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Mojave National Preserve Conservancy

Minutes of the BOD Meeting October 21, 2013 Conservancy Board Members present on call: David Lamfrom, Dennis Schramm, Sid Silliman, Lynn Davis, Michael Gordon, Ben Spillman, Linda Slater Meeting commenced at 5:30pm. MNPC Financials: No updated statement. Same balances as reported in our August meeting. David reported a balance of $11695.95 for period ending in May. Star Party/Service Event: David checked with Jane Houston Jones at JPL today. They are experiencing very limited response for attendance at event. David has had same response. They think we should cancel and move to another date. It is a signature event and we want to get as much attention as possible. Some concern about lack of continuity in our events. David says there may not be many astronomers there. If not moved, at least one or two astronomers would still come if we wanted to hold it on Oct. 26th. They may also be open to moving it to mid November. May be a comet coming through as well. Possible target dates of Nov. 16 or 23rd (Thanksgiving is the 28th). There is a full moon that rises early evening on 16th and stays all night. Not a good date. On 23rd the moon is in the last quarter and rises at 11:00 am and should not be as big a factor, but may still be something of a factor. Last minute consideration of doing it Thanksgiving weekend (on 30th). No moon issues and this is Mojave's busiest weekend. Not sure about astronomers participation. Not sure about availability of group campsite. Some feelings that we should still hold event on original date even though it will likely be small. Counter opinion is that as an event to engage members and attract new members we may be talking to ourselves. Decision on star party event is pending until David contacts astronomers and Linda checks on availability of group site. Sid reports right now we have 11 people (5 NPS) signed up to do service/restoration event (plus 6 more possible). This event is a go and should not factor into decision on star party. Removing a fence in Ivanpah Valley. Junction of Ivanpah Road and powerline road - three miles north of railroad. One mile of non-historic fence to be removed. Ambassadors: Sid reviewed one of the functions of board members as ambassadors to reach out to community on behalf of Preserve. Issue raised at September board meeting and we committed to fulfill this function. Sid sent out a couple of emails reminding board members of this commitment. No response to emails. Sid thinks if we are committed to this we should each list one or two groups. David suggested that listing possible groups would be a good start: Astronomy groups, hiking clubs, recreation groups, funders, National environmental education groups, public lands groups, universities, Sierra Clubs, Audubon, Bighorn Sheep Society, CA Mule deer association, Safari Club International, CNPS. Sid says this is a good start, now we each need to decide on a group or groups. Then we need to develop a list of what we are going to do. Some discussion of how to do it may increase comfort level of board members. One

reason for doing this is to grow our membership and possibly find new board members. Lynn addressed upcoming events regarding land between Mojave and Lake Mead. One is at UNLV and the other at the Walking Box. This may be a good opportunity for some liaison with the attendees about the MNPC. Lynn went on to provide some background on the initiative. Preserve has been interested about protection this vital linkage for some time. Now several wind farms proposed in this area have united Searchlight residents and others in looking at protecting area. BLM is not real interested. Tomorrow night Lynn is hosting an invitation only event about this. Ben attended last event in Las Vegas and should be able to attend tomorrow as MNPC board member. Newsletter: Dennis provided update on current status and possible additions. David will provide President's Corner tomorrow. Linda will try and get a summary of Mitchell Cavern's status. David will also provide alert bullets on solar projects near Preserve. Dennis is gone starting Wednesday and needs information by tomorrow. Will pass what he has by then on to David. Board adjourned at 6:45pm. Next meeting is Tuesday, Nov. 19th at 5:30pm

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