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MED 4110 Visual design Thomas Hartwell S13153716 Portfolio

Pg.1 - Type and Typography Pg.2 - Shape and Form Pg.3 - Colour and image Pg.4/5 - Grid and Composition Pg.6 - Trashion Pg. 7/16- Magazine in a day Pg.17/34 - Multimedia in a day Pg.35/40 - Marketing in a day.

Type and Typography

This is an experimentational business card that I designed. I used various tools and techniques within InDesign such as the type on path tool to create interesting visual elements.

Shape and Form

For the Shape and Form section I made a business card based upon a brief. The client was a business called Bright ideas design. The company is young and funky so i tried to develop a business card that would reflect this. Here is the first draft compared to the finished product.
First draft.

Transforming the world as we see it




Web design..Logos..Business cards Tel: 0121 645 1385 Mob: 06461 216 789

To make the business card original and to reflect the experimentational purposes of the product, I used techniques like the manipulation of anchor points on the name. This was done by simply dragging points to the desired point. Similarly, I combined different fonts for each letter within the word Typography. I chose a blue colour scheme, complemented by a combination of grey and white font colours.


Final draft.

I developed the design by getting rid of the frame around the outside as this would cause problems relating to bleed when cut. I also simplified the text font and effects to make it easier to read and used the concept of colour bubbles around the logo text from the original logo. I kept the background the same but added thought bubbles from the i in ideas.
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Colour and Image

For my exploration into colour and image I designed a cd front cover. The project was relatively open in terms of creative scope but I did have certain guidelines to adhere to. For example the size of the cover, it had to include atleast one image and source that image from creative commons.
The Shrapnels

Grid and Composition

I worked within a team of four in order to create a clear recognisable house style across a number of double page spreads and experiment with the grid and breaking the grid. as A group we produced three spreads, keeping the focus on the house style and the visual aesthetic of each product in terms of the grid and composition. This is the article that I contributed to the team.

Critical evaluation: Image: My choice of image is a close up of an eye which I sourced from I felt that this would contrast nicely with my idea of shapes as well. I particularly liked the detail of the eye and felt that it would work well within my design and ensured that I adhered to the brief. Shape: I have used both default and customized shapes within the design. For example circles and oblong shapes e.g. for the mouth. I have also used the circle shape to create the teardrops using additional anchor points and dragging them in. Initially I was struggling for inspiration so I used different shapes as a starting point and built upon it from there. Colour: I have used a black background which I feel contrasts nicely with the other bright colours that I have used like blues, whites and reds. I tried to pick colours that were aesthetically stimulating for me and a balance that looked effective at a first glance. Overall I think the design turned out okay for a first draft.
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The bad side to camp is, its very, VERY hard work ... Its tough work and stressful.

kids could go and stroke. I met loads of different and new people and the kids really helped me to understand a new culture. It gave me a real sense of well being, doing something for these kids that they havent had before. However, camp is not all sports, fun and games, especially when you are on 24-hour duty with the kids in your dorm. When asked whether he would want to go back again, Paul is unsure: Possibly, but I would have reservations because it is so hard. Thats why in my second year I went back to a different job. Maybe when I am more mature in about three years time I would want to do something like that and just spend another summer there. The bad side to camp is, its very, VERY hard work. You sometimes feel like you are put on 24/7. Even when you are asleep you are still responsible for the kids in your care. There is no rest period when you are with them except for your day off which is once every 11 days. Its tough work and stressful. Despite the cons, Paul says that he would still recommend it to others: As a whole it is a great

experience, it is very character building. It teaches you how to deal with problems quickly, it teaches you to survive on your own when travelling and it is just in general a good experience. When you look back you forget the bad things that happened. Even if you only do it once. Even though as a nation our average knowledge of foreign languages extends to Donde esta la playa? or Deux bier, sil

