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James 1 Tiffany James Mr.

McCauley Foundations of Criticism 18 October 2013 Society from a Female View Society shapes our consciousness, and social and economic conditions directly influence how and what we believe and value (Bressler pg. 166). These are two core principles of Marxism that correlate with what we have been talking about. It is also possible to see these principles in the story A Pair of Silk Stockings by Kate Chopin. Right off the bat the Chopin lets the reader know what type of society the story is taking place in; Little Mrs. Sommers one day found herself the unexpected possessor of fifteen dollars (Chopin pg. 148). The fact that fifteen dollars is made to seem like a lot of money lets the reader know that the story is in an earlier time period. It then puts the reader in the mindset that Mrs. Sommers is not a woman of high social standing because fifteen dollars is a lot of money to her. She also knew the value of bargains; could stand for hours making her way inch by inch toward the desired object that was selling below cost. She could elbow her way if need be; she had learned to clutch a piece of goods and hold it and stick to it with persistence and determination (Chopin pg. 148-149). Only a woman of the people or lower class would be knowledgeable in these types of things. While in the department store she ends up at one of the counters and because she wore no gloves (Chopin pg 149), she was able to feel the silk stockings. However, the fact that she did not wear gloves is another indication of her low class status because a woman of the upper crust of society would not be caught touching something with her bare hand. After making her

James 2 purchases she ends up on the street and (buys) two high-priced magazines such as she had been accustomed to read in the days when she had been accustomed to other pleasant things (Chopin pg. 150). This shows that Mrs. Sommers had at one point at least been a part of the middle class and could afford to spend this kind of money on herself. Throughout the story there are little examples of a Marxism society. For example, a young girl who stood behind the counter asked her if she wished to examine their line of silk hosiery (Chopin pg. 149). This shows how women are being treated like men because they are able to have jobs outside of mending and cooking. It is also possible to see in the clerk could not make her out; he could not reconcile her shoes with her stockings (Chopin pg. 150). A Marxist would say that it should not matter, that everyone should all be on the same level and be able to afford the same luxuries. The fact that her stockings and boots and well fitting gloves had worked marvels in her bearing given her a feeling of assurance, a sense of belonging to the well-dressed multitude (Chopin pg. 150), is a shame because a person should not have to wear certain clothes to make themselves feel good. Everyone should feel good because they are on the same level is a Marxist point of view. An awareness of the socioeconomic elements of Marxism changes how the reader looks at the story. It makes the reader think that all of the little things like the silk stockings and boots she buys as something frivolous and unneeded. The fact that there are obviously different classes represented in the story, when before the reader may have just glazed over it without it ever really connecting. The story A Pair of Silk Stockings as a whole is not really a story with obvious Marxism traits and features, but there are some tell tale signs. After thinking about how classes are represented and what kind of economic structures are at play the reader becomes more aware

James 3 of the Marxism in the story. That a persons consciousness is not shaped by any spiritual entity; through daily living and interacting with others, humans define themselves (Bressler pg. 167).

James 4 Works Cited Bressler, Charles. Psychoanalytic Criticism. Literary Criticism. 5th ed. United States: Pearson Eucation, Inc., 2011. 123 - 142. Print. Chopin, Kate. A Pair of Silk Stockings.

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