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How to get your iPhone App onto the app store and how to CORRECTLY market it!

If you re reading this you pro!a!"y ha#e an awesome idea for an iPhone app !ut don t know how to de#e"op it$ %hen &reating an iPhone app' there are se#era" different ways you &an do it$ You don t need to !e an e(pert in O!)e&ti#e C$ If you are' great! *ut its as easy for a no#i&e to &reate an app too+ Read on to find out a few different app de#e"opment methods$

App,akr is a free app !ui"der' Its a great too" if you want to make a #ery !asi& information app for your we!site$ *ut its "imited and you &ant &reate games with it$ A"though you &an make your app #ery -ui&k"y$

The "atest f"ash &s. has an option to produ&e iPhone apps' if you know how to use f"ash this is a great option$ A"though &s. is e(pensi#e' there is a /0 day tria"$ %hi&h if your organised &ou"d !e "ong enough to &reate an app$

12or a"" you programmers out there!3 (Code is the most &ommon too" for &reating apps' it offers the most f"e(i!i"ity and you &an &reate any kind of app$ A"though you &an on"y run the software on a ,a&$ You ha#e to know4"earn O!)e&ti#e C$ %hi&h is a diffi&u"t programming "anguage to "earn 1!e"ie#e me' my !rothers studying it at uni#ersity!3$ The &osts of "earning C55 and !uying a ,a& wi"" pro!a!"y outweigh the &osts of paying someone to make an app for you$

You &an outsour&e your iPhone app in&redi!"y &heap"y using free "an&e de#e"opers$ Here is a site I use6 goo$g"4LgE*t 7epending on the &omp"e(ity of the iPhone app you &an get it done from as "itt"e as 8/00 1that s how mu&h I was -uoted for a shark game3$ This &ost is nothing &ompared to the amount of time you wi"" sa#e "earning o!)e&ti#e &$ I persona""y think outsour&ing an app is the !est method' !e&ause your handing o#er the de#e"opment pro&ess to a professiona" who understands programming and wi"" meet app"es stri&t re-uirements meaning your app won t !e re)e&ted$

%hen outsour&ing your app I re&ommend you do a mo&k up in PowerPoint with detai"ed instru&tions$ This wi"" a#oid &onfusion !etween you and the de#e"oper and wi"" get your app &omp"eted mu&h faster' sa#ing them time' sa#ing you money$ Post your )o! se#era" times and at different times of the day to get the !est -uote$

,arket resear&h is the most important thing that you &an possi!"y do to get your iPhone app off to a f"ying start$ The #ast ma)ority of peop"e when &reating an iPhone app ignore this step' whi&h is a !ig mistake$ ,arket resear&h pro#ides important information to identify and ana"yse the market need' market si9e and &ompetition$ It is important to "ook how other apps are su&&eeding and why they are popu"ar' for e(amp"e6 ease of use' addi&ti#eness' &ha""enging' et&$

your app so"#e a uni-ue pro!"em: 7oes your app fit a parti&u"ar ni&he: %hat does your app !ring to your &ustomers: How mu&h &ompetition does your app ha#e: How su&&essfu" were your &ompetition: %hat wi"" your app do different"y &ompared to &ompetition: 1!ui"d on what works3 If your app is simi"ar to another su&&essfu" app' what does there app "a&k whi&h yours has whi&h wi"" make &ustomers down"oad yours:

,arketing your iPhone app is the most important pro&ess in de#e"oping your iPhone app$ I ha#e written an in depth arti&"e whi&h dis&usses the different methods to get your app noti&ed !y potentia" !uyers$ I wi"" emai" it to you in a &oup"e of days$ ;o p"ease add this emai" to your safe senders$

If you need any he"p or ha#e any -uestions I wou"d !e happy to he"p' there<s a!so"ute"y no reason you &an &reate an awesome iPhone app$ If you ha#e any -uestions p"ease #isit my !"og and &"i&k on &onta&t us6 http644www$howtowriteaniphoneapp$&om Please go !a&k to your emai" !o( and mark my emai" address whi&h I send you this emai" from as a safe sender so I &an send you part = 1marketing3 with ease$

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