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Guitar Practice schedule, for those interested ! New postby Kenny on Mon Jun 30, 2008 3 !

0 a" #ello here is the practice routine $ do i always "ention around the foru" , i sent it in a PM to so"e "e"bers and decided to share with the co""unity, feel free to co""ent and than%s in ad&anced e&eryone ' $t consist of around ( efficient e)ercises co"bined with when you do the" co"bined with wor%in* repertoire+ ,irst of, $ will write the e)ercises na"e alon* with a nu"ber on its side , this will tell you when to practice it accordin* to the day of the wee% - you can chan*e it of course, then $ e)plain the e)ercises ' . Maestro e)ercises - $ call it these since "y "aestro tau*ht "e it ' . /as*ueados . 0peed 1urst . 0cales - 0e*o&ia ' 2 0lurs and slurs &ariations 2 Guliani ri*ht hand e)ercises 2 2hro"atic 3cta&e - 0e*o&ia ' 2 0cales - 0e*o&ia '

,irst of , let "e e)plain what is the "aestro e)ercises + $t *oes . 3 and 2 !+ this will be done in strin* . and 2 first+ when you "aster it here, you will do strin* . and 3, then strin* . and ! until you can do . and 4+ 0ay "etrono"e is at 50 "" , you will do first strin* , with .th fin*er and second strin* 6 with 3rd fin*er on first tic% - both . and 3 land at sa"e ti"e ' , then first strin* ,7 with 2nd fin*er , second strin* 6 7 with !th fin*er on second tic% - once a*ain both fin*ers land at the sa"e ti"e ' , now on third tic% co"es 2 with .st fin*er on second strin* and G with 3rd fin*er on first strin*+ 8hen doin* this e)ercises , don9t lift fin*er until the "o"ent before the shift, so for e)a"ple when . and 3 fret, they stay there when 2 and ! fret+ :nother thin* is , when *oin* on the third tic%, with does . 3 on 2 and G , you "ust lea&e 2nd fin*er down on ,7 on the first strin*, to "aintain perfect le*ato - as "uch as possible anyways ' + now co"es 27 with 2nd fin*er on second strin* and G7 on first strin* with !th fin*er+ Now you will do , on first strin* with .st fin*er and 6 with 3rd fin*er on second strin*+ :*ain, lea&e fin*er 2 down when . and 3 co"e to , and 6+ ;ou will do this se<uence 2 ti"es , then shift and do the sa"e thin* a position hi*her, until you feel co"fortable + $ usually *o to where "y !th fin*er is frettin* in .2th position , unless its with ! and 4 strin*s in between, $ usually stop the when !th fin*er is frettin* on .. or .0, for the sa%e of "aintainin* the basic left hand position+

