MEDIA RELEASE: FSAC Residency Ends 29 Nov

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1he llre SLaLlon ArLs CenLre's flrsL arLlsL-ln-resldence ends Lomorrow, november 29, wlLh a
flnal open sLudlo evenL belng held by lnsLallaLlon and dlglLal medla arLlsL, klm v. ColdsmlLh,
from 10.00am unLll 3.00pm.

ColdsmlLh sLarLed Lhe resldency ln early SepLember, colncldlng wlLh Lhe openlng of uubbo's
newesL culLural esLabllshmenL, Lhe llre SLaLlon ArLs CenLre. 1he space ls a [olnL lnlLlaLlve of
peak reglonal arLs organlsaLlon, Crana ArLs and Lhe uubbo Local Aborlglnal Land Councll.

Cver Lhe pasL Lhree monLhs, Ms ColdsmlLh has been produclng work ln preparaLlon for a
new lnsLallaLlon, a form of arL LhaL recreaLes an envlronmenL wlLhln a space.

"l've been lnvlLed Lo show aL Lhe conLemporary arL fesLlval, CemenLa, ln 2013 and l'm
worklng on developlng a new lnsLallaLlon plece ln preparaLlon for LhaL evenL.

"l'm parLlcularly lnLeresLed ln Lhe power of Lhe senses ln creaLlng an envlronmenL, and whlle
Lhere are some more LradlLlonal elemenLs ln Lhe work such as charcoal drawlngs and
phoLography, l'll be lnvesLlgaLlng Lhe use of llghL, sound and movemenL as parL of Lhls work
as well, whlch cenLres on Lhe role of small blrds ln our envlronmenL as an lndlcaLor specles,"
she explalns.

Crana ArLs provlded Lhe sLudlo space aL Lhe llre SLaLlon ArLs CenLre ln supporL of Lhe nexL
CemenLa fesLlval. 8eglonal ArLs uevelopmenL Cfflcer, Allcla LeggeLL explalns Lhe openlng of
Lhe llre SLaLlon ArLs CenLre happened Lo colnclde wlLh Lhe lnvlLaLlon Lo Ms ColdsmlLh Lo
exhlblL aL CemenLa 13, whlch provlded an opporLunlLy for Crana ArLs Lo klck-sLarL Lhe use of
Lhe sLudlos ln Lhe resLored bulldlng.

"As a conLemporary vlsual arLlsL klm has spenL her Llme uslng Lhe space for phoLography,
drawlng, sound arL and much more, whlch really hlghllghLs Lhe versaLlllLy and usablllLy of Lhe
sLudlo spaces.

"Crana ArLs ls happy Lo have someone of klm's LalenL and vlslon as Lhe flrsL arLlsL-ln-
resldence aL Lhe llre SLaLlon ArLs CenLre and looks forward Lo vlewlng Lhe compleLed work
aL CemenLa."

Ms ColdsmlLh says puLLlng aslde Llme for a resldency lsn'L [usL abouL Lhe room lLself.

"1he sLudlo space aL Lhe llre SLaLlon ArLs CenLre has glven me noL only a physlcal space ln
whlch Lo experlmenL, Lhlnk and creaLe, buL lL has provlded menLal space for me Lo produce
wlLhln as well - someLhlng LhaL ls ofLen much harder Lo come by ln a busy world.

"lL's a prlvllege Lo have Lhe supporL of noL only Crana ArLs and Lhe creaLlve dlrecLors of
CemenLa, buL Lhe lnLeresL of arL lovers who have been keen Lo see whaL happens lnslde an
arLlsL's sLudlo. As well as havlng open sLudlo evenLs, l've been blogglng abouL Lhe work and
produclng shorL vldeos showlng dlfferenL elemenLs of Lhe work as lL has developed -
someLhlng l'll conLlnue Lo do over Lhe nexL 18 monLhs ln Lhe lead up Lo CemenLa."

1he sLudlo door aL Lhe llre SLaLlon ArLs CenLre opens aL 10am and wlll close aL 3.00pm. Cn
dlsplay wlll be drawlngs, sculpLural pleces, phoLographs and sound. lnformaLlon abouL Lhe
work and lLs developmenL can be found aL hLLp://

Medla conLacLs: klm v. ColdsmlLh, 0419 439 923 or 02 6887 2288
e: klmvgoldsmlLh[

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