Rohingya Representative Briefed at United Nations in Geneva

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27thNovember 2013

Rohingya Representative Briefed at United Nations in Geneva

Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK (BROUK) President Tun Khin gave a briefing on the situation of Rohingya at United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. He was invited to make the presentation at the Forum on Minority Issues Sixth session Beyond freedom of religion or belief, guaranteeing the rights of religious minorities.

The session took place on 26th and 27th November, examining effective practices to ensure the protection and promotion of the identity of religious minorities so that they can freely maintain and develop their religious and cultural practices and traditions. Professor Heiner Bielefeldt, the UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief, also gave a presentation on: The rights of religious minorities. Around 500 people attended the forum, including delegates from all over the world. BROUK President Tun Khin said It is a great honor to speak at the UN Minority Forum and a welcome opportunity to raise awareness about the Rohingya people.

BROUK Presidents Recommendations for action: 1) An Independent International Investigation

The commission established by the government of Burma did not address issues of accountability and justice. An independent international investigation will not only help establish the truth, but also help prevent further attacks as for the first time those responsible will fear being held accountable.


International observers will improve security situation

Rohingya in Rakhine State are living in constant fear of attack. An increase in international observers on the ground will help prevent further attacks, and can act as an early warning system if new violent attacks seem imminent.


More aid and increased humanitarian access

Although aid access has improved, there is still not enough aid reaching the people internally displaced by violence. As a result, conditions are dire and unnecessary additional suffering is caused.


Stop Hate Speech

Those inciting hatred and violence are well known in Burma, but no action has been taken against them. Pressure must be placed on the government to take action against those inciting hatred and violence against Muslims.


Repeal of the 1982 Citizenship Law

The 1982 Citizenship Laws needs to be repealed or revised. It is legally underpins much of the discrimination against the Rohingya.

To Re-open Mosques and Religious schools

Since June 2012 many mosques and religious schools were ordered to close by government authorities. Pressure must be applied to reopen those mosques and religious schools. Tun Khin highlighted immediate release of hundreds of Rohingya prisoners jailed without a fair trial, an end to the use of torture and beating of Rohingya prisoners, and programs to begin a process of reconciliation between Rohingya and Rakhine. For more information please contact Tun Khin +447888714866

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