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Running Head: Shakespeare

Shakespeare Marissa Marinelli World Civilizations to 1715 Alan Lane November 22, 2013

William Shakespeare was born April 23, 1564 and died on the same day in 1616. He was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire. It is very surprising that Shakespeare survived being born at this time in this town because this is the year that Stratford was hit with the plague. Shakespeare was John and Mary Shakespeares third child (Baker). Shakespeares father, John, started off as a craftsman then he became and merchant and then later became a Glover, someone that makes or sells gloves (Baker). He was persecuted in 1569 for overcharging and harsh practice in wool dealing. He was also caught illegally purchasing wool (Baker). John had many financial problems throughout the years and he tried to solve them by selling and mortgaging property (Baker). Shakespeares mother, Mary, came from a wealthy family. Mary inherited land and property when her father died that instantly went to John because it was her husband. John used her property and land when he came into financial troubles (Baker). Neither one of Shakespeares parents could write but they did send Shakespeare to school. Around the around of 5 Shakespeare went to a small school in his home town to learn how to read and write (Baker). Shakespeare took many experiences from his childhood and reflects on them in his writings. For example he uses his school days when he was learning Latin in his play The Merry Wives of Windsor (Baker). Shakespeare also had many biblical

influences in his writings like in his works Titus Andronicus and Loves Labours Lost. In these two works he argues the meaning of charity and love (Baker). Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway on November 27, 1582. He is 18 years old and she was eight years older than him. Anne was three months pregnant the day they got married. Shakespeare had to get permission from his father to marry Anne since he was technically still a minor. This was considered a shotgun wedding because Anne was three months pregnant (Baker). Shakespeare had his first daughter six months after marrying Anne. Her name was Susanna (Baker). Shakespeare also had a set of twins after his daughter. One was a girl that he named Judith and one was a boy that he named Hamnet. Hamnet died at the young age of eleven (Baker). There is not much truly known about Shakespeares life. There are only speculations (Heritage History). It is believed that he might have destroyed documentations about himself because he did not want his reputation to be destroyed. One explanation for these action could have been that Shakespeare lived in a time on religious persecution and his personal beliefs could have hurt his reputation. The only thing we can say about Shakespeare is that he was truly a literary genius (Heritage History). Shakespeare is known as Englands national poet (History). He has influenced the English language in many ways. He coined and made popular many phrases used in the English language today. Phrases like fashionable, eyeball, in a pickle, and wild goose chase (History). Shakespeare presented nearly 3,000 words into the English

language (Kurlak). Unlike other writers today who only use about 7,500 to 10,000 unique words, William used 29,066 unique words in his works (Kurlak). Some of Shakespeares most noteworthy works are: Hamlet Romeo and Juliet Macbeth Julius Caesar Henry V Othello A Midsummer Nights Dream The Merchant of Venice

There were a total of 38 plays written by Shakespeare (Historical History). Some of his most famous quotes were, To be, or not to be: that is the question from Hamlet Act I Scene III and O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo? from Romeo and Juliet Act II Scene II. Shakespeares writing also helped set standards in the English language. Previous to Shakespeare not much attention was paid to things like grammar and spelling (Kurlak). Grammar is very important to the English language. Using good grammar makes sure your reader can comprehend what you are trying to say. Spelling is also just as important. In the English language we have a lot of words that are pronounced the same but are spelled differently and have different meaning. For example; there, their, and theyre. These three words are pronounced the same but

have different meanings. Not only did Shakespeare effect the way the English language was spoken and written, he affected body language as well. He used insulting gestures in the beginning scenes of his play Romeo and Juliet (Hughes). Not only was he changing the way people were talking toward each other, he was changing the way they were communicating. People no longer had to use their words to insult each other. They had new words and new signs to insult one another. England started to dominate most of Europe during Shakespeares lifetime (Big Think). Therefore their ideas and language was spreading. Shakespeares play were all written in English therefore people were reading and watching his plays. His ideas and themes were going around the world. Also the proper grammar and spelling that Shakespeare used got around the world. Shakespeare was once called the greatest stabilizing force in the world (Big Think). This was said about Shakespeare because he helped the English language become a universal language. A universal language is needed to keep the peace and share ideas with one another. This helped Shakespeares works influence the world. These influences helped reinforce the English language all over the world (Big Think). Shakespeare helped Europe dominate in the English language. Anyone who was using the English language was looking at England to use it right and learn it. Shakespeares writings are still read in schools today and many still quote his work and are trying to interpret his writings. For William Shakespeare to still be talked about today and his phrases still being used and his writings stilled being quoted he had to have made a serious impact on the English language (Kurlak). It is noteworthy to explain that

William Shakespeare did not invent the English language, he just improved it and helped make it well known. Seeing how dominant the English language has become just shows how much influence Europe had on the rest of the world. Only a dominant country or countries could accomplish this.

References Baker, W. (2009). William Shakespeare. London: New York. William Shakespeare. (n.d.) Retrieved from Kurlak, J & Ference, G. (n.d.) William Shakespeare and his Influence on Modern Language. Retrieved from Hughes, G. (2006). An Encyclopedia of Swearing: The Social History of Oaths, Profanity, Foul Language, and Ethnic Slurs in the English-speaking World. Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe. Big Think Editors. (2011, April 18). How Shakespeare Helped Making English a World Language. Retrieved from William Shakespeare. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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