I didnt speak any Cantonese, but they said that they preferred that as they didnt want the kids to speak Cantonese to me. But over the year I did pick some up- the kids were really excited to teach me rude words! Bex seems to typify a new attitude amongst those who take a year out, believing that if they dont do it now, they may never do it. I really wanted to do something different- I was bored and I wanted a change. I looked at different options and Hong Kong was my fourth choice, but I was picked and thought- well, gotta go! I was in Hong Kong for nine months then spent two months travelling in Thailand, Vietnam and China.

back Bex is very enthusiastic. I cant wait to go back there. I have a book and tape to try and learn Cantonese but its not working very well. I would really love to go back there and I would recommend it, but only to certain people. Two girls that I was with went back after the first week because they couldnt handle being away from their families and England, which I thought was pretty stupid. But if youre 18- go for it!

BOX OUT: The following companies can help you out in your quest to work abroad: First Point International York House, 17 Greta Cumberland Place, London, W1H 7LA Camp Counsellor USA 6 Richmond Hill, Richmond Upon Thames, TW10 6QX BUNAC 16 Bowling Green Lane, London, EC1R 0QH Camp America 37a Queens Gate, London, SW7 5HR New Frontiers 58 Manchester Street, Heywood ,Greater ManchesterOL10 1DL Pix Bex Levin, Paul Bruton

For most students the summer holidays represent a chance to work off some of that overdraft, or to work up some more debt and go travelling somewhere. Now there is the chance to do both. Working abroad gives you the chance to see the world and keep the bank manager happy... Working a summer job abroad can mean anything from handing out leaflets in Ibiza to teaching English in Nepal, but by far the most popular destination for a three month working break is the Summer Camps of America. For those of you not in the know, sending your kids to a summer camp for anything up to two

months at a time is an institution in America, and is practised by everyone from Steven Spielberg to Howard Stern. Paul Bruton spent two summers working as a counsellor at the Hayden Marks Camp in up-state New York. A charity camp, Paul worked his first season with inner-city and underprivileged kids, then worked as an office assistant to the director in his second year. We had to do all sorts with the kids, from arts and crafts to sports like basketball, swimming and baseball. There was a high ropes course and we had a barn with animals in that the

vous plait, there are countries all over the world who want native Brits to teach English to schoolchildren.

The placement was organised through Gap Activity Projects. You make an initial choice of five destinations and after an interview, its left up to GAP who take Nowhere is this practice more it from there. Unfortunately this popular than in the Far East is only open to those on a gap where places like China, Japan and Hong Kong which are brimyear before ming with opportunities for those university, but there are other brave enough to take the plunge companies who can help in this and uproot for a year. The only area. teaching qualification you need is the ability to speak English. Accommodation and transport costs are covered and small amounts of pocket money are One such plucky soul was Bex Levine who worked as an assissupplied just to cover living tant English teacher in a Chinese expenses. Unfortunately the visa doesnt cover any other form secondary school in Hong Kong for a year prior to university. of work, so you can forget the bar job for the extra cash. When When I applied I told them that asked if she would want to go

Here are the other spreads that different members of the team produced to reflect the continuity within the house style and the design decisions that we made to achieve this.