,or e)ercises , please "a%e sure you start slowly at first , to *et the "o&es ri*ht and you "ust not, :N6 $ /=P=:>, "ust not use force or be tense, if you dont do it li*htly, it will not wor% and you will %now your doin* it wron*ly when it hurts to "uch or you *et tired in only on run fro" .st to .2th position without bein* able to co"e bac%+ Now for the co"in* bac% part, when you reach say .2th position - relati&e to pin%y ', you will do the sa"e thin*, usin* pair .3 and 2! to co"e bac% , but this ti"e the order will be different+ as you ha&e noticed the order *oes , . 3 and 2 !, . 3 and 2 !, . 3 and 2 ! , . 3 and 2 !, then you shift+ 8ell, when in .2th position - relati&e to pin%y , it would be ?th position if countin* fro" the inde) ' and you do the last 2 ! , instead of shiftin* , you will now do 2 ! and . 3, 2 ! and . 3+ #ow you "i*ht say , this way @ lets for the sa%e of clarity , suppose you are be**inin* the e)ercise fro" .2th, you would do , !th fin*er first strin* = and 2nd fin*er, 2nd strin* : , then 3rd fin*er first strin* =b and .st fin*er second strin* :b + now co"es !th fin*er, second strin* 1 and 2nd fin*er first strin* 6 , then 3rd fin*er second strin* 1b and .st fin*er .st strin* 6b + >his post "i*ht see" lon*, but its really easy once you *et it down and its &ery lo*ical + ;ou will do the set 2 ti"es, then shift down until first position+ $n this e)ercise , you "ust pay special attention to the left hand, always :A8:;0 frettin* behind the frets, as close as possible because this uses less stren*th and you "ust be ultra rela)ed+ >his is i"portant and there is so"ethin* &ery i"portant to learn here, ,A=B$1$A$>; C 0P==6 C 0tren*th on the *uitar, this is all we need, &ery rela)ed, fle)ible fin*ers+ and this is how we *ain stren*th, fro" fle)ibility first+ 3nce you "aster or feel co"fortable in strin*s . and 2, you can start doin* strin* . and 3, usin* the sa"e pattern+ ,or playin* the notes, you can use $M or M: with .st and second strin* + when 2 or "ore strin*s apart, you can and should do >hu"b D $ and >hu"b D " or >hu"b D M and >hu"b D : + ,or speeds start as slow as you can and wor% slowly up+ /i*ht now $ can do it at 2 notes per tic% in .40 , with "eans . 3 and 2 ! per tic%+ $ ha&e decided to stay here for <uite so"e ti"e, since its really fast and "a%es the hand stron*+ $f your startin* , 240 "" and . note per tic% is *ood+ $ts i"portant to do with a "etrono"e and when practicin* a technical e)ercise, always set speed *oals and when the *oals is &ery hi*h, try to "antain for . wee% before "o&in* up+ >his e)ercise when assi"ilated, should feel esay and natural+ >he *ood thin* about it is, when you rest the hands for a while, they will feel &ery fle)ible and stron*+ :s for the ti"e , $ always do a . E .F2 ratio+ $ do . "inute, then rest 30 seconds+ 3r whate&er ti"e you do , rest fro" .E. ratio or half the ratio when you de&elop sta"ina+ $ts i"portant to rest, to allow the "uscle to assi"ilate the e)ercise and stretch

a little while restin*, this will help tre"endously+ >his is the "aestro e)ercise, if any doubt let "e %now, $ can try and find a ca"era to upload it+ EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEE Now for ras*ueados, you will need pu"pin* nylon to see the ras*ueado patterns+ ;ou will practice the ras*ueados there+ $deal speed that i use ri*ht now is .40 on e&ery for"ula and $ don9t "o&e to for"ula 2 until for"ula . is co"fortable and easy on .40 MM + ;ou can ofcourse use another ideal speed, but $ feel the .40 is ri*ht for "e, it "i*ht be faster or slower for you+ >hese are &ery intense+ Ma%e sure you rest on a . to . ratio and don9t do for "ore then 30 seconds continuously until your conditioned+ >hese are *ood, because the de&elop the "uscle that allows the hand to open up - don9t %now the na"e sorry oops ' and this will allow for faster fin*er "o&e"ent and faster scales+ :nd we all lo&e fast scales , GiGiGi twisted >he speed burst $ also too% it fro" pu"pin* nylon+ ;ou will need the boo% as well to see it, if you don9t ha&e it, let "e %now and i will tell you how it is, with is si"ple+ ;ou will use patterns $M, M: and $: for now+ ,or "e , the ideal speed ri*ht now is .30, $ don9t do the ne)t for"ula until $ can do .30 with the 3 fin*er patters "entioned abo&e+ 0cales, well its pretty self e)planatory , you will do scales with free and rest stro%e, you will use the ri*ht hand for"ula you see fit+ /i*ht now, $ only do $M , M:+ the speed $ li%e is 2 notes per tic% on 200, with is &ery fast + ;ou will learn one scale at a ti"e and when you can do it on the speed you choose as ideal, you will learn the ne)t one+ 3nce a*ain re"e"ber to always fret e)tre"ely li*ht and a&oid usin* force+ 200 doesnt ha&e to be your ideal speed, you can always "a%e it faster or slower dependin* on your le&el+ EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Now for slurs+ $ do this e)ercise in fifth position + $ do the usual . 2 , 2 3 , 3 ! , 2!,.!,.3+ ;ou will do .st fin*er frettin* and slur fin*er 2 in 5 strin*, fifth position, then you will decend to the 4 strin*, fifth position+ >his is done in . tic% of the "etrono"e, say its at .00 MM then you do 2 notes per tic% - ei*ht notes ' , with "eans the note you hit and the slur are both done per "etrono"e tic% and *o down - or up '+ >hen *o to ! strin* , fifth position , etc+ then co"e bac% up+ then you do fin*ers 2 and 3 etc+ until all fin*ers ha&e been done+ >ry to wor% for speed rather then sound ri*ht now+ 1ecause as $ said earlier, fle)ibility C speed C stren*th, and when you de&elop a lot of fle), the slurs will sound &ery loud+ Now, what is slurs &ariation @ Gust so"ethin* $ ca"e up with hehehe, to "a%e sure $ could *o faster since i "ade $deal speed 240, with "eans e&ery tic% $ hit the note and slur and chan*e, *oin* up and down &ery fast+ >he &ariation wor%s as follow,

