birthday
Rochelle & Arnold In Memory of: Helen & Bob Feldman’s
Schneider Gertrude Eisenbruckv Anniversary
Ellen Scully Sandra & Stanley Mallin Esther Frankenstein
Joan Silverstein PhD Harry Gilbert Jacquie & Marc Frye on son Joey
Thank you: Esther Frankenstein becoming a Bar Mitzvah
Rabbi Watstein Dorothy & Marshal M. Lillian Radomsky
Jacquie & Marc Frye Reisman Foundation Sara & Michael Ganton on daughter
Samantha becoming a Bat Mitzvah
Lillian Radomsky

Carolyn & Oscar Goodman’s In Honor of: Sara Young
Anniversary Adele Baratz’ Birthday Barbara & Igal Chozahinoff
Liz Goodman’s Birthday Esther Frankenstein
Fran Levien’s Birthday
Dawn & Eddie Gershman’s 12th Lee & Pamela Rothman
Rabbi Yocheved Mintz’ Wedding Anniversary Seth Schorr
Birthday Sheila & Jay Gershman Jennifer & Ivan Sher
Margret Ofek’s Birthday
Priscilla Hodes’ Birthday Marcy & Jack Simon
Cheryl & Carl Ross’
Dorothy Klegerman’s Birthday In Honor of:
Charlotte Kuklin’s Birthday
Marci Seltzer’s Birthday Charlotte & Sam Showel’s 60th
Dorothy & Marshall Lasky’s
Teri Thienhaus’ Birthday Wedding Anniversary
Esther Frankenstein Hylda & Murray Leitner
Marci & Ed Seltzer’s
Wiley Family on daughters Erica & Anniversary Speedy Recovery:
Jillian becoming B’not Mitzvah Esther Frankenstein Mona Silverman
Lillian Radomsky Ruth Brewster
Mel Wolzinger’s Birthday
Misheberach: In Memory of:
Melissa & Mitch Ogron
Judy & Ron Mack Charlotte Berkowitz
In Memory of: Hazel & Harold Handelman
HEATHER SAXE Charlotte Berkowitz
Denise Rosenbaum
Esther Frankenstein
Rabbi Hershel Brooks
In Memory of:
Sylvia Bobroff
Flora & Stuart Berkowitz CHEVRA KADISHA
Allen Brewster
Marcy & Steve Saxe & Family
Flora & Stuart Mason
Stuart Powell In Memory of:
Harry Gilbert
Felice & Joshua Saxe & Family Helene Sussman
Amy May & Family
Esther Frankenstein
Heather Saxe D’Vorre Ober
Lillian & Mike Radomsky
Felice, Joshua, Sarah, Heather Arlene & Gary Avakian
& Courtney Saxe Elvan Spilka YAHRZEIT FUND
Yvette & Ellis Landau In Memory of:
LAWRENCE A. SCULLY Edward Tannenbaum Irving M. Aisuss
LIBRARY FUND Arlene & Gary Avakian Charlotte & Sam Showel
In Honor of: Abraham Zwiren Kevin Bartnof
Ellen Scully on the birth Bernardine Zaben Morley Bartnof
of great granddaughter
Lindsey Stein WARSAW MEMORIAL Ruth Bartnof
Ann Best
Robin & Robert Stein on the birth FUND Mona & Charles Silverman
of daughter Lindsey Stein In Memory of: Nathan Bloomberg
Ethel Mittenthal Mollie Glicken Edith & Allan Bloomberg
In Memory of: Lil Glicken
Becky Blum
Barry Lederer MOLLIE WEISS Sylvia Schwartzer
Debbie Lederer
L’DOR V’DOR In Memory of: Arlene & Jerry Blut
Bet Knesset Bamidbar Choir Freha Chozahinoff Dr. George Bolatin
Happy Chavurah Yoska Chozahinoff Florence Bolatin
Gilbert LeVine Kalman Marmor
Lorraine Chaia Borukh
Jacqueline Rogers Michael Marmor
Susan Molasky
Thursday Bridge Group Shulamit Chozahinoff
Mavashov Morris Chaplin
Mollie G. Weiss Pincus Chaplin
Shirley Chaplin

Jerry Cohen Joseph Hewel Sam Minsberg
Philip Cohen Ackerman Family Lil Glicken
Sam J. Cohen Warren Isaacs Dr. Alan Mintz
Sharon & Bob Wiviott Donna & Gavin Isaacs Rabbi Yocheved Mintz
Robert Demby Eugene M. Joseph Bella Oberne
Dorothy Demby-Lasky Martha Joseph Lou Oberne
& Family Lois & Bruce Joseph Hylda Leitner
Jacob Dondis Tillie Kay Feiga Yetta Offerman
Rosi Dondis Mimi Katz & Family Rose Raphael
Harriet R. Grunberg Monica Kay Evelyn Ortenberg
Fran Levien Kay Family Priscilla Schwartz-Hodes
Bernard Edison Beatrice Klein Josephine Peikin
Merle & Michael Mitzmacher The Kleins David Peikin
Dorothy Entratter Rev. Joseph Klein Boris Premack
Michele Wolkoff Morris Golden Renee & Joe Premack
Sara Feit Harold Kleinman Allen Rabin
Lucia & Israel Feit Michael Kleinman Lottie Rabin
Julius Finkst Suzanne Kleinman Barbara & Bernard Fruchter
Anita Lewy Kathleen Chilton Leon Radomsky
Samuel Flur Yochai Joe Knaani Edie Radomsky
Corinne Fields Laraine Knaani-Yamaguchi Betty H. Resnik
Hilda Freeman Ruben Kramer Emil Resnik
Ruth Brewster Edie Radomsky Harriett Resnik
Maurice H. Friedman Floyd Kuklin Linda Resnik
Norisse Friedman Charlotte Kuklin Hershel Resnik
Eva Fuhrman Allan S. Lazarus Leslie Ritchie
Melita Fuhrman Vickter Howard D. Goldman Barbara Greenspun
Maurice Garber Fannie Levien Jordan Rosenthal
Susan & Alan Garber Leonard Levien Linda & Leonard Eckhaus
Betty Gelman Louis Levien Rebecca Salton
Debbie & Richie Gelman Harriet R. Grunberg Adele Baratz
Ken Glicken Frances Levien
Jay Sarno
Lil Glicken Jacob Lipsky Heidi & David Straus
William Goldberg Dr. Doris Soroky-Aarenau
Sam Schulman
Mimi Katz & Family Kate Lewy Debbie Lederer
David Gordon Anita Lewy
Sadie Schumann
Lillian Gordon Annie Loban Carol Siskind
Laura, Stan, Max David Loban
Evelyn Schussler
& Camryn Shuster Lucille Mack Charles Schussler
Rose Gordon Anonymous
Eddie Schwartz
Pat & Don Gordon Harry S. Markowitz Betty Schwartz
Helen Green Sydelle & Joel Markowitz
Miriam Schwartz
Allyce & Stanley Schwartzbart Elias Messinger Renee & Joe Premack
Hank Greenspun Dee & Fred Glick
Fay Schwartzer
Barbara Greenspun Edward A. Miller Sylvia Schwartzer
Dan Miller

Pauline Hyzen Shlisky Olla Mishelow Stern Betty Wexler
Howard Hyzen Dr. Albert & Nancy Rosten Natalie & Artie Berger
Dr. Morris Showel Morris Sutton Dr. Lawrence J. Wilchins
Charlotte & Sam Showel Lynn & Arne Rosencrantz Eleanor Wilchins
Max Silverman Priva Szrut Phillip P. Wilensky
Mona & Charles Silverman Judy & Ron Mack Norma J. Wilensky
Esther Leah Sincoff Harry Trost Terri Wilensky-Genzer &
Judith Morrison Naomi Trost Robert S. Genzer
Leo Siskin Deirdre & Barry Blumberg Mollie Winer
Laura, Stan, Max & Camryn Shuster Benjamin Venger Leo Winer
William Siskind Norman Venger Abraham Winner
Carol Siskind Sally Rita Venger Dorothy Demby-Lasky
Lena M. Solotist Sam Veytsman Eva Nelson Wiviott
Harriet R. Grunberg Faina Veytsman Sharon & Bob Wiviott
Fran Levien Thelma Wechsler Rita Zakar
Helen Starr Phyllis & Ira Wechsler Ronnie & Neil Schwartz
Carol & Jeffrey Starr Ewald Weinberg Reuben Zucker
Lois & Michael Weinberg Carol & Jeff Zucker


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To Order, return this form to Ellen Ploesch

10222 Spider Rock Avenue
Las Vegas, NV 89135
Make check payable to Women’s League of Temple Beth Sholom
Ellen may be contacted at 702-501-8913
Please send all checks to Ellen

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August 2009 Av / Elul 5769
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

9:00 AM

11 Av
7:30 PM
2 3 4 5 6 Kabbalat 7 8
Bereavemaent Shabbat with 9:00 AM
9:00 AM Minyan Group Ruach Shabbat
10:00 AM Ensemble Services
8:30 Young

7:22 pm

12 Av 13 Av 14 Av 15 Av 16 Av 17 Av 18 Av

9 10 11 12 7:00 PM 13 6:15 PM 14 9:00 AM 15

9:00 AM Minyan 6:00 PM SSDS Kids Nite Shabbat
TBS - EC Board Services
7:30 PM
Kabbalat 9:00 AM
Shabbat Sarah Karasik
Bat Mitzvah

7:14 pm

19 Av 20 Av 21 Av 22 Av 23 Av 24 Av 25 Av

16 17 18 19 20 7:30 PM 21 9:00 AM 22
9:00 AM Minyan Bereavemaent Kabbalat Shabbat
Group Shabbat Services
7:05 PM 10:00 AM Under the Stars
Las Vegas 51’S
Rabbi Watstein -
1st pitch
7:06 pm

26 Av 27 Av 28 Av 29 Av 30 Av 1 Elul 2 Elul
9:00 AM 6:00 PM 7:30 PM
Minyan 23 TBS BD 24 25 26 27 Kabbalat 28 9:00 AM 29
7:00 PM Youth
Shabbat Shabbat
Back-to-School Group at Golden Bereavemaent
BBQ 12:30 PM Spoon Services
3 Elul 4 Elul 10:00 AM High Holy Days
9:00 AM
registration ends
Rebecca and
Joseph Prager
30 31 6:57 pm B’nei
9:00 AM Minyan Mitzvah

10 Elul 11 Elul 5 Elul 6 Elul 7 Elul 8 Elul 9 Elul

Non-Profit Org.
Clergy & Staff U.S. Postage
Rabbi Permit No. 171
Felipe Goodman - x104 Las Vegas, NV
Asst. Rabbi LAS VEGAS, NV 89135
Adam Watstein - x104

Avraham Alpert – x104

Asst. to Rabbi and Cantor

Carol Jeffries - x104

Executive Director
Robert Festenstein - x133

Director of Education
Jon Mitzmacher - x114

Religious & Youth Educator

Jennifer Weiss - x124
The Board of Directors
Director of Early
Childhood Education
Jennifer Zukowski - x113
2009-2010 Officers
Controller President Ellis Landau
Isabel Lewis - x101 First Vice President Ed Kainen
Second Vice President Sara Price Mason
Director of Security Treasurer Harvey Gitel
Daniel “D.J.” Sinai - x108 Secretary Ivy Gage
Immediate Past President Dr. David Steinberg
Office Manager
Bonnie Baxter - x128 President Emerita Sandra Mallin Directors
Communications Manager Jeremy Bach Joel Mann
Karen Boyarsky - x129 Leonard Eckhaus Blanche Meisel Abbie Friedman Dan Miller
Receptionist Mitchell Ogron Dr. Steve Saxe
Myrna Hills - x100 Dr. Adam Schwartz
Honorary Board Member Sharon Sigesmund Pierce
Women’s League Brenda Katz/Melanie Greenberg
Office: (702) 804-1333 Men’s Club Jerry Springberg

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