ThePlan presents the guide to giving yourself a career makeover to go get that job. From interview tips to personal presentation, this is how to sell yourself as the perfect graduate employee... In the modern job market the average applicant to a graduate job is a carbon copy of the next and of the next and of the next. All have GSCEs, three A levels and a degree. So how do you make yourself stand out from the crowd?
questions you may have about my application, thats the way to get your name noticed and to get the job you want. This is when Word comes into its own with a ready-made template for a formal letter. But this can only help you as far as layout is concerned. Technicalities of Sir and Madam must be correct. If you have a name to write to, finish it Yours Sincerely but if not, Yours Faithfully will suffice. It wont earn you points, but it will be noticed if it is incorrect, and you dont want to start off badly before you have met the interviewer. So lets assume it all went according to plan. Your CV was short, concise and flamboyantly coloured. The covering letter said in no uncertain terms Hire me and you get the phone call inviting you for an interview. This is where the real pressure begins. A CV you can pore over for hours until it is perfect, but on the day itself you have to think fast and clearly for yourself. Even before you open your mouth you are being judged, Says Annmarie. I dont care what anyone says- suits are usually a must, and you should be aware of the generation gap. No matter how contemporary you may look you have to think of your employers. You arent going to get that job in the city if your face is full of piercings and you have a shaved head. So with that in mind ThePlan has put together the perfect dress to impress wardrobe for that big day. So says Nick Jeffries, a style consultant and fashion buyer for Next UK. Suits need to look smart, but that doesnt need to mean spending a lot of money. When I finished university I had debts, but I knew that my last splash of cash would be on a good suit that had a timeless appeal to it and would still look good in two or three years time, instead of one of these more modern suits that will be out of fashion in a season. Black is a good colour that can be used for everything from funerals to weddings to interviews, and looked after and cleaned in the right way and you will get plenty of life out of it. Basically black goes with everything. You can wear it with a black shirt and tie for the cool mod gangster look. Or swap with a white shirt and coloured tie for the interview situation. A single breasted suit jacket, with a high neckline is a good look, as it is contemporary enough to be in fashion, but has the staying power that you need for a situation like an interview. A big fashion faux pas is the cartoon character tie. Although amusing when received at Christmas it does not project the correct image. It makes you look like a joker. You cannot go wrong with the white shirt and plain coloured tie. The tie doesnt have to be a dull colour, but a good silk tie is always a good buy. Nick is very passionate about shoes, and says he despairs when he sees the wrong kind of shoes on peoples feet.

In the interview
This is where you can make or break your job prospects. You have to be prepared for everything and remember the golden ruleconfidence is everything. Hesitation is negative after you have been asked a question. Annmarie is adamant about this. It looks like you are not prepared properly for the interview. Dont just walk in there pretty sure you know everything about the company, KNOW that you know everything. A favourite trick of interview panels is to examine some papers and keep quiet. This is not your opportunity to go off on some meaningless babble about your journey here this morning, or what happened last night, this is a test to see if the stress is getting to you. When they do ask you a question, if it can be answered in a short answer then do so. Be prepared for them to ask you if you have any questions for them warns Annmarie Ive got all the jobs I have ever gone for, and I think its because I impressed them with the questions I asked at the end of the interview. I would say to them How many other applicants am I up against? or Do you think Im the right person for this job? I was nervous when I said them, but they paid off in the end.

The hardest part is getting through the first stage- the CV. No more than two pages. So says Annmarie Hanlon, responsible for hiring and firing over the last 14 years for the AHA Consultancy. Much depends on a good looking CV picked up from the pile on the table. I still get people sending me their CV with hand-written notes in the margin, and graduates are especially bad at listing all their modules from the last three years. That just makes me switch off. After those three years of hard work it seems that employers are not as interested in your degree than you are lead to believe. An academic CV is boring and you dont get a sense of the applicant. Personalisation is important; even sending a picture of yourself is becoming more and more acceptable. Keeping it short is also very important, as is making it eye-catching. Sometimes you have to speculate to accumulate. Yellow is a very positive colour to print onto, red is very negative and so is orange. Annmarie recommends keeping three different CVs for different jobs. A general CV is good for middle of the road jobs, but you should always have a back-up to sell your academic achievements and one to sell your personality over the academic. But, like Donny and Marie and Buzz and Woody, the CV has its own hand in hand partner- the covering letter. Most covering letters I get are useless and filled with mistakes- I still get letters to Dear sir because someone hasnt bothered to do their research correctly. They have to be ballsy and have bite to get noticed. They should always end on an action point such as I will contact you next week to answer any

You never want to look like your dad,

but some people just end up getting sucked into that awful thin lace up strange pattern on the toe of the shoe affair that I hate so much. Dont go for chunky soles and dont go for Velcro. It looks like you cant tie your own laces and your mum doesnt want you to wear out another pair of shoes playing football. Above all his advice is to be comfortable. If you dont think you look good then you wont feel good. You dont have to look like a million dollars just to look the part. A good suit will not be noticed, but a bad suit will.