say "etrono"e is at .00 - $ see the .00 as ei*ht note, with "eans hit and slur in . tic% or si"ply put, ta Eta per tic% ' and you are frettin* with . fin*er on 5th strin*, you hit note with $ and slur with fin*er 2, now on the other tic%, you do the sa"e on the 4th strin* and so on+ >his is the nor"al way, but in the &ariation, you hit and slur ! ti"es per strin* with "eans hit and slur, hit and slur , hit and slur , hit and slur then chan*e with "a%es for "ore "uscle wor%+ >his is ob&iously &ery intense and the rest ratio should be .E. or "aybe . to . .F2 + 0o if you ta%e . "inute, rest . and 30 seconds+ 63 N3> ,3/G=> to rest, as its &ery intense for the hand, especially at fast speed+ ,or it to be effecti&e, only try it when you ha&e the nor"al slurs at atleast .50 tic%s + EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ,or *uliani pic% one e)cersice and "a%e an ideal speed, say .40 to 200 MM and do the one e)ercise until its in that speed, then try the other+ :t first as always, do slowly, so you learn it correctly+ >hey are all in the pu"pin* nylon boo%+ $ do the" in the *uliani order , fro" . to .20, but you can do the" as you see fit+ 1ut please, do the" all, includin* the first one with is easy+ >he chro"atic octa&es are found in 0e*o&ias slurs and chro"atic octa&e boo%, try to find it and learn the" correctly and practice the" + ,or "e $ set ideal speed at 240 ' , but its up to you whether "ore or less+ 3% now, how to practice+ .' 0unday, >uesday , >hursday 2 ' Monday , 8ednesday, ,riday Now re"e"ber the nu"bers in the be*innin* , they are accordin* to the day, ,or e)a"ple slurs are nu"ber 2 with "eans they will be done on Mondays, 8ednesday and ,riday+ :nd yes, we are so luc%y we *et 0aturday free, by free $ M=:N free ' =&eryday you will also practice you repertoire, whether this is learnin* a new piece or "aintainin* a learned one+ ,or "e the practice last 8 hours+ $f you noticed there is ! e)ercises nu"bered . and ! nu"bered two+ $ do each one . hour+ >hen wor% ! hours of repertoire+ ;ou can suit it to you needs+ Maybe 5 hours a day or less, and less techni<ue trainin*+ $ts up to you+ :nother i"portant thin*, $ do not do 8 hours strai*ht+ $ di&ided in ! sessions per day ,two hours each+ ;ou can acco""odate this to you needs+ 0ay you do ! hours a day+ 30 "inutes for the techni<ue wor%out and 2 hours of repertoire+ ;ou could di&ided in . hour sessions, is up to you+ >his is all i&e been doin* and its e)cellent+ :s for playin* ti"e, e&ery 4 "inutes, $ rest one "inute+ and e&ery hour $ rest 4+ /i*ht now "y ideal speeds are - to *i&e you an idea, not to bra* '

Maestro e)ercises EEE 240 blac% /as*ueados EEE .40 0peed 1urst EEE .30 0cales - 0e*o&ia ' EEE 200 ei*ht notes, or two notes per tic% 0lurs and slurs &ariations EEE 200 for nor"al slurs and 240 for &ariations Guliani ri*ht hand e)ercises EEE depends on the e)ercise, usually .40 to 200 "" 2hro"atic 3cta&e - 0e*o&ia ' EEE 240 blac%+

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