Finding a job isnt hard.

Finding a job that suits you as a graduate is. Anyone with the right combination of personality, qualifications, drive and most importantly optimism can get the job they desire, but at the end of the day its all down to how you come over to your prospective employers in the CV, the covering letter and the interview. Get them all right, and youll have given them what they want. +

In the wardrobe

Even if you havent got much money you can still look good.

In this section I am including a complete development of a fashion and culture brand called Trashion. In responsing yto the brief, firstly I have produced a magazine cover accompanied by four articles making sure that I adhere to the quirky style of the magazine aimed at mainly 18-30 year old females.. It was very important to use the skills that I had developed during the Grid and Composition week in terms of establishing a house style and continuity within the magazine. I developed the magazine further by desingning a web layout for digital consumption of the magazine and transferred this onto an iPhone format and iPad format to make sure that the magazine is widely accessible and available to as many peope as possible. I then developed the magazine by designing merchandise that people can either purchase or get free handouts.

How we developed a house style: Before creating the spreads we decided on a few features that would remai continuous throughout every spread. For example we all used the light blue, white, black and grey colour scheme and the gray banners at the top and bottom. My article was the only one that broke the grid, I used an image to do this.
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Magazine in a day.
I used various techniques and features throughout the cover and articles to try and respond to the brief effectively. One of the main aspects with the magazine is the colour scheme, I feel that by choosing pink, black and white the femininity within the magazine is reinforced. Also the selection of the images throughout the magazine was important considering that we had some content to choose from. I chose the main image on the cover as I liked the concept of making eye contact with the audiece. The images within the articles corresponded to the respective topic of the article. I repeated the logo of the magazine that I created in the right corner of every article and kept the same principle for the three pink bubbles emerging from the bottom right hand corner of each article. I feel that this reinforces a clear house style.

1.Website. Multimedia in a day.

When developing the magazine into a digital formats I had to experiment with ways of transfering the information and stylistic features presented in the print version of the magazine like images to look good as a website, not only on a laptop or computer but on an iPhone and iPad as well.

2.iPhone. 3.iPad.
17 18

Website: Home page

Fashion | Events | Catwalk | Vintage | The High Street | Video | Subscribe | Shop
I experienced some difficulty when designing the website home page as I didnt want the consumer to have to scroll on the home page. Therefore I had to fit all of the content presented on the print magazine front cover onto a smaller area. I used the Trashion logo at the top to reinforce the brand. I also used the same colour scheme as the magazine. I included a search bar at the top to make the website as user friendly and easy to use as possible and allow the consumer to find what they are looking for quickly. Boxed outlines were used as I felt that it separated different sections effectively and kept the website looking neat and tidy. My selection of images were chosen as I felt that they were aesthetically stimulating. I took inspiration from www. as I felt that their website worked really well.

The females eye for fashion.

Vintage shopping in London The rise of the cool kids
The great thing about vintage clothing...

The latest Christmas range has been launched. The launch took place ...

New vintage Christmas range


Ever returned home from an evening...

Judy Berger: Vintage Fair Extraordinaire Fashion-loving students are no doubt already familiar with ...

Judys affordable vintage fair

The Vintage Shack on London Rd. has closed down due to ...

London vintage shop goes bust

Photoshoot gallery
Shop shuts New sale Cheap stuff

Free lipstick with the latest issue!

READ MORE New shop Hottest look Free giveaways

News New trends Christmas



Vintage sale Photoshoot Clearance


Bullring New models Judges


High Street

Interviews Fashion shoots Advertisement


Macbook view (Home page)

Fashion | Events | Catwalk | Vintage | The High Street | Video | Subscribe | Shop

Macbook view (Gallery)

The females eye for fashion.

Photoshoot gallery

The gallery was relatively simple to make, however I did have to lengthen the design as the concept of the page is to allow the user to scroll down and see more. I designed a scroll bar to make this possible. The top of the page is based upon the top of the website to keep continuity throughout the website, much like I did with the magazine. Elements like the pink bubbles were taken from my print magazine design to reinforce the connection between the two.



iPhone: Home page

The females eye for fashion. Menu

iPhone view (Home page)

Vintage shopping in London

The great thing about vintage clothing...


The rise of the cool kids

Ever returned home from an evening...

Judys affordable vintage fair

Judy Berger: Vintage Fair Extraordinaire Fashion-loving students are no doubt already familiar with ...

New vintage Christmas range

The latest Trash!on Christmas range has been launched. The launch took place ...


The Vintage Shack on London Rd. has closed down due to ...

London vintage shop goes bust

Free lipstick with the latest issue! Photoshoot gallery READ MORE

For the iPhone design I had to compress the information from the website even more. I did this by placing the sections on top of each other and incorporating a scroll bar to allow the consumer to browse the website. I got rid of the category banner at the top and replaced it with a drop down menu option which gave me more space to work with and avoided the website looking too cluttered and congested.

Fashion Events News Vintage sale New trends Photoshoot Christmas Clearance

Catwalk Vintage Bullring Shop shuts New models New sale Judges Cheap stuff

High Street New shop Hottest look Free giveaways

Video Interviews Fashion shoots Advertisement

The females eye for fashion.







iPhone: Gallery

The females eye for fashion.

Photoshoot gallery

iPhone view (Gallery)

This is what the gallery will look like on an iPhone and reflects the concept of scrolling down to reveal more pictures from the shoot.

When desiging the gallery for the iPhone I decided to place each image beneath eachother and incorporate the scroll bar again. This seemed to be the most user friendly and simple way to do it. I kept all of the shots from the website to make the content of the website accessible anywhere (on the move).



iPad: Home page

Fashion | Events | Catwalk | Vintage | The High Street | Video | Subscribe | Shop
The iPad design didnt require too much modification from the laptop/computer design as the screen sizes arent drastically different. I still didnt want the consumer to have to scroll down on the main page, like they would have to for the iPhone. So I maaged to resize certain areas like the main image on the right and the font sizes to allow the whole appearance to be visible on an iPad.

The females eye for fashion.

Vintage shopping in London The rise of the cool kids
The great thing about vintage clothing...

The latest Christmas range has been launched. The launch took place ...

New vintage Christmas range


Ever returned home from an evening...

Judy Berger: Vintage Fair Extraordinaire Fashion-loving students are no doubt already familiar with ...

Judys affordable vintage fair

The Vintage Shack on London Rd. has closed down due to ...

London vintage shop goes bust

Photoshoot gallery
Shop shuts New sale Cheap stuff

Free lipstick with the latest issue!


News New trends Christmas

Vintage sale Photoshoot Clearance

Bullring New models Judges

High Street
New shop Hottest look Free giveaways

Interviews Fashion shoots Advertisement



iPad view (Home page)

iPad: Gallery
Fashion | Events | Catwalk | Vintage | The High Street | Video | Subscribe | Shop

iPad view (Gallery)

The females eye for fashion.

Photoshoot gallery




Marketing in a day.
The final stage of the process was developing products to allow effective marketing of the magazine. I decided to creae a concept of a free tote bag hand out on the street whereby various different products will be inside all promoting the magazine. I designed all of the products that would be given out in the bag and the bag itself.

I designed a badge with the same colour scheme as the magazine and the logo displayed in the middle. This helps to reinforce the brand through the merchandise.

Compact mirror.
I wanted to keep the comact mirror very simple so I just stripped the design back to the logo of the magazine.



Badge pack (6 badges).

Sticker/website banner.

Printed flyer:


Tote bag.

This is the tote bag that all of the merchandise will be contained in and handed to people on the street. I incorporated the pink bubbles from the magazine to immediately reinforce contonuity and a specific house style as soon as the public are handed the bag. The colour scheme has been kept the same and the logo has been integrated again. The stationary that I designed is relatively simple. The colour scheme is continuous throughout and all products have the logo incorporated within the design. I designed the two pens white and pink to correspond to the coour scheme of the magazine. Here is a link to my learning diary